This new website, the 'Sovereignty of nations and individuals' began in April / May 2021, will discuss 2 main topics / headings both of which will have numerous subheadings. These 3 websites seek to promote free speech and to consider all points of view. A navigation aid will be added in time, and the images contained at the top of the website (and others) will be explained as the website grows. To search individual items or names, click on 'find' in the system tab in the browser (top right on most PC's or Phones) & it will list every time it is a topic.
Navigation links
Navigation links to the 1st Topic / Heading posts within it, on 1. Sovereignty dated 13.03.2021 and 27.05.2021 which are near the top below. Links are here for post dated 7.7.2021 & post dated 21.10.2021 (last date containing covid vaccinations, deaths and injuries as sub-posts 1 - 14 up until 06.06.2024 with updates dated 26.06.24 and addendum dated 26-27.06.24 & which has a further update (dated) 1.7.2024 ) New Vaxx and injuries dated 6.9.2024 - 23. 09.2024 fwd, and post dated 23.12.2021 - 2022 & post dated 03.02.2022 & next post dated 15.04.2022 & next post dated 24/25th.09.2022 & next post dated 22/23.11.2022 & new post dated April 22nd 2023, St Georges day - 25 / 27 May 2023 & next post added here 15/17.09.2023 into 2024 (this last post has updates on economic issues subposts 1 - 14 r.e the banking collapse's etc beginning in March 2020 and now from Sep 2023 until March 2024)
Navigation link to the 2nd Topic / Heading as the 2nd main heading entitled 2. The Greatest Victory for both Houses of Judah & Israel (its posts are listed at that space dated 11.11.2021 & dated 27.11.2021 & dated 27.05.2022 & dated 20.07.2022 & dated 19.08.2022 )
& Link to the end of the Website
1. The Sovereignty of Nations and of Individuals
The 'Sovereignty of Nations & of Individuals' are attributes which they already own and hold. They are your Status, Standing & Agency without any courtroom or legal entity or realm having to declare them, (or whether they do not declare them) and they are known as Inalienable rights. They are inviolate in Common Law, the Law of the Land, also granted by God before you were born and after, and are automatically conferred upon you. You can only give them away by consent, or you can reclaim them by not consenting to other non - Lawful rules, recommendations, regulations, writings, courts and Judgments by the State or by any 'legal fiction' (legally fictitious) acting as unlawful law enforcement, Kings or Queens, rulers and / or politicians or state agencies, who can as individuals also claim Sovereign laws separately from those institutions and from 'legal' fictitious creations.They have existed as the rights of every Man and Woman of all age groups, since ancient times, requiring no proof of origin or existence, existing as they have, and known from 'time immemorial'
Sovereignty (13.03.2021) as a definition has different definitions or summarized definitions, depending on the perspective of the 'non - Sovereign'. Therefore it is easier to first look at law which is not Common Law (i.e Common law of the Land or 'inalienable rights' ) to understand it, and how it relates to "Human Beings who live on land" who paradoxically also make up nations. UCC or Uniform Commercial Code (Maritime Admiralty law) is the law of the sea and international trade all over the 'earth'
Watch the following film below entitled 'UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty Law',after this paragraph, which is 3 films in 1 and which explains Blacks law book and its definitions of "Human Beings" In the Bitchute version there are further points of information in the description box area under the film. The 1st film within it explains (about 12 minutes long) the law (legal) terms known as ``legalese" and how it has applied to 'Human Beings' from birth to death. It believes that newly birthed 'Human Beings' are "dead in the water" from birth ( a descriptive but applicable term lasting your whole life) and it covers UCC or Universal Commercial Code or the Law of the Sea known as maritime Admiralty Law. The next and 2nd film explains (about 7 minutes long) how the Law of the Sea (UCC Commercial code also called Maritime Admiralty Law ) applies to you via your Birth Certificate. Prior to the year 1900 (approx) people birthed children at home and either added the child to the family Tree on a scroll or book, or added them into the same in a Family Bible. (this was Lawful and legal proof of birth) Neighbours and family knew who they were and slowly over time you accumulated (or not) an identity given to you by your family and of your family, not a state office or corporation. With mass migration that system would not suffice and around 1929 (when the Vatican City or a part of it was Incorporated) it was decided to log all Human Beings birthed in a hospital ( and later usually next door to an abortion clinic which also harvested its stem cells, blood or baby parts for money and unlawful DNA science) by law and a Doctor was legally obliged (not Lawfully obliged) to sign the birth certificate which was then forwarded on and stored, (which is how your children legally but not lawfully belong to the 'state' it believes) and it had a specific number which is legally recognized in computer systems and on stock exchanges. You actually have 2 birth certificates and the real 2nd one you never see. This last point will be explained as the website develops. The 3rd film within it (about 5 minutes long) explains what your 'Strawman' or alternative identity created for you at birth, and what it actually is.
Film below entitled; (the film begins quietly stating "Human Beings who live on land" )
UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty law or a 2nd link here if Video fails to play (including your 2. Birth Certificate and 3. Strawman alternate identity, and see in the description of the film below it, for more relevant information) The Film is also here as an MP 4 file to download
The next section ( to follow shortly ) includes views on former Police Officers who came to realize that the Common Law (Lawful as Common Law of the land ) was not applied 85% of the time, but only 'legal' laws (which is a legal 'standing status & agency' communism and corporations employ as a 'bureaucracy' ) which are not 'Lawful' are actually applied in error. The origin of Common Laws will also be included and much more, and why and how they should be Supreme and Sovereign as your 'Status, Standing & Agency'
This introduction will give you an idea of who you really are to non - sovereigns, outside of Sovereign Common law of the Land ( 'inalienable rights' )
The 'Law of the Sea came upon land like a flood' is the quote from the film above.
Uniform Commercial Code (although it is still being updated ) was first published in 1952 and is collated from state acts over many decades but which are only based on the law as a Corporation as say USA incorporated not Common law. Blacks law dictionary dates back to around 1890 whilst Roman / Rhodian Law of the Sea dates back to around 1000bc and was adopted by Rome "Rhodian maritime law survived until the Roman Empire, and was adopted by the Romans: it is explicitly mentioned in Book 2, Title 7 of the Roman law text, Opinions of Julius Paulus (circa 235)" The Vatican has continued to re-establish these non- laws since it became a corporation in 1929 see paragraphs above. Roman Civil law which is a modern copy of land law is called Citizen law or Civil law and is not Common law. It is legal but not Lawful. Roman Civil law applied only to Roman Citizens and underscores the birth certificate deception of the Vatican applied to all new born babies as described in the paragraphs above. A birth certificate does not say Mother or Father, it says 'informant' (as the mother) who informs the 'Doc', that another product (the baby) has been docked, is available to the bank to trade on the stock exchange. Sovereignty applies to the Common Law of the Land and also to Money
Other laws once existed in Rome and the whole earth, based upon the sovereign common law of men and woman (youtube) 'Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome' nd also Unam Sanctum Cestui Que Vie Trust - Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome trust ) or here once more on bitchute Here is an example of an Australian case which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File )
When the Global Lockdown occurred all over the earth, people already had Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) Since then those rights have been removed in the minds of the government (but nowhere else) but the government is not above the people
See ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’ Or here or here again once more (or here as an MP4 file) The Video shows testimony from Police officers, who explain the difference between Lawful and 'Legal' and how the state (believes) it owns your children.
12 presumptions of law These 12 presumptions of law (to be rebutted as they are only presumptions de facto and not in common law) are as follows see the attached pdf and all courts and officers have to be put under their public oath not the private bar guild oath. Policemen uphold your person as a corporation, enforcing policy as a corporation, a constable is different as he is under oath to the common law, but in both you have to consent, which then becomes law if you consent. A court summons is an invitation to be birthed in a dock in admiralty law, but if you reject and return the summons and file that rejection with them, it is final, you have uninvited yourself, but this administration court is de facto not de jure and it cannot hold jurisdiction over a flesh and blood real person (the creditor, but not birthed to the bank) You stay as executor and beneficiary as they are the trustees not you. Their system is not real in life but you are real. All legal agents (Jury’s can change law as precedents) are under oath, but your oath and only operate under your consent. They have to prove there is a matter to deal with under law, not corporation law and they operate only under presumptions of the law not the actual law. Any matter in court is public and should be put under public oath, but when you consent to go or recognise your name in full capitals it becomes a private law court under the guild including the Judge and solicitors. You can place them under oath (public oath ) by returning any document as addressed to another person not you (The creditor not the debtor) This is rebutting the invitation. Doing nothing means the summons and court decision stands. IF you do attend you have no reason to give your corporation name and can ask for all to be placed under public oath. You make yourself known as executor and beneficiary and they are the trustees. If they do not agree they are not public servants but private agents not serving the ‘people’ as the real government? Some courts and officials will resist this, but even though you may rise by appeal in the courts the common law is still paramount but it becomes harder as you go.
The common law also applies to and for the benefit of courts and solicitors and policemen (everyone) the military and ‘civilians’ for their benefit and for peace and prosperity in the land.
The 12 presumptions of the law in the private law guild, are described as Canon 3228 “A Roman Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions of the law. Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true [Or as truth in commerce ]. There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the private Bar Guilds which if unchallenged stand true being Public Record, Public Service, Public Oath, Immunity, Summons, Custody, Court of Guardians, Court of Trustees, Government as Executor/Beneficiary, Executor De Son Tort, Incompetence, and Guilt”
Once rebutted or as you do not stand under, there is no breach of law, by not attending or placing the court on their common law oath (not the fictitious law of presumptions towards a surf as debtor to the corporation) there is no case, and no business as the law and those who practice the law (practice and become your agent but working for the debtors and not you ) have no fine in breach of their law. The common law is paramount.
Throughout the Global (ongoing ) lockdown, there was no crime committed in Common law, the Law of the land by any of the 7.5 Billion people on earth.
**** The World Health Organisation (WHO) says vaccines are safe and reliable ****
The Corona Psyop, common law and common sense Qualified Virologists continue to warn on vaccines and the MSM is not publishing the ingredients of Vaccines on any platform. Unqualified bureaucrats with no medical experience continue to sell vaccines pushing them on every one including children, despite hardly any officially recorded deaths (deaths not cases) Even when MSM TV Hosts state they have Covid after the vaccination such as Bill Maher, they are ignored. Bill Maher however did reveal the Ingredients live on TV see Just Get Your Damn Vaccine! and they are not good for you. Proven to be correct as the Red Cross reveal they will not take Vaccinated peoples blood. No Government or institution throughout the hoax including the World Health Organisation issued guidelines on 'mask disposal' If they were issued quietly no one followed them and there were no signs (but signs for everything else including where and how to stand on the pavement) Masks do not prevent 'transmission' of anyone's breath, yet and in any case used or old masks were disposed of in family bins at home and collected by domestic rubbish collection. They were also left on pavements or sidewalks or on top of rubbish bags (not in them even) and even within hospitals, schools and the workplaces which remained open. Billions of potential disease carrying masks were disposed of on the street or even kept in people's pockets sometimes for weeks on end. Children and adults practised 'social distancing' whilst walking directly over used masks on the sidewalk or pavements or walking past bins, but still washed hands in shops going in or out, queuing up to do so as excessive numbers could cause a 'covid' outbreak.
Alternative links on Rumble for the Dr Stanley Plotkin testimony on aborted fetal (and much ore in vaccines) "Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients' and also Bill Maher and Tucker Carlson clips "Bill Maher (Real Time) & Tucker Carlson on Vaccines & Vaccine ingredients" (links to the post dated 21.10.2021 and vaccine injuries and deaths 1 - 7 beginning with NO1 dated 3.10.2021 )
Seas & streets polluted with bio hazard masks ? Aside from masks being strewn everywhere (and in the initial first 2 weeks of the lockdown to 'flatten the curve' masks were weakly considered as 'Hazardous Waste' (see a typical but very rare sign here. After the first 2 weeks this was forgotten, but the social distancing and closures continued ? and the mask warnings as 'hazardous waste' were forgotten for 13 months forward on the MSM and forgotten up to this day with no "incineration" announcements because there was no pandemic and no need for vaccinations ) Business closed, people committed suicide and some have not seen loved ones for over a year ? yet they will walk next to used masks on pavements, or littering school playgrounds and which are collected by waste disposal and dumped on city dumps around major cities whilst people washed their hands in bacterial soap going in and out of a shop, but they can pollute the seas in vast rafts of floating masks, (the msm asking if masks which keep us safe are endangering the seas ?) which are polluting the planet before and after vaccinations, as people catch "covid" en masse after vaccinations. Mass Hypnosis, lies and deception, but in a world where 200 biological labs & bio warfare labs exist controlled by the USA alone, with hundrds more overseen by other nations.
Clearly there was no pandemic, and no concern for potential bio - hazardous waste ( such as used masks ) in the MSM panics across the Globe ? (as well as the cultural and political and philosophical considerations of the Global lockdown, the theological view is also given below for a fully rounded debate )
Dr Fauci's hacked emails of early June 2021 revealed the following 7 points see mrcTV youtube "Americans Are Refusing The Jab Because They Know They've Been Lied To - And Fauci's Emails Prove It" (or on facebook ) People in thousands are dying or are maimed There are many astounding revelations but the 7 main points basically show that 1. masks do not work, 2. asymptotic spread is untrue (therefore no need for masks or social distancing) The Jaw Dropping Dr. Fauci Emails – Summit News 3. Also hydroxychloroquine works but was repressed by FEMA who are still running the USA in June / July 2021 under Artificial Intelligence decisions. The AI executive order was signed by Trump in late 2020 under FEMA and the Military, all under AI / Artificial Intelligence. In February 2019 and finalized & published on 3.12. 2020 Executive Order (Executive Order 13960 of December 3, 2020) placed the US Government under AI Artificial Intelligence decisions. ) 4. The narrative was controlled and is controlled by "gatekeepers" who work directly for Big Pharma. (Since the next psyop is cyber warfare and institutions in the USA and other countries around the world have been hacked, how could they beat the Quantum AI computers ? Either the AI quantum does not work or AI is designing cyber warfare attacks in the coming "technocracy" ) 5. Numbers in the plandemic were constructed and 6. Doctors were bribed according to Dr Fachi to push vaccinations, 7 the "certificate of vaccination i d" (covid) was man made and produced in a laboratory. Paul Joseph Watson also comments on the emails "The Jaw Dropping Dr. Fauci Emails" Coreys digs, delves deeper in "The Floodgate is Open on Fauci’s Emails" and Amazing Polly analyzes the Big Pharma Fachi cabal "Bat Soup - Lab Leaks & Gain of Function Virus Research"
Bringing in the Cashless society as UBI (Universal Basic Income ) which is communism ( see the quote from the wef / world economic forum "you will own nothing and be happy" ) but which is not needed as discarded masks or cash circulating do not spread Covid. This is the real aim of the 'pandemic' to fulfill Agenda 21 - 30, and introduce the ancient "green" gnostic religion which requires all humans to change their mRNA and DNA as the next evolutionary jump (they really believe), removing 'homo sapiens' etc 'Luciferase' or Lucifers race,Daniel 9:27 & Matt 24,15.The Real 3rd Temple Abomination of Desolation in the coming bio-digital "convergence" Your Guide to The Great Convergence see also the Transhumanism: The War on Human Nature and the vaccination and microdot infra - red 3rd strand DNA / m RNA system ( Video 68 C ) Deadly Shots & III Strand DNA Robert Patch Interview (which was raised during the first man made & patented sars covid flu outbreaks 2002 and 2012 ) This is more or less confirmed when looking at it from another angle by Noami Wolf "Former Clinton Adviser Naomi Wolf Banned From Twitter Over COVID-19 Vaccine Claims" she quoted in the article states clearly ....
"Wolf in March had criticized plans to create a “vaccine passport” system and argued that it would imperil civil liberties. “‘Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what those platforms can do. I’m [the] CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does,” she told Fox News on March 28. “It is not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about your data. Once this rolls out, you don’t have a choice about being part of the system.” Wolf said that such systems were akin to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) social credit system that is often used to punish dissenting viewpoints or opinions critical of the regime. “How does [the CCP] keep a billion people under the thumb of a totalitarian regime?” she had said. “The CCP can find any dissident within five minutes, and that can happen here literally within months.”
No cash or national currency unless the public kick these triffids out (total surveillance etc) and become Sovereign i.e stop complying
Covid means 'Certificate of Vaccination Identification' and was coined before the 'outbreak' began (Sars 2 is the prefix man made and patented flu virus) Washing hands and then walking on top or near of old masks. No one questioned this ? No one screamed "watch out, the mask on the floor or in the bin or garbage, stay 6 feet away it is a danger ?"Such was the lunacy and brainwashing amongst the public. Politicians paid off (bribed) as were many in the Health service including Doctors, acted as if the public were imbeciles as the evidence of the lies mounted and continue to mount, this includes Trump, Biden and Fachi et al. The event was a Pysop not a pandemic. Those who who did not social distance or knock elbows as a greeting or wear masks were following the actual Law, the rest were following the 'Liberal International Rules based Order', the United Nations law which can be decided by 2 members of the Judiciary even from separate countries, without a parliament or vote upon them or scrutiny of them and without the population of Sovereign Nations being aware of them as legislation and these can be applied through the United Nations directly into your life. Of course they can be dismissed as "the people" did not sanction or bring them into being as Common law (also known as local law or even 'farmers agricultural law' and Biblical law. They (the UN 'Liberal International Rules based Order' ) are not Human rights law or the laws of the Nuremberg laws (see next paragraph below), but are carried in a similar way to UCC Uniform Commercial Code. COG - We are ALL Under Maritime Law & "Lost/Dead at Sea" (CORPORATE SLAVE/SOVEREIGN CITIZEN) & also also What is a Sovereign Citizen and once more Judge Bows To Sovereign (or here again on bitchute)
There is now mounting evidence that the criminal lockdown can be prosecuted or can be claimed for legally taken as restitution for the psyop against society, individuals and business. Prosecutions against Big Pharma, Governments and the politicians (including Trump , Biden and Fachi and the World Health Organisation) who supported the lockdown can be made to answer for their crimes, as restitution to small business and large and even to those locked down' or damaged or were killed by vaccines which will amount to $Trillions in damages. (1. MP 4 File Tucker Carlson 'How Much do we really know about the Vaccines' 5.5.2021 ) Tucker Carlson in the last link cites official figures showing that more people have died from Vaccinations in the first four months of 2021 than during the period 1997 - 2013 (16 years) during also previous man made and patented sars 2 flu situations (Video 15) The swine flu fraud of 1976, (and 2008) on 60 Minutes The reason 1997 was a beginning of the suggested data time period is because in 1976, 12 Million were injured and deaths followed the Swine flu vaccinations of that period. This segment above from Tucker Carlson like millions more from MainStream Media, MSM was also removed from platforms for telling the truth, by illegal anti free speech laws and against the Common law of the land. A part of the Nuremberg Code is explained here How to keep vaccination voluntary and legally refuse/decline a vaccine
As shown in the film above on Common Law 'Strawman - Nature of the Cage' (and the previous film on Uniform Commercial Code) Sovereignty is within the people who are within Gd and the Common law, and it is conferred upon a Sovereign. See a clip from Strawman from Britain and the Coronation of
Queen Elizabeth 2nd MP4 FILE Video 2. "Sovereignty conferred by the people"
compare that to the legally fictitious on the 1871 incorporation of the USA USA a corporation since 1871 The US of America not the US for America (note the capital letters denotes a corporation, and the "of" America was replaced by 'for' America in block capitols legalese creating another USA as a legal fiction which in reality does not exist, but binds that corporation as a de facto legal entity. Legal does not mean Lawful) and which began in the 41st session of the US congress now known as the separate state of the district of Columbia. Everything within this legal fiction from the day of its creation until today is unlawful
1. The USA did not it is suggested win its independence USA a corporation which did not win its Independence in 1776
2. The USA a Corporation UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1. is OF the USA 2. is FOR the USA
Both are available here as MP 4 Files
1. USA a corporation which did not win its independence in 1776 & next video 2. UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1 is OF the USA 2 is FOR the USA
See also "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE
Sovereignty can also be claimed separately by any individual including Queen Elizabeth 2nd or a President or elected Leader as a separate Status, Standing & Agency' from any man - made created legal fiction or corporation.
In the French revolution 'citizens' could become non citizens or ostracised as non citizens , yet the irony is they were already real people of flesh and blood before they were 'citizens' which as a title removes your rights away from your inalienable rights into the state, away from common law. See Citizen vs Sovereign (1 of 3) For further information see and chapter 3b and the following two headings 2.The Law of the Land and also 4. King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’of King Alfred, the Magna Carta, the Bill of rights 1688/1689, and the Popes law to cancel Corporations .
United Nations removes Sovereignty & Sergeant Robert Horton
This type of citizenship is explained by Sergeant Robert Horton who worked in US Civil affairs & US warfare Psychological operations command. In Warcastles, the United Nations and the Law of the flag which is also available here as a 3. MP4 File "Warcastles, the United Nations and the Law of the flag" and which has been updated in a discussion here Sergeant Horton does explain that the USA has been bankrupt since 1933 and was bankrupt in 1871 and again in 1999. However since these films were made many have seen the way in which the United Nations and the World Health Organization were complicit in shutting down the world, and how they are complicit with the World Economic Forum in bringing in the Great Reset 4th industrial revolution which has removed your rights as Sovereign people Globally. See the definition of Sovereignty at the top of this page.
The World Economic Forum has stated that the "Human Experience will change'' see 'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF (or here available on Bichute and within that new Status as a Human / Non Human pushed onto you without your consent “You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” The Great Reset explained | Douglas Kruger (This was quoted by the World Economic Forum here and Kluas Schwab has said all Humans will be microchipped by 2030) with the emphasis on Human as no longer being Sovereign as 'Flesh and Blood' sovereign beings. In this new category of human existence (and legal not Lawful classification as some kind of evolutionary change) you will also own nothing and be happy. The UN has also closed down places of worship to the most high God. The following film gives the details of the plandemic 3 months before it was officially announced. "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum" or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"
Also on Rumble "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"
The United Nations does not confer Sovereignty but removes Sovereignty in practice from nations and individuals.
Since the distraction of the US election in 2020 and the complicit actions of Obama, Trump and Biden to perpetuate the legal fiction of their own office (presented as the two party political system constantly on US television and see Our Constitution Does Not Permit Our President To Rule Over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign Land or also Germany is not a sovereign State but ... At the centre of the matter; "At the core of the legal debate around the EU's recovery fund is Article 311 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which establishes that "the Union shall provide itself with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies. Without prejudice to other revenue, the budget shall be financed wholly from own resources.")
The loss of Sovereignty for the world has been plain to see. The impetus to fortify the election was given by Obama in 2014 - 2015 under a "health act" executive order showing once more that he is a murderer and liar "October 2014 to February 2015, tweeted out a link to a document titled “Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents" Obama prepared the plandemic Executive order 13747 4.11.2016 (as CEO of the fake 1871 Corporation see above in late 2016 into 2018 ) as either the worlds greatest hoax or the greatest mass murder operation from a man made virus in world history. " The document, originally unearthed in March by Politico, is a 69-page National Security Council guidebook developed in 2016 with the goal of assisting leaders “in coordinating a complex U.S. Government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.” Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before the US election) "Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats" and known to Joe Biden who has also taken kick backs from Big Pharma (Biden was Obama's Vice President) with Kamel Harris who works for Planned Parenthood who need the aborted fetal tissue see also Time Magaziine as the fraud to fortify the US election
This was then added onto by Trump on 13.03.2020 under FEMA (which he signed in see UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! ) and which Biden extended in Jan - March 2021 until today as FEMA and the military. For more information on the scramble to maintain the legal fiction illusion in the US elections November 2020 and ongoing see the Post dated 8.4.2021 in the adjacent website
Sovereign Governments around the World
Anna Von Reitz explains where the US Government really is and it does not involve Trump or Biden or the 2 party state system.
She explains the US Government is here The American State
(and not in the Municipality or Federal Government territorial systems ) and that all 50 state assemblies are now in Session (but not televised !) and the Senate and Congress can be overruled by actual Sovereign senate and congressional state assemblies. The legal fiction of the leader of the congress who is required to be a strawman or woman in order to validate by their full capitals signature, the illegal congressional money laws and trust fund loans which bind every nation on earth.
Is THIS Our Last Chance to RESTORE THE REPUBLIC? -- Anna von Reitz (and which is also explained in We the People state Assemblies )
Brexit and Britain in a poll is also favouring Sovereign Swiss type direct democracy which is a step nearer to becoming a Sovereign nation away from the EU which can also avail of this type on self Government without a proxy election candidate taking your vote away from LAW (not legalese proxy fake politicians and banks ) They are just lobbyist groups who take away your vote as a fake straw man or woman proxy lobbyists stealing your vote.
Australia See also FED UP! Most Extreme Australian Premier Beaten, Common Law Assemblies Forming Worldwide (on every continent on earth)
And also a resource of experiences in Common law here
From Deep State To Sovereign State. In 2008 and 2010 Iceland Iceland forced their banks to resign had a (((bankster))) problem within the legal fiction of debt and money The Secret of Oz: The Monetary System Unraveled (see also Money as Debt 1 and Money as debt 2 )
The Federal Reserve bank an unsovereign private bank, announces it will remove all cash and notes Globally from every central bank
In late May 2021 the Federal Reserve Bank formally wrote to all central banks on earth to withdraw all cash and notes on earth (known as 'MO' money supply see the adjacent website and Chapter 2 ) Fed chair Powell floats central bank digital currency and more regulation of cryptocurrencies or here also Banks Wary As Fed Speeds Up Digital Currency Initiative
Alert: World Central Banks ARE ALL About To Issue A 100% DIGITAL CURRENCY... BE READY! Mannarino
The deluded but aware, believe that Crypto Currency is an opponent to the Federal Reserve banking system and it has been sold as a saviour against the failed banks but the staged banking *Great Reset" is to bring in a non private banking fraud called Bitcoin or whatever branch of the Crypto Currency is called see "The Monetary Digital Reset Was Just Announced By The FED ( This Will Change Everything! )" The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and other central banks are merging (last Jeff Taylor "Merging Central Banks?! (4k)!"The preparation and struggle for the SDR, Special drawing Rights digital currency with China, UK, Europe, USA & the Petro Dollar and Japan after the CIA and Goldman Sachs created Bitcoin and not 'Satoshi Nakamoto' ) Bitcoin was created by the CIA, (and then given to Goldman Sachs) it has always been to attributed to 'Satoshi Nakamoto' (see here on 'Wikipedia' ) but Paul Walker and Philip Venables of Goldman Sachs (2009 annual report ) who have patented the Bitcoin delusion within SETLcoin in 2015 as others banks join in in the global central bank merger. Bitcoin and any digital currency are fake but the block chain digital contract (Walker and Venables mentioned in the Deloitte pdf) behind them can encompass them all as they are all one in reality. Block-chain is the real currency, a contract which is digitally set in solid digital form between you and the banks. Crypto currency as Bitcoin or "the banks" is in fact one and the same.
In the continuing illusion of house prices and land scarcity when land is not scarce around the world, the illusion continues in the illegal non sovereign fake money scam. Oil is not scarce, it is the widest liquid resource (after water) on the earth. See all of Chapter 3 on the adjacent website, or go to the end of it. Both of their prices could be cut by 90% overnight when the illusion disappears but since the federal Reserve only has one product i.e. "debt/inflation" it is now issuing debt and buying it back to keep the illusion going. The Federal Reserve is destroying the $Dollar, even under Trump or Biden to allow the named countries in the last paragraph above to issue in (in the 'crisis') a digital global currency. That's the plan since 1913. See 'Economy In FREE-FALL And INFLATION IS SURGING! But The Fed. Says "Don't Worry About It." Mannarino 25.05.2021'
Anna Von Reitz above basically says let it collapse and each country and its national treasury issue new coins and notes which are LAWFUL tender (not 'legal tender')
The article "Why the NWO loves Bitcoin" by Chris Black (or any Crypto Currency) clarifies the deception. Goldman Sachs have moved to Florida from New York which has been devastated by the fake plandemic (almost) and it may be somewhere near Trump and Mar a Lago residence in Florida Both Biden and Trump are into Bitcoin although has said it has no fundamental value which is correct and did make moves to prevent its money laundering operations in 2019 and in early 2020 Essentially banks who use this system are committing fraud and removing cash from society is a criminal act by criminals. Cash is a fundamental right and inalienable right since the beginning of time it is not "owned" and overseen by owners but should flow freely through each nations national treasury, (SDR Special drawing rights Bretton Woods these websites have warned from the outset this was the plan see above and the adjacent website. It was at the centre of the North Korea episode 2017 2020. Becoming buyer and lender of last resort and buying the world) over the top of the defunct Fiat system see March 26th 2021 IMF Silently Creates New Money Layer, Why You Need to Leave the Banks: Willem Middelkoop Daniela Cambone talks to Willem Middelkoop and they are very good, but it was always the plan since 1913 (creation of the federal reserve bank) and 1944/45 end of WW2 and the first Bretton Woods conference. Middlekoop says it it is good creating Liquidity (but everyone will own nothing ? ) ' creating liquidity' means creating money printed out of nothing which any nation can do themselves via their own national treasuries and separate from the system. She presents again in May 25th 2021 Massive Inflation, Currency Debasement Cannot Be Ignored Any Longer | Willem Middelkoop It is all fake, especially crypto currencies and needs to collapse and be removed and new separate Silver coins and notes redeemable in Silver or Gold or as non-interest bearing MO notes.
World Sovereignty of Individuals and Nations and Biblical Common Law
The legalese laws impersonating Lawful actions has turned the whole world inside out and into a legal fiction which past systems of government never knew.
The World has every 'Ism' foisted upon them in history except the reality of continued long term 100% employment (not via Universal basic Income UBI) and prosperity as Sovereigns. Your inalienable rights also include your right as a Sovereign nation to own and control your own treasuries to issue also coins and notes. That right was also established by the Bible in Deuteronomy orally first as far back as 1446 bc including Deuteronomy 17, 15 - 20 which states that a King cannot set aside taxation or the nation's funds (even if the nation is without taxation) and this includes Presidents, or Committees or anyone including Private unelected banks such as the Federal Reserve bank (in any country) They cannot own anything more than anyone else privately or publicly. That is the Law, and a Sovereign Law as Common law of the land. It also includes a bar on taxation theft and the illegal issuing of fiat currency, underpinned by the nations treasury as guarantor of bad debts incurred (loans and stock market crash) A straw man or woman is created also to act as signature in block capitals to incur bad loans and debts. In this way the people do not pay for the Kings or Governments crimes and they are entitled to cash and notes and real money and real non fiction wealth on a bountiful earth on every continent.
Hosea 4, 6 describes the importance of Knowledge and liberty which is missing in the Hireling Shepherd Church which preach on paying taxes with selective biblical verses, but then leave out the LAWS of GOD (lawful) of Jubilees (50 years and 7 years in Leviticus and Deuteronomy & Matthew 6, 12 and no sermon against Usury in any sermon as Churches are just a Business not a House of God as Matthew 6, 24 states) For more information (see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 ) These are never mentioned them, with the result some national debts (paid for by taxation and or money 'MO' circulating devalued needlessly by unnecessary schemes and monies) are over 108 years old since 1913, (or longer) and the creation of the national debt & devaluation making machine known as the Federal Reserve Bank, which is neither federal and it has no reserves. When everyone knows the LAW, you do not need legal Lawyers or fake legal fiction courts or the proxy 2 party state political parties (ask your church about them and the Jubilee laws who will quickly move away from them but onto why the biblical Law should apply to tithes only and their charitable exemptions, mixing the Biblical with the UCC law ) These biblical laws of Jubilee are not an option and will be applied.
Will the Pope cancel all Corporations on earth ? In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIO) where does this law begin and end Since even the Vatican is a corporation ? and it claims it owns everything (including all the souls in the world ) why has the Pope dropped the Vicar of Christ title ?
Link back to the Top of the Website
The Sovereignty movement grows
& Documentary 'The Strong Delusion & The Great Reset'
As the World comes to realize that there were no real legitimate lawful restrictions on travel or social distancing or meeting socially or any of the covid 19 laws throughout the lockdowns from March 2020, then the realization that the governments citing them are also fake and illegitimate is now apparent. They were / are non lawful regulations and there was no need to comply with them let alone give your consent to them. It is obvious they (the governments) are hollow, and are a legal fiction whoh have hijacked a nation's money supply. To date only conservative or right wing governments have resisted and have supported freedom for the people, or posing as the same they have capitulated to the scamdemic and should stand down as a government and remove themselves from power.
To date (see end of last post above) and rather than cancelling corporations the Pope (or Pope demented Puff) has suggested these Corporations should become more inclusive and fairer, (or see here as an alternative article) but as a Marxist Humanist who does not believe in Gd what does this mean in financial / philosophical terms, does in fact mean Commutarianism / communism and as this is occurring now in the 'Great Reset' How can people understand this new paradigm sold as the merging of 'Christianity with the New Age' into a technocracy in opposition to the 'New World Order' as the latest Hegelian Dialectic (capitalism / communism being another) Hegel proposed creating 2 opposing ideas as thesis and synthesis and forcing them into collusion to produce a new synthesis or a new paradigm idea. 'Order out of chaos' is the motto (or perception management and British society people by the group known as 'common purpose' who specialise in brainwashing a nation or nations ) Humanity does not need artificially created chaos and therefore does not need the New Order or the opposing merging of spiritual beliefs to produce a new god created by man and not by God.
The Vatican is nowa Corporation created in 1929 and the Lateran Treaty under Mussolini (The Lateran Treaty, signed by the Holy See & the Italian government of Benito Mussolini on February 11th 1929, established Vatican City as a sovereign state, but actually as a private corporation & was renewed in 1985 ) The 1929 financial crash followed, and 2 word wars and by the mid 1950's the new Vatican was engaged in political coups in the USA and it created a new Serpent audience assembly room just within the Vatican City with the serpent body outside (for a tour see here also, and forbade access to underground rooms) in the Vatican City (the private corporation) in 1972 (following the Vatican 2 council in the 1960's) & which is employed to this day.
This new 'inclusive capitalism' (with the US Federal Reserve buying the world since December 2019 after the central bank Repo rates collapse and their announcement in June 2021 of the withdrawal of cash globally in the new crypto currency Trojan horse) known as the Technocracy / 4th Industrial revolution / Great Rest ( = AI and augmented humans who will no longer be "human" according to the World Economic Forum from Davos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzewell, Klaus Schwab and the new AI religion under Google's former CEO Anthony Levandowski ) which collectively will look like the following in the Videos supplied here (no sovereignty allowed etc)
1. The Great Reset Explained by Douglas Kruger - NEW (but see Douglas Social Credit - the Policy of Freedom part 1 & also Douglas Social Credit - the Policy of Freedom part 2 to see how the origins of ideas are removed or rebranded. The Nesara / Gesara paradigm has been hijacked by the 'Great Reset' instead of just unconditionally cancelling world debt)
2. Connecting The Dots: The Construction of The New World (computing forever video, and the ideas mentioned are to be applied in every City globally and nation via the UN depopulation agenda amidst the immigration / trafficking / slavery industry growing weekly around the world to eventually to include everyone as slaves. Slavery is alive and well. You will own nothing and be happy )
3. To understand how you have been deceived by the Covid 19 plandemic and the injections which are mRNA injections forcing your cells to accept the pollutants (changing your DNA) which then in turn force your immune system to go into overdrive (your auto-immune system) and effectively your body eats itself (sterilisation and reproductive systems are especially attacked and pregnant woman have suffered miscarriages. ) Your body produces virus's and you have many of them inside you as a natural herd immunity since birth produced by your sufficient immune system. When a virus is active, your body produces a fever to remove a dominant virus, but if that process cannot come to an end for a protracted period (as your auto - immune system continues to attack the pollutants) then the new mRNA with its chemical ingredients, none of which are medicine, will change the cells nucleus. A change could simply be blood clots as your blood is changed etc, see the following Documentary and supporting articles and testimonies of deaths and injuries. The plan to remove the virus (i.e the human race) by i.e. the Davos, Bill Gates NWO etc, is the real plan of their modern medicine. Only 19,000 people died from "covid" in 2020 (officially in the USA according to the CDC) 94% of those were not actually Covid, and more people have died of the vaccinations in Europe and the USA (than 19,000) in June 2021 alone, and more people died of the flu in 2019 than the "19,000" in 2020 ?
Not one MSM outlet has told the full ingredients of the "vaccines" which are mRNA vaccinations (or "mRNA delivery systems" ) as Bill Gates and the WHO refuse to reveal the ingredients. (or here again but not just to developing nations but to any nation and not just the bizarre chemicals and recombinant DNA technology already named by Oxford University but the new ingredients )
What is the truth ? do harmful chemicals enter the nucleus of the human cell system or do these harmful chemicals merely swim around and outside them ? You will note that most people who die from "covid" or the Delta variant (or the same Covid man made a patented virus not a variant but a 'sameiant') die from covid after vaccinations ? and which is also increasing in numbers in Israel as people die or catch Covid again after injections (vaccinations) as the vaccination is the man made patented virus.The Canadian Chief Medical Officer has suggested that parental permission is not required for vaccinations / injections. The World Bank admits that the covid / lockdown / great reset will last until mid 2025 in the UN Agenda 21 - 30 paradigm see 2. World bank and also 3. World bank 2.
Examples of problems, deaths and injuries. One / Two / 3. FreiheitsFreund bitchute channel for more Vaccine injuries and deaths / 4. Three HSE in Ireland admit Vaccines do not work / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine / Ten / Eleven / Twelve / Thirteen / Fourteen / Fifteen / Sixteen / Seventeen and the truth of what happened to Tanzania President John Magufuli in connected the Ebola smuggling scandals involving Dr Tedross of the World Health Organisation. Vials & Thugs & Spies, Oh My! The compilation could continue for many weeks. (to see full "official stats" see the full documentary below) and bear in mind the real statistics are more accurately reported here. The Military in the USA are threatening to quit if forced by FEMA to make forced Vaccinations on society
See also the Introduction to the full documentary
"The Strong Delusion & the Great Reset" (with 20 second introduction in the 6 minutes 30 seconds video)
The strong Delusion introduction (Bill Gates refuses to name ingredients in mRNA injection)
for Bill Gates video refusal to name ingredients at 4 minutes forward (from the 'Scariest movie ever' ) Full Documentary below.
We are only told partial ingredients of the injections (or here again in Time magazine) named as "Fosun–BioNTech COVID‑19 vaccine BNT162b2 RNA" for the mRNA vaccine (which is a delivery system not a vaccine / injection) and which is composed of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) encoding a mutated form of the full-length spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. Moderna means modified DNA / RNA which are bound together as your DNA / RNA, they are not separate entities. Ingredients such as Mercury, Aluminium, Human diploid cells (baby Fetus DNA & stem cells ) Monkey Kidneys DNA, Heavy Metals, 'Windowlene', Formaldehyde, & Graphene Oxide are also never explained (affecting your auto - immune system)
'Transfection' is also a natural part of the mRNA process and here it is admitted the chemicals enter your cells nucleus , yet this last part of the process is both denied and admitted by the medical profession ? (see the documentary below) The origins of inoculations are analysed here in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Since it is now (nearly officially) admitted that Sars is not a respiratory disease but a cardiovascular flu arising from the common Flu and has been around since immune systems have, then transfection or shedding is the cause of the variants and the spread of the virus from the 'vaccinations' mRNA injections and this was / is a man made patented flu, which has an above 99.9 % survival rate and only the elderly succumb as they do year in and year out. "Variants" or "Samiants" (last link Noble Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnie ) The vaccinations have effectively become a bio - weapon sold by criminals. If you catch covid again ? after even 2 vaccinations and then many also die, what is the point of them ?
The Dr Fachi emails show the plandemic (or here from Coreys digs on the fachi emails) and the pre-planned contact tracing / passport lies
All supported by the MSM Mainstream media & Big Tech. Dr. Robert Malone, who identifies himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, was banned from Twitter for questioning .... mRNA Vaccines as the US Senate says the Big tech media machine lied about the origins of the Covid 19 virus and therefore the need for "vaccine passports" or any restrictions simply echoing the UN / World Health Organization lies. Noami Wolf was also banned for much the same reasons. Big techs annual meeting in Sun Valley occurs in July 2021 and the monopoly of truth owned by just 6 companies Globally is discussed in Mark Dice book "The True Story of Fake News" Their monopoly is still under investigation in every state in the USA. and which is discussed on the adjacent website in chapter 3b reaching back to 2109, as the anti-trust bill against them passess the US governments legislative hurdles.
Big Tech continue to profit from Covid 19 in the new digital technocracy which has a vested interest in maintaining lockdowns and ruining the average small business and controlling your data deceitfully and illegally not just in the USA but also in the EU Big Tech have banned any discussion on Vaccines or COVID19 and have interfered in democracy and peoples and nations Sovereignty.
Full Documentary " The Strong Delusion and the Great Reset " 07.07.2021 (Google Drive file)
Or see here as an MP4 File " The Strong Delusion and the Great Reset "
Topics in the Strong Delusion & Great Reset documentary (2 Thess 2,11) above (Google drive or MP 4) include Q as 'Q anonymous' (which means 'Q unknown' ) & Q with Cern & Oracle. Depopulation, Transhumanism, mRNA injections (the delivery system to your mRNA. DNA and Proteins and RNA are one entity ) Self Spreading Vaccines ? Ingredients not disclosed ? Delta and Lambda 'Variants' or 'Samiants' coming from the actual Vaccines People catching 'Covid' even after 2 injections ? Hydroxychloroquine. Transfection stimulating your auto - immune system into hyper drive effectively killing the body which eats itself. Altering your DNA /RNA, Covid not respiratory but vascular ? Smuggling Ebola for profit via the WHO World Health Organisation. Previous fake 'pandemics' and changing the definition of a pandemic and obscuring statistics and ignoring others. Nanotechnology for medical purposes but which activates Surveillance. Bitcoin and Blockchain trojan horses, Global surveillance amidst social engineering. Your data as you stored in the cloud as you, Avatars and Augmentation, Quantum AI surveillance, UN Agenda 21 - 30, Cern and the Beast Supercomputer in the EU, IBM, Strawman birth certificates traded on the New York Stock Exchange. No rights in the Global corporate Great Reset. Aborted foetal cells in Vaccines & the Pope .Human diploid cells, in vaccines with Monkey DNA and Pig gelatin DNA and much more. Communitarianism as Communism as the great reset ("you will own nothing and be happy"... world economic forum quote) The "social credit" (or UBI Universal basic Income) system from communist china coming west, gulags & re- education centres. The trojan horse of all crypto currencies & crypto currency central banks. Altering your reproductive systems, infertility and the world economic forum quote "humans as humans will change '', Gene editing as 'gene therapy' by Big Pharma or home kits causing severe problems and diseases and death. Women having miscarriages from vaccinations, blood clots and Doctors relating the deaths and injuries. AI & the singularity & Immortality to be as 'gds'. The 4th industrial revolution technocracy control. Big Tech and the next 'great jump of Evolution into the tech Cloud' Transhumanism is' Post Humanism ' & depopulation via Genetic engineering ('Gene Therapy) where Vaccines are not medicines but technology
More information on mRNA vaccines from the Last American Vagabond
TWDU Clips - The Dangerous Of mRNA Injections & The Active Cover Up - June 17, 2021
and then also Findings Of Major Study Reveal Huge mRNA Reproductivity Issue, Make-A-Wish Vaccine Policy & DNRs
Sovereignty for individuals, nations and business. Small and Medium Business can also
thrive in a Sovereign nation
Change your status (standing & agency)
In the USA 2 Nevada counties "go constitutional" moving away from the 1871 status of a private corporation by applying the Bill of Rights (see paragraphs above & USA a corporation since 1871 The US of America not the US for America ) Of course every county and state can move to this status and beyond (see the subheading "Sovereign Governments around the World" above dated 27.05.2021 and Anna Von Reitz on the current state assemblies which are the actual US government)
Clearly an individual or nation can change its laws and status. Other explanations are here 1. FREEMEN OF THE LAND & THE MAGNA CARTA | Is Consent Required? An explanation and video 2. UN United Nations declaration of Human Rights in We are all living under Maritime law as corporate slaves
Firstly the UN (in the 2nd video) has moved into the position of "equal rights but with no rights equally" and NOW practices the "International Rules based Order of liberalism" which places you as a Citizen which is a slave to the government or state (again see the headings above) The international rules based order can make law it believes if 2 or 3 judges even in separate countries and in separate courts agree to make a new law. This is the Judiciary believing it is Supreme when it is not, and certainly it is only 1/3 of a normal parliamentary democracy with the executive and legislature (including Monarch) A democracy is not a Sovereign state and today the 2 party system which steals your vote by proxy politicians (representing you in a phony election taking and squandering or ignoring your intended vote) has removed any vestige of democracy you had. The UN has in the last year moved to a totalitarian communist dictatorship without human rights during the lockdowns and continuing now.
The first video suggests there are laws of statute and the common law and international law (UCC Uniform Commercial Code which was only codified around the 1880's into Blacks law dictionary and taken from Roman Civil Law ) Whereas Sovereign law exceeds Common law & International law and Civil Law and even Parliamentary law if Sovereign law is breached. For example the Queen is Sovereign only because the people are Sovereign (see above on the Sovereignty and the Queen dated 27.05.2021 ) and she represents that status of the people which they confer upon her. She is also a Sovereign human being in herself also under God, despite what the privy council or parliament may believe. Those that oppose Sovereignty naturally do not believe that your consent is required before they can operate (unless they assume to be totalitarian or inferior without law of any kind) but that is not lawful it is illegal
This is the difference between being LEGAL (even parliamentary law as only "legal") and LAWFUL in a Sovereign nation. Corporations of course seek to usurp any form of law ILLUSION OF POWER-Justinian Deception and Roman civil law (challenged and removed for most of its existence down the centuries) has always sought to remove common law of the land claiming new statues or legal regulations remove the older SOVEREIGN common laws. But as they are inalienable rights their attempt at removing or replacing by precedents the inalienable rights Sovereign rights of a nation are null and void and have been made contrary to real common law of the land and by and from nuisance, fraud, monetary gain or deceit against inalienable sovereign rights. They may have legal status but they are not LAWFUL and are therefore a tyranny.
See BIRTHING-CERTIFICATES by Justinian Deception and also JUSTINIAN DECEPTION / COMMON LAW / ADMIRALTY MARITIME LAW / VATICAN (or on you tube as Justinian Deception (Law ) or here again UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty law or a 2nd link here if Video fails to play or also in a new format here as an MP 4 file to download )
Devon Stack An interesting discussion with Devon Stack (blackpilled) which highlights the confusion and clarity of being Sovereign in the USA (or any nation) by Ms Blonde and Ms Brittany. For more information also see From Deep State To Sovereign State as the US Supreme court rules in favour of private property rights in a world which is underpopulated and where land is vast and plentiful.
Voting is over in the Great Reset Essentially they are telling the world not to Vote or your votes do not count or they are rigged via Dominion voting machines.The system should collapse but not into the Nesara / Gesara / Great Reset but let Sovereigns (the people takeover and run their countries as Sovereigns)
Ireland's Peoples Tribunal & Stephen Manning. France in a state of civil war, before and after an extremely low turnout in recent regional elections. Following the 2020 / 2021 Election frauds in the USA (in which a President has still not been found) The extremely low turnout in the French regional elections in early July 2021 (France is in virtual civil war and people want the old scam elections to collapse) could also signal an end to the EU Corporation elections moving to a Sovereign state situation similar to the American state assemblies in the USA (see the subheading "Sovereign Governments around the World" above dated 27.05.2021 and Anna Von Reitz on the current state assemblies which are the actual US government) French military warn of civil war in May 2021 and the low turnout was simply a recognition that the "democracy" is not a democracy but is a farce and a waste of people's time, and a new system is required which is NOT the Great Reset or Nesara / Gesara which a Trojan horse for the great reset. All Global debts can be cancelled as unlawful.
In Ireland Stephen Manning serves the Irish Criminal courts and everyone connected (the Irish criminal courts are not recognised even by the EU corporation ?) and later recently held a People's Tribunal at those Courts in early July 2021. He invited people to attend in advance of the tribunal Join The First Hearing Of The People’s Tribunal Of Ireland On Thursday: The Criminal Cabal Who Run The Courts Must Be Brought To Heel - Gemma O'Doherty Investigative Journalist Ireland and explains the background. (The Integrity Ireland Website ) Fighting the courts via the Legalese UCC commercial code means those non - Sovereign courts (which only exist to make money not to administer Justice placing the people or country first) can make a new legalese law overnight (see example Sinn Fein Deal with Government Paves the way for Domestic Vaccine Passport from Tracey O' Mahony Barrister at Law r.e. the fake legislation regarding Covid 19 in the UN international rules based order of the Great Reset ) and applicants can become bound in those laws, which do not recognise Sovereigns or Sovereignty or the constitutions of nations. In Ireland only the Court of Appeal takes an oath to the constitution. Magistrates (who are lay people but who are in the main not Lawfully qualified) and all other courts are not courts but rooms which the MSM focus upon telling the public they are courts Constitutions are only viable by the Sovereign laws as inalienable rights and not by the State as the people are Sovereign and not the State. This is not well understood.
( Stephen Manning & Integrity Ireland Youtube Channel )
The tribunal was not allowed a room in the Criminal courts which, as the "people were being represented" tells a nation that their courts do not work or act for them see Anglo Irish bank tapes and the admittance of a bank bailout in 2007 - 2010 & also the 2 Full Sovereign Protest March Dublin 12.09.2020 (Scamdemic)
The Government is also then illegitimate and must stand down Mp 4 file 'Stephen Manning The People's Tribunal of Ireland 1.7.2021 Ireland's Criminal Courts' under the Sovereign Harp
Real Sovereignty
Changing your status
Erin O Donnell (She also explains the US Government is here The American State see post above dated 27.05.2021 ) Mrs O'Donnell (next) explains how she changed her status and what happened to her as a child with her birth certificate and why changing her Status meant her business and her husband's business has thrived without the "red tape" ensuing from the territorial and even municipal status and the nonsense entangled within the Legalese. She relates the difficulties and the incredible effects of being non-sovereign meant to their income, health and enjoyment of life. She also explains the 2 party system / scam within the media control which focuses on that scam system (to the point of madness) which steals your vote as a proxy vote. She explains that citizens are not free but that status means a slave to the government, but she now has rights to land and property and minerals / metals etc as a Sovereign. She took back her birthright and wealth and inheritance as a American
see Erin Eileen Ane ODonnell "Why did i correct my Status" June 7th 2021 (and all people in all 50 states can now correct their status) Complete Your Certificate of Assumed Name
Her complete channel here (from red text to black text etc) Moving away from the CORPORATION which was / is the aim of the Pope in the last heading above r.e. pre 1929 Sovereignty etc dated 27.05.2021 (becoming Sovereign under God alone ) To be continued....... (this post added 7.7.2021)
Link back to the Top of the Website
The Sovereignty of all Nations and their wealth
Sovereignty applies to everyone. They are your inalienable rights since your birth. (Vaccines deaths and injuries link in 2 here below )
1) Further background information on your Sovereign law & rights (including Pandora papers, The Five star Account & others)
2) A gradual accumulation of stories of vaccine deaths and injuries from 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023....into 2025... post 1 on vacinne deaths and injuries and now new post 13 dated 06.06.2024 & with updates & addendum all dated 26/6/24 (an update to the Strong Delusion and Great Reset documentary see post above dated 7.7.2021, & which has a further update (dated) 1.7.2024 ) New Post 14 dated 6.9.2024 - 23.09.2024 fwd, Vaxx and injuries dated 6.9.2024 - 23. 09.2024 fwd
3) "Recombinant" vaccines are expressed as both DNA and proteins (recombinant means multiple types of DNA in vaccines) and also stops you buying and selling
4) Enforcing your own Sovereign Law as an individual or business or nation with armed defence as per the constitution of the USA (or any nation)
5) Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its history before being codified as Black's Law Dictionary in the 1880's and published in 1952, extending back from 1000 bc into the Rhodesian law of the island of Rhodes and from Rome, to Justinian 1st in 527 bc and the Phoenicians into the middle ages and until to today.
1) Further background information on your Sovereign law & rights (including Pandora papers, The Five star Account & others)
Posts above are dated 13.03.2021 & 27.05.2021 & 7.7.2021 & (this post 21.01.2021)
As is apparent from the current world system, those who chose to have a Sovereign system of Government are free to avoid the false system that is in place Globally. The politicians who are paraded into front of the television controlled news system (owned by only a handful of people) which is incessantly broadcast into homes and offices are all completely fake. They do not resemble any aspect of people's lives or national political or financial or spiritual cultural reality in any Sovereign Nation. This is particularly acute in the USA when the party, the same party of Republicans and Democrats as one party hovering around the latest budget debt ceiling pretending to oppose the system. All that is required is one person as a legal fiction signature authorises the latest debt bubble and on and on it goes. Without this they would of course be out of a job (and some in Congress illegally have worked unelected as jobs for life for over 40 years, negating any point in Presidential elections of Presidents) or career as far as they go with some in the USA having no term limits and no legitimate right to serve in any capacity.
Anna Von Reitz explains the 3 governments in the USA (with an update from James Clinton Belcher Head of State in the 50 Sovereign states assemblies note nothing to do with the Trump / Biden double act circus in the MSM)
The legal fiction of corporations are not real and the global debt they produce is defunct and unlawful and as such they can be cancelled and replaced in their entirety as having never really existed. There is no contract with them. Sovereigns are not opposed to trade and prosperity and the deception continues to grow that legal fictions are valid.
This is explained further in Greatest Identity Theft in History from Common Law America
** To understand this section go to the post above dated 27.05.2021 and see the documentary by Sergeant Robert Horton US Civil affairs & US warfare Psychological operations command
Pandora papers, Panama papers and the Five Star account. The recent pandora papers scandals. More papers are released in the Pandora papers Previous releashed papers known as the Panama papers were released in 2016 naming Mossack Fonseca, and in which Daphene Caruana a connected journalist was killed Other papers are the Paradise papers also in 2016 Collectively they relate to offshore banking More revelations of the Bahamas leaks covering decades are also connected and see also the Distributed Denial of Secrets ( International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ ) See also the adjacent website and the end of chapter 3b and the top of chapter 4
Five Star Account (Trust) & Sergeant Robert Horton (see post above dated 27.05.2021) It is estimated that $30 Trillion is hidden away in these offshore accounts, which makes a nonsense of the current budgets and economic theories and policies. Taxation for Sovereign nations, individuals and businesses is obviously oppressive. The Five Star account it is estimated by Sergeant Robert Horton who worked in US Civil affairs & US warfare Psychological operations command see post above dated 27.05.2021 and under the subheading "United Nations removes Sovereignty & Sergeant Robert Horton" When the USA declared bankruptcy in 1999 (in 1999 the 3rd and final declaration of bankruptcy occurred, and the USA already only a corporation, then its status became the five star account, this account was set up as a separate corporate entity as a trust and contained / contains $230 million, million, million quadtrillion, yet it breeches the Bill of Rights attached to the US constitution, but is the Sustainable Development fund but which can bypass Congress, and could bring the Greater Israel area into reality both physically and spiritually and which is not just about Oil but also an ancient quest which is based on the rule of law not the rule of legal. What that law is actually is a pertinent question)
With the Pandora papers (around $30 Trillion) and the Five Star account the sum extends into many Quadtrillions, and the UN Global tax (in many forms such as carbon credits from you, yourself personally as your energy or from trading carbon) The World is very Wealthy.
This is where the "Presumption of law" derives as it is presumed there is no law in fact arising and Corporations are created in written or spoken "legalese" there are no grammatical facts in English (or any known language but the nearest is LATIN known as debased latin or dog latin ...but in other words not LATIN but a fiction) = a legal fiction (i.e not LAWFUL) In other words these funds belong to the people of the world, yet the money itself is also a legal fiction (fiat notes and bitcoin and digital banking ) created out of thin air with no LAWFUL basis in reality.
In contrast Sovereignty is beneficial to individuals, businesses (small, medium or large) and national governments. See last post above dated 7.7.2021. Even now with the EU those who opposed Sovereignty for Brexit (for instance) are now standing for political office on Sovereign platforms ? see the paragraphs below (r.e. Poland, France and Germany)
In brief, the current global system is the biggest identity theft in history. It is not Lawful see the Greatest Identity Theft in History (and also De Jure vs De Facto Governments: What is the Difference?)
Most references to a Sovereign state assume some kind of international recognition and they cite the Germanic 'Westphalian system' of Sovereignty of 1648 and wikipedia has a loose background on the various theories and systems attached to the realities of Sovereignty. Ireland had (has) a system of Sovereignty dating back to 1213 and chronicled in the Liber Primus Kilkenniensis which details the system of Freemen and the "100 court" the system employed. In turn many of the Irish common laws extend back to Cormac Mac Airt (circa 200 ad) who simply codified the existing oral common law. They in turn extended back to Tea Tephi from Tara around 569 bc, although the Annals of the Four masters (also known as the annals of the Kingdom of Ireland) extend this title of Sovereign who was only Sovereign because the people bestowed sovereignty upon them (of and in the law) back to between 1500 and 1700 bc. The people were Sovereign and they could enforce it . The courts in Ireland today are legal fictions and are not Sovereign courts (with minor exceptions)
Britain (which was settled before Brutus) can look to King Alfred (circa 900 ad) who made his 'deemings' effectively stating the law was for freemen rich and poor. For a intertwining history see the adjacent website New New Jerusalem website and Chapter 1 through 6 to understand his relevance on the law today. Again he made new laws but in turn based upon existing common law which is superior in law (de jure or de facto) to any other laws or legal fictions (i.e mandates, recommendations, advise or regulations and certainly any legally fictitious corporate law in existence) To refresh your memory return to the beginning of this website at the top.
Britain has a long history of Freemen and Sovereign common law or aka Freemen of the Land You will note the last website states "The origins of the Freedom are lost in the mists of time, but for many generations the Freemen or Burgesses formed the governing bodies of almost all the Boroughs of the land" Whilst it is true time can appear as through a mist, the origins of Common law are not lost (again see the adjacent website New New Jerusalem website ) for (not an exhaustive history but sufficient) details. Without King Alfred then much of the Common law may have been lost and without his deemings the Magna Carta would not have existed. Each town or Burgh (Burrough) had a Freemen group. Lost in the mists of time should also say that Sovereign common law as "inalienable rights" have existed before recorded time.
France had a system of Common law and it was extensive and worked for all men and women in the land. Changes in the law through the French Revolution moved France away from Common law into Civil law, all of which was codified by Napoleon in 1804, and known as the Code Civil, or Code Napoléon, (Civil code or Napoleonic code) and remains the law in France to this day. In 1905 Church and State were separated. Yet since the Protestant reformation the definition of church and therefore the separation has different meanings. The civil law required a bureaucracy to run it known as the state, whereas common law of sovereign people was firstly knowing you are sovereign as human flesh and blood and you know "the law" without need of experts to tell you, hence firstly you are a freeman or woman with inalienable rights existing from the beginning of time. Whilst the state at first looked as if it was bringing Revolution for the people and of the people, it too turned upon the people and became just as problematic as previous systems. France turned away from local law even before Napoleon (from 1200 to 1700) or the French Revolution adopting Roman Law of Justinian 1st, but it was not uniform or held fast in all of France regions until the French Revolution and Napoleon. However in medieval times and before local customs were paramount. Frankish law also known as Salic law (old dutch) was also present and it formed out of aspirations of the Merovingians and Carolingian families from Clovis 1st (487 ad) and up to Charlemagne (the latter did not enforce roman law but allowed laws of free will ) Charlemagne built the Holy Roman Empire until it was dissolved by Napoleon in 1805. Yet Napoleon's civil law was based upon Roman law but it moved away from Roman law as Church and State into purely secular state civil law (without reference to God ) which had the peculiar instance that Roman law could not hold sway without mentioning God or a God. The religion of Rome is not Judeo Christian in any case and napoleon declared that he wanted to pursue a Jewish homeland towards the New Jerusalem
Today France is in large protests weekly (amidst EU law from the United nations also which shows how weak its Human Rights law is i.e "equal rights but no rights equally" ) and that form of the state has not brought the desired freedoms its requires, and in fact the state can curtail freedoms very easily as the "great reset" and world lockdowns have shown over the last 19 months, the question as to what is Sovereign law and if it is based upon the laws of God are discussed with natural law, and for more on the French Revolution see the adjacent website and its section on the law of the land and "The error that State laws add to your rights (from the French revolution forward) but which can actually remove your Sovereign rights (inalienable rights)"
"Asterix the Gaul" (see the Gauls of France Germany and wider Europe around 50 bc) lived in an era of the Druids who held sway in Europe, they had Brehon law which forms most of the common law in Europe today and it had references to the Old Testament.
Sovereign law is also known as Natural Law. Natural law origins are within either God, Nature or Reason. If they originate in God then by reason you can say he created nature. Most scholars refer to Thomas Aquinas and his Lex Naturalis (circa 1250) as a starting point but even Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle (circa 600 bc - 500 bc) discussed the ability forman to reason as proof as the Spark of God (the Divine) within them.Pythagoras and Palto marvelled at the Pyramids which are at least 2000 years older than they. As we have seen the Irish laws predate Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras and Aristotle, and in Britain, Brutus of Troy (circa 12th or 11th century BC who came to Albion / Britain after the Trojan War. Troy has been discovered and preserved with images available here ) fought against the native Scythian Celts and Danaans who had lived in Britain for 500 years or so before him.
Natural Law and its 3 main definitions has been used in long and winding arguments to also conversely undermine Sovereignty via hyperbole and collectivist state legal fictions which ultimately replace Sovereign law as by reason, nature did not exist by God or through God. At the end of those debates you will discover as a guide that they no longer believe you are a Sovereign person of flesh and blood with inalienable rights, and turn "natural law" into "unnatural" law and un-sovereign states of being. For example THEY CAN’T OWN YOU IF YOU UNDERSTAND THIS which however fails to point out Sovereign law and your non - compliance is a Lawful reality recognised more (ironically) by legal fictions than by the People themselves.
Germany, Poland and France and Hungary invoke Sovereign Law (updated 25.10.2021) In recent months we have seen Germany move to declare its courts Sovereign in May 2020 (i.e over the ECB & European courts i.e ECJ or European courts of Justice) Brussels has declared it is bringing case to state that in effect it is not ? This is a non case as no court can remove your Sovereign rights and inalienable rights rights as having existed since the beginning of time, non sovereign courts are simply legal fictions. Poland also has sent shockwaves through the EU, ruling that its courts are also Sovereign. Poland may leave the EU,and it has sealed its borders. Incredibly also in France Michel Barnier who opposed Brexit for Britain stating he did not understand why they were leaving and was chief negotiator against Brexit, has now (Britain has left the EU) decided to run as President of France on a Sovereign person mandate in effect these are just a few examples. Hungary like Poland effectively state that the primacy of EU law is not in any treaty see ‘Not in treaty’: Hungary’s Orban sides with Poland, rejects EU law primacy ahead of bloc’s summit" and in essence any EU nation can now leave EU law behind including the ECJ and ECHR (there have been no 'human rights' under Covid)
The very opposite of Sovereignty whether it is for nations, business or individuals is the scenario the world has watched unfold since December 2019, into 2020, 2021 an which is to continue The International Monetary fund has stated that Vaccine policy will be policy this year and the next, a closer look at that policy wil be looked at below. Of course the worlds powers that be could have locked down the world indefinitely but it has chosen to also "vaccinate people '' to their detriment. The root of the word vaccine in the Latin is "cow" in the bovine sense, a cow being an animal or beast but domesticated.
Coronavirus legislation extended. On the 19.10.2021 in Parliament the Coronavirus 2020 legislation was extended to April / May 2022 (6 months or earlier) and may be extended again as the vaccine testing period does not expire until mid 2023 (With it is the "Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984") Variants will take the World bank estimate to 2025 in Agenda 20 - 30 in one form or another)
2) A gradual accumulation of stories of vaccine deaths and injuries over 8 months (an update to the Strong Delusion and Great Reset documentary see post above dated 7.7.2021)
All politicians who recommended experimental mRNA vaccines and all unapproved (as all are) are responsible personally for these deaths and injuries.
UK Parliament "Covid vaccine damage Bill 2nd reading" which admits only 1% 10 % or even much less are reported. The number is now in Millions of injuries and 100,000's of Deaths
See also The "Strong Delusion & The Great Reset" documentary in the last post above dated 7.7.2021 (not the intro but the full film as highlighted) which asks does the poisons / chemicals in vaccines go into your cells
The following adverse effects and deaths are dated 1) 3.10.2021 & 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022 & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022. Link no 7) is here dated 21.09.2022 for ease of navigation, and next is link NO 8) here available dated 13.02.2023 and NO 9 & 10 the next link to Vaccine deaths and injuries & the Human Genome project NO 9) & NO 10) is available here dated 22.04.2023 into May 2023 & new NO 11) is available here dated 18.August 2023 into Sep 2023 & new NO 11A ) is available here dated 31.10.2023 - 01.11.2023 into 2024 & NO 12 is here dated 3.4.2024 - 31.05.2024 (01.06.2024 pandemic treaty) & NO 13 ) is here & can be accessed at this link (continuing excess deaths and injuries) 6.6.2024 Pandemic Treaty / IHR & Doctrine of lesser Magistrates & with updates all dated 26/6/24 with an addendum also dated 26/6/24 & which has a further update (dated) 1.7.2024
1. 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths 1. (03.10.2021) Testimonies of the dead and injured in Israel emerge in compilation 2. Real People Compilation of vaccine deaths and injuries Real Stories. Real Reactions. It is mass murder. It is GENOCIDE. No 3 & No 4 & NO 5 & NO 6 & NO 7 & NO 8 & NO 9 (the EUdra vigilance figures) & NO 10 BBC & NO 11 & NO 12 & NO 13 & NO 14 & NO 15 & NO 16 & NO 17 & NO 18 & NO 19 & NO 20 & NO 21 & NO 22 & NO 23 & NO 24 & NO 25 & NO 26 & NO 27 & NO 28 & NO 29 & NO 30 & NO 31 & NO 32 & NO 33 & NO 34 & NO 35 & NO 36 & NO 37 & NO 38 & NO 39 & NO 40 & NO 41 & NO 42 & NO 43 & NO 44 & NO 45 & NO 46 & ERIC CLAPTON NO 47 & NO 48 Robert Malone inventor of the mRNA Vaccine & Rev Jesse Jackson NO 49 & Roy Butler Ireland NO 50 & NO 51 & NO 52 & NO 53 & Dr Shaun Brooks NO 54 & different date than previous NO 55 & NO 56 & NO 57 & NO 58 & NO 59 incredible complilation & NO 60 & NO 61 & NO 62 & NO 63 & Robert Kennedy 64 & NO 65 & NO 66 & NO 67 & NO 68 from July 2021 Dr Peter McCullough & NO 69 & NO 70 & NO 71 & NO 72 & NO 73 & NO 74 & NO 75 & NO 76 & NO 77 Further Israeli deaths and injuries detailed on own Government website after deletions & blackout & President Bolsenaro of BRAZIL NO 78 Elon Musk & family says no to Vaccine NO 79 & NO 80 & NO 81 & (UK Parliament "Covid vaccine damage Bill 2nd reading" which admits only 10 % or even much less are reported) NO 82 & Compilation NO 83 Vaccine ingredients NO 85 Bill Gates in India NO 86 & NO 87 & NO 88 & NO 89 250,000 Americans dead of teh vaccine SGT report & NO 90. General Colin Powell & NO 91 & NO 92 & NO 93 & NO 94
2. 'Vaccine' Injuries and deaths 2. Added as cotnd from above on the 08.11.2021 (95 - 110) Grieving uncles speaks on the m RNA & NO 95 & ? also Waterford highest amount vaccinated at 99.7 % in September 2021, but by Oct 2021 they have the highest covid ? The MSM wonders if there is a correlation between vaccines and deaths NO 96 & NO 97 & NO 98 & NO 99 63 % of deaths in UK are fully vaccinated say the centre for disease control & 100 & NO 101 & NO 102 & BBC say DOUBLE VAXX can still get covid at home 28.10.2021 NO 103 Woman menstrual bleeding & NO 104 & NO 105 & NO 106 & Dead babies in mortuary NO 107 & Del Bigtree and victims travel to Washington protest NO 108 & Irish deaths reported but only between 1 and 10 % now at 90 deaths and over 15, 705 injuries x at least 10 or x 99 NO 109 & Harrowing father at funeral of his son NO 110
3. 'Vaccine' Injuries and deaths 3. Added as contd from above 23.12.2021 into 2022 (nos 111 - 172) and No 111 and no 112 and NO 113 and NO 114 and Dr Andrew Wakefield "its not a vaccine but irreversible MRNA gene modification NO 115 and "The Crazy Mothers syndrome answered poetically" NO 116 and NO 117 and why are children dying from Still-births NO 118 and Trump signs the Trump Biden vaccine mandate NO 119 and NO 120 and NO 121 and The Covid Pill causing mutations in sperm and fetal cells NO 122 and 3 hours of compilation on children deaths and injuries NO 123 and human Legal status after the jab SGT REPORT NO 124 and the mRNA dna changing injection SGT Report NO 125 and NO 126 and ladies compilation #realtnotrare NO 127 study shows vaccines do not stop transmission and NO 128 and vaccines may not stop transmission (Scientific American) NO 129 and NO 130 and NO 131 and NO 132 and 81% of Israelis with Omicron are triple vaccinated NO 133 and NO 134 and many children die from vaccine NO 135 and young vaccinated driving the transmission not the unvaccinated NO 136 and NO 137 and 'SHOCK As Melbourne Woman Sets Herself On Fire Inside Car With Sign Saying: “NO ONE CARES, MANDATES ARE KILLING US” NO 138 and NO 139 and NO 140 and 1 minute into the vid a nurse shows the 4 stages of vaccines on you as you add more injections NO 141 and (already vaxxed platers ?) NO 142 and Milton Keynes funeral director showing increased deaths NO 143 and babies in infant deaths in mortuary NO 144 and NO 145 and NO 146 and NO 147 and Bill Clinton advises US government conducted 'plutonium' vaccine experiments NO 148 and NO 149 and NO 150 and NO 151 and Dr Tedros of the WHO not a doctor but a genocide criminal on the run NO 152 and CDC admits mRNA is cell 'gene therapy' NO 153 and Del big tree and damage to DNA via mRNA injection NO 154 and SGT report mRNA change by mRNA injections NO 155 and your new 'legal' status after vaccination by established lawyer on patents SGT Report NO 156 and NO 157 and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla NO 158 and Dr Carrie Madej on Pfizer vials NO 158A and (only between 1 and 10% reported ) 965,841 VAXXX INJURY/DEATH REPORTS FILED IN THE U.S. THROUGH 10 DEC 2021 NO 159 and as of October 2021 NO 159 A and VAERS only 1 % and 10 reported NO 159 B and (Celine Dion ) NO 160 and NO 161 and NO 162 and NO 163 and NO 164 and NO 165 and NO 166 and Pfizer CEO makes connection from vaccines to 5G NO 167 and connection to Transhumanism NO 168 and NO 169 and NO 170 and NO 171 & Senator Warren NO 172
4. 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths 20. 01.2022. 4 (173 to 223) With technical explanations of why your DNA is damaged or changed by the mRNA and vector injections killing 40 % of recipients NO 173 and NO 176 and NO 174 and NO 175 and NO 177 and mRNA / DNA analysis NO 178 and athletes dying / injured part 9 NO 179 and pro vaccine cardiologist NO 180 and COVID home tester with lethal ingredients NO 181 and Twitter suspends mRNA inventor Robert Malone because he admits it damages your DNA (time to dump Twitter for alternatives) NO 182 and NO 183 and deaths up 40 % in USA insurance stats and disability also & NO 184 and Israel Records 1st Case of Patient With Both COVID-19 and Flu, being one and the same Dubbed ‘Flurona’ NO 185 and mRNA DNA change NO 186 and actress Betty White ( “The Golden Girls” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show,”) NO 187 and 200 marines discharged for not taking vaccine NO 188 and vaccinated pilots officially flight risk NO 189 and yet the vaccinated who have also died on flights but are not a risk, can fly as passengers into England (see Max Igan no 197 below) NO 189A and Canadian Doctor locked up for finding stillbirth vaccine link NO 190 and Biden and Trump say you can still catch covid after vaccination in the 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' NO 191 and Yellow card injuries and deaths Britain but only between 1 and 10 % reported NO 192 and NO 193 and Vaers, 1 million adverse events (only between 1 or 10% recorded) NO 194 and NO 195 and Dr Michael Yeadon who has grasped 85 % - 90% of the truth NO 196 and Max Igan shows the more disturbing deaths at 14 minutes fwd approx from the vaccine including pilots dying in mid flight NO 197 and Whoopi Goldberg Triple vaxxed but now with Omicron as even triple vaxxed catch delta NO 198 and No 199 and USA adverse and deaths nearing genocide levels with only 1 % reported no 200 Thalidomide pills and vaccinations 1960 (same chemicals) NO 201 and Thalidomide NO 202 and 400 athletes collapsing and dying in last 6 months NO 202a and 'The Vaccinated girls, sick and betrayed documentary 2015' NO 203 and Nurse warns people to stay away from the vaccinated who are shedding disease onto others NO 204 and close contact to be resumed say Irish government to help shedding 204a and shedding by vaxxed causing heart attacks and blood clots and disease on the unvaxxed NO 204b and more stats reveal horror NO 205 and and a son relates his fathers death by the vaxx NO 205b and NO 206 and Irish government rejects pain relief for aborted babies (and whose cells are being harvested for vaccines) NO 207 and fully vaxxed Australians in hospital exceed unvaxxed NO 208 and repeat double vaxxed can still catch covid NO 209 and DR Mercola more children die from vaccination than covid NO 210 and tsunami of young sudden deaths in Ireland 210 b and 3 children die from vaccines in Australia as the state says it owns children and parents have no rights globally NO 210c and IKEA says no sick pay for unvaxxed workers NO 211 and 'Next' no sick pay for unvaxxed 211a and US Supreme Court mandates healthcare workers and others (contrary to MSM reporting on this case) NO 212 and US military exercises with left and right wing protesters in mind. FEMA is still running USA as signed in by Trump in March 2020 with input from China as WHO /UN.NO 213 and Government lists and martial law Lisa Haven on Trump / Biden NO 213a
(contd) Trans-humanism = In 2013 A hidden court case in 2013 the US Supreme court ruled Humans (people) cannot be owned or patented as they are Sovereign people flesh and blood made in the image of God, BUT They continued however and said they cannot be owned or patented unless they are synthetic (Reuters) NO 214 also reported on by the BBC as synthetic DNA can be patented NO 214a full court case details on PDF 214b and attempts to further narrow the definitions of human DNA in 2019 mRNA Vaccines do just that i.e. alter your human genome. NO 214c and most cases of covid not covid say CDC (center for disease control) NO 2015 and David Knight on genetic modification in vaccines NO 216 and Chinese twins die from genetic alteration NO 217 and Graphene and 5g / 6g NO 218 and 5G / 6G does not make faster internet speed NO 218a and Children's health defense win court victory to stop 5G NO 218B and lethal home testing kits NO 219 and nanotechnology in vaccines NO 220 CEO of Pfizer says diseases can be removed by gene editing (in 221 next) or changing your DNA /RNA and close contact easing of restrictions helps spread the graphene and chemicals to create more blood clots, heart attacks and deaths as is the intention and Israel has been a test area for this. Within the vaccines 'gain of function' viruses are hidden. ,NO 221 and Del Bigtree analyzes the lockstep reports of its now just a flu NO 222 and 1971 report on the ineffectiveness of flu vaccines, (today however spike protein mRNA vaccines are more effective at shedding) NO 222a and a young girl dies from vaccine with vaers reports still at % reported and Compilation from around the world "dropping like flies" NO 222C and The World Economic Forum / Davos 17.01.2022 say 70% of the world vaccinated and the next pandemic may be very severe (begins at 10 minutesin) NO 223 . Details on Trans-humanism from a spiritual perspective see the adjacent website and chapter 5 and post dated 12.01.2022
5. 'Vaccine' injuries and deaths 5 (225 to 275) added 3.3.2022 Contd from above) and 1.5 hour compilation of vaxx sports injuries NO 225 and Romanian football team bans vaxxed due to deaths and injuries NO 225a and death rates in vaxxed skyrocket NO 226 and Pfizer data NO 227 and Del Bigtree stats show countries with most vaxxed have higher deaths and injuries (incredible) Feb 3rd 2022 (see first 25 minutes) NO 228 and parents at child vaxx death EUDRAVigilance numbers January 2022 protest in Switzerland NO 229 and NO 230 and Feb 7 2022 HIV Variant found in Holland NO 231 and new Covid variant at China Beijing winter olympics NO 232 and NO 233 and NO 234 and pregnant woman NO 235 and babies dying from vaxx NO 236 and Shedding from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed, today restrictions eased for ease of spreading NO 236A and Germany restrictions will be permanent 21.02.2022 NO 237 and USA Pandemic of the UNVaccinated OAN NO 238 and HIV and the Vaccine NO 239 and Luc Montagnier, who won a Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the HIV virus dies 9.2.2022 NO 240 and NO 240a and COVIDLAND Pt 1 NO 241 and Covidland Pt 2 NO 242 and Covidland pt3 NO 243 and Covidland pt 4 NO 244 and Covidland pt5 NO 245 and Biden (19. 02.2022) extends FEMA national emergencies act enacted by Trump in March 2020 NO 246 and Trump FEMA national emergency act under FEMA March 2020 NO 247 Canada's declaration act February 14th 2020 NO 248 and VAERS update deaths and vaxx injuries for February 2022 only between 1 and 10 reported NO 249 Dr Zev Zelenko updates the dna / rna changing vaccines and what they are with HIV / AIDS NO 250 and killed by Pfizer vaccine NO 251 and Deborah Tavares (SGT Report) explains the climate depopulation agenda NO 251 and Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles catch covid fin Feb 2022 or 2nd time both are triple vaxxed NO 252 Queen Elizabeth 2nd catches Covid in Feb 2022 she is also triple vaxxed. NO 253 and Vaccinated people more likely to go to Hospital with ...Covid NO 253a and Big Pharma controls EU NO 254 and new HIV mRNA 'vaccines given go ahead NO 255 European medical agency admits mRNA injections into your cells also causes AIDS / HIV and destroys your immune system NO 256 Matt le Tissier (footballer) talks about Covid vaccine deaths and injuries NO 257 strange connection between vaccine and 5G NO 258 and NO 258A 'Vaids' HIV aids in vaccine NO 259 and digital ID rollout in Canada NO 260 and DIGITAL passports biometric ID with or without restrictions NO 261A and Digital rollout in canada NO 261b and Wall street launches new nature asset class currency NO 261B and Russia, China and India make $100 million coal deal 21.02.2022 NO 261C and Covid and aids NO 262 and Deleting US Military statistics NO 263 compare to other database NO 263A Vaers stats on under 29's Feb 2022 NO 264 and deaths and injuries in young NO 264a more evidence of HIV in vaxx NO 265 and vaxxed do shed onto unvaxxed Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA injections short version NO 265a & same but longer version Dr Robert malone shedding NO 265b and scientist developing "Self Spreading Vaccines" that spread by shedding onto unvaxxed ruining natural immunity NO 265C and other sources NO 265D & also NO 265E and once more NO 265F and vaxxed are catching vaids immune deficiency NO 265G and Prince Harry advises to get AIDS tested NO 265H Dr Sam Bailey reveals extent of shedding from the vaxxed to unvaxxsed watch to the end r.e. surveillance under the skin and hacking human beings as mRNA injections 'gene theraphy' & graphene shedding NO 265c Dr Lee Merritt & vaxx Shedding NO 265d Dr Amandha Vollmer warns on shedding from the vaxxed NO 265e & Dr A Vollmer again NO 265f and Doctors warn on shedding from vaxxed to unvaxxed NO 265g and Cancer in vaxx into mRNA / DNA Dr Jane Ruby NO 266 Chinese frim buys Canada patent for covid m RNA vaccine tech for $500 million NO 266a and China supplies Iran with weaponry NO 266B and China supplies Palestinians with weaponry NO 266C and Trump takes credit for being the father of the Vaccine NO 267 Biden door to door vaccine push July 2021 NO 267A Trump connections to injections with Jared Kushner NO 268 the truth of operation warp speed NO 269 and Ebola smuggling in Canada and USA with Dr Tedros (WHO) and associates NO 269A Dr Tedros (WHO) wanted for genocide NO 269B and Del Bigtree and HIV injection / vaccinations NO 270 & National geographic on Dr FACHI & Aids in the 1980's NO 270a Clips from the New Book from the WEF "The Great Narrative" 2022 Klaus Schwab on synthetic dna from mRNA vaccines NO 271 and also 271A and the Corbett report on the Great Narrative NO 272 Unvaxxed USA Military purged from Army from Trumps father of the Vaccine injection experimental 'gene therapy' NO 272a Military super soldiers gene augmentation NO 272B & also NO 272C & also NO 272C & also NO 272d and Supreme Court USA findings r.e synthetically modified people can be owned or patented, but real people cannot NO 273 & NO 273a & also NO 273B and further into 2019 273C (echoing the UN statement redefining what it means to be human and in also relation to abortion / fetus etc. Dr Andrew Wakefield injections are not vaccinations but genetic engineering NO 274 and Swedish study confirms that mRNA vaccines enter cells nucleus and alter DNA RNA also causing "autoimmune hepatitis" NO 275 )
The Great Narrative World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab book "The Great Narrative" with quotes from it below in 271 and 271a & 272 with details from the book
6. 'Vaccine' Injuries and deaths 2.4.2022 6. Added as cotnd from above (275 to 303 ) "Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study" altering it synthetically allowing patents to be made on the victims (many people in the trials died) NO 275a and Young people increasingly suffering strokes and blood clots including Haily Bieber (Justin Bieber wife) NO 275a and avian bird flu H5N1 alert for Northern England March 2022 NO 275 c and in EUROPE and in FRANCE millions of birds killed due to avian bird flu and in the USA avian bird flu and Ice age farmer overview. inc Russia stating they found Avian flu labs in Ukraine etc & with farm shut downs. Cancers detected in the vaxxed who now have ruined immune systems NO 275d and Bill Gates told the world in advance that DNA is altered and kills and maims NO 275e and mRNA 'vaccine' genocide 2021-2022 with testimonies from the victims and medical staff 1 hour 37 mins compilation NO 275e and Young Hearts compilations accrue injuries and deaths (108 soccer players globally have died) NO 275g & also 275h and Teen collapses in Gym but no one understands NO 275I and Biden in the State of the Union address on 1.3. 2022, New Vaccines within 100 days for new variants NO 276 and Pfizer mRNA vaccine / injection side effects and deaths papers released initially sealed for 75 years Gain of Function vaccines (making vaccines with diseases in them and making a vaccine to remove the disease) Twitter NO 277 and Liz Wheeler Bitchute NO 277a and UK Stats from the governent from 2020, 2021 into 2022 NO 277b and analysis of UK Stats NO 277c and China locks down 17 million in 14.03.2022 NO 277d and also NO 277e with Doctors analyzing data of HIV & acquired immune deficiency syndrome and cancers NO 277f and MSM denounces fake news concerning bio weapons lab in Ukraine NO 278 and WHO (World Health Organisation) & Dr Tedross who is not a Doctor but is wanted for genocide in Ethiopia reveals plans for Global Digital passport despite ending covid etc 8.3.2022 bio labs in Ukraine and Wuhan NO 279 and connection to Wuhan China NO 279a and Wuhan connection and trace to virus NO 279b US Supreme Court rejects application to stop employees from being fired if they do not want the jab NO 280 and woman list their injuries and deaths fro the vaccinations NO 280a and US Senate on 3.3.2022 says the emergency signed in March 2020 for FEMA is over but in fact the March 2020 FEMA Emergency is still in place as the Presidents "law" as an emergency overrides the senate and congress since 1933 & the National Security Act of President Truman in 1947 collateral against 'persons' continues. Biden extended the March 2020 emergency a few weeks earlier. NO 281 & As a case in point funding for FEMA under the covid emergency is extended to July 2022 on the 9.3.2022 NO 282 and WHO will partner with Deutsche Telekom and T Systems to bring QR Code App or later as a infra-red skin patch to avoid hackers problems & Social credit / personal energy credits UBI NO 283 and also NO 283a and again NO 283b and Biden signs Digital currency executive order 9.3.2022 NO 284 (or here also or here again The David Knight show Government shown to control bitcoin) and to 'regulate' digital currency China's social credit system NO 284A and Bitcoin rises in price on news NO 284b and Trojan horse of Bitcoin NO 284C & planned since 1988 via NSA & Goldman Sachs NO 285d and climate carbon asset class new from wall street in NET ZERO ENERGY NO 285e and Personal energy credits with digital currency pass or patch mark NO 286 and also NO 286A and also computing forever on the connected dots 286B and for a wider view see NO 286c, and Darpa's dual use allies and GMO and chemical weapons against China or Russia ? NO 286d and toxic mRNA injections NO 287 and Dr Mark Baily & Dr Thomas Cowan mRNA injections are similar to crispr gene editing NO 287a Dr Thomas Cowan website (see 275a above) NO 287b and Dr Lee Merrit & DR Carrie Madej 16.3.2022 NO 287c
......and UK on 15.03.2022 wants to extend Covid Health powers until September / October 2022 NO 288 and China locks down 51 million 16.03.2022 NO 288a and Triple vaxxed surgeon collapses during operation 288b and Woman dies from vaccination coroner reveals 288C and also Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board NO 289 and also "Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution from 11th June 2019 for also Gene Splicing" NO 290 and Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm NO 291 and WHO (World Health Organisation 10.03.2022 16.10.2022 ) warns of new outbreak linked to Ukraine war migrants spreading disease NO 292 and 9 in 10 COVID Deaths Are in Vaccinated People: Report NO 293 and Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Charles Lieber USA & Wuhan.The CIA,China & the mRNA vaccination M.O.B. NO 294 and Ireland's removal of its private property and private property rights 2022 in the Great Reset NO 294a and Emergency powers extended in Australia with 100 million doses Moderna injections mRNA on order in OZ at war with China as US troops deployed to OZ NO 294B 4th dose vaccination coming in Ireland 21.03.2022 NO 294c and Klaus Scwhab wants everyone microchipped by 2025 NO 295 and heart attacks from vaccine new study NO 295a and Pfizer seeks approval to inject infants with its gene therapy injections NO 296 and adjusted child death figures fro the CDC NO 296a and FDA seeks a new treatment for new variants see NO 283 above NO 296b Pope says mRNA vaccines or others are morally acceptable. Studies show recent numerous aborted fetus employed in vaccines NO 296c and Del big tree examines deaths and injuries and the lawsuit court case which exposed the crimes in late 2021 into 2022 NO 297 and reality of Ukraine and self spreading vaccines Dustin Nemos NO 297a and Central bank digital currency coming soon warns Blackrock and the David Knight show NO 298 and Bidens executive order on central bank (every nation's central bank ) crypto currencies NO 298a The real war in the Ukraine as the 1st full WEF ;Great Reset Government' to get China's social credit system it has Martial Law, Seizes Control Of All Media And Outlawed All Political Opposition ) NO 298b and Ukraine accelerates the Great Rest NO 298c and Putin and Zelensky (panama papers) both utilize crypto currency as the real world hopes both Russia, Ukraine and Moldova achieve freedom NO 298d and Jewish people are not your lab rats Pfizer deaths and injuries in Israel as it seeks to go to full Greater Isarel size NO 289e and longer vaccine sports injuries accruing month by month NO 298F and as the expert on Graphene placed within the vaccines dies Nov / Dec 2021 (Dr Andreas Noack)NO 298G and documentary Rotten shows that globalisation and worldwide imports and worldwide migration (illegal global trafficking) is bringing disease and famine. The supply chain fraud has to end to produce and grow all needs at home warns Larry Fink of Blackrock in reality as actual de jure responsible measures and NO 299 and The Global Pandemic Treaty to inject everyone globally in 2022 NO 300 & also NO 300a
Contd...... 'Pandemics are real, they have dead bodies everywhere but not via "germ theory", but terrain theory is not as lucrative for Big Pharma, (as people seek to prosecute the FDA and CDC) but it is real, both are separate from bio - warfare. Estimates of 5 million dead (so far) and 160 million injuries with only 10% reported (with a target of 70% of the world vaccinated by July 2022 but for long term damage also) out of 5 billion vaxxed in the new and old self shedding vaccinations which are also real and have existed for some time in humans and also in animals and even with non flu diseases within them from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated ( Canada seeks vaccines for new variants, and spreading out from China see above, Shanghai goes into lockdown 28.03.2022 )
US Supreme Court, the Pentagon, FEMA Trump and Biden See also no 4 above (dated 3.3.2022) for the new WEF book the 'Great Narrative' (timed to precede the closing of bank accounts for crypto or existing fiat currency in the Canada emergency see NO 283 above in this post after this Russia was delisted from the world's financial system, as China and Russia make new petro- currency as a dual petro - currency to blend into 1 in the near future for everyone ) The new book from the WEF (see above)which determines how your DNA will be changed by injection or pill as an integral part of the the 4th industrial revolution. The US Supreme Court overturned an earlier ruling by a district court which stated Navy seals (or the Navy) could opt out of being vaccinated, but now they have said that the district court was inserting itself into the chain of command of the military by this ruling ? (but Big Pharma are not inserting themselves into the chain of command detrimentally ? when seeking the augmented genetically modified 'super- soldier' if they survive the treatment, or and as it is being sold to the military and/or the public in order to win WW3, but is it" good army" or does it hinder or injure the military as a great deception ? ) To repeat; Biden extends funding for the FEMA emergency to July 2022 (first brought in by Trump in March 2020 after his personally funded operation warp speed as the father of the vaccine which in France is your fault as the vast known side effects were known in advance ? Children in the UK passed away from the vaccine in the last few months. and Foo Fighters Taylor Hawkins who pushed vaxx dies at 50 years of age NO 300b and testimonies of vaxx injuries and deaths from Israel NO 30oc )
7. 'Vaccine' Injuries and deaths 21.09.2022, from around the world (huge increase) 7. Added as cotnd from above from May 20222 on the 21.09.2022 (303 - 400) i.e the following 7 paragraphs or so (& info on the WHO World Health Organisation meetings below them) which contain nearly 200 examples with 1 - 6 above
GAA Footballer dies from vaxx NO 304 Nurse shocks audience by telling the truth that the US health system and vaccinations are killing people NO 305 and man collapses and is stretchered away from exterior of vaccine clinic NO 306 'More Reports of COVID Vaccine-Linked Heart Inflammation in Young Males Submitted to CDC' NO 306a and Biomedical, biometric digital medicine pills and vaccines tracking device's (what could go wrong ) NO 307 dropping like flies NO 308 and father of 2 dies in front of children after vaccination NO 309 and incredible KJs "what happened" Big Pharma vaccination global insights NO 310 Bicycle racer dies he needed vax to compete NO 311 people dying in broad daylight NO 312 and boosted (4th injection) catching Covid NO 313 and Covid Vaccine NO 314 US via Health and Human Services extends Covid emergency 25.04.2022 NO 315 'CDC Director Admits Agency Gave False Information on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring' NO 315A Biden extends FEMA in March 2022 thru July 2022 (from Trumps declaration in March 2020 ) NO 316 and overwhelming evidence of vaccine harm NO 317 the 2021 non approval of the genetic mRNA injection NO 318 UK Column on compensation for vaxx injuries and deaths NO 319 '21% of Deaths Reported to VAERS After COVID Shots Occurred Within 48 Hours of Vaccination' NO 320 effects of mRNA dna changing experimental injections on pregnant woman NO 321 and sudden huge uptake of heart attacks and cancers NO 322 and here also NO 323 and synthetic food GMo altered for altered humans NO 324 and removing military members who refuse mRNA changing injections into the dna cells and into the blood brain barrier and new weapon to remove protests & to bring UN troops via the pandemic treaty NO 325 and Vaccine Injury: Girl Suffers Anaphylactic Shock & Blood Clots - Doctors Might Need To Remove Her ... NO 326 “This is Beyond Shocking” – American Frontline Doctors on FDA Approval of Failed Ebola Drug Remdesivir By the FDA for “Treatment” of Covid-19 in Babies NO 327
CDC lifts vaccines off shelves for fear of blood clotting NO 328 List of Pfizer (similar to all companies) adverse effects leading to death NO 329 and NEW DATA: VAXXED GETTING COVID MORE THAN UNVAXXED NO 330 and VAX DEATHS GO MAINSTREAM! - FDA Stops J&J Over Blood Clots - Children With Liver & Heart Problems! NO 331 and Pilots injured unable to fly NO 332 and Rheumatologist: 40% of 3,000 Vaccinated Patients Reported Vaccine Injury, 5% Still Injured NO 333 and Mother Commits Suicide over infant death-Prenatal & Neonatal Infant Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide NO 334 and ''MRNA SHOTS INTERACTING WITH HUMAN DNA AND WHAT THIS COULD MEAN FOR THE VACCINATED'' NO 335 and also Jules Serkin (and others ) BBC PRESENTER DISCUSSES SIDE EFFECTS SHE'S EXPERIENCED SINCE RECEIVING COVID JAB... and Jules Serkin says media told to be quiet about vaccines deaths and injuries NO 336 BbC presenter Lisa Shaw inquiryNO 337 UK-GOV-ONS (office of national statistics) confirms 70K people died within 28 Days of C19 VaXX in England + 179K died within 60 Days NO 338 and Analyst Discovers VAERS Loophole, Thousands of Deaths Deleted NO 339 and ‘That’s Just Part of Aging’: Long Covid Symptoms Are Often Overlooked in Seniors NO 340 and Cindy Young Ontario, Canada NO 341 Man tracks down the GP that gave his family member a vaccination and killed NO 314a Father speaks to Pharmacist after his son was diagnosed with Myocarditis caused by the covid VAXX NO 341b or here also NO 341c
MSM Confused Why Healthy Women Under 40 Are Dying At Alarming Rate NO 342 and The Forcible Injection Of Children NO 343 and Severe siezures after 2nd Moderna covax injection boosted NO 345 and 'sudden infant death syndrome' & 'sudden adult death syndrome' NO 346 and COVID VACCINE INJURIES OVERWHELM COURTS NO 347 and Evidence of Collusion and Malfeasance - ''They Have Intentionally Harmed You'' NO 348 and They are dropping so fast & frequently now it's getting scary NO 349 and WIDOWED AT 38 BY THE ASTRAZENECA COVID SHOT AND THEN IGNORED BY THE STATE NO 350 and Jabs Forever and Ever and Ever NO 351 and "Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals" & Agnieszka "Aga" Wilson (a global consultant on human rights, policy development, and international training, for non-profits, NGOs, and the United Nations ) WEBSITE WITH VACCINE TESTIONIES injuries and more NO 352 her interview (21.06.2022) with Astrid Stuckleburger following the confusion on the pandemic treaty (it is going ahead) NO 353 and high rise in babies dying from previous years NO 354 and "Spike in Miscarriages, Fetal Deaths, Uterus Shedding: Fertility Doctor on Vaccine Side Effects in Pregnant Women" NO 355 and at 5 minutes and 55 seconds Greg Mannarino the extermintaion due to the other 'phenomenon' at 5 mins 55 seconds NO 356 a huge massive increase in deaths across the board say insurance companies NO 357 & Synthetic mRNA Suppresses Immune System, Possibly Leads to Cancer, Blood Clots, Fertility Issues, Spontaneous Abortions: Dr. Malone NO 358 & seizures in children NO 359 huge increase across the board in 20 to 40 year olds who are vaxxed (so cannot be covid) NO 360 & EU admits vaccines are destroying immune systems and in the USA they are not safe NO 361 Supreme Court USA rules synthetic DNA can be patented and Owned NO 362 and in Israel as in 2021 vaxxed are getting ill or dying but in the vaccinated June / July 2022 NO 363 and THE WHO push for a pandemic treaty in mid July 2022 NO 364 & Booster shots do not work NO 365 & British government data showing deaths from covid after vaxx 7.7.2022 NO 366 and Swedish woman ill for 2 years NO 366a an outline of the great reset as humans to be farmed / Genetically engineered fact or fiction ? NO 366B
(contd 0 & Dr. Harvey Risch: Why Are Vaccinated People Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than the Unvaccinated? NO 367 & The truth is beginning to come out and people getting angry. NO 368 Big Pharma, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Trump pushing drugs and the failing covid narrative (Tucker Carlson & Tom Cruise & the chemical imbalance lie) NO 369 Trump, Trudeau, Biden, Schwab and all for jail or worse & vax miscarriages NO 370 30 students in India vaxxed with same needle NO 371 ARE THE BOOSTED PROLONGING THE PANDEMIC? NO 372 mRNA Injection Injuries and Deaths #6 372A Mysterious virus breaks out in canadian day care children NO 372b UK GOV: Vaxxed Kids 8,100% More Likely To Die! US: Calculated VAERS Data 5,040 Vaxxed Kids Dead! NO 372a 'Vaccinated and Boosted People Have Less Protection Against BA.5 Than BA.2 Variant: Study' NO 373 a compilation of VAERS reports NO 373A Vaers reveals 30,000 deaths but only between 1 and 10 % recorded NO 373B & Why are the Vaxxed getting Sicker NO 374 WHO Declares a Global Monkey pox small pox global health emergency pandemic 23.07.2022 & NO 375 San Francisco & New York declares emergency 28.07.2022 San Francisco NO 376 & New York 30.07.2022 NO 376A & July 6th 2022 New reports (Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine) support a new pandemic treaty after WHO global meeting at the end of June 2022. Its cites Nationalism as problem in a pandemic etc NO 377 The WHO ? or the USA declares all of the USA under a new Health Emergency NO 377A (There is no known cure for Smallpox / Monkeypox except 'Sarracenia Purpurea' not in the vaccines ? a plant you can buy, yet vaccines are being made ? What's In The Monkeypox Vaccine? NO 377B HALF A MILLION INDIAN KIDS SUFFERING FROM PARALYSIS THANKS TO EVIL KILL BILL GATES NO 377C
Marburg deaths also rise in Ghana Africa NO 378 Stanley Johnson father of Boris Johnson writes novel on Marburg virus NO 379 Sadhguru: "Get Vaccinated" NO 380 Illinois Chicago declares Smallpox MP Emergency NO 381 Woman now regrets vaccine NO 382 Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2022 NO 383 What is in the Smallpox, Monkeypox Vaxx ? which only the covid vaxxed are catching are which are also mRNA DNA changeling vaccines 'SGT Report' NO 384 & also here 'Last American Vagabond NO 384a and 'New Science Shows Vaccines Help Omicron Spread: Peer-Reviewed Study' NO 384b 91% of COVID Deaths since the beginning of 2022 Are Triple Vaxxed! NO 385 Vaxxed Are Exhausting and Depleting Their T Cells Says Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche NO 386 Major Evidence China Is Making The Pfizer Vaccine Ingredients! NO 387 Compilation of numerous frankenvaxx victims - Courtesy of Real Not Rare NO 388 91% of COVID Deaths since the beginning of 2022 Are Triple Vaxxed! NO 389 Ted Turners (student of Aice bailey) Georgia Guidestones blow up NO 390 The Sacred Geometry of the Georgia Guidestones (which also preferred a human population of 500,000 or less. A marker to begin events ) NO 391 HEARTS IN FLAMES: Numerous Myocarditis Studies Showing Extreme Risk in Vaxx For Young Men NO 392 'Newborn baby’s arm Amputated after mom took covid vaccines and baby suffered blood clots in the womb' NO 393 The REAL Reason You’re Still “Unvaccinated” Until Two Weeks After Your Shot NOo393a Dr. Clare Craig exposes Pfizer's fraudulent methods of testing the C-19 vaccine for children. NO 394 A.I.D.S Self Testing Kits are Coming.NO 395 & Israeli COVID Vaccine Director of the Israel Institute for Biological Research for 8 years from 2013 to 2021 Prof. Shmuel Shapira MD Who was Physically Injured by Pfizer Vaccine — Is Locked Out of Twitter After Suggesting Link Between Monkeypox Outbreak and mRNA (DNA Changing) Vaccines NO 395a & here again on twitter screenshot / blog NO 395b
Fully Vaccinated 34-Year-Old Professional Comic Book Artist Dropped Dead NO 395C Safe and Effective "Vaccine" Kills Another Kid NO 395d '9-Year-Old Dies Two Weeks After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine: VAERS' NO 396 and more die from Vaccination in Taiwan than 'covid'.Operation warp speed has increased deaths & cancers and harm to children spectacularly in USA NO 396a 12.08.2022 CDC sems to ease restrictions but FDA increases them (48 hour serial testing) even more as China locks down millions NO 396b including Tibet NO 396c and Airline Pilot tells us what the vaccine did to him NO 397 CDC-REMOVES-150K-DEATHS-FROM-VAERS-SYSTEM-VACCINE-GENOCIDE NO 397A and 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Covid Shots' NO 398 more sudde death syndrome lies NO 398a and compilation from around the world NO 398b new study on 'sudden death' syndrome 'Young Adults Dying in Record Numbers, but Not From COVID-19' NO 398C and also NO 398 d and yound adults dying from vaxx NO 398D and Vaxxed Patients Are Increasingly Developing VAIDS, Unable To Shake Off Basic Infections (12th Sept) NO 399 Only 5 out of 200,000 people who participated in a 2013 mRNA-Based Medication Trial are Alive Today NO 399A and Gov Data shows Feritility crashes in Uk, 9 months after 'Vaccine?' Why? NO 399b and VAXXED Children are poisoned by design NO 399 C and LA VITA CON SARS-COV2 testimonies from around the world NO 399D and Vaxx deaths are suicide for insurance purposes as you consented NO 399e and How to refuse arrest and how to nullify the legal fiction admiralty courts in common law NO 399f and British Government Admits: COVID-19 Vaccines PERMANENTLY DAMAGE Natural Immune System and with last link NO 399g
(highly recommend to watch ) And 12.09.2022 UK Column Dr. Sam White is a GP who has dared to speak out against what he describes as a war on UK Public Health. Prosecuted by our own government which is a PLC (or here on UK Column website) NO 400 (as people 4 times vaxxed with boosters are still catching 'covid') & Dr Sam bailey on why there is no isolated Virus
**** The Indemnity Myth is just that and the companies and politcians who pushed these injections are liable professionally, and personally as well as via thier business dealings
Operation warp speed and the Trump Vaccine (in the USA) has killed and injured more people than the Vietnam war (and world wide) The Trump Vaccine or here on rumble once more & also see the The Trump shot Testimonies from Israel 2 Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83) or here again also on rumble
Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release, 'How Bad is My Batch' (i.e how bad is my vaccine batch make and dates and number) Learn the
13 September 2022 - 23.09.2022 World Health Organisation (WHO) 77th session of the
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) & US Midterm elections
The Who meeting concludes on the 27th 09.2022 and will be updated soon thereafter below.....
(see also the US Midterm Elections on the adjacent website and new post for it dated 3.10.2022 shortly )
Whilst the global emergencies of Covid (20.09.2022) and 'Monkeypox' known as H7N9 which is a stronger man made Asian bird flu / smallpox variant (declared for Monkey Pox on 23.07.2022 for whole world see NO 375 above and many US States, who are now mid september 2022 advising of the virus in Boston (last link) and also in Los Angeles. China advises not to touch foreigners as it spreads to the Ukraine are still live and underway (with new panic reported in the press every day but upon people with weakened immune systems and it is therefore more serious) and the USA is still under FEMA control since Trump signed into law in March 2020.
The Plandemic Treaty was passed by the WHO quietly (not by voting it in but by 'executive decision') in a subsequent second meeting following the main meeting in June / July 2022
New executive orders by Biden on currency and Transhumanism (Human Augmentation) have been signed recently. 1. Sep 12th 2022 'Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy' The Executive Order gives the Secretary of Agriculture 60 - 180 days to submit a report on how biotechnology and bio manufacturing can be used for food and agricultural innovation via the FDA and for defence purposes with $2 billion in funding 2. March 2022 The Trump / Biden (we are both the deep state) double act for CBDC Central bank digital currency executive order 14067 as 'C - Day' on proposed day December 13th 2022 proposed for every central bank world wide
Canada's biodigital convergence This is the same outlook as the 2022 'Exploring Biodigital Convergence' Canadas which seeks to merge living things with non living things (which traditionally have 'thought to be incompatible') but now you can merge with AI (Elon Musk ?) to beat AI and also replace all your organs especially your brain ( mind ) with non living manufactured equivalents (for the bio-security state a huge world lockdown)
Added 29.09.2022 The Vatican's shutdown / collection (`transnational criminal organisation act) of its assets into the Vatican City (which is subject to common law an is not a haven or inviolate) is also due to the genocide accusations against it which the vatican has admitted in July 2022. The Law ``transnational criminal organisation act " is forcing the Vatican to bring all its assets into its control, but it is transferring its funds to China (Nigaura expelled the Vatican nuncio in early September 2022 and is calling the vatican a dictatorship The UN itself is a competing transnational criminal organization) but the genocide accusations affect many organisations worldwide The Vatican is trying to seize the funds of the Knights of Malta see below and next heading to pay its trillions in Genocide debts as the currency wars / meltdown continue in the gigantic world debt. (ore information on this at the end of this post) All lands and fixtures as building real estate are liable to be seized
It has emerged that Trump signed an executive order on 'improving vaccines' (Trump "the father of the vaxx") on September 19th 2019 executive order 13887 before Bill Gates 'Event 201' in Oct 2019 and before 'Wuhan' (although china had already started vaccinating and its army in 2019) It was for the patriots at the rallies. Obama prepared the plandemic Executive order 13747 on the 4.11.2016 (as CEO of the fake 1871 Corporation see above in late 2016 into 2018 ) as either the worlds greatest hoax or the greatest mass murder operation from a man made virus in world history. " The document, originally unearthed in March by Politico, is a 69-page National Security Council guidebook developed in 2016 with the goal of assisting leaders “in coordinating a complex U.S. Government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.” Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before the US election) "Executive Order 13747-- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats"
Compensation for victims of vaccine deaths and injuries. Since this (ongoing) campaign is political and corporate but also directed at children, pregnant woman and babies, then compensation claims can be directed against corporate profits (in total) real estate and also the entire fortunes and real estate of those involved as how much should 1 death be compensated ? $50 billion perhaps, this is separate from prison sentences and includes private pundits, politicians, health executives nurses and doctors and more in the chain (estimates of 1 Quadtrillion have been floated initially )
Pandemic Centres The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation "Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations" via the Pandemic Antiviral Discovery (PAD) has opened a Pandemic centre in Melbourne Australia and which will be duplicated worldwide (not exactly like the CDC) but will enable vaccines fast and efficient delivery to every human being on earth (5.5 Billion so far) as GAVI and with the UN / Unicef has advocated for over the last decade (Smallpox / Monkey Pox spread 2022 ) and with Bill Gates preparing for the next pandemic
This all advances Human Augmentation, but first as a military experiment (do not forget) on the military prior to 2019. Regulation for the '4th industrial revolution' "The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterised by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics" and also "Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm" and see also 'Super Soldiers, Human Augmentation,MOD armed forces. Great Reset 4th Ind Revolution. Agenda 21 - 30'
Governor Hochul of New York youtube " NY Governor Hochul: God Wants You To Get Vaccinated" (for the mark of the beast ) which as you can see below the Pope approves of and even if it has baby DNA from human baby fetal cells for the pro-life supporters. see also the US Midterm Elections on the adjacent website and new post for it dated 3.10.2022 shortly (this new post of vaccine deaths and injuries no 7, 303 - 400 added 21.09.2022)
8. 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths 1. (13.02.2023) 8. Added as contd from above 1 - 7 from the 03.10.2021 (this post numbered as 401 - 450) An internet search on any other alternative and now even many MSM platforms will find the same news (numbered up to 450 now they could reach 400 million and 50 as injuries or deaths) Links to numbers 1 & 7 here (NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link is here dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022 & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 inbetween 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022 )
401 contd. This compilation also explains that the compilations are endless and brutal Baby monitor catches vax death - Mother falls over dead right in front of her kids and here it explains that "mRNA (vaccine / injections) is 'Gene therapy" and they alter your DNA and they are not traditional vaccinations
401 Matt Le Tissier. Protest speech outside of the BBC Feb 2022 Matthew Le Tissier speech (or again here also)
401a & Terry Hall lead singer of the Specials, & a pro vaxxer radio presenter James Whale, & Primal Scream member Martin Duffy, Tom Fletcher from band McFly all ill or die from the vaxx (mRNA experimental DNA gene therapy injection all in one day NO 400 & next "Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting: FDA" NO 401b
& next NO 401a DeSantis Supreme Court investigation into jabs (or here also again) & NO 402 PERFORMERS DYING, FALLING ILL AND COLLAPSING ON STAGE ~ 53 IN 3 MONTHS !! & Leana Wen, the deranged communist Party of China in the USA now says Vaxx is dangerous after previously saying people unvaxxed should stay inside. NO 403 alternatively (see here also ) & Big Pharma no longer trusted NO 404 & Pope did authorize DNA in baby vaccines even for pro life Catholics NO 405 & people who are under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate.” NO 406 & mRNA Jabs for EVERY Disease, Nanobots to Kill Cancer NO 407 & Karen Kingston: mRNA Technology To Be Included in Childhood NO 408 & ABC News Producer Dies From Climate Change Induced Heart Attack at 37 NO 409 & Pfizer warns that Vaccinated men to NOT have intercourse with child-bearing aged women NO 410 & Jenny Porter disabled by Vaxx with no support NO 411 & 22 Babies dead given vaccinated blood NO 412 & 80 PLUS Doctors dead from vaccine NO 413 & many people died suddenly Christmas day in Durham & NO 413A "Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects" & NO 414 & Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St. George's Hospital Medical School London says cancer from vaxx are exploding & NO 415 GB News UK massive spike in excess deaths of a 1000 a week GB News and Sick patient killed by guards use of excessive force to restrain her for not wearing a mask properly NO 416 and Another ABC Producer Drops Dead from the Vaccine! & NO 417 and next the MSM are now basically saying we never said they would work ? MSNBC Host FURIOUS After Internet Mocks Him For Getting Covid For 3 MONTHS Despite Triple Vaxxed & next Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown to Be No 418 sudden deaths and long term injuries BREAKING: Massive Spike In Unexpected Deaths In England & Wales, Many Thousands Dying In Excess! No 419 The truth about palliative care Kate Shemirini NO 420 THE COMING BIG CULLING - Lorazepam, Redemsivir, Palliative Care Path, Euthanasia - Kate Shemirani NO 421 Assisted suicide podcast of the lotus eaters Republicans Were Right About Social Healthcare | feat. @AlexStein99 (all healthcare has same research basis public or private) "Why Some People Never Become Infected With COVID-19" NO 421a and next NO 422, 40 + sports injuries since Jan 2021 NO 423 Cora Pantin vaccine promoter dies suddenly from vaccine NO 424 Tori Spelling in hospital from vaccine NO 425 Child gets 6 vaccines at once NO 426 Performers Dying, Falling ill and Collapsing on Stage (53 in 3 months to 19 Oct 2022) and next VIDEO: Senate Hearing Shown Evidence Covid Shot Causes 145% Increase In Death NO 426 a
NO 427 Moderna Vaccine Injures Six People Within Hours of COVID-19 Vaccine “Super Station” Opening NO 428 SHOCKING: Millennial Death UP 36%! - VAXX MASS MURDER EXPOSED! - We Need Justice NOW! & NO 429 world deaths rise 40 per cent higher than normal & NO 430 "Acute Psychosis After COVID-19 Vaccination" & NO 431 Example of severe neurological disease from vaccines
White House assistant to Kamala Harris killed by Vaxx NO 431 Young boy vaxxed "how big pharma create patients for life" NO 432 FDA authorized covid 19 bivalent vax for babies (12.12.2022 ) NO 433 LEAKED HOSPITAL EMAIL - STILLBIRTHS SKYROCKETING FROM 6 PER YEAR TO OVER 20 PER MONTH
NO 434 covid xaxx injuries Channel NO 435 American Heart Association article on the COVid -19 VAXXines that cause Myocarditis injury & death NO 437 Researchers Prove Link Between Deaths and COVID-19 Vaccines NO 438 72 page report on the spike proteins injuries and treatments NO 439 The shocking covid BC channel
440 The mRNA Vaccines Could Wind Up in Food Supplies; CDC Investigates Vaccines and Strokes NO 440a changing the world's living creatures DNA step by step (but for spiritual requirements mRNA crispr technology requires your consent) 441 What Does He Know That We Don’t? WHO Leader Drops Bizarre “Future Prediction!” 441a and also Dr Robert Malone - mRNA Vaccines, Pfizer & 5th Generation Warfare and/or also 441b COVID Vaccine a Pentagon Project, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
442 Stew Peters Network 'World Premiere: Died Suddenly'
443 Dr Simone Gold mRNA experimental vaccine warning & 443a mRNA warning on the experimental DNA changing injections
444 Collapsed Suddenly - Brought to you by PFIZER!
445 'Fluvid' documentary Crispr technology with most if not all injections inc the flu shot soon Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Billions of people bypass & destroy immune systems
446 David Knight compilation A When Trump Divorced America and Married Pfizer B Who Started the Wuhan STORY? C mRNA Jabs for EVERY Disease, Nanobots to Kill Cancer, D How Trump & Biden Handed Power to WHO E Yes, mRNA *IS* Gene Therapy (repeated as this new technology from 2020 are not traditional vaccinations but even they contained poison see further down) F Operation Warp Speed - Trojan Trump's Mass Murder G Trump and Remdesiver
Trump blamed the pro - life faction for his defeat (even though he was not running ?) in the US 2022 / 2023 midterm elections ? however in promoting operation warp speed and vaccines with baby DNA and poison within them "Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients' and other ingredients Bill Maher (Real Time) & Tucker Carlson on Vaccines & Vaccine ingredients all backed and supported by by the Pope ? Trump also called for an end to the US constitution in December 2022 and into 2023 as it it hindered him, and incredibly the 'patriots' cheered, but what is even more bizarre is the US constitution is still suspended (anyway) by Trump / Biden from March 2020 and is still under FEMA and covid or a pox emergency Remember in March 2020 Trump began it "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! " (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE and yet the US still went into the elections, the MSM machine rolled on in the fictitious corporation the US has diminished into ? The covid 'emergency' is still in place in all nations below the surface even though it is announced the USA may remove the emergency on 30.011.2023 the WHO (actually now in charge) say it is still an emergency
447 DANGER: "Anti-Vaccine" Thoughts are a Mental Illness Requiring "Treatment"
447b An example of the 'before and after' on taking injections from Australia and the Today programme in February 2021 (spreading misinformation) into 2023.... KARL STEFANOVIC WAKING UP ON AIR (and see Doctors in the UK pushing vaccination before and now reversing, after in 'the big reveal' ? Hugo Talks channel)
449 22 Vaccinated Babies Died in One Month at One Hospital and in relation to this 449a Baby Given Vaccinated Blood Infusion Dies Within Days From Blood clot and 449b Biometric ID From Birth — To Track VAX Status
450 BREAKING: VAX-COVID PROSECUTIONS TO BEGIN IN SWITZERLAND & POSSIBLY THAILAND (r.e. Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha and others. Princess Bajrakitiyabha is still in a coma with a heart condition. This is the incredible advice from the CDC on mRNA experiential injections "Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination" but cases are running into millions, here is 1 example "WHISTLEBLOWER: Vaxx Injured Pilot SPEAKS OUT: Pilot REVEALS Jab Caused MYOCARDITIS" and on Princess Bajrakitiyabha a known voice Prof. Scharit Bhakdi explains
Trump, Biden, Obama (the uni-party) owe all their lands and wealth as payment for these deaths even before prosecution as in Common Law, "indemnity" is not a defense. These 3 are just some of the thousands and the tens of thousands under them that implemented this See also Liz Wheeler on the Pfizer released documents and now a Tory MP suspended for saying it is the worst occurrence since the Holocaust then also recently (i.e Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83) and then Professor Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London (cancer from injections & see Davos Says Coming Soon: mRNA "Cancer Vaccine" ) further away but with the same view Investigations from Japan and also by Florida Supreme COURT into the mRNA experiment on humanity Injected dying and spawning variants, Doctors in the UK pushing vaccination before and now reversing, after in 'the big reveal' ? People are catching 'covid' after 4 injections and boosters who then get 'long covid' and later heart attacks. The philosophy of metaphysics behind these DNA changing injections is to alter (remember 5.5 billion people injected with more to follow) by eradication all illness or genetic defects by the Crispr technology inherited from the first base pair of Humans (the God gene or Adam and Eve gene) to produce a new perfect race (if you survive) eradicating the 'sins' of illness as a saviour leading to immortality ('Ayrans' or any tribe on any continent are already created perfectly without a new 3rd strand of DNA) by becoming 'pure' allowing access to the Tree of Life in Kabbalistic or in non metaphysical, DNA alterations (but see the adjacent website and a new post dated 12.01.2023 on this topic)
Pandemic Treaty 2023 (& Common law)
In early Dec 2022 the WHO /UN finalised the international health regulations (truly terrible) Pandemic Treaty finalised, Dr Francis Boyle & Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING on WHO Pandemic treaty...(under Tedros still wanted for war crimes in Ethiopia and now the world) and then this was confirmed in early January 2023 The WHO World Order Yes they have made a pandemic treaty along with sweeping away many international anti - trafficking laws in the EU and wider and they have removed the following 13 words from the previous UN "human rights" constitution (here as follows) "WITH THE FULL RESPECT FOR THE DIGNITY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS OF PERSONS" with a stipulation that all medical conditions are given a number ! (so in or out of the 'treaty' human dignity can be removed at a stroke on any day) This post added 13.02.203
Power in the USA and many other countries has been handed over to the UN / WHO already ad the treaty or regulations can be thrown in later How Trump & Biden Handed Power to WHO ( Yes, mRNA *IS* 'Gene Therapy' and how it is possible Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Billions of people bypass & destroy immune systems)
In March 2020 without any revision of the International health regulations (IHR) or de facto Pandemic treaty the world was locked down and human dignity rights were removed. The double train tracks of the IHR and Pandemic treaty have in effect already been agreed, just as the press announced Biden has agreed to join the North American Union Canada the USA and Mexico in the North American Union (but its not ...yet or is it etc when in fact the US constitution is suspended under Trump or Biden and now they are all 1 country with further details here and also more information here again and background to trilateral input and here also in wikipedia with the UN Agenda 21 outline here also ) and when in fact this Agenda 21 - 30 requirement is already agreed, just as the WHO constitution was joined with the UN's in 2019 - 2020 and soon with the Commonwealth which is much more 'democratic' (democracy itself can become a tyranny in the 2 or 2.5 uniparty state) or common law infused as nation states, and who may insist on common law as many sovereign nations are doing. Trump or Biden the world moves towards a New world Order of digital, injected CBDC (central bank digital currency) AI surveillance global technocracy (the new 'AI Chat bots' which are here ) which disguises much of its true aim globally "Made in God's Image ? Genesis 1:26-28" where energy will become money in the cashless society (energy credits and debits as the social credit system, UBI Universal basic income, inflation defunct credit dystopia) Informally or formally the pandemic IHR is simply an ironing out exercise to bring a unified response. Under martial law it does not matter if it is signed or not without Magna Carta, or Habeas Corpus (but the pandemic treaty is signed in the USA) into possibly Terra Carta or some similar venture away from its original purpose, joined onto Marshall Law to a similar treaty. Common Law is the law. (see UK Column News Feb 2023. The Supremacy of Common Law, the Law of the Land & your property & person or also once more (Ceylon)...what is the common law right to travel? and overall on the Law Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea (Dead in the Water) See the New American Channel also
The UN Pandemic Treaty (Dr Francis Boyle above ) establishes a Global Police State, (by either vehicle of WHO regulations and/or the Pandemic treaty being one and the same) which Trump in the Uniparty also funded via private funding to Bill Gates (WHO) to begin the next phase of the New World Order, moving from the Liberty bell (liberty on a leash) to the ringing of the Die Glock (Russia was the first in 1919 to employ the Swastika of the Veda's)
We are told now that the UN/WHO have reinstated the missing 13 words (in the brown words 2 paragraphs above) preventing the advance of of covid mark 2 in Australia as also the little advertised court case in London in 2022 which stopped covid mark 2, yet the CDC has mandated that children January / February 2023 have the mRNA 'vaccines' in 2023 despite this? whilst Lula in Brazil drafted in at all costs (freed from prison) in a election Coup d'etat (as Bolsonaro is 'anti-vax') says no vaxx then no money (buy and sell) or here again on Bitchute one more so as far as Brazilians are concerned in reality De Jure (as that is reality) they are under a Pandemic CBDC Treaty now under the New world Order UN/WHO (awaiting full on implementation which can happen in any country on any day)
This sub-post no 8 added 13.02.2023
Extra links added in 27.10.2023 for no 8 Pharma In Full Panic! Sen. Johnson Exposes "Elite Group" Behind Covid Hysteria HOW MANY TIMES CAN MY SISTER GET COVID? and NOTHING TO SEE HERE! CHALK UP ANOTHER DEAD PLAYER...
EDDIE TESTER - ANOTHER SHERIFF DROPS DEAD! IT'S BAFFLING! and 1986 Act: What The Government Don't Want You To Know About Mandatory Vaccines - Dr. Andrew Wakefie.. and Vaccine injured. She was one of the unlucky ones. It only half killed her and Joe Lindner “Dies Suddenly” at 30 years old after 4 Covid Shots ! and .C. NURSE "Don't Let Them Get Away With It" and BANNED ON YOUTUBE - Lab An$Trillions are owed in compensation, (and even capital punishment for murder) not just against the vax companies, but also against the media and even churches who were / are complicit. State public buildings have no right to stop people entering or filming (for example) or to wear a mask. Compensation from politicians personally can be pursued and obtained. alysis at 7 Universities Shows NO COVID! and Three Types of People in the World and COVID-19 Scam Death Shot Victim Memorial and Demonstration in Berlin and DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI: “YOU WILL BE GENETICALLY TRANSFORMED FOREVER” and The Pandemic Preparedness And Biosecurity
9 & 10 (22.04.2023 into May 2023) 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths contd food inflation and the corpus juris marshall law, The US Supreme Court and the Human Genome Project. 9. Added as contd from above 1 - 8 from the 03.10.2021 (this post numbered as 451 - 481 & see no 10 below) Throughout 2023 (so far into 2024 the deaths and injuries continue and grow) Biden on the 12.04.2023 ends the covid (Trump) emergency or is it still in effect "Emergency Order ended quietly ... or did it" Both covid and the 'Monkeypox' emergency order is still in effect in the World Health Organisation (WHO) yet the FDA are now saying we do not need to have an emergency to have an emergency (On the children's schedule "operation lockstep" is a cover for totalitarian control globally under the now completed Plandemic Treaty and the IHR (International health regulations see no 8 above)
The real emergency is people dying or injuries from vaccines. In 2020 the fear mongers said it was doom unless people wore masks, social distanced and took 4 (at first 1) vaccines or more plus boosters. This is not about the money as Big Pharma companies are many tiers down the pyramid, this is about totaal human control with unlimited Trillions to make it happen , amidst the bankers wars currently underway, and this will continue with or without any outcome of those wars, as this is the most important project
No 451 Trump persuaded the FDA that its previous ban on crispr cas 9 gene editing technology (in also the experimental injections) should be lifted for 'operation warp speed' NO 452 the official story of the bat in china is now officially wrong and the outbreak began in a lab, possibly in wuhan shared with the west . Former CDC Director Dr Robert Redfield explains that the wuhan virus (covid / corona) was a lab leak and employed Gain of Function research (and his explanation of the Welcome foundation) which means the virus is a bio-weapon (taking his logical conclusion ) "Next Pandemic Will Be the Pandemic of All Pandemics & Lab Engineered." NO 452A The virus is still not isolated in 2023 ? ADDRESSING DR'S COLE, MCCULLOUGH; MALONE... ON 'THE VIRUS MISCONCEPTION' NO 453 A new vigorous "restrict act" (a new patriot act) is introduced in the USA in late March 2023 NO 454 Vaccines sales increase around the world despite stockpiles in 2023 & HHS To Extend EUA Jab Indemnity To 2024, Azov-Mexico Overlap & UN Doc OK's "Consensual Sex" w/ Minor see also the plandemic treaty NO 455 Pandemic Treaty finalised, Dr Francis Boyle & Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING on WHO Pandemic treaty NO 456 increasing deaths and injuries SHOCKING EXCESS DEATH NUMBERS! - Vax Deaths Are SOARING! - Children Are Targeted NO 456A TrumpShots: Heart Disease for Men, Miscarriages for Women NO 457 EXCLUSIVE: Jessica Sutta, Former Pussycat Dolls Member: ‘I Was Severely Injured by the Moderna Vaccine’ NO 458 At Least 1 Billion to be Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon – Dr. Betsy Eads. USAWatchdog NO 458A Fertility Crisis: Top OBGYN Slams Pfizer’s Deadly Plot Against Babies and Women
NO 459 EDWARD DOWD VACCINE DAMAGE WORSE THAN THOUGHT REPORT IN APRIL 12 2023 With expert financial analysis from Edward Dowd Wall Street analyst (whose book on the pandemic has gone viral and sold out) "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – December 13, 2022
NO 460 "Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots?" (and in relation to also above "Bio - Warfare mRNA / DNA crispr injections into the cells nucleus, into 2023 and getting worse. 'Genetic Engineering' NO 461 Dr. Joel Wallskog was diagnosed with transverse myelitis after getting Moderna jab NO 462 Politician & Activist - Sudden Death Compilation & NO 462 A May The FARCE Be With You: Quad-Jabbed Elites All Saying They Have Covid NO 463 South Carolina’s infant mortality rose 12% in 2020/2021 (Apr'23) NO 464 NBC News Anchor Lesley Van Ness(42), dead due to sudden illness (Apr'23) NO 465 Nurse Erin exposed the Mass Murder committed in America’s Hospitals during the Pandemic NO 466 19 y/o from Australia speaking up in a hospital bed about her vaccine injury (the endless lists of murder go on ) NO 466A Injured Nurse: Unvaxed Were the "Smart Ones" NO 466 B "Tinnitus: A Common Incurable COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event, Doctors Share Ways to Help" & NO 466C "baer pfizer President admits gene cell therapy was used "
NO 467 Yes the mRNA is 'gene therapy' (or here on bitchute once more OR HERE Yes, mRNA *IS* Gene Therapy ) & 467A Peer-Reviewed: mRNA Jab Modifies DNA & 468 Pharma Wants to Vaccinate Unborn Children & 468A "CDC mandated that children Jan / Feb 2023 have the mRNA 'vaccines' in 2023" & NO 469 Sudden INJECTION Death: SIDS (and SADS) NO 470 Ben Shapiro FINALLY Realizes mRNA Jabs are Bad NO 471 Your Soul or Your Job: Jab-Pushing Pastor Still Clueless & NO 472 Masks do not work & Masks Cause Headaches, Itching, and Lower Oxygen Intake: Study & NO 473 "Brain Injuries After COVID Vaccination"
& NO 474 "71% of deaths that occur within 20 days of taking vaccine appear to be due to conditions well known to occur with COVID-19 vaccination" & NO 475 HIV / VAIDS "You may be infected right now and not know it. Infectious viruses from these surprising sources slip in and cut open your DNA like scissors to insert their own genetic material, which replicates and spreads throughout your body. Transmittable to your offspring, they may be behind autism, HIV, chronic fatigue and more".A retrovirus is a virus that contains RNA encoded genes rather than DNA. Using reverse transcriptase, the retrovirus is able to transform the single-stranded RNA into a double-stranded DNA When the retrovirus infects a host, it integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate itself and spread through the host One example of a transmissible retrovirus is the HIV virus, which can cascade into the clinical symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) & 474A
NO 478 "CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States" via NO 478A the Trump Vaccine via NO 479 is the US Department of defence behind the covid scam (or here again once more via Ceylon ) NO 480 "On The Eve of a Cashless Society" NO 481 (repeat) the official story of the bat in china is now officially wrong and the outbreak began in a lab, possibly in wuhan shared with the west . Former CDC Director Dr Robert Redfield explains that the wuhan virus (covid / corona) was a lab leak and employed Gain of Function research (and his explanation of the Welcome foundation) which means the virus is a bio-weapon (taking his logical conclusion ) "Next Pandemic Will Be the Pandemic of All Pandemics & Lab Engineered."
Queen Elizabeth the 2nd warned the UK that "There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge" In 1933 the Vatican became a private city state (called the Lateran treaty which looked to the laws of Justinian and Unam Sanctam and the Cestie Vie trust laws and was no longer a Spiritual institution but a banking institution based upon UCC Uniform commercial code and the laws of the sea. The difficulty was the bible and common law are higher forms of law (Gods laws) than those. In the Popes 'Green, encyclical 'Laudato Si' it calls for population reduction (the Pope is not the actual author) and also quotes Thomas Aquinas, the 9th-century Sufi mystic Ali al-Khawas, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Romano Guardini. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was involved with the Darwin's 'ape men' skeleton frauds of the 'bone wars' of the 19th and 20th (continuing) into the 21st century. (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 scroll down to the "The Human Evolution fraud and Hoax" Our next logical step (in this secular humanist thinking) is to therefor evolve through DNA changes which involves britain changing a technocratic government here told by reuters Time for Britain to try technocratic government and which involves the military to change by augmentation (here on ) Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm which is "in partnership with the German Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning and also involves many militaries and the US and wider around the world. Since 2020 common law has withstood attacks upon it but slowly those principles are being undermined by the removal of Magna Carta. (King Alfreds deeings) Nuremberg code, Geneva convention, and all law fo the land Human rights, trial by Jury, presumed innocent etc (which the UN also wants to remove, it wants instead an "Earth League", as a world government with "Earth Constitution'', a "Global Council" and "Planetary Court".using the Planemic treaty and IHR (International health regulations) as a vehicle to that end.(again the US midterm elections to May 2023 is here)
Reuters corrected beliefs that the corona virus was patented and man made by the Pirbright institute in 2015, or that Serco. Darpa, the Welcome foundation, Tavistock or the research lab at Porton Down was involved or the BBSR or project Defuse.There are over 300 hundred bio-labs around the world, however China announced (leading the way is biometric AI Surveillance systems tied to your bank account) that it would vaccinate everyone in China (just before the World Military games in China in id October 2019, at the same time as 'Event 201' which predicted closing business and the WHO did close as many churches as they could ) and everyone at that time in summer 2019 would be legally obligated to be vaccinated see this report from March 3rd 2020 (which highlights China's advanced AI driven track and trace military health surveillance system), why did China have a pre-covid mass vaccination for civilians and the military from early to mid 2019 ? America is issuing warnings about China Lawmakers examine Chinese threats to America, House China CMTE Member Dusty Johnson (R-SD) echoed previously by minister of defence Gavin Williamson in 2019 and recently in 2022 MI5 tracked a chinese spy around Westminster as the tip of the iceberg, yet China has set its sights on the rise of the British Commonwealth in its silk road development as the British empire rises via the commonwealth which is outstripping the EU and USA as the fastest growing bloc larger (and it may take it over) than the Brics nations. China will have to comply as it is surrounded by US forces. Aldous Huxley and Unesco and more recently the Welcome foundation (last link Whitney Webb on the Corbett report) favoured Transhumanism and are implementing it now (an interesting novel from 1981 "The Eyes of Darkness" predicted the covid outbreak as Wuhan 400. Plum island staff survivorsand Fort Detrick officials have denied US involvement ) Queen Elizabeth did not look to convinced as she lit up the 3rd strand DNA / TREE OF LIFE lights as one of her last official duties. As you will discover in these websites, transforming into creatures who enjoy 'Escargot' (cough cough ... a frog in the throat) has never been popular in Britain see "Clip: Queen Lights Photonic Jubilee "Tree Of Knowledge" 3-Strand DNA" (or here again once more also) with suspicions that DNA alterations would be a detrimental hindrance to performing military operations ? see the adjacent website and chapter 6 for more information
Food and energy inflation causing poverty in the 1st world also . Sovereign inalienable human rights (see2 paragraphs above) to be replaced also with the Codex Alimentarius (UN Food control now under AI) which began in Iran in 2022 with food control and biometric ID Now in 2023 the UN is stating we need to remove rice production (as well as meat livestock already) as it causes global warming see 4 Billion People Just Received the Most Devastating News Imaginable! Rice a long target of the UN even as far back as 2012 is now officially a UN risk to the earth, and in Nigeria they have in 2 stages being forced with biometric ID moves to have digital money or starve Nigeria and the Mark of the Beast Food Inflation is now as much as 50% higher than in 2020. In Zimbabwe has seen extreme year-on-year food price inflation and energy inflation reaching 285%, and Venezuela 185% and the top ten running from 50% to 285% In Britain officially it is 20 % inflation on food but which had already risen 50 in many cases %in 2022 12 Photos showing how high food inflation has affected prices It is not just food but across the board, preparing the financial system for a change into a digital biometric currency (see the US elections on the adjacent website dated April 2023. The link at the end of chapter 3b will return you here) those who prepped / prepared and stored food at 2020 prices are now far better off. If Terra Carta and the sustainable markets initiative is not signed up to in the crisisthen with the removal of rights as outlined above, then Marshall law may follow and a return to Corpus Juris "THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta. Justinian Deception" Why has the UK allowed GMO foods into its lands now officially ? when the cry was for Organic produce and livestock ? and why are gene edited babies legal now in the UK (since 2018) ? in the USA, Animals, livestock and vegetables as GMO & mRNA ?
9A 5th Generation Warfare Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare (WW3) and Skynet is not just a part of a sci-fi film or just in wikipedia It’s Official, It’s Here…Pentagon Admits To ‘Skynet’! Analysing how evil exists either by secular or spiritual methods discussed Our Biggest Problem? The People of the Lie. The Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine literally means against all on the earth in every way. General Micahel Flynn wrote as an expert on the Full Spectrum Dominance protocols and also has christian inclinations as well as the seven rays of light from theosophy and Helena Blavatsky. Most MSM and 'alternate social media' will not add a spiritual analysis, however you can add it onto the discussion in 9A, if you wish on the adjacent website and chapter 5 and post dated 12.01.2023 In effect the war was won and lost over 2000 years ago
(numbers 482 - 486 below)
10 22.04.2023 - 6.5.2023 into May 2023 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths, food inflation and the corpus juris marshall law , the US Supreme court and the 'Human Genome project' connected to all above and ongoing in the US Congress & Senate 10. Added as contd from above 1 - 9 from the 03.10.2021 (9 and 10 added together) This post numbered as 482 - 485
With the vast amounts of deaths and injuries from the experimental injections continuing, one large area and cause is the Crispr cas 9 technology which is not as precise as it claims in editing out Human defects. Further Trump ordered the FDA (or was it FEMA who ordered it for him) to ingore even their own warnings on Crispr cas 9 or any gene editing technology and introduce in 'vaccines' in operation warp speed to the world (Trump states here is the 'father of the vaccine' ) but it shows how this gene editing tool soon to be approved on children and cancer patients and 'further outbreaks' are damaging RNA/DNA and making synthetic inserts see
NO 482 "Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries" which shows how this technology was introduced and rushed through as was the intention all the time. Its effects varied but in Israel NO 483 "HIV Vaids, in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries" ( a video in the longer version next which also points out that Malta, an Island cut off for over a year, in the lockdowns and all on it were 'double vaxxed' still caught Covid 3, 6 or 9 months or more later ? but less CO2 was emitted during NO 484 that time in the longer version here )
The Human Genome project (no expense spared) which began in 1991 (or even many decades before or even as some state it was an ancient world technology somehow also) and was 90% completed in 2003 BUT only completed in March 2022 We are told it was finished in 2003 but that is not correct (with so many swabs and covid testers arriving then this sped up the problem) but Crispr Cas 9 was FDA authorized in 2020 to use in 2021 ? (having been banned prior to 2020 see last paragraph above) and it is still causing deaths and injuries into 2023. The Vatican authorized vaccines knowing they contain baby DNA and parts of Baby aborted fetus DNA (see also Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients' )
FULL ARTICLES SHOWING HUMAN GENOME only complete in March 31, 2022, the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium announced that it had filled in the remaining gaps (from 2003 only at 97% complete) and produced the first truly complete human genome sequence (Crispr cas 9 banned until 2019/2020, after this approved for Operation Warp Speed in May 2020)
NO 485 In 2013 the US Supreme Court issued a ruling that Human DNA could not be patented as it was 'naturally occurring' and it als showed signs that the RNA / DNA had originated in just 2 people, and that it had 'evolved' (both are required with proteins to make DNA, 'impossible' ? but the science reveals it ) but it must have come from some higher intelligence ? Yet the US Supreme Court in its ruling also made the unusual adjudication that 'Human 'Synthetic DNA /RNA' could be patented and owned exclusively by a corporation or individual Human ?? Odd many people thought ? since synthetic human DNA did not exist in 2013, but in 2017 was imagined as being within Humans by 2021/2 ? (but doubts emerge as to its viability d in 2018) The scientists / eugenicists want it to be 1) inside Humans and 2) to create an entire Synthetic Human Genome ? could both come true ? and how would they prepare Humanity (5.5. Billion vaxxed and counting ) for such a 4th industrial revolution transhumanist enterprise ? Since the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013 real Human DNA is thought to be safe, then all is well and good.Since 2020 - 2023 that is no longer true. Many other attempts in courts or by legislation later in the manic and determined drive for companies to overturn this ruling have come and gone, into 2019,but they were unsuccessful. Yet today and from 2022 (just a few weeks after the Human Genome project was finally completed in August 2022 & not 2003...see last paragraph above) Senator Tillis (undead party) introduces the "S.4734 - Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022/23" with the intention of not just affirming that Synthetic DNA/RNA can be patented but also 'normal' DNA can be patented also Initially very expensive it is now cheap to finish the project Via this act or by other means, and the determination to own HUMAN DNA continues., and therefore to own you, i.e. you as a person (a person is not a Live human being as man or woman ) In 1933 President 'FDR' (who called Stalin Uncle Joe) sold every US Citizen out for future collateral against debt money under the 2nd area of the law of the sea (the body...see the 3 crowns below) and as this system expanded around the world, he sold everyone on the planet against the now 100's of $Trillions of debt.
Billions of people now have tiny synthetic DNA (by formal consent not accidentally or inadvertently or unknowingly and into the human cell's nucleus via the Quantum Dot network for Brics and every nation developed by MIT ) via the Crispr cas 9 and similar technology. In the Senate and Congress they are aiming to rule that Human DNA is patentable (and this is their implicit stated intention one way or the other) overturning the US Supreme court of 2013 (legal but not lawful) then if they are successful all life (as is being done with synthetic GMO foodstuffs currently being consumed as "GMO", and to animals also as no 485 below will reveal. Everything could be owned and will be owned. i.e. You will be owned and patented. This was first introduced as a concept in Unam Sanctam (1303) but rests on the foundation of the Justinian code, (529 - 534 ad under Roman Emperor Justinian) and reaffirmed by Una Sancctam and the Cestui Que Vie 1666 and now a part of UCC Uniform Commercial Codes and 1 of the 3 spheres of law, 1. land/property, 2.body, and 3. Soul known as the 3 counterfeit crowns of law. This website explains your status before and after the continuing emergency. The Human Genome project is tied to the WHO (World Health Organisation) One health, One World, One government project and plandemic treaty IHR regulations and the human genome project which is essentially an Artificial Intelligence driven health surveillance system W H O WILL COME FOR YOU (CBDC programmable money coercion and any internet based currency) without your or anyone's 'human rights' under Under Sanctam / Cestui Que Vie 1666 etc, the Unidroit Treaty 1963 and Codex Alimentarius (UN Food code) All of this is not about the money as Big Pharma companies are many tiers down the pyramid, this is about total human control with unlimited Trillions to make it happen. Genesis 1 , 27 says you are made (or were made) in God's image and an introduction to the Law which is higher than the Vatican laws which are simply counterfeits mentioned a few lines ago. Removing God's image or taking injections can only be made by consent (or coercion as legal but not lawful) All 10 of these posts above on this subject are available and exist since March 2020, yet it is illegal. Unlawful means these laws must submit to the common law,and the compensation for this will come to $trillions.
See no 485 "US Supreme Court Human Genome Patents (Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 June 13, 2013 & now in Congress, the 'Patent Eligibility Restoration Act' of 2022/2023) to overturn patenting DNA decision" and in context to the FDA Food and Drug administration (or also here again once more ) This post added 22.04.2023 - 6.5.2023
(backup links to the human genome section above) & also as NO 570 FULL ARTICLES SHOWING HUMAN GENOME only complete in March 31, 2022 (not 2003) 1. abstract 31.3.2022 "The complete sequence of a human genome" 2. Telomere "Human Genome complete March 2022 after 32 years" background ... US Supreme court hearing in 2013 into 2019 (the inroads to patent life not just GMO foods and seeds but also human life)
11 (18.08.2023 into September 2023) 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths cont'd. Numbered 486 - 530 (& Plandemic Treaty ready since 2022)
The incredible silence from the MSM on vaccine and deaths and injuries since 3.10.2021 (in 1 - 10 above with many numbers having an a,b,c or d with them, meaning the amounts are much more than they appear) but from the year 2020 as the debate contd, is now classed as a Black Swan event by data analysts, insurance companies and financial markets and the repercussions are set to continue into 2024 and beyond. The perpetrators of this fraud include Trump as the "Father of the Vaccine" see NO 486 "Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries" Central (as per last post above i.e. no 10) THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT only completed in March 31, 2022, (and not 2003 ) the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium announced that it had filled in the remaining gaps (from 2003 only at 97% complete) and produced the first truly complete human genome sequence (Crispr cas 9 banned until 2019/2020, after this approved for Operation Warp Speed in May 2020) Trump as a member of the World Economic Forum under leaders such as Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles (who announced the Great Reset in March to May 2020 following the Sustainable Goals Ininative of Jan 2020 back to 2015) down to all health departments (and even 'churches' to participate ) in every country and pushed onto the unsuspecting Global population with 5.5 Billion injected and 22 Billion doses given and almost as many 'boosters' in what is now the greatest deception and genocide in history.
NO 487 Ed Dowd: Wall Street analyst Black Swan Event - "They Can't Run From This Data!" (From CHD.TV) ..... (or here again once more on bitchute) NO 488 EU excess mortality continued to rise in April 2023 Eurostats NO 488A The Vaccine Trials (2021) NO 488 B "Vatican: OK to get virus vaccines using abortion cell lines"
NO 489 and excess deaths RISING again in June 2023 they have rose globally since 2021 NO 490 Myocarditis Epoch times Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna Vaccination: Study NO 491, 2,000 Athletes - COLLAPSING, HEART PROBLEMS, BLOOD CLOTS [Mar 2021 to Jun 2023] NO 491 IRELAND'S EXCESS DEATHS ARE NOW UP BY 45.3% with the areas most vaccinated having the most deaths. NO 492 "Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most COVID-19 Deaths Right Now?" NO 493 The higher the vaccine uptake the higher excess mortality (last link 'Dr Cambell' who pushed the vaccines at the beginning)
NO 494 IDAHO COUPLE WINS LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY FOR DEFYING 2020 LOCKDOWN ORDERS NO 495 Vaccine regret or opinion change compilation NO 496 28 Year Old professional basketball player dies from Vaccination NO 496A Australian Senator Gerard Rennick Grills Evasive, Pro-Vaccine, Pro-Pfizer Docto
NO 497 The death of a psychologist after his Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab was due to "unintended complications of the vaccine", an inquest has ruled. NO 498 How many deaths does it has to be until you will believe? NO 499 In COMMEMORATION of the LIFE + On the SUSPICIOUS DEATH of Dr. Martinelli (La Quinta Columna) NO 500, Muscleman Jo Lindner [10 Million+ Followers] Dies After Post-Vaccine Clotting & Heavy Metal Tox NO 500A Former Police Officer Reveals Staggering Number Of SIDS Cases Happen Within 1 Week Of A Vaccine! NO 501 Tori Kelly Rushed to Hospital with 'Multiple Blood Clots Near Her Vital Organs' NO 502 Cancer Promoting SV-40 DNA Segments found in both Pfizer and Moderna COVID Shot Vials NO 503 BANNED ON YOUTUBE - Dr Andrew Moulden - What He Told Us Before BIG Pharma Murdered Him. NO 503A The Hearts Of Many Young People With Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Are Not Returning To Normal! NO 504 💉☠️💉Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’ NO 505 Popular TV Actress Katarina Pavelek DEAD After Vax Induced Neurodegenerative Disorders ME/ CFS NO 506 BANNED ON YOUTUBE - DR LORAINNE DAY - VACCINES DO NOT WORK NO 505A 2% of vaccine reactions reported Dr John Campbell NO 507 COVID LIES EXPOSED! Evidence Proves Survivors of EU Pfizer Jab Took Placebos
NO 508 Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London (and Fabian society) obviously knows what is the Vaccines in his fake Vaccine press appearance (see MP4 file & ‘Sadiq Khan Mayor of London ( & Fabian society) Fakes vaccination’ ) NO 509 Sadiq Khan Mayor London fakes Vaccination) NO 510 VAERS: PARALYZED KIDS, MISCARRIAGES, DIABETES, BLOOD CLOTS... NO 511 COVID VACCINE DEATH COMPILATION, MOSTLY RECENT OCCURRENCES NO 511A Vaccine injuries around the world NO 511B "COVID VACCINES AFFECT JEWISH MARRIAGES"
NO 512 THE COVID VACCINE IS INTERFERING WITH REPAIR GENES, LEADING TO AN EXPLOSION OF CANCERS NO 513 'Sanofi says it's back to the drawing board on mRNA flu vaccines' NO 514 HUGE STUDY: VAX CAUSES SUDDEN DEATH! - Peer Reviewed Papers PROVE What We've Been Warning About! NO 515 Let’s summarize what we now know of the negative efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, and why vaccinated people—not the unvaxxed—suffer frequent bouts of COVID-19 NO 515 A "Canceled Canadian Doctors Have a Message For Their Medical Colleagues: "You Have Failed Canadians" - These Doctors Refuse to be Silenced" NO 516 Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths? NO 517 More people than expected are dying in Canada in 2023 for reasons that are not yet clear NO 517A SGT REPORT HORRIFYING DISCOVERY IN UNVAXXED BLOOD -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea NO 518 Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 years - BBC News NO 518A NEW Documentary ~ "Anecdotals" Movie (Covid Vaccine Damage) NO 519 Growing proportion of COVID deaths occur among vaccinated NO 520 TV Star Maimed And Mutilated By VAX Poison Induced Breast Cancer NO 520 Olympic Athlete Killed By Vax Poison Injections
NO 521 SHOCKING NEW VAX DATA! - CDC Data Shows Over 118,000 Children Died Suddenly After Injections! NO 522 All Three Triplets 'Shut Down' (Become Autistic) Within Hours Of Receiving Childhood Vaccines! NO 523 COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Around The World (Graphic Content)
NO 524 Nurse Angela: Our work with the Vaccine Injured N0 524A "(June 2023) HUGE: VACCINES KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS A WEEK! - Government Reports Prove Genocide! NO 524B New Evidence Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Transmission of Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated NO 524C Myocarditis Caused by COVID-19 Vaccine Spike Protein Is Often Not Detected by Typical Cardiac Tests
NO 525 'Pfizer' CAUGHT Admitting! "Babies Died During The 'MRNA' 'Covid-19' Vaccine Trials" NO 526 5-month old baby killed by VAXELIS & SYNFLORIX poison injections NO 526A Canada and British Columbia Kamloops deaths and trafficking
NO 526 A Canada's biodigital convergence This is the same outlook as the 2022 'Exploring Biodigital Convergence' which seeks ( read the full document ) to merge living things with non living things (which traditionally have 'thought to be incompatible')
NO 527 Israel's Bio-Convergence Program and the Merging of Biology and Engineering
NO 528 'Understanding bio-digital convergence' ...... NO 529 Covid: Double vaccinated can still spread virus at home - BBC
NO 530 (blood clots also ) The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods'
The Plandemic Treaty is complete and has been ready since 2022 with the now complete Human Genome Project also completed in March 2022 SGT REPORT (now admitted since 2022) STOP THE W.H.O. 666 GLOBAL AGENDA!! -- James Roguski
see also "Sep 2023 PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS TREATY & BIO-SECURITY WORLD GOVERNMENT is just a conspiracy theory" and the new UN Green 17 points of Our Common future what they really mean (a special look at point 16 ), see also ULEZ " Earth Climate Countdown Clocks, Global Depopulation. ULEZ, Prince Charles War Like footing. ULEZ Carbon Net Zero for the World" (and from Dec 2022 Plandemic Treaty for relevance Dr Francis Boyle ) and connected is the Cashless Society for Sep 2023 as explained now by MSM & Nigel Farage "Farage EXPOSES new push for cashless society (In the UK & Australia)."
A high degree of dystopian deceptions within the MSM (MAIN STREAM MEDIA) and their sponsors and owners which some suggest is a mental illness with spiritual delusions perpetuated by real fears of the next life,... hence the need for immortality (now) or at least a deferred judgement day with extended years of life (now) "The Unvaccinated "Nobody Is Safe" by Matt Orfa" (or again once more on Bitchute )
Please note more within this no 11 post will be added in mid September 2023 from 530 fwd above ...
11A ( 31.10.2023 - 01.11.2023 into 2024 ) 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths cont'd. Numbered 531 - 564
(n.b all glitches in this post now corrected 31.10.2023)
Firstly how the medical profession spread the fear for profit (covid or non - covid ) "The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children"
Aside from the Pandemic Treaty, which is ready (in the pretence of UN / WHO democratic processes see 11 above) since 2022 and which does nullify all existing governments sovereignty and brings in a cashless society for spiritual and physical enslavement body, mind and soul as the laws of Justinian / Unum Sanctum / C'est le Vie 1666 call for the narrative from the very beginning of the Covid lockdowns (& 2 weeks to flatten the curve and the miracle vaccine would cure you with 1 vaccine injection without mentioning that people and animals in the test died and Pfizer wanting to seal those records for 70 years ) and Operation warp speed imperative, the narrative is still changing and twisting with estimates now at 20 million dead and 1.5 to 2 billion injured (see below) what is the latest narrative on the experimental mRNA injection (and Crispr Cas 9 does snip DNA as 'gene therapy' and inserts synthetic mRNA or DNA in its place. (the implications for having a synthetic product placed inside you which is owned by a corporation and its patent is discussed in 11 above along with the long running 'Human Genome' project which reached its epoch in mid 2022 and not 2001 - 2003 as is commonly assumed)
Deaths and injuries continue below numbered 531 - 563 into 2024
At the end of 11 above the MSM (mainstream media) complicit in the 'programming' of these injections and their brainwashing is compiled and which continues today. In the beginning people were shown images of people in Italy dying and needing respirators to survive, causing worldwide panic. Later these hospital images were shown to be fake and dancing nurses and doctors took over, some of whom later died from the experimental vaccine injections containing Crispr cas 9 'gene editing' ('Gene therapy' ?) believing the "disinformation" for "reverse transcriptase" as everyone else.(this process edits dna or "clones expressed genes" cDNA with synthetic RNA) In the end the vaccine has killed people from all nations and continents and ...also Israelis and Arabs and Palestinians without bias or favor. At the beginning of the process it was stated that the injections do not go into a person's cells nucleus see film made at the time in the post above dated 7.7.2021 (a concern at the time now escalated) or on Rumble here from 2022 (at the very beginning of the film) "The Strong Delusion & The Great Reset (2 Thessalonians 2, 11)" clearly now this was deliberate misinformation but also many professionals did not know one way of the other
Elon: Ventilators Killed More Than COVID. PraiseNPrayer! B2T Show Nov 2, 2023
People were told that debris from flu (mucus and congestion) was way higher blocking Oxygen to their red blood cells and therefore to the lungs and respirators would allow more Oxygen through saving them. (in the beginning) They were not told what was in the vaccines with some vaccine boxes and their info sheets 'deliberately blank' This is what is in them 1. Dr Stanley Plotkin deposition (includes aborted fetal stem cells approved by the vatican (see many numbers above) 2. Bill Maher & Tucker Carlson 3. Liz Wheeler and unsealed sealed documents just perfect to unblock the debris to help you get Oxygen.
However now a latest twist on the blocked oxygen to the red blood cells and lungs see Why Did Some People Struggle with COVID and Others Didn't? - Dr. Troy Spurrill Which states in effect that having debris and mucus blocking your nose and mouth (throat) and therefore your lungs and red blood cells (flu mucus, runny nose etc ) is what saved you from catching the Virus which is outside of your body either floating in the air or in foods water (possibly) So the virus causes you to be blocked excessively and causes covid death requiring respirators BUT now the mucus and debris (formerly or even concurrently ) forming saves you from getting the virus ?
Alternatively mucus and runny noses are caused by your body producing a virus (temperature, sweating etc) which expels toxins in from your blood cells as part of its natural defense system. Toxins in the cells cause the produce a virus to expel toxins. Other aspects of natural defense include your Body’s general defense system e.g. skin, mucus, stomach acid, phagocytes. and Specific defense system - body produces antibodies to antigen (found in protein coat of virus).
Further the 'virus' has not been isolated since 2020 but is patented by various corporations including in the USA, Britain and China and wider ? and also see here also again or here once more and again with Charles Lieber and his involvement. People are told for instance that in order to avoid getting the Flu (even though you have natural defence systems and your 'under the weather' symptoms are just your body expelling toxins - Flu symptoms) you need to be injected with a small portion of Flu to stimulate your immune system giving you immunity even though you have natural immunity (this point is important later in the experimental vaccines) and then you will be over it. Yet with Corona virus who was the first donor to put theri virus in the vaccines ? with the windowlene and baby stem cells fetal tissue and the other 15 toxins chemical in the vaccine ? In fact the corona virus only exists on a computer generated code and in fact is 2 codes cobbled together (see Dr Tom Cowan below) to make a brand new one. China forwarded the code to the west and sold it as the virus when in fact China had injected its population with toxins in early to mid 2019 (the bat outbreak story came later)
Now obviously a replicated synthetic strain could then be formulated and used for the experimental vaccines to provide immunity, but this is man made and the story that the 'virus' came from a wet market in Wuhan and from Bat poo (note it was not then named as bat Poo virus but previously patented corona virus ) has now also changed to that it may have been leaked from a lab. Not just any lab but a bio-weapon lab ...near the wet market wuhan ! Could they have released the original strain ? but it only exists as a computer code ? so where did it come from ? Many have called it a Bio-weapon but even without bio- lab origins the disgusting vaccines are full of toxins anyway and human baby fetal tissue, monkey kidneys stem cells and other animal cells ?
Nurse Whistleblower ''The PCR Test, It Was A Huge Scandal From The Get-go'' i.e. false negative and false positives results but with no symptoms etc but in Late 2023 headlines emerge that covid shots may raise risk (slightly) of strokes and heart failure, or now "long covid" can be classed as "long cold" a cold causes a reaction in your cells and they produce a virus to fight the toxin or debris.
Dr Tom Cowan sheds some light on the pieced together code and the bioweapons or not Discussing the actual origin of the lab leak theory- Webinar from 10/18/23
And the historical truth on virus's by a virologist here In societies that promote very good fresh water for drinking and cleanliness as prominent and most important then less disease occurs the Terrain (theory)
Tamarind seeds and turmeric and a hot bath to reduce itchiness can cure Measles naturally. What is next a Vaccine for zits and pimples ?? The plague aboard ships called scurvy was thought to be a mysterious outside force, yet the cure was consuming citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges removed the problem but only after a couple of decades delay. Today that delay would result in millions of vaccines and vaccine hype
Masks used were biohazards and birds ? were they a threat ? Remember that in the west over 2.5 years of lock-downs migrating birds from Asia and back are like Bats with feathers. Yet throughout the social distancing and masks birds were perched on branches above peoples heads or around their feet in the park and they did not have masks on or social distance ? Further the shouters (to wear a mask etc) were stood on top of discarded masks on the ground which were classed as biohazards and the birds used them in nests. Social distancing couples stood next to bins brimming over with masks (biohazards ) Seas & streets polluted with bio hazard masks ? Aside from masks being strewn everywhere (and in the initial first 2 weeks of the lock-down to 'flatten the curve' masks were weakly considered as 'Hazardous Waste' (see a typical but very rare sign here. After the first 2 weeks this was forgotten, but the social distancing and closures continued ? and the mask warnings as 'hazardous waste' were forgotten for 13 months forward on the MSM and forgotten up to this day with no "incineration" announcements because there was no pandemic and no need for vaccinations ) Business closed, people committed suicide and some have not seen loved ones for over a year ? yet they will walk next to used masks on pavements, or littering school playgrounds and which are collected by waste disposal and dumped on city dumps around major cities whilst people washed their hands in bacterial soap going in and out of a shop, but they can pollute the seas in vast rafts of floating masks, (the msm asking if masks which keep us safe are endangering the seas ?) which are polluting the planet before and after vaccinations, as people catch "covid" en masse after vaccinations. Mass Hypnosis, lies and deception, but in a world where 200 biological labs & bio warfare labs exist controlled by the USA alone, with hundreds more overseen by other nations.
Throughout this mass migration / trafficking contd all over the world (and more on the trafficking explosion is on the this website post added here 15/17.09.2023 into 2024
Now it is admitted that "virus" live inside us (to fight problems) including covid see "New Link Between Fungal Organisms And Severe COVID Discovered" 24 10 2023 by Paul Griffin (Science alert ) or they have always been there and the new link is in fact an old known
Yet this bio-weapon bacteria (as a flu) could have easily have been dissolved by massive amounts of Vitamin C and A and other knowns such as Jesuit powder Hydroxychloroquine . Used for traveling through swamps in which bacteria grow and readily dismissed any problems. The mRNA crispr vaccines as well as containing checials as listed above were sold (at warp speed) to speed up your immune response, but in actuality they edit your genome and killed people.
The world is so full of pollutants and chemicals in food and water and the air, that our bodies are increasingly full of toxins. Doctors used to provide allergy testing for over 60 substances and now that service is removed or they would need to quadruple their staff and man hours to cope. An internal 'virus' pushes out toxins and normal acquired illness as a natural immune defense. Another reason why babies should breast feed for as long as possible to strengthen their immune systems rather than the insanity of 10 or 20 vaccines by the time they are 5 years of age ??
In early 2019 (remember the 'virus' was patented throughout the early 2000's) China under emergency conditions vaccinated its population and including the military and details of this are in this video from January - March 2020, (Video 12) CΟRΟNΑ Covid19 Weaponized against Humanity (Inovio Apollobio VGX 3100 Hiv Ebola & 5G/6G) this in China in 2019 is before the west by 12 months. Around 8 months later the worlds military assembled in Wuhan for the Wuhan military games in Oct 2019 only a few months after Event 201 which was central to also closing the worlds churches (before the official 'outbreak') On the military games the National Library of Medicine (NLM) said this is in January 2021 " It is clear that travel was a major factor in the rapid dissemination of COVID-19 disease. It has been proposed that Wuhan, China, was the epicentre of the pandemic. The World Military Games took place from the 18th to 27th of October 2019 in Wuhan, China." Yet as everyone knows illegal immigration, trafficking and child trafficking actually increased during the lockdown periods
Dr Sam Bailey explains how a narrative to confuse is created on a 'Virus' (and how they are created in laboratories ) "Why ALL “Viruses” Originate In Laboratories" and which is also available on Bitchute, and see within the book "Virus Mania" by Sam Bailey et al
So all the world's military then returned home,yet to this day the corona virus has never been isolated. Like the 'flu virus' which contains a bit of the flu China and its military were injected with a toxin which can be passed on sexually and this infected the world from within the vaccines the ingredients (see above ) and some not listed were spread. These toxins produced a mild flu which brought on a temperature to expel the toxins from your cells, and the media panic did the rest ... to repeat here "The Unvaccinated "Nobody Is Safe" by Matt Orfa" (or here again once more on Bitchute ) and from 60 minutes (Video 17) The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes (in Ireland known confirmed cases in the lockdowns from covid in late 202O were 100 ?)
Why did some people survive the jabs (so far or have only mild symptoms) here are a few reasons or temporary reasons which disappeared with each jab and booster Did you get lucky with the kill-jab? 5 Reasons Why You Got Lucky
The "Spanish flu" originated in Kansas USA in Fort Riley and the first official recorded case was in January 2018 but cases were recorded also in 2017, and smaller records in H1N1 virus occurred in or around 1915, (these vaccinations were cultured in horses by the Rockefeller group for WW1 and Bill Gates grandfather was involved in this) with records also noting outbreaks at the British army barracks in Aldershot in early 2017. China also recorded outbreaks in November 2017 and tens of thousands of Chinese workers had come to assist French and British forces in WW1. Masks did not work in this pandemic which killed up to 100 million people (or 17 million or 50 million ? see above)
Documentaries on the Spanish flu show that vaccinated soldiers help spread an illness ? 1. The Truth regarding the Spanish flu and its link to today
The Wuhan military games (like the US vaxxed induced Spanish Flu) also had pre vaxxed Chinese soldiers who spread it to the rest of the world's military attending the Wuhan military games (and the toxin can also be spread sexually) The bacteria was spread by injection in China (in labs which had western input also ) and continued in the west within the vaccines which in their packaging, contained no ingredients list. (The Event 201 predictions came true and this was just before the Wuhan military games) The virus we were told leaps (transmission) onto inanimate objects such as doors and surfaces (and it has not yet been isolated) but then also provides shedding opportunities from those with the virus ? yet the vaxxed still catch covid to this day, despite having up to 4 injections and added booster shots, and the effects are then maintained by even more vaccinations and boosters (which contain 'secret' and known harmful chemicals)
Children's health Defence and new WIFI illness on children and adults wins its case "Washington, DC, Aug. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Children's Health Defense (CHD) won its historic case against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), challenging the agency's decision not to review its 1996 health and safety guidelines for wireless-based technologies, including 5G" The CHD won its case and whilst people may not understand what the fuss is all about it is very simple. The settings on 5G cause short wave microwaves to resonate within your body. On the whole 1 g to 4g had long wave "softer" waves which can travel long distances. The new 5G requires a unit every 200 yards or so to work across a nation. when it is set wrong it can cause "covid like symptoms" which remove oxygen from your blood and cause you to pass out, faint and even die. A home microwave has doors and is lined for your protection, yet if you place metal inside it it will spark and even catch fire or explode. If you have heavy metals inside you or from vaccines which contain mercury and aluminium among other metals (even Graphene) then this can affect you in the same way 5G Short wave can act in the same way and cook you slowly. children in schools were (are getting sick and were off school were severe symptoms in 2019 and the cell tower was shut down. It cannot be ruled out in the continuing mystery has to the virus origin (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus) which has not been isolated that 5G can cause "covid like symptoms" and from at least 2019. The world is told that the higher the frequency, the lower the depth of penetration of the EMFs into the body, or similar yet in practice continually people are getting ill
So you have natural immunity and a 'virus' is your body's defense mechanism to expel toxins. In mid 2020 it was then mooted that the experimental mRNA injections crispr cas 9 gene editing technology should be added as and within injections despite being banned in medicine before this by the FDA (Food and Drug Authority) But after the constitution was suspended by Trump (and something which he has just called for again calling it inconvenient) as not required in December 2022 and which is detailed here from March 2020 "How peoples rights were removed.Remember in March 2020 Trump began it "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. ! " ... (or here again on bitchute ) no checks ? but a move was made to introduce these experimental Crispr cas 9 for Operation warp speed and the Father of the vaccine "Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries" or longer version with the vaids injuries to Israelis and Arabs which has now been verified (see below in the continuing list of injuries) Trump profited from the vaccine companies shares etc and this is listed in NO 555A below
Crispr cas 9 injections their injuries (gene editing) warned of in 2019/202 after results observed (New York times article)
This Crispr technology not in all injections goes into your cells nucleus and edits your DNA and RNA inserting a synthetic code into your genome not just codes as numbers but a bridging synthetic piece. Your DNA & RNA and proteins are one functioning unit that cannot exist without each other. This was denied in 2021 and in the post above dated 7..7.2021 and in long the film the strong Delusion was made which shows (in the first 15 minutes) medical professionals denying this but with strange different explanations as to what the crispr injection actually did in total ? We know now this was a false media instruction to the public in the following video or also here "Bio - Warfare mRNA / DNA crispr injections into the cells nucleus, into 2023 and getting worse. 'Genetic Engineering' & the Mark of the beast" (TRULY SHOCKING) from March / April 2023, of medical proofs from also medical papers. So it was sold to speed up your immune system which does not act fast enough to save you despite either millions of years of evolution or thousands of years of creation ) reverse transcribed inter cellular into DNA straight into the center of your DNA / mRNA
see also Yes, mRNA *IS* 'Gene Therapy' and how it is possible Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Billions of people bypass & destroy immune systems (DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI: “YOU WILL BE GENETICALLY TRANSFORMED FOREVER” and The Pandemic Preparedness And Biosecurity ) For the Mark of the Beast analysis see the Navy coloured paragraphs after these posts and 11A under it and subsequent posts)
It was indeed operation warp speed and to change the human genome for billions of people, and prior to 2020 people who had tested the Cripsr in vaccines as Guinea pigs received edited DNA and this was removed as were the associated important functions. Loss of eyesight and hearing or walking or smelling or brain function as non clinical editing which is in fact ad hoc and dangerous. that is the point of them however to introduce a product inside your for also legal reasons (see NO 10 on the human genome project and US Supreme court cases & 11 above) As vaccines exist without Crispr cas 9 but which are full of bad chemicals, and as Crispr cas 9 was known to be harmful, what is or was the point of crispr cas 9 gene editing cells (gene therapy) and in relation to the human genome project ?
Continuing deaths and injuries 2023 into 2024
NO 531 CHILDREN "DYING SUDDENLY" in 2023 ... 228 who made "THE NEWS" in first 9 months of YEAR (CHECKUR6) NO 532 Triplets get Autism at the same time. The Autism debate is over. Vaccinations are poison. NO 533 Nurse realise too late the V is fatal and dangerous NO 534 Nurses who work with the vaccine injured NO 535 How vaccines harm and why they are ineffective NO 536 Vaccine injured Child's mother demands compensation from NZ Government NO 537 Book; "The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people" NO 538 Unexplained Collapses Continue In 2023 | The Highwire NO 539 This Is About You NO 540 COMPLETE DENIAL -- Dr. William Makis NO 540A NZ 30 People Jabbed Same Day, Die At Same Time Interval
NO 541 Warnings from 2020 ... ( V 64) The m RNA (modify RNA) injection is not a Vaccine Dr. David Martin, Dr Judy Mikovits, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and, Rocco Galati. NO 542 (Video 61) A Tale of 2 January's (the Sars Covid 19 'virus' exposed) COVID means 'Certificate of Vaccination IDentification' (& PCR Tests do not work says Inventor see in description box) NO 543 (Video 60) Agendas & critical thinking with (Nurses) ladies of the Frontline of medicine & Vaccinations & no Immunity for Big Pharma NO 544 Dr. Naomi Wolf The Media And The FDA Are Complicit In Mass Murder NO 545 (Video 14) How Does the FDA Approve a Drug_ NO 546 Video 33) CDC Exposed - Millions of Americans Given Cancer via Polio Vax & Thalidomide
NO 546A covid vaccine 100 percent effective to ineffective - we've all been lied to NO 547 Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID Vaccine After Developing "Autoimmune" Issue NO 548 MASS VACCINATION💉AND DEAD SOCIAL MEDIA “INFLUENCERS”☠️ NO 549 MEP Christine Anderson: Stop Complying, Start Rebelling, They're Out To Get You If You Do Not Resist NO 550 2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Around The World (Graphic Content) NO 551 Dave shares his pain at losing his sister Lorna to the ASTRAZENCA vaccine NO 552 Dr. Thomas Binder Talks About The Dystopian Hell He Went Through NO 553 Karolina Stancik - 3 heart attacks and one stroke at the age of 23 NO 553A The discovered Swine Flu fraud hoax of 2009
NO 554 Ed Dowd: Wall Street analyst Black Swan Event - "They Can't Run From This Data!" (From CHD.TV) ..... (or here again once more on bitchute) and also NO 555 EU excess mortality continued to rise in April 2023 Eurostats ...... (or how Polio has not gone away but has changed its name (see in its description box also )
NO 555 A Trump (friends with Jeffrey Epstein) prided himself on not taking a salary in the fake US Presidential office corp of the Uniparty but made up for it by having shares in Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer who took the vaids injections into Israel and Palestine and which has killed millions and injured billions. In the "operation warp speed" money laundering Trump administration Personally trying to buy German vax companies as shown here Vax Daddy Compilation (When Donald Trump Proved He Loved Us By Saving Humanity)
NO 556 In 2021 / 2022 the Vaids 'conspiracy' theory (from the experimental nMRA injections ) is now shown to be true from peer reviewed papers The longer show is here on the subject and new variants. The vaids issue was classed as a conspiracy theory despite the Media in Israel reporting the outbreak during vaccinations in 2022 The paper from 'Frontiers in Virology' cites the original Wuhan type BNT162b2 in the COVID 19 = 'Certificate of Vaccination IDentity' & 19 = IA or AI as covid AI etc, and Erris EG 5 or 5G. Destroying the immune system but by inserting changes into the DNA/RNA (and see here from the national library of medicine in 2022) shows that AI or AGI can or will be also used against Israel as it takes center stage in Israel's security, (see Israel's Bio- convergence experience ) Original rep[orting from within Israel in 2021 on 'vaids' (in the vaccines) Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed" (which has killed more than any outside attack )
NO 557 & 558 Excess deaths in Britain and Ireland Further in the UK and worldwide the excess deaths according to official statistics supplied by the NO 557 ONS (Office for national statistics) show excess deaths have increased across all demographics, age groups and regions (not just in 2021, 2022) and into 2023 (June 2023 ) and into 2024 with analysis here LATEST UK STATS : 'MASSIVE DEATHS' AMONG THE "VACCINATED" !!! WHY ??? NO 558 IRELAND'S EXCESS DEATHS ARE NOW UP BY 45.3%
NO 559 Programmable Money & Pandemic treaty CBDC Bitcoin dystopia (repeat here once again) ... In June 2023 Janet Yellen said she would not be surprised if more bank consolidations occured. Oct / Nov 2023 more 'consolidation' of banks (3000+) Janet Yellen confirmation of large consolidations as a further 54 consolidate (closed yet in actuality over 3000 banks have closed as the new CBDC arrives (no need for bank branches or its staff just a direct account to the central bank ) with Bitcoin not decentralised and is fully trackable, and the progrannable money which CAN digitize property rights
NO 560 In 11 above we have seen how the media deceived people in these matters but the church also deliberately deceived and it is expected the church at least are honest and God fearing yet... the deep state church is slick filled with lies and wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7,15) and Hireling shepherds (John 10, 11 ) 13) ...shocking as governor Hochul says if injected in the past, it is now no longer effective, but said the opposite in 2021, and further details on the common law and how the world was freed from tyranny in mid 2019 is in the post below dated 15/17/10/2023
People will see dead bodies from bio-warfare in the streets everywhere from a real bio attack
NO 561 The Church deceived. Max Igan,Trump,Governor K Hochul,Biden et al. 20 Million dead,2 Billion injured
NO 562 How Israeli Ministry of Health deleted thousands of testimonies 2021 Avi Barak Media (& other stories)
Israel ordered to stand down in 2021 ?
NO 563 8 Yr Old Poster Children for Jabs Dies of Heart Attacks ( In Israel 2023 Yom Kippur August / Sep 2023 & and in Argentina poster children for the vaccine suffer heart attacks)
NO 564 $Trillions are owed in compensation, (and even capital punishment for murder) not just against the vax companies, but also against the media and even churches who were / are complicit. State public buildings have no right to stop people entering or filming (for example) or to wear a mask. Compensation from politicians personally can be pursued and obtained. (end of 11A)
12 ( from September 2023 to 3.4.2024 - 31.05.2024 ) 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths cont'd & Plandemic treaty and Tokenization of all assets. Numbered 565 - 630
Deaths and injuries from the experimental injections continue into 2024. turbo cancers and heart attacks for the young rise dramatically, and DNA 'gene therapy' reveals what it really is
NO 565 Dr Fauci now states that "Fauci Now Says mRNA Jabs NOT Good for Respiratory Illness" (or here again on Rumble) ? and in this context (see no 11a above) mRNA jabs which do mimic and change DNA (see next numbers below) this raison d'etre i.e. the cry the world over to cure the 'virius' in Trumps (fachi's partner in the genocide) 'Operation Warp Speed' and in reality was not just a financial racket for profit to enable (as Klaus Schwab reasoned ? ) to change you (humans see below) how the medical profession spread the fear for profit (covid or non - covid ) "The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children" the injections also have other agendas
NO 566 If vaccinations are no good for respiratory illness what was / is the purpose of them Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents' with Tucker Carlson Elon Musk, 'Really Graceful' Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo, Dr Larry Palevsky, and many more, who explain how the injections 'tamper' with your DNA.
NO 566a No longer a conspiracy theory but a physical reality within your DNA which also has legal patent ownership connotations (see NO 10 above dated 22.04.2023 - 6.5.2023 ) above the full interview with Surgeon general Joseph Ladapo COVID Vaccines | Do the COVID Vaccines Change Your DNA & Humanity Itself? "With the mRNA Vaccines They Have DNA In Them. This DNA Hangs On With mRNA In That Lipid Nano Particle." - Doctor Joseph Ladapo (The Surgeon General of Florida)
Dr. William Makis MD ..dna integration
NO 567 Still to date the covid virus has not been 'isolated' ? The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health
NO 568 As also confirmed by WEF / Prince charles / Klaus Schwab Klaus Schwab GENETIC EDITING Its YOU WHO ARE CHANGED or again on youtube Klaus Schwab GENETIC EDITING Its YOU WHO ARE CHANGED
NO 569 The interview with Tucker Carlson and Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo
NO 570 FULL ARTICLES SHOWING HUMAN GENOME only complete in March 31, 2022 (not 2003) 1. abstract 31.3.2022 "The complete sequence of a human genome" 2. Telomere "Human Genome complete March 2022 after 32 years" background ... US Supreme court hearing in 2013 into 2019 (the inroads to patent life not just GMO foods and seeds but also human life)
Therefore the aim of these vaccines with the Crispr Cas 9 technology is to change DNA/RNA and modify it with even the Medical profession stating as such
Biometric medical surveillance state
NO 571 All linked directly to Trump and Operation Warp Speed and the FDA (Trump / Fachi) changing legal safety issues allowing Crispr Cas 9 gene editing technology in vaccines in mid 2020, as trump sought to deepen the lockdowns into CBDC (despite his initial denial and his now his new acceptance of crypto) The contact tracing system was agreed in August 2019 Gates, Trump Covid Contact tracing contract August 2019, & Q (prepared a long time in advance...longer version with additions here ) Surveillance in Medicine
Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism (but! for 'Q anon' The Blasphemy and Insanity of Donald Trump. Blackmailed creature of the deep state swamp ) NO 571A Vaxx Daddy (Trump) denies all harm and still promotes the poison
NO 571B Dec 7, 2020: Trump's "Day of Infamy" When Military Vax Mandates Were Ordered by Donald
NO 571C COVID Vaccine Severely Injures Kristin and She Is Sharing Her Story Everywhere
NO 571D Trump's 2019 Exec Order — BEFORE "Pandemic"
NO 571 E For Every $1 Pfizer Gave Trump, They Got $2,000 Taxpayer Dollars ... (With Trump the Father of the Vaccine) but who has now killed more Americans than the viet Cong (350,000) and more Israelis than Hamas Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83) and more Arabs than Israel or vice versa. To get an idea of how evil the lockdowns and forced injections were / are MALTA was locked down with no one coming in or out (it's an Island ) and it was 250% injected (eventually Aug 2021 ) yet people were still catching covid in 2022/2023 ? which means it was in the injections and also... excess deaths still rising in EU ? Excess mortality in Europe (16-09-2022)
NO 571F "Dr. Harvey Risch: Why Are Vaccinated People Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than the Unvaccinated?"
NO 572 Dr. William Makis MD brings matters up to date (substack blog) including on ..dna integration (AND 575B...COVID Vaccine Gene Could Integrate Into Human Cancer Cells: Epoch ties) & NO 575C 1st Published Evidence of mRNA Gene Therapy Ins
NO 573 BREAKING: CDC Releases 148 Page Study On Myocarditis - WITH EVERY PAGE REDACTED! NO 574 UK HAS A PROBLEM: Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds. NO 575 COVID 💉 Mandates for Queensland, Aussie Emergency Workers Unlawful Court Rules NO 576 Dr. Reszek mRNA Spike Protein Detox - Update 113. Excellent Information 10-27-2023 NO 574 A 3 Professional Football Player Collapse on field in 1 week NO 575 Truth coming out in the UK Parliament. NO 576 Covid inquiry: BBC INFLATED risk to Brits to IMPOSE lockdown measures
NO 577 Scientists are now warning that the latest COVID variant could trigger a “heart failure pandemic.” NO 578 "What's driving turbo cancers and autoimmune flare-ups?" NO 579 Fauci in 1999 telling people what the Covid vaccine will do to people in the next few years NO 580 50 Italian Police Officers DEAD from VAX Investigations to Begin NO 581 Aaron Siri: CDC’s 2024 Child Vax Schedule: All Risks, No Liability NO 581 COVERUP: CDC RUNS SECRET VAERS SYSTEM! - Mass Vaccine Deaths & Injuries HIDDEN From Public! NO 582 RAPHAEL DWAMENA DIES SUDDENLY AFTER COLLAPSING MID MATCH NO 582 NEW: EXCESS DEATH SKYROCKETS! - Children Targeted By LATEST Medical False Flag! NO 583 25 YR Old Doctor Lyndsay Heck - who ran Vaccine Clinics has Died Suddenly (I Told You So Edition) NO 584 Medical Doctors Do Not Practice Medicine
NO 587 Epoch New Ruling Allows for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim | Facts Matter NO 588 US Marine Has Detailed Statistics on What the Clot Shot Jabs Have Done to the Military Personnel NO 589 Caroline Pover, 52, of Cirencester, says she reacted badly to AstraZeneca jab NO 590 New Zealand government desperate to cover up proof of VACCINE GENOCIDE NO 591 FORMER PREMIER LEAGUE FOOTBALLER MATT LE TISSER SPEAKING OUT ABOUT ATHLETES COLLAPSING ON THE FIELD. NO 592 Shout Out to Every Person Who Resisted the Vaxx, Because "You are an above average being" NO 593 Canadian Vax Pushers Are Collapsing On Live Television NO 594 Dr. Ryan Cole 'The Synthetic Spike Protein [in the Covid VAXXX] Is the Swiss Army Knife of Harm' NO 595 Study Finds MAJORITY of Patients With “LONG COVID” Were VACCINATED…Surprise Surprise NO 596 EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD IS HIDING THIS DATA FROM PUBLIC VIEW
NO 599 The New Zealand vaccine data is ''horrific'', says NZ Loyal party leader Liz Gunn NO 600 The New Zealand horror story where 100% of the people (who took the vaxx) in a town died from the vaxx " New Zealand investigator Liz Gunn interviewed on the arrest of Barry Young for releasing the TRUTH about vaccine fatalities" (or on bitchute Mike Adams with Liz Gunn (NZ) on Global "Vaccine" Tyranny and more on Brighteon ) NO 600 A "Spike Protein Contamination: Study Calls for mRNA Vaccines to Be Suspended Over Blood Bank Concerns" NO 600b
NO 601 Cripsr cas 9 approved for 'Sickle cell' gene therapy treatment IN 2023 NO 602 but in Feb 2021 "The dark side of crispr cas 9" NO 603 "Potential DNA Damage from CRISPR “Seriously Underestimated,” Study Finds NO 604 "Crispr Gene Editing Can Cause Unwanted Changes in Human Embryos, Study Finds" NO 605 & to repeat "Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents'" featuring also Tucker Carlson and Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo and Dr Larry Palevsky
NO 605 Malcolm Roberts ''We are going to hound you down'' NO 606 Remember when the PLANDEMIC STARTED how HOSPITALS were EMPTY.... well fast forward to nowadays..💉☠️ NO 607 Sweden Front Page News - It can cause serious illness .. sweden suddenly publishes front page "anti vaxx" information (26.3.2024) NO 608 "Neurological Side-Effects in 1/3 of Vaccinated People: Study | Facts Matter" NO 609 Max Igan - Convid Scamdemic Game Continues NO 610 V.A.I.D.S. Vaccine acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - how they did it. The multi shot process NO 611 "MAID Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots" NO 612 Big Pharma—Organised Crime NO 613 MASS VACCINATION: The Genocide Of The Philippine Populace - Excess Death Rate Investigation Started NO 614 Really Graceful and Unvaxxed in 2024 compilation showing child vaccine trial deaths and injuries and the surrounding censorship and propaganda, including DNA fragments genetically modified organisms found in the mRNA vaccines at 20 - 21 minutes to 25 minutes, causing cancer and autoimmune conditions and preceded by indemnity i.e. indemnity against prosecution NO 615 Russell Brand: MSM Admits Jab Killing People at Extraordinary Rates NO 616 EXCLUSIVE: Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot NO 616A "Neurological Side-Effects in 1/3 of Vaccinated People: Study | Facts Matter" NO 617 REMEMBERING BRANDY VAUGHAN - MURDERED DEC 8TH 2020
NO 618 The Truth about Why They are in Such a Hurry to JAB EVERYONE NO 619 Italian Health Minister Roberto Spiranza Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths! [12.12.2023] NO 620 Compilation of people that believed in Covid vaccines until the evidence of their harm & ineffective NO 621 COVID NURSE SPEAKS OUT NO 622 "MAGA" The Joke is on you NO 623 "17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death" NO 624 (to repeat) Dr Fauci now states that " Fauci Now Says mRNA Jabs NOT Good for Respiratory Illness" NO 625 "Politicians Calling For COVID Vaccines To Be Pulled From The Market" and NO 626 ENTIRE WORLD REJECTS COVID-19 VACCINES 2024: World Data Report - GREAT NEWS! NO 626 A Influenza Vaccines Linked to Elevated Stroke Risk in Elderly: FDA Study NO 627 ~Bankrupting Small Business Because Of A Stupid Flu~
NO 628 Plandemic Treaty April 1st until 1.6.2024 (linked to Tokenization and the medical biometric surveillance state)
Since the Paris climate accords of 2015 a Pandemic Treaty and change to IHR (International Health Regulations) was informally proposed, but did not not take foundation until COP 2020 / 2021. The new Treaty (and the Paris climate is also a Treaty) and its raison d'etre is to avoid the panic and chaos caused by Covid 19 ... yet 6 months before it "broke out" in the USA and 3 months before WUHAN, the Bill and Melinda gates foundation had signed a $100 million contact tracing system for the 'plandemic' Gates, Trump Covid Contact tracing contract August 2019, & Q (with a longer and more insightful version here and including Hybridisation at the end)
Common law history At this stage and see 1 - 11 a above you should now realize that the Human Genome project first mooted completion in 2003 but actually not until mid 2022 into 2023 is indeed all about you. First flagged by farmers and agriculturalists as the attempt by MONSANTO BAYER who began to try to own / patent plant life. They succeeded in this by owning the seeds (at the heart of the farmers protests and regenerative farming in the soils, not organic but regenerative) Now owning the human genome (you) is possible, and it is right out of the OMEN films (Thorn industries) this is why the LAW is vital and to claim your name (back) do not be misled by claims that the common law (itself a system of law but which they try to downgrade or diminish as legal only) began with William the Conqueror as prior to him Alfred the Great brought the common law to prominence with his "DEEMINGS" Prior to this common law was codified by Cormac Mac Airt (circa 200d) Ireland first christian chieftain (and which was previous to the laws of Roman Justinian) Prior to this people knew to extend their identity back to Genesis 1;27 (made in God's image not a legal fiction but the Flesh and blood man or woman) and this is how you claim your name. You can create a PLC or Limited company etc and birth (berth) it at the shore, returning to the land, but this name is in effect a legal fiction although it is not "lost at sea" Alfred the Great fortified the City of London staving off William the Conqueror's claim to the land, which is why today the City's laws predate him (and Alfred) allowing a separate city state.
TOKENIZATION ?.For more details on this see the post dated 15/17.09.2023 into 2024 and which has within it 14 (currently) updates on the economy with no 14 dated 01.03.2024 (scroll down to fed now and 'economic indicators') showing the slow collapse which began with Trump's lockdowns into a new paradigm (in reality not de facto but de jure as world debt is more than all assets) in ownership called Tokenization which is applicable to indebted assets but also to all assets including those which are paid down. In essence this began in the 1930's for real under FDR and the How US Citizens became enemies of the State within and of their own county, and human 'collateral' for loans. How it spread to everyone Globally Because of WW2 it did not take hold until the 1960's and calls to register all land deeds and paper assets instead of the real asset (i.e buying paper gold or silver etc) This story is told by ...
and is confirmed by wall street again in March 2024 (on Tokenization and following the Swiss BCCI cut on interest rates which will also inflate bonds into higher inflation (see the Great Taking by David Webb above) UNMASKED! THE NEW ONE WORLD SYSTEM… “TOKINIZATION.”
MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: Prepare Yourselves For THE NEW SYSTEM. "TOKENIZATION." Mannarino ( at 1 minute 55 seconds fed on Tokenization) Bitcoin is an asset and now an ETF it can be securitised into a token and part owned if you want it to be or not and seized to pay fines or laundering (Jan 2024) It will merge with CBDC.
THEY'VE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR YEARS including TRUMP IN SECRET CBDC [2024-03-27] - NEIL MCCOY-WARD (VIDEO) (Tokenization and CBDC already here)
Joining the dots with an owned Human Genome, then Tokenization can own you (or anything about you data wise which includes storable data in DNA) "Nature offers a powerful alternative through the storage of information that defines living organisms in unique orders of four bases (A, T, C, G) located in molecules called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA molecules as information carriers have many advantages over traditional storage media. Their high storage density, potentially low maintenance cost, ease of synthesis, and chemical modification make them an ideal alternative for information storage." Amsterdam bet on the eventual price of Tulips in the 1600's paving the way for speculative futures and the rise of the Bank of England.
What is this to do with the Pandemic health (human genome treaty ?) consider that the 'virus' has not been isolated and vaccinations do not end respiratory illness (see no 565 to 567 above) then with AI the UN which wants to own the world and you require a tracing system which Trump also enabled "Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism"
The public are unaware or are not being told or are being socially engineered and influenced to accept the deceit
The True Covid Dissidents Tried to Warn Us From the Very Beginning and also
Phony Covid Dissidents - Beware the Dream Team Narrative Police such as Governor Hochul "NY Governor Hochul: God Wants You To Get Vaccinated"
WHO Pandemic Treaty — Will Be "Ratified" & Used Like Paris Climate Accord
WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: The Pandemic Treaty "As we speak, WHO’s Member States are meeting (Tedros the terrorist back to spread the deception)
WHO bringing out Global Digital ID and vaccination certificates 20 /30 AGENDA
University of Glasgow Students Supporting The WHO Pandemic Treaty yet as "influencers" so called they ignore ...
Pandemic Treaty finalised, Dr Francis Boyle & Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING on WHO Pandemic treaty
Still to date the covid virus has not been 'isolated' ? The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health
Gates, Trump Covid Contact tracing contract August 2019, & Q (to repeat once again ....prepared a long time in advance (prepared a long time in advance...longer version with additions here ) Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents' )
Patches are being pushed instead of needle vaccination (yet the patches contain numerous sharp teeth like points as injectors ) and which have RFID wifi powered by the body and a dye which marks as a tattoo, but the reason they are pushed is people are afraid of the jab when the reality is they are afraid of the ingredients and the technology (remember when the ingredients could not be named by the celebrity experts)
Dont be fooled by the NDAA with Tik Tok restrictions it is a new patriot act to go with Trump's land sea and air Biometric system Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism and Gates contact tracing system
NDAA, 702 — Betrayal of America
House Passes 2024 NDAA Bill with Clean Federal Surveillance Authority Extension
Slovakia - Will not sign the WHO amendments
The WHO Plandemic Treaty Will Quietly Be Signed In May 2024 (or by agreement or by force )
Danielle Smith invokes Sovereignty act and the difference in real and fraudulent law is explained here (explaining that slaves were not freed in 1863 but further enslaved as 'citizens' not sovereigns in the legal fiction corporation USA as Trump and any other 'President' Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro )
Alberta sovereignty act invoked Sovereign Nations are already Sovereign under God. The UN or USA 'Corp' is not, they are not LAWFUL
With the government tentative admission of links from covid 19 vaccines and heart attacks (as children teenagers and 20 year olds have increased heart failure since 2020) the Australian government previously denied any links to heart attacks and vaccines but Pfizer are now opening heart attack clinics for vaccine injured but to hide the
fact they caused the heart attacks in the first place (see link above and below) ...the bbc apologised to viewers after a cardiologist told the truth about vaccines and heart attacks, they clarified this by stating the interview should not have been aired . Andrew Bridgen MP relates the shocking excess deaths in January 2024
If the public do not take back their countries then this is what they are left with (a tragedy) Trumps Operation Warp Speed which killed more in the USA than the Vietcong and more in Israel and the EU than Hamas, then Billions in compensation as well as Jail is for Justice and is right for people to bring that Justice to bear. The Blasphemy and Insanity of Donald Trump. Blackmailed creature of the deep state swamp
The USA has not had an election since 1876 ... USA & 'Q' All nations captured by 'foreign national corporations' legally not lawfully. Land, Air Water (Law) ...including Britain betrayed and now a PLC and not a Sovereign Nation
The UK Government and the Crown have not as yet addressed the compensation for vaccines issue in realistic monetary terms according to the UK public asking Prime Minister Sunak "why are they left to rot" but £Trillions are available as it becomes clearer that Sir Keir Starmer or any of the political party leaders have no concern or care or value upon human life or the publics safety The Uniparty (with the liberals and greens) have mocked the public (amidst the rising excess deaths ...Russel Brand and also analysed by sunfellow and Justin Smith) from the no mans land of the Houses of Parliament.
NO 630 Germany German Government Admits "There Was No Pandemic" (on 3.4.2024) (or again on bitchute) when it is now stated by Dr Fauci (see 631a below) that the cure for any pandemic i.e. the vaccination is no suitable for a respiratory 'virus' as a cure for a virus, and see the beginning of no 14 at the top as the virus has not been isolated to date. Not since the Bolshevik iron grid control, (now named as communitarianism) and warnings from Orwell's 1984 or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, supported or underpinned by Edward Bernays Propaganda, the World is a worse situation than it imagines, and not just in ruined health and businesses, but also within the "Biometric health surveillance state" with these examples here of 5th generational warfare upon men, women and children
NO 630a (March 2024) "Fauci Now Says mRNA Jabs NOT Good for Respiratory Illness"
(or here again on Rumble End of No 12)
The Plandemic treaty 01.06.2024 will be updated here
13 ( from April 2nd 2024 to 6.June.2024 ) 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths cont'd & the IHR/ Plandemic treaty World health Assembly meeting (late May 2024) outcome and Tokenization of all assets contd (see 12 above). Major disease's not cured. Covid vaccines increased excess deaths (Daily Telegraph June 2024 and more) The 'Doctrine of Lower Magistrates' Numbered 631 - 690
N.B. Since the original post dated 1.6.2024 below, additions are shown to highlight how fast these original points are developing. They are dated 26-27.06.24 with addendum on the UK ELECTION (& which includes a further update, dated 01.07.2024 on Canzuk and surrounding events)
There are various opinions between whether an actual treaty has been agreed at the WHO, World Health Summit at the United Nations or whether it is just a trade agreement i.e. the slush fund waterfall to grease more 'catch up' vaccinations for the world as especially teenagers have not had enough experimental crispr cas 9 gene therapy yet. Heath attacks in teenagers in the staggered 'bio-weapon' are increasing as are excess deaths into past June 2024. See Young Hearts below at the end. Or is the WHO meeting the final step to World Government via health surveillance... or in fact all of these ? The IHR (International health regulations) have been agreed, yet with the same language as a Pandemic treaty. They are in any case built upon the Paris Climate accords of 2015 which began as 'accords' but now are fully binding international law and as a Treaty. For a history of the UN in New York, Geneva or the Hill of Evil counsel in Jerusalem or Mount Hermon in northern Israel see Hill of Evil Counsel, Mount Zion Jerusalem. The Messiah, King David, Temple Mount & both Houses of Israel (Joseph & Judah) ..... (or here again on bitchute)
UN / WHO Pandemic treaty From a April 2024 to the present the following vids & articles take you through the process of Treaties, agreements and principles (accords) which have in fact passed
"Who ? Pandemic treaty IHR / Agreement openly concealed & passed (De Facto) Geneva as the 'Genes of Eve' (May / June 2024 'Post Tenebras Lux' or 'Light after Darkness') World Health Assembly" ... (or on bitchute once again)
There is confirmation that it is a treaty in fact (de facto) and a shorter version here "A Pandemic Treaty at the UN not simply the IHR (International Health Regulations) awaiting a surprise outbreak & emergency" ... (or on bitchure once more) there are Pandemic fears from the Avian flu and other candidates
While most of the press suggest that the 'Plandemkic treaty failed' in (de facto) fact it has passed in the identical IHR Regulations ‘The World Has Won’: New International Regulations to Protect Against Pandemics Finally Approved with other MSM stating clearly this with 'Covid coffins' displayed in this AP confirmation article
6.6.24 Bird flu death Updated and inserted on 6.6.24 ( 'D - DAY' ). On the Day that Israel stormed Temple Mount in Jerusalem (where they are prevented from praying and it is across the political spectrum taking action) The first case ? of a human dying from this strain/ variant (H5N1 OR H5N2) of Avian Bird Flu occurred earlier in March 2024 the first recorded case of it or similar 'jumped' from a farm animal to a human. Now they are asking if (next) it can pass from Human to Human ? a pandemic. Above are 2 films which show (longer version) of the process of how the Pandemic treaty / IHR International Health Regulations from the WHO / UN ('legally binding in international law with law teachings further down below) are in fact a Pandemic treaty (in shorter version also) As the world's military mobilize, the war is also against 'ordinary non-combatants' in every country and continent. (more updates can be added here as necessary)
It is suggested in some articles that one of the reasons the language of treaty is not employed (even though it is) is to avoid people panicking at this election time and causing people to 'swing to the right' yet all are affected. Voters should be aware of these facts ... and consider see MP4 file & ‘Sadiq Khan Mayor of London ( & Fabain society) Fakes vaccination’ and every and any political party is not worth your vote which by proxy steals your power and consent Keir Starmer (pro vax) as Jimmy savile's favourite lawyer
Added in 26.06.24 Now confirmed the IHR - International Health Regulations have passed and are identical to the Pandemic Treaty as a 'Bait and Switch' with the completed Global government given the option to opt into it "The WHO are running two horses in this race" - Andrew Bridgen MP (which had already been agreed since 2022) with as Klaus Schwab said the WEF Technocracy Loyal who infiltrated all government cabinets ready to vote it in anyway ( 'à fait de accompli' ) and which removes a nations Sovereignty but only De Facto as a nation is Sovereign inalienable (and since time immemorial) and deceit cannot change that fact " What is the deal (now passed) in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty bait and switch ? Chris Sky & more in the description box" (or here again on bitchute) It is as suspected to allow 'Geneomics' to be central to 'medicine' as a 'cure all new method' (or food is not medicine but transhumanism is ..etc)
Continuing deaths and injuries ....
NO 631 Dr Fachi confesses he made it all up (and see his admittance that the v does not assist in respiratory illness like covid NO 565 above (last post) NO 632 added 26.06.24 pushed by Trump to get Operation Warp Speed on with it TRUMP Operation Warp Speed- THE GOD FATHER OF THE KILL SHOT – “I’M THE FATHER OF THE VACCINE” ... and the truth about the Swine Flu in WW1, with more insights into Trump's madness here The Blasphemy and Insanity of Donald Trump. Blackmailed creature of the deep state swamp
NO 633 Katalin kariko co inventor of the mRNA experimental vaccine gene therapy genetic engineering (insane) NO 634 EU admits v a Bio-weapon NO 635 Tedros the terrorists says 'anti vaxxers' are a problem NO 636 Tedros the terrorist admits he is not vaxxed ? Who is Tedros who starved Eithiopians to death now in charge of food connected health for the world THE TEDROS FILE NO 637 Bill Gates had a vaxx contact tracing contract ready in mid 2019 $100 million in value Gates, Trump Covid Contact tracing contract August 2019, & Q NO 637 CRISPR GENE EDITING TECH IN MRNA VACCINE GIVEN TO BILLIONS OF PEOPLE BYPASS & DESTROY IMMUNE SYSTEMS NO 637a Trump the transhumanist biometric surveillance the same as the WHO / UN Pandemic treaty Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism NO 637b How peoples rights were removed.Remember in March 2020 Trump began it "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. ! "
Japan and mRNA Self replicating vaccines and Protests in Japan. see below nearer the end with other pertinent information
NO 638 Estimates of 17 million dead from the vaxx with stats and data showing excess deaths rising everywhere still in 2024 only began as the vaxx was administered
17 Million Vax Deaths. "No Lives Were Saved From COVID Vaccines" Scientist Dennis Rancourt & with estimates of 20 million dead and 2 billion injured The Church deceived. Max Igan,Trump,Governor K Hochul,Biden et al. 20 Million dead,2 Billion injured" NO 639 Why a difference (with stats only showing 10 % of deaths and injuries) as it is now admitted that dead people were classed as unvaccianted instead of vaccinated "ONS Admits Vaccinated People Who Died Were Classed as Unvaccinated" ... (or here on bitchute) this means that this type of fraud in every country could push death by vaxx numbers up to 50 million of more
NO 670 17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy Died 2 Months After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine NO 671A Vaxx does not cause Autism ...but NO 671 33 million Americans, dead or disabled NO 672 MRNA Causing Cancers: Angus Dalgleish NO 673 FOUR YEARS OF SHOWING THE TRUTH BUT STILL TODAY THE SLEEPERS ONLY BELIEVE THE MEDIA (CNN) LIES at 38 mins stew peters ..deleting the gene so that it cannot repair it ...aids NO 674 Compilation of 32 Canadian Doctors Who "Died Suddenly" and were Mandated To Get Covid "Vaccine" NO 675 Covid mRNA shots permanently alter the DNA of those who receive the injections+Babies NO 676 Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections NO 677 Pfizer Admits mRNA Jabs Contain 'Nanobots' That Permanently Alters DNA
Celebrity news who have now changed their minds and some have been vaxxed injured...
NO 678 Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong, May 10, 2024 NO 679 Dr. Ranj - An embarrassing climb down NO 680 Watch former CNN host Chris Cuomo's dramatic 180 on Covid vaccines! NO 681 They Are Deleting Evidence, But We Kept The Receipt's NO 682 They pushed the jab for fast cash. Now these social media influencers are dead .... or again on bitchute
NO 682 Masayasu Inoue MD, PhD: Experimental Gene Therapy Have Induced Injuries Never Seen In Human History NO 683 After 2-year Legal Fight, CDC Releases 780,000 Vaccine Injury Reports From V-safe System | Facts Matter
NO 684 Dr Suzanne Humphries & Del Bigtree (Highwire) Smallpox 'Vaxx ingredients' & Polio (both still live diseases) & 'Sarracenia Purpurea' treatment
NO 685 Remdesivir & Polio (not cured ?) Vaccines do not cure or prevent Polio (it has simply changed names) & the Remdisivir criminal fraud
NO 685 A Today people are making alternative recording systems Reclaim your Rights and Control: The Control Group and the ongoing Scottish covid inquiry and in Ireland the recent Killarney declaration (eddie Hobbs)
Major formerly cured diseases are still here (NO 684 - 685 above) and major news networks (no 675 to 6582) have changed their mind. Never in human history has so much brainwashing occured to so many people ...why ? Many say it was just for money or a power grab, yet those behind it already have all the money in the world (literally) and all the power. Its organisation was efficient and effective organised and deadly.and never in history has so much deception been so deep
NO 686 'UNSAFE & INEFFECTIVE" MOVIE "The True Story Of the Biggest Lie Ever Sold To The World" The film features Ed Dowd Dr Campbell who pushed the vaccine at the beginning of covid also features, (like many of the alternative media shills and politicians now standing for elections) but this last video shows that all deaths only occurred from the vaccine roll out featuring & excess deaths are still rising as are cancers, it also shows that batches were high deaths and some batches of vaccinations were low deaths or again on Bitchute )
Polio and Smallpox not cured ? see NOs 684 and 685 above the last links? The film above avoids saying the obvious that the disease is in the vaccine and is not airborne or by contact to contact. As Polio for instance is not cured and is called (now) acute flaccid myelitis and is exactly the same as Polio, and is not cured by injections. The National Library of Medicine states... "Further In April 1955 more than 200 000 children in five Western and mid-Western USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be abandoned" It was in the polio injection. (more information here and here "What Does It Mean Now That Polio Is Back?" ) ... This is confirmed here and it explains how in 2019 covid in China meant the military and people were injected in early 2019 and into the Wuham military games in Sep/Oct 2019 which had the armies on earth in attendance who returned home to the west. It explains the spanish flu (which was not spanish and which began in the USA near fort detrick) and more recently Thalidomide caused by pill and injection (i.e. it was in the pill or vaccine) Also the recent Swineflu fraud of 1976 when people caught 'Polio like symptoms' and in 2015 the (V 63) The Vaccinated girls, sick and betrayed documentary 2015 It goes on with Smallpox which like Polio is not cured Dr Suzanne Humphries & Del Bigtree (Highwire) Smallpox 'Vaxx ingredients' & Polio (both still live diseases) & 'Sarracenia Purpurea' treatment Covid injections death and injuries rise when the injection administered as stats show now, the same with Swine Flu, Spanish flu, Polio, Thalidomide and also Smallpox. (not cured, vaxx ineffective and yet cases rise) As with covid the vaxxed argued that the unvaxxed were a threat to them even though they were sold the notion that the vaxx would protect them from the 'virus' ? the double vaxxed and treble vaxxed with boosters still have covid to this day or caught it again after being vaxxed ? The unvaxxed are fine.
What occured in the Nestle baby milk scandals when millions of babies died ? (5) Breasts, Breast-feeding & Baby formula (powder) Nestlé's Darkest Secret: The Disturbing Truth. Its Revolution time baby... or in the food pyramid hoax
(6) The Food Pyramid Hoax 1970's to date. Meat, Vegetables or Chemicals. President Nixon and the removal of people from the land (just as the Bolsheviks, Lenin & Trotsky did, as today in the ultra processed food weapons against your health
(2)Ultra processed food & people (Tucker Carlson) Kiana Docherty, Dr Chris Tulleken & Calley Means The same ethos and philosophy is behind these medical deceptions as in covid. Above has films 5 6 and 2 which are 3 of 7 films across the health spectrum
Excess deaths in Philippines, Britain and in Ireland and the world. NO 686a 🚨SHOCKING DATA FROM PHILIPPINES: Half a million Excess deaths, 1 MILLION LESS BABIES BORN since 2020 no 686b Daily Telegraph 4.6.2024 'Covid Vaccines May Have Helped Fuel Rise In Excess Deaths' (Daily Telegraph) Incredibly as the population was being reduced and the entire was in lockdown , global trafficking and illegal immigration as the blatant modern slavery was increasing despite the lockdowns and restrictions ? It is occurring in every country and every continent
Ireland is at War. The European Asylum (migration / trafficking / population replacement) Pact. The 'Doctrine of lesser Magistrates' ... or War ?
Added in 26.06.24 (all 7 paragraphs below) The EU asylum and migration / trafficking pact Government vote and high court challenge is best described through the lense of trafficking e.g. in the following 3 films 1. Calin Georgescu ... 2. Sir Mo Farah and the UN ... 3. How traffickers make money from Trusts (Trump is a trafficker and this was the basis of his 'friendship with Jeffrey Epstein' Executive orders are made against trafficking by every President yet it rises and there are no laws in the USA to pay taxes and bringing the FEDERAL Reserve into the treasury actually achieves the opposite of 'freedom' as a private federal reserve bank instead becomes the treasury. Trump calls for biometric slavery surveillance. Trump changing on 'Hillary Clinton and her arrest' ? and Trump at the World Economic Forum all part of the Q Psyop which sells a lie by using a part of the truth e.g. The central banks are buying Gold to back the new digital currencies ? in thousands issued by the BIS, Bank of International Settlements and bitcoin which will not be any use if a the internet goes dark, and the internet can be kept for the military and 'zoned' but bitcoin users can be tracked and blocked or blocked at point of access. The Internet was invented by the military and Darpa in Switzerland) ..contd in the next paragraph
In Ireland (contd 26.06.24) the original family and care act failed overwhelmingly by public referendum in March 2024 (it was rushed into a referendum ) It is connected to the EU migration and asylum pact which was brought forward (rushed) by Government vote without referendum on the 18th - 21st June BUT AFTER a national vote on local and EU elections without being announced as a item in the election, avoiding public outrage. The vote the government took is challenged and delayed by a legal challenge by Una McQuirk Barrister. One issue of the the EU migration and asylum pact (Ireland and Denmark can forgo it and have to opt in hence the Dail government vote ) concerns the stipulation that Ireland if it opts in can pay €20,000 not to take a trafficked victim (and also then by change of numerous names take the 20,000and traffick them elsewhere) BUT not give $20,000 to an Irish family to begin a family ? (babies) ? or even for the homeless as there are 10,000 homeless people in Ireland ?
Ireland (26.06.24) like all nations are caught up in this criminal operation and lie.In much the same way the IHR.. International Health Regulations is the Pandemic Treaty and is draconian and can be 'opted into' to remove sovereignty. Slavery is alive and well and in Ireland they can demand a national (not EU or Local) election and apply common law and reverse any adverse or harmful law (as it is the people who are the government)
A previous referendum on the Lisbon treaty first failed,but Ireland was asked to vote again ? and this time it passed but also showing that statute law is inferior to common law which remains constant, and statute law can change and is not etched in stone. Common law can ask for a referendum on the EU migration and asylum Pact under the constitution as it is based upon (not from William the conqueror but before) Sovereign law of the living flesh and blood man and woman as Sovereign rights law time immemorial (case law does not change the fact that flesh and blood living man and woman are higher than corporations who cannot contract with humans (living flesh and blood men and woman) contd in next paragraph.
The High Court challenge by Senior Barrister Una McQuirk details are here and states "In her action, Ms McGurk seeks orders delaying any vote in either house of the Oireachtas on the EU measures from taking place “until such time as a referendum of the people takes place to determine the constitutionality of any such ceding of sovereignty”. (which is already impeded by the IHR Regulations) The application was not properly issue but not by Una McQuirk the judge stated and a further delay followed. It was then dismissed by the high court with counsel also saying "Counsel also argued that the adoption of the measures contained in the pact by the Oireachtas was permitted under Article 28.4.7 of the Irish Constitution, which had been approved by the people in the 2009 vote on the Lisbon Treaty" (the Lisbon treaty was voted upon twice and is not immovable in itself and also the people are Sovereign not the Dail government and can reverse statue corporation law which is below common law) It can of course be appealed in the supreme court (updates will be posted here)
In the addendum to this post dated 26.06.2024 the full explanation of how trusts work in trafficking and in the courts will be added to show how corrupt and widespread the world's fastest growing business is
The Doctrine of Lower Magistrates expalined (for the removal of all the 'uniparties', which also freed Romania and others or here also) ....and... STRAWMAN: The Nature of the Cage [2015] – John K. Webster (Documentary Video)
Dead in the Water, Maritime Admiralty Law UCC Civil Ecclesiastical law legal fiction non law
and...THE OCCULT ART OF LAW -- 99% have NO Clue that this is how our World is Run
and...THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta. Justinian Deception
Then contrast the above with International law (which is a legal fiction of dead law not the law of the living flesh and blood man and woman) Corbett Report "International Law?"
Added in 26.06.24 Yet will 'international law also prosecute Hamas as 1,700 Israelis have died. Or is it not there to prosecute 'wars' only selective events. For instance the long Bolshevik war and Chairman Mao and the hundreds of Gulags and in the Ukraine also... from 1919 to even the early 1990's in Soviet Russia (literally hundreds of Gulags ) Gulags in Soviet Russia. Communist death camps killing over 230 million (into China & Chairman Mao Zedong The Chinese system of social credit will become the model for modern gulags (C40 cities, 15 minute cities and digital currency) People do not understand that for the working class the Ukraine war has its roots in the Holodomor famine when 10 million people were starved by Stalin regardless of the modern events or interruptions of the war Gulag, the Story, PT 1(1918-1936) | FULL DOCUMENTARY will international law compensate all vaxx victims ? including those in Israel Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83) or the surrounding Arab nations or in any nation on earth
Then consider official government documents NO 587 "Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" NO 688 or also Human Augmentation the dawn of a new paradigm and also again NO 589 Exploring Biodigital Convergence Canada yet this new trans-humanism and its life extending big tech glowing future has killed millions ?
Your body is a temple ?
The denial is incredible and mirrors the 3rd Temple debate ( i.e. a physical man made temple, or your body as a temple). There are those who believe that the Mark of the Beast is just an outer tatoo or mark (branded cattle are beasts by species defination and DNA not just the brand) on the skin ? Yet the real mark is inside the DNA which via injections, Billions of people have taken by consent as the staggered deaths and injuries into mid 2024 from 2020. (mRNA in vaccines is mixed with other ingredients and crispr cas 9 tech not just synthetic mRNA in foods etc ) It is also believed that the 'Antichrist' which should be termed the man of perdition or sin as the lawless one has not been revealed therefore it cannot have happened yet ? BUT ! they will preach on 1 Corinthains 6 19 - 20 whilst they are hypnotised by waiting for a new Temple Jerusalem ? proof ? (the 3rd temple is both under the temple mount already and holds meetings, and also above it already in the 8 sided temple to Venus known as the Al-Asqua mosque, but it is not a mosque in the normal sense, but was rebuilt by the Templars. Another 3rd temple will be built in Jerusalem.... but you have only 1 body and 1 spirit as 1 Corinthians 6, 19 - 20 relates. Future videos on the physical man made temple in Jerusalem, will show these items and facts. The man of perdition, sin and lawlessness has been revealed already which means ....? (for the theologians to answer) and recent developments only confirm the worst,,,, (see next 3 paragraphs below)
Added in 26.06.26 Now confirmed by the BBC. The BBC confirm the above A BBC Special report on the Crispr Cas 9 Gene Editing, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas (or once again on Brighteon ) So its official now it is on the BBC, yet in 2020 - 2023 this was a 'conspiracy' theory. Further recently the 9th circuit court in the USA ruled that the 'vaccine' was not a preventive medicine but was a 'therapy' as a gene therapy or to be exact an experimental mRNA gene therapy / editing synthetic nanobot which cuts your DNA and not with accuracy in any way "9th Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legitimate Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative, The WHO & FDA & CDC should be closed down (in other words the shot was never a vaccine and the 'virus' has still not been isolated, which makes this a transhumanist experiment with Genomics which is soon to be central to the NHS as the main medical department, and under the IHR International Health Regulations (the now agreed bait and switch Pandemic treaty) the main medical department in all nations Hospitals. The Gnostic reason for this belief is that all people are substandard and the next evolutionary jump (as the BBC special report video states) will edit out and breed a new race but in a vastly reduced population. (itself a trojan horse as of course this is not possible)
Japan and mRNA Self replicating vaccines and growing Protests in Japan. Professor, Masayasu Inoue warns of self replicating vaccines (to be rolled out in September 2024) "Professor, Masayasu Inoue, warns the world in this video about the latest SELF-REPLICATING replicon vaccines (repRNA / srRNA / saRNA)" which are built on mRNA vaccines but continue to develop and replicate into other cells i.e "When the vaccines are injected, they deliver the mRNA to cells, which make copies of spike and then clear the foreign genetic material within a few days. Arcturus’s self-amplifying vaccine and others in development include enzymes from alphaviruses to repeatedly copy the genetic strand inside a cell and stay in the body for more than twice as long" Japan has seen increasing protests against vaccine deaths and injuries and against the WHO /UN Pandemic treaty and IHR and this is also covered by Mike Adams interviewing Dr Murakami of Japan It was denied in 2020 that the new experimental gene therapy vaccines enters or changes a human cell (see post above dated 7,10.,2021 and the film the "Strong Delusion" ) containing DNA & RNA & Proteins. Now we learn that this is the whole point of them as crispr cas 9 is not accurate and is dangerous to the human genome, As revealed in the World Premiere: Died Suddenly ( or here again on bitchute Died Suddenly 1-Hr Documentary Covid Vaxxes causing Heart Problems & Blood Clots) documentary Died suddenly large DNA structures were removed from the deceased (who were all vaccinated) and these structures self replicate and grow along the arteries, veins and capillaries and grow and are horrific causing blood clots and heart attacks.Yet there are those who say that for the past 3.5 years this has not happened ?
With a similar modus operandi Self Spreading Vaccines -TLAV also act in the same way which disseminate through animals and also through humans to other humans and "Japanese authorities of a jab against SARS-CoV-2 constructed using a form of RNA that can make copies of itself inside cells" We have learnt that gain of function genetically modified synthetic vaccines created in a lab have jumped from an animal to a human as the bird flu or avian flu H5N1 and we need a pandemic treaty already agreed via the IHR to stop a global pandemic A Pandemic Treaty at the UN ? not just simply the IHR, awaiting surprise outbreak / emergency. Bill Gates has admitted that graphene nano-particles are in the shots Bill Gates about self assembling nano particles in MRNA injections and mRNA for all vaccines! and these were tested on the Israeli populations and others around the world 2020 - 2024 see also Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections pushed by Trump (and once again Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents' ) Despite Bill Gates admitting the "nanobots" which are made from synthetic DNA Israeli scientists explain how they were invented Israel, AI, 'Nanobots' Militarized Bio-metric / medical Surveillance & WBAN networks (from the body to the cloud) & Pandemic treaty IHR
Creating a new 23 Chromosomes/ 72,000 genomes (Genesis 3,22) albeit synthetic (as the 'Died Suddenly' documentary above shows) the new mrna vaccines have been a disaster to human life but very useful for Gnostics to also study the effect on the Human genome. 23 + 23 (46) although some say 22 + 22 = 44 chromosomes from the mother and father i.e. 22 + 22 equals 44 and represents the mother and father as 22 or 23 each in each parent . So a new strand of dna = 3 x 22 = equals 66 (or 3 x 23 = 69 and there are esoteric differences in why these numbers are disputed to examine at some other time) Further each parent has 72,000 genomes making 72,000 x 2 = 144,000 (as Gods image) and 6 x 60 x 600 = 666 (We are told to calculate the number of the beast which has an accompanying image) = 216,000 and an extra 72,000 genomes added to 144,000 = 216,000 which is 6 x 60 x 600 or 666 (a third parent addition, and this is not "science fiction" as reported by the BBC in May 2023 and the human genome project only completed in mid 2022 Baby born from three people's DNA in UK first a 'parent' could also be added DNA / mRNA thru vaccines like self replicating mRNA injections as 'gene therapy') People find this Genesis 3,22 Gnostic religion hard to believe, but it does not matter if you believe it, as they believe it and they act upon it by numbers and by action. This 'reverse transcribed DNA' concoction breaks through the nucleus and into the cell, and now they can self replicate as vaccines and grow or try to grow (a 3rd strand...see the 'Died Suddenly' documentary above) Confirmed by Phd's around the world and even by Bill Gates, i.e. graphene and mRNA are in the vaccines. If they had announced this beforehand the experiment would never have gone live, and to repeat ... there are there are those who say that for the past 3.5 years this has not happened ?
Consider a previous (next below) added film from the last post (and see the dialogue after these posts below ) ... with NOs 638 and 639 and 673 to 677...
Do the COVID Vaccines Change Your DNA & Humanity Itself? "With the mRNA Vaccines They Have DNA In Them. This DNA Hangs On With mRNA In That Lipid Nano Particle." - Doctor Joseph Ladapo (The Surgeon General of Florida)
And a longer version with more information with Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, 'Really Graceful' Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo, Dr Larry Palevsky,& Calley Means Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents'
and also ....Dr. William Makis MD ..dna integration The injection destroys DNA and people die or are injured and worse
And if it was 2020 (now).... what would any preacher or atheist advise a young girl or boy (or any young person) given all the evidence in retrospect NO 691 Young Hearts Part 1 - Vaccine Murdered by Career Politicians you can search for all parts which go on and on for almost 3 years and here is part 54 Young Hearts Part 54 - 28th May 2024
Added in 26.06.26 Again watch the BBC confirm the above A BBC Special report on the Crispr Cas 9 Gene Editing, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas (or once again on Brighteon ) and also "The WHO are running two horses in this race" - Andrew Bridgen MP and also What is the deal (now passed) in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty bait and switch ? Chris Sky & more in the description box" (or here again on bitchute) It is as suspected to allow 'Geneomics' to be central to 'medicine' as a 'cure all new method' (or food is not medicine but transhumanism is ..etc) Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections
There are also those who say that all of this has not happened yet ? ( theological doctrinal or 'science' pride which the world has paid a heavy continuing price for)
As a final incredible insult to everyone on earth, those that pushed this (and the Uniparties) are now asking you to vote for them
26-27.06.24 Addendum (to post above dated 6.6.24) please see all additions above dated 26.06.24
Topics include the UK National Election, the NHS (national health service), The Post Office 'Scandal' (persecutions) of England, Wales & Scotland 1997 - 2024 The French National Election 01.07.2024. Wars and Conscription, Bank collapses and Banking trusts, Biodigital ID, Canzuk, the Petro Dollar, Trafficking, Nesara, Nato, Ukraine, Israel and the 'Quartet' and more ( follow shortly on Friday 27.6.2024.... now here below)
The new digital technocracy banking system. Many subjects in the media and trending is the Saudi Arabia move away from the Petro Dollar. (not a drift) This has caused surprise in many financial circles as the Petro Dollar recycling system is central to investment also in real estate and of course for the USA as the world's reserve currency which also then by default becomes the protector of the client state who must purchase Oil only in US Dollars. For immediate relevance to the USA is the new military security contract Saud signed with Russia in 2021 Saudi Arabia signed with Russia in mid 2021 see post above dated 15.04.2022 (under Trump) which was formerly with the USA ? so the Saudi move away from the Dollar could not have been that much of a surprise, and of course this was announced before the Ukraine War began (post 2020) as Russia invaded the west of Ukraine. However in June 2024 Saudi signalled that it may also (once again) go with USA and the Dollar. This means that both the USA and Russia would be protecting Saud in a Joint Dollar / Ruble ... Petro Ruble / Dollar recycling system, ? which could become confusing in the Ukraine war where an untold number of Russians and Ukrainians have died
The BIS or Bank for International Settlements, as a modern SDR (Special drawing rights agreed at the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944 in which some wanted to keep gold as the backing to the SDR, but when Nixon and made the oil deal to back the Dollar it in any case became the Black Gold backing the US Dollar 1970 - 1973. Now the BIS is issuing thousands of new digital currencies (and the brics nations are asking for them Wow. ALERT- BRICS Nations Join The BIS- Seeking A DIGITAL CURRENCY- Banking System IN COLLAPSE ) and/or CBDC (central bank digital currencies, trackable and programmable and as tokenised securitised currency which when in default can claim the debt including on cars and houses you already own and everything in that indebted nation see here on this development The World is now a 'Securitised Tokenized Asset' & all people on it ? The Financial Meltdown Matrix ... (or here again on RUMBLE) and beginning already in the USA as home defaults (as in 2008) are removed quickly by ...securitised (in effect) tokenisation see BREAKING: Quiet Backroom Deal JUST Approved - 40,000,000 Homes to be Seized and also in connection to the last link It’s NOW LAW: Santa Monica Moves to SEIZE Housing Units! )
As Russia and China are both under the BIS main central bank in Geneva Switzerland (as the USA, Europe and Britain as almost everywhere) and were amongst the first to join the UN in 1945 - 1950, then a uniform digital SDR used by Russia and the USA would not be contradiction, and they want the new CBDC which will include Bitcoin and others as in the CBDC to be backed by Gold ? China's management of the surveillance currency is the chosen model and it has supplied the Ukraine with the system as Ukraine becomes the 'Smart Country' with C40 cities and 15 minute cities and programmable traceable 'money' surveillance in the bio-security state, linked to Genomics (as with Genomics England ...see above) and your health but in every nation on earth. They're Using Banks To Bring Everything Down - Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction
The 'Narrative' suggests that the world's economy is shifting eastward but central banks are global. Even though the US economy is less (and the petrodollar to end for a new digitaal SDR equivalent) allowing Brics nations to rise (although Canzuk will rise above both) the worlds economy is still based around the BIS Bank of international settlements in Geneva and City of London
Saudi will do as the Swiss ask, but in Switzerland they had a referendum to keep cash to awaken the Swiss up to these changes, and doubtless they will keep going until they can keep cash as all banks in the world are consolidating into the larger banks and more banks have collapsed (by design) in the USA and this will continue in every nation under any political party e.g. JUST IN: 63 U.S. Banks To Collapse With $517 Billion in Losses - FDIC
UK General election 4.7.2024.
The other main item in the news is the UK national election in which the 3 main parties of Labour, Liberal and Conservative (uni-parties) are so dire and so bad that you cannot bear looking at them or listening to them. None of them really represent the working or middle class anymore. Many elections are occurring and in Europe the right have changed "the landscape" (or are they just everyday people as the dictionaries change the definition of "facism" from totalitarian governments to ..."right wing" government only ?)
Hospitals, maternity wards and health. For decades every political party has promised to improve the NHS ? but it is not reformed back to its original intent or practice. The NHS is a series of Quangos and Agencies and vested interests and all 3 of the political parties have helped that transition over those decades. One important issue is raised by George Galloway is a new maternity ward and hospital in Rochdale and to reopen the open air market in Bury. This raises the issue of what is health at all it Genomics ? or is food medicine and not synthesized petro chemical 'Rockefeller medicine' Isabel Hardman writing in the spectator has said that waiting lists are rising again in 2024 and this is the case in all parties for decades, but now no one is connecting the fallout from vaccination injury in millions (see 1 - 13 above) and mass immigration without more hospitals as factors for the increase in the waiting lists
The UK Column (link in next paragraph) back in April 2024 laid out the new system coming in tied to the WHO International Health Regulations which by bait and switch have passed as a de facto Pandemic treaty awaiting for nations to opt in de jure and which has taken away nations sovereignty and they explain how the new 'Genomics' will become front and centre to the health system
UK Column in April 2024 "UK Column News EXTRA. Friday 12th"
very sinister... and again the 3 main political parties, labour, liberal democrat and conservative are all on board with it. ? The NHS was really made by Nurses in the 1940's and they ran it all. Further the central cooking area was not a cafe filled with ultra processed foods or even processed but not very nutritious food, and hospital dinners and breakfasts were not brought in (like superior microwave dinners) but was cooked on site, not just as your 3 meals a day but also as MEDICINE. The food was medicine ? yes ... as the ingredients for big pharma are from plants and vegetables !. Later in the NHS, management was brought in as the existing system was "too inefficient" and gradually they were co-opted only to listen to Big Phrama salesmen with pills (or as now Gene editing tools ?) and the "old" system was slowly hived away as Big Pharma cannot make money from cheap medicines but they do lobby to ban them ? e..g. laetrile for cancer or st john's wort and numerous other products. France tried to ban vitamins in the covid lockdowns and so on (used for thousands of years) Yet this is how the NHS began as a natural continuation of "old medicine" (this author's Mother was first a nurse in the late 1940's then a sister then a matron and on until she became a consultant. She complained that her girls (nurses) on the ward had become 'trolley dollies' for pills.instead of 'nursing')
To fund this revolutionary new type of smaller hospital (to begin again and to start somewhere as local NHS traditional hospitals) simply get rid of the overpaid middle men and women (or even higher up to the evry top) and millions (Billions) in unnecessary drugs (not all) to fund the Nurses whose wages stay low whilst management rises by hundreds of % ? Nurses wages would rise. Many managers are paid 300 or 400,000 a year ? You could build these new smaller hospitals staffed with nurses in every town and local markets (as desired in the last paragraph above) of good wholesome food grown in soil that is regenerated and rich from farmers who are local in every town. For details on how to improve aspects of your health see the paragraphs above e.g. the 7 films and those next to the teaching by Kiana Docherty (under NO 686 above) which has in its description the following insight by Doctor Chris van Tulleken “‘This is an emergency’ - Chris van Tulleken on how our diet is killing us” (or see here for the Dr Tulleken experiment where he went on Ultra processed food food for 30 days...truly shocking and more here ) This is how the NHS started and would still have diagnostics and imaging doctors and specialists and they would be smaller, local and more numerous instead of less hospitals getting bigger and bigger in the centralised system
Britain spends £100 Billion on average on un-elected Quangos agencies and NGO (non governmental organisation) from 2009 up to 2021. Incredibly NGO's are funded by government and taxpayers who spin this lucrative trade by cutting out the public in the loop when the money could go direct to the public instead of the Labour (anti working class) Libs and conservatives who Quango the working class out of their own money every day. The Quango suited communists with new labour who want to forget that Tony Blair and Jeremy Corbyn both voted to leave the EU in the 1980's.(because making your own trade deals = prosperity) £100 billion could easily fund a new type of healthy NHS. ‘People need to stop treating the NHS like a religion, it is BROKEN!’ | Can anyone save the NHS? can nurses cooking and nursing adding minerals vitamins and nutrients to the gut micro - biome (with extra pay) the NHS ...don't hold your breath for the '3 main parties; to save it
And regarding 'food; and ultra processed food is not food a farmer has this to say on the subject of farming generally BRITISH FARMERS ARE BEING COERCED (AND PAID) TO STOP GROWING FOOD (who blame the political class and now with super greenhouses Britain can grow avocados ) instead GMO Genetically Modified Organisms seeds are planted which has never occurred before in history and British history in the land making genetically modified people adaptable to eating GMO ultra processed food see also MossMichael March 2021 “Hooked, Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants ExploitOur Addictions” Ultra processed food does not even need to be grown it is pre-digested and is detrimental to your health and see "Big Pharma biotech GMO food' born out of Ultra Processed 'food'. Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts here ... (Codex Alimentarius) Incredibly it is the Greens and their lobby who are pushing this tarvestry onto the LAND (just as legal fiction law is pushed onto the land)
War and conscription (national service)
Many nations are sounding the bells about bringing in conscription ( a part of the war has been to push up inflation and reduce food around the world. This makes loan defaults or mortgage defaults more like;y and those properties can be grabbed through securitisation and even if you own outright this financial legal fiction can claim your property. it is Gulag communism with 15 minute cities and c40 cities and so on. Conscription in Britain has been mooted but not yet fully floated but the USA is bringing it in as is (and many nations) Germany also in recent weeks In WW2 Britain had the Home Guard to protect the home (villages, towns and cities) who were armed. This is lawful and can return today lawfully and properly. The reason it has not (yet) is in the accompanying post dated 15 - 17th. 9 . 2023 into 2024 (i.e until today) which also covers the law contract tied up (or not) in the Stone of Destiny (Jacobs Pillar) In this post you will find out the nonsense reason why Britain or any nation cannot have a armed Home Guard in every village
Consider also how the armies around the world were lied to (remember the people ar the government and they are sovereign and are not ruled over) with the testimony of a soldier (the testimony of National Guard Karoline Stanchik)Catherine Herridge
How The Army & National Guard Abandoned One Soldier After She Was Injured By COVID-19 Vaccines ...
or here on bitchute How The Army & National Guard Abandoned One Soldier After She Was Injured By COVID-19 Vaccines
Further recently the 9th circuit court in the USA ruled that the 'vaccine' (from above) was not a preventive medicine but was a 'therapy' as a gene therapy or to be exact an experimental mRNA gene therapy / editing synthetic nanobot which cuts your DNA and not with accuracy in any way "9th Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legitimate Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative, The WHO & FDA & CDC should be closed down
Think armed Home Guard as is lawfully a right in Britain and think Jimmy Savile and the connected Ghouls and Rotherham and the other 10 cities etc
You are also being trafficked
Everyone is being trafficked and here is how it works ... now *but was not intended this way) "What is the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility?" with further details here Ownership of the combined collateral accounts of the Global debt facility The modern form of Central banking would not exist without them and the IMF / World bank would not exist without them. Traffickers draw on these accounts once they obtain the trafficked signature and see here History of the combined collateral accounts They operate in maritime admiralty law not the Law of the Land which is higher law as you are a higher entity being the natural flesh and blood woman and not a slave. These entities can only contract with other corporations not the flesh and blood man and woman (ssee above the addendum in the law links ) with one more here Alan Of Salisbury: The Occult Art Of Law
They form the basis of Nesra which was the land case won by American farmers in the 970;s and 1980;s which has been blocked by every US President since including Trump (although Joe Biden was a part of the original supporting team who brought andwon the case at that time) This is what has become to be known as N.E.S.A.R.A. or N.E.S.A.R.A. National Economic Security & Reformation Act"... and NOT the Nesara as "National Economic Security and Recovery Act" and is nothing to do with Trump, UBI or Universal basic income or "ascending" in some New Age cult ... see Nesara 1 AND Nesara 2 AND Nesara 3 or here again Nesara 1 AND Nesara 2 AND Nesara 3
Most of the financial institutions, banks and many organisations including the IMF come between you and your trust (created at birth) to take what is yours to sell you what you already have at interest. So do traffickers (or how do people believe they obtain money from poor people ?) and they have 7.5 billion customers potentially hence the vast trafficking explosion where people are now trafficked into AFRICA and CHINA and EUROPE AND South America and everywhere and then out again numerous times. Black, white Asian and anyone. The UN is behind a lot of it and si training soldiers to merge with the migrants in tens of thousands
This is the true meaning of the words in the song 'Exodus' by Bob Marley. ( Exodus by Bob Marley ) Not simply physically moving (we already live on a diverse world) but moving from the law of the dead (corporation law) into the biomedical / security trap... to the law of the living which is also spiritual and every day practical (the promised land)
These trusts are behind the "Great Taking" by David Webb see additional info here
The World is now a 'Securitised Tokenized Asset' as are all people on it ? The Financial Meltdown Matrix on the near Horizon (To buy the earth, and all, body and soul ) or again on Rumble Think you own you home or car ...think again
Here is a trust working in a court Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro ... or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File )
This is the basis of the EU Migration and Asylum pact (see above in the section dated 6.6.24 above this addendum) and they do not care about those they traffick (woman are worth more as the trafficking fee / trust is taken and they are pimped for a longer period as prostitutes) The whole world has been conned into the "left - right" Hegelian dialectic on this subject. In Ireland notwithstanding the legal challenge and national elections for the referendum, the EU Pact gives traffickers 20,000 euros not to take a migrant ? who pockets the money and traffickers the victim elsewhere and no one including the left for women's rights asks about the prostitution or forced sweatshops ?
e.g. An Unspeakable Outrage (woman raped numerous times by numerous men in Germany. In common law these people or any amn from any continent would get life imprisonment or the death penalty or on youtube
Britain to become 'the asylum capital of the world?': Concerns over Starmer's migrant policy soar
The New Stolen Generation: Australia Traffics Its Children for Profit
Sir Mo Farah (Olympic Champion) trafficked as a child. United Nations caught Trafficking
8 Million Children simply disappear each year ? CALIN GEORGESCU &"DARK SECRETS OF THE 'UNITED NATIONS"
No Land Law as a basis for society leads to ultimate corruption and decay including in Britain
Canzuk (Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom)
Canzuk & what is Canzuk As part of an international organisation or confederation similar in scope to the former European Economic Community, Canzuk represents a huge area of the world's surface, which could not have occurred without Brexit. (and real prosperity) Shutting the world down (unprecedented) and ruining small business in 2020 to 2023 had a detrimental effect on the British economy which Brexit withstood and today not allowing small business to flourish is the aim of technocrats. We have seen the politicians apply one rule for them and another for you and this includes Starmer who had did not comply with the "rules" as the public were ordered to including a second national lockdown in March 2021 Small businesses are the lifeblood of society. Yet it is Brexit and not lockdowns which is the problem ?
While the worlds narrative has focused on the demise (or not) of the US Petro-dollar and the rise of Brics, most of the Brics nations are in the Commonwealth of Nations or United Nations and the Commonwealth is situated within the United Nations in New York and Geneva (down the hall a bit) and already has 2.2 billion citizens...20% of global trade... 53 countries and Canzuk countries are in both the Commonwealth and UN. As it grows it may surpass Brics. CANZUK and the commonwealth grew out of the City of London and the United Nations was formed from the League of Nations in London following WW1 and WW2, and the league of nations grew out of the Royal Institute of International Affairs from London. Canzuk the commonwealth and the UN combined are the largest trading group in the world.
Britain was central to the creation of Israel and from the beginning a peace process was initiated becoming the Oslo accords 1 and 2 and Oslo 3 did not go ahead due to the assassiantion of Israeli promeminster Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995. Instead the 'Road map' for peace was formed with the following countries in the Quartet The Quartet comprises the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia (Russia and China were some of the first members of the UN) Russia's membership has been awkward in the Ukraine Russia war but the US and Russia may share defense in Saudi Arabia who are in effect saying a sheep has 2 balls (1 each) In the center of all of this is Israel which in turn is centered by the 3rd Temple debate intertwined with the debate of the law between the Israeli Supreme court and the Sanhedrin into the Greater Israel size and growth. This is the center of the world in real politics (and is forcing the war with Russia as Greater Israel expands to its Inevitable many would say ... biblical size and presence) and which is controlled by the City of London and Switzerland who oversee Rome. Rome and the bloodline families control the Pentagon.
Added in 01.7.2024. Brexit and Canzuk and the French National Elections 01.07.2024. has produced many tens of Billions (some suggest up to £2 Trillion extra trade) in trade deals since 2016 around the world. Small and medium sized business should have taxes reduced to 15 % with workers on the same to benefit from this boom which has stood against Covid business lockdowns supported by all 3 of the main parties, which devastated the high streets leaving high streets with many barber shops, vape shops or phone shops but not much else ? when they should be vibrant with goods and services and manufacturing The Carbon tax per item increase .With promised increased taxes across the board and as an example an increased tax on cattle, sheep and livestock and eggs etc on top of what is already promised but now per animal or per grains or vegetables... "World’s first carbon tax on livestock will cost farmers $100 per cow" (all a part of the C40 cities / 15 minutes city gulag operation) It is the CO2 danger and even vegetables produce carbon, by distributing them and by people travelling to buy vegetables, and even on the way to buy vegetables by breathing out .CO2 (like a 1950's Horror B movie)..this produces CO2 / carbon ? (of course plants love CO2 ? BUT ! they also need water and nutrient rich soils Its 'Idiocracy' 2.0 ) This is on top of inflation and the real agenda is to close down farms BRITISH FARMERS ARE BEING COERCED (AND PAID) TO STOP GROWING FOOD which most accurately occurred in Holland and is ongoing. A short history of famine (no farmers no food) then and today and again Dutch farmers being paid to stop growing food
This is part of "re-imagining society" and 'recovery from covid must be green'except it seems to be time for Britain to try Technocratic government also and technocrats who would not know a Gherkin from a Cabbage are of course not Green and they want to replace natural seeds grown in fields containing good fungal growth from tree roots, with GMO seeds to destroy your micro-gut biome There are natural fertilizers and regenerated organic rich soil needs less and produces a higher yield, and GMO seeds increase the requirement for glyphosates and pesticides which is why Round-up Bayer Monsanto was fined $1.5 billion at the end of 2023 its weed killer causing cancers and non-Hodgkins lymphomas.(Monsanto - bayer originally called DOW) These lawsuits continue Into June 2024 "As of June 2024, there are 4,285 Roundup lawsuit cases still open out of a total of 4,859 cases filed in federal multidistrict litigation in California, with appeals reducing p[ayments even though they know the chemicals are poison. In January 2024, in the largest Roundup lawsuit verdict yet, a Philadelphia jury awarded $2.25 billion to a Pennsylvania man who claimed Roundup caused his non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The verdict followed five other successful plaintiffs’ cases in 2023" These GMO seeds cause the need for increased pesticides which you ingest
Whether it is vaccinations targeting your DNA in your Synthetic food ? 'Big Pharma biotech GMO food' born out of Ultra Processed 'food'. Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts (Codex Alimentarius in the description box & new Pandemic warnings) so that your taxes can increase to pay for 're-imagining' your self as a GMO processed person. It is truly insane. This is is why across Europe with animals culled and including chickens for eggs (rich in protein) and farms removed for vegetable supply your 'technocratic future with the 3 main parties is a plague straight out of the middle ages. The Seeds of Change—with Mark Byford - UK Column Interview
Canzuk provides increased prosperity as localism and export the excess realizing nature and you are not "diseased" in the new genetics based technocracy which is all a specific part of Kier Starmers dystopian vision your not being told about (last link ... The Road Ahead Fabian society pdf) and shared across all 3 of the main parties where re-imagining means the destruction of organic life from top to bottom (literally) It is nothing to do with the Working class , nothing to do with the Middle class but would suit the script for a new Frankenstein society.With Trillions earned in new trade deals its time for that investment to reach the high street as a proper Brexit.
France National Elections 01.07.2024 Rejected across Europe as shown in the French National Elections 01.07.2024 as people are sick and tired of the media and political fakery which is to take control of Government and these were the scenes by the French farmers in January 2024 as also they sattes "In recent weeks, farmers have staged protests in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania" Termed the "siege of Paris." Farmers argue they are being hit by falling incomes, immigration, environmental regulations, rising red tape, and competition from imports and land confiscations or land grabs which is communism with genetically produced hybrid food literally forced down people's throats. The working class have seen through the mirage of covid, trafficking as disguised UN immigration, 'inflation' the end of free speech, and the mirage of legal fiction government, and the removal of the people from the land.(end of 01.07.2024 addition)
Ukraine and Nato. Because of the 'Quartet' (see last paragraphs above on Canzuk) the West may not give Ukraine full Nato membership yet, even though Sweden and Finland look set to join. (the real Greater Israel is not compatible with the Abrahamic accords or partition of Jerusalem) and 'Isis' currently operating in the Crimea, may damage the Russian pipeline through Ukraine. The Nord Stream 1 (NS1) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) natural gas were blown up under the ocean, but it has not been confirmed as an Isis strike
Added in 01-02/07/ 2024. The Post Office 'Scandal' (persecutions) of England, Wales & Scotland 1997 - 2024 (900 Postmasters prosecuted) Behind the Post Office Scandals which began as a 'Labour' policy in the mid 1990's and into 1997 and 1999 is the Privatization of the post office into a "PLC" and a complete history on wikipedia and here the Horizon IT Post office scandal information website and also in effect a corporation but one in which now the whole of England, Wales and Scotland is a 'PLC' in an attempt to redefine a nation ( or here again on Bitchute, and fill it with GMO seeds as 'GMO people' without discrimination against anyone) Royal Mail is Royal because the people are Royal and not a corporation (a corporation cannot contract with the real living flesh and blood man and woman) and this was completed as a project in 2014 again by the 'Labour party' who are of course not for the working or middle class ?...but are there more to Post offices than meets the Eye ?
Now Rishi Sunak did describe the case as the greatest scandal in the UK and an appalling miscarriage of Justice, providing a compensation scheme for the victims. In order to make this legal fiction transformation (beginning with privations in the Whitehall uni-parties) of England and the UK removing the voice of 900 Postmasters and here is an outline of why the 'Post Office' is more than just a Post office in Common Law in the USA or UK via the UN who have just passed the IHR International Health Regulations / Pandemic Treaty and why it should not be 'Private' in Sovereignty of a nation 'Nations' via Postal Law Global Contract & Shipping,GVMT by Postmaster General.Bern Switzerland & UN So this is the wider scandal deeper than what is being presented to the Public. Many of the Postmasters were prosecuted by the CPS Crown Prosecution Service under Keir Starmer CPS Refuses To Reveal Kier Starmers Role In Wrongful Post Office Prosecutions - SAMFU with more information in the Conversation article "The Post Office scandal is possibly the largest miscarriage of justice in UK history – and it’s not over yet" Just as Jimmy Savile was not prosecuted conversely innocent people in the post office (or by vaccinations) were relentlessly prosecuted Keir Starmer and the CPS chose not to apply common law and apply resources to the post office scandal or indeed the Jimmy Savile scandal... a brief outline of the post office scandal here ( the Jimmy Savile case for which Starmer has "apologised" but as not his fault ? as head of the CPS, which involved thousands of pedophiles in Britain and wider horrible as it is was just the tip of the iceberg)
Labour of course is not the original Labour party in any way and does not represent anyone. Keir Starmer was also the CPS when David Kelly revealed no WMD in Iraq under Labour (although it seems now Iran does have WMD as does Israel) The Iraq War was not what it seemed and was in effect a Trojan horse (beyond invasion or Oil and war politics and the immediate securing or prosecuting of the war) with some ignored Christian groups prophesying concerning this in 2000 and into 2001. Recently in the cinemas and commercially released "mega films" but with an altered script from the original ? the real purpose or system behind the Iraq war was/is revealed and which will be revealed here (if people have not perceived or realized yet, but the French have realised now) as an extra addendum in mid July 2024. Prosecuting 900 postmasters knowing it was a computer glitch at fault was to disrupt the connection of the Post office (especially in rural communities) to the people and local communities as for a nation the post office is a vital part of those communities of the working and middle class Making it a PLC legal fiction in legalese, away from the common people and common law (remember shopkeepers and small business are private onto themselves but are aided by common law) disrupting society across Scotland (where many postmaters were prosecuted) Wales and England and Society as a whole. As seen above the High Street in many towns in England are full of phone, vape or barber shops but little else, so too the Post Office had to be changed. The High street was vital and central to the English economy since the days of King Alfred
The Real War (as is occurring now) but connected to 5th generational warfare on mankind (AI & AGI) Following the Iraq war and the imminent threat of Nuclear devastation by Iraq on western forces if the west attacked Saddam Hussein, the other point of view in the war (now) is if Iraq had no WMD (weapons of mass destruction) as is apparent (now or Iraq would have used them etc) then neither does Iran. As israel expands into the larger Greater Israel (regardless of the 'Quartet' and to find out without the Samson option) ...if Russia intervenes for Iran, the West will strike Russia (Nato, Ukraine, Isis etc)
In the USA Pantomime and clown show, the US Supreme Court has ruled that a US President has immunity from prosecution (remember it was their decision) which could also conversely give the green light to the Democrats ... in the Uniparty, to act in accordance with that ruling The US Supreme Court has granted powers to ex or current Presidents it does not have (under the original constitution under God with or without the 14th amendment) as all are prosecuted or defended under the Constitution and the US Supreme Court is lower than the US Constitution.(lower than God or common law and with the Bill of Rights ) They have simply made it up or what is the point of a court with a Jury. It is the same Big Pharma immunity that the Trump Shot had to kill and maim Ameriucans, yet in Common law these companies have been prosecuted and see David Knight on these subjects. By fabricating this law they are saying no one can be prosecuted (in the USA or UK Bar system explained below) giving free reign to anarchy and chaos. Setting aside the US Constitution the ruling is under the Bar of the UK PLC as America is a Colony of the UK The USA was conquered in 1871, and continuing today by Corporations in the Corporate legal fiction and see also again "Dead in the Water, Maritime Admiralty Law UCC Civil Ecclesiastical law legal fiction non law" By these rulings in the USA and in the UK what they are saying is there is no law and Anarchy reigns for which no one can be prosecuted for anything, as the idea that one rule for one and one rule for another is not true in Common law and at the end of all things as per Revelations 20, 11 -15. (as in the line of the Royal House of King David as UK is or was in Monarchy going back in Scotland, Wales and Ireland to at l000bc and King David onto Jacob / Joseph at 1700 - 1800 BC) As always people have a choice and consent but the ramifications of that follow.
There is a lot to think about when considering Post Offices but that right of ownership belongs to the people who are Sovereign. (who are asked to vote into a legal fiction) and by the 2nd July 2024 (in the post office ?) ... THOUSANDS of Brits YET to receive ballots as expert warns 'democratic process' could be UNDERMINED ?
Whitehall. Controlling London is "the blob" or Whitehall but people cannot vote for a blob representative and whoever you vote for says the Spectator the blob wins (and who are the blob ?) which is why the bar is very low (very low - lower than a snakes belly) for candidates Such as Starmer and Sunak and whoever the liberal dems one is so why bother voting at all ?? ...("the Blob has expanded with Quangos now costing over £200 billion pa") "since MPS are no longer accountable then why bother voting" (if voting worked they would ban it) ..because even without a vote the people are above parliament and can realise a working sovereignty themselves (parliament is not sovereign above the people) The Blob (people) benefits from sovereign common law
The whips ? in the parliament / house of commons Most people are aware that the "Whips" control the House of Commons but it is deeper than this as the UK Column report...
UK Column News - 10th June 2024
...and in fact it is so prevalent that they control all the parties into one as the "Uniparty" (or again on UK Column website) So in fact the vote is a complete sham but a deeper sham than people realised as the whips speak with one voice
People however do have the right to a Home Guard see abo (which can train the TA territorial army at home) and with the police and intelligence services on board "real change you can believe in" can occur is Lawful
At the centre of it all is the lack of of the real common law for a Sovereign people in Covid,or "International law" Medicine and Health, Parliament or political parties or anything and everything (if you can call them at all) bringing the nation back into the law of the land (as King Alfred did see various in the adjacent website Chapter 3a and also Chapter 3b) instead of the legal fiction corporation (and people are being asked to vote into a legal fiction with Britain "PLC" (or here on bitchute ) instead of a real land law living nation (literally from the regenerated soil up) 2. "Sovereignty conferred by the people"
J.R.R Tolkien a Professor at Oxford had this to say on matters...(next link below)
"Free People of Sweden. Tolkien's Rings as the Central Banks as the Deep State (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them )"
Fortunately (and it is not Natures or Gods way to bind people) the Common Law was announced in Guildford (with its ancient connections) Surrey in mid 2019 in a Common Law (before the recent upheavals in Mordor ) when and connected to Jacob's Pillar (stone of destiny) the Common law was re-installed (for all to implement also) as real (and not de facto) and de jure...
The B.A.R. British Accreditation Registry ended on 31.08.2019 & since 1953,and all Crown Courts and Judges (all courts) ended on the 31.08.2019 as all civil and crown institutions
...(on or Bitchute once more)
The World needs a Jubilee, total debt cancellation without conditions (debt that was accrued illegally) It is not British (now) and had previously removed Common law from ...LAW. Its return does not mean removing the rule of law but returns Justice and God's law throughout the world (including in Israel the Commonwealth and Canzac and anywhere ) and would have instead Common law courts (as the "commonwealth" of nations are Sovereign nations and are a concept found in the bible and as a future government ) There are further details and a deeper explanation within the post dated 15/17.09.2023 into 2024 (with more on this next week or around mid July) In every nation for freedom and Justice ... The People are Sovereign...
14 ( from 6.June.2024 to 6.9.2024 ) 'Vaccine', injuries and deaths cont'd & the WHO / UN Pact / Summit for the future. WHO declares a New Emergency 14.08.2024. Spars, Covid, Monkey Pox, Smallpox & Avian bird flu and others. UK Election results?, Trump and Jeffrey Epstein Genetics DNA / Trafficking partnership. Ukraine. France & Germany elections, Iraq & the Madhi / Nimrod / Osiris and Isis and Babylon. (Shamesh) N.E.S.A.R.A. Technocracy & Bitcoin. Brexit. Canon law, trust law and the 12 presumptions of law . 'Super-Commonwealth' / Canzuk, British bar accreditation and the Stone of Destiny (Jacobs stone or the Stone of Bethel) Who was / is 'Imhotep' ? Vaxx deaths and injuries Numbered as 691 to 700
With Vaccine deaths and injuries still continuing from 2020/2021 into 2025 and with statistics from governments own sources and collected data from Vaers vaccine injury and reporting databases in other countries (including national statistics office and the Rancourt report) it is clear that during the vital period of the announcement of the covid surprise outbreak in March 2020 leading to Trump's 'Operation Warp Speed' Trumps Operation Warp Speed & the personal profits from vaccination murders. Bill Gates & Fachi that excess deaths and injuries did not rise until the vaccines were administered as per the following outlines.
NO 691 30 Million excess deaths, 1.5 Billion injured Globally via the experimental Gene therapy Trump shot ... (or on Rumble here again) The figures are conservative and are supported beyond these numbers by the Correlation Canada research group and the subsequent Rancourt Hickey report on 125 countries (19.07.2025) which showed deaths began when the vaccines were received into late 2020 - 2021 (into 2025) from Trumps 'Operation Warp Speed'
And in Ireland for July 2024 excess deaths are ..NO 692. Ireland's excess deaths in July 2024 (28%) more than in July 2020, the "pandemic" year!
As for the PCR test the President of Tanzania (a Doctor ) showed Tanzanians the truth live on their national television NO 693 Positive COVID-19 tests are fake. Tanzania's president John Magufuli
NO 695 Excess Deaths: The UNDENIABLE Proof Is Finally Here | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris
NO 696 the massive vaccination effort in Gaza shows children receiving the vaccine orally. Gazans are receiving 'the polio vaccine' (mRNA crispr within) yet we were told Polio had been eradicated Remdesivir & Polio (not cured ?) Vaccines do not cure or prevent Polio but the Polio has returned once more in Gaza ? In the 'interim' it had not been eradicated but simply changed names from Polio to "Acute Flaccid Paralysis" (or Myletis) ..and in this article ... "The oral vaccine is cheap, easy to use and is better at preventing entire populations from becoming infected. But it contains weakened, live polio virus and in very rare cases can spread and cause polio in unvaccinated people. In even rarer instances, the live virus from the vaccine can mutate into a new form capable of starting new outbreaks."
NO 697 Her father once mocked her about the Covid19 vaccines. He is not doing too well now.
The same people around the world who brought you the above (which now in retrospect is shown to be have been an attack on humanity) also bring you elections of proxy candidates stealing your representation, and with the UK July 4th elections results now considered...
"UK system elections (results) meltdown 4.6.2024, the Technocracy of Davos and the World Economic Forum. Not a landslide but a great (reset) deception..."
We can see that an "election landslide" is also in fact a fraud. The last post above dated from April 2nd 2024 to 6.June.2024 as no 13 and the subheading UK General election 4.7.2024 warned that none of the candidates in the election were worth voting for and states they "are so dire and so bad that you cannot bear looking at them or listening to them" and which is in turn a reflection of the state of party political representation in elections in general and the state of representation and the very system of uniparties in every nation making the voting system in 'democracies' pointless and a joke. Essentially vote for us and we will inject you with more experimental gene therapy DNA splicing technology and your vote doesn't count anyway ? Interestingly people in the Commonwealth (soon to be the Super commonwealth with Canzuk) can vote in UK elections and it looks like this will be broadened to those outside of living in the UK, as the UK (and Ireland in exchange for a United Ireland or a 'Union of Ireland') becomes part of the Super commonwealth joining with the UN and Brics and CBDC / Bitcoin) The Labour collapse and winter heating payments scandal below
In the UK on the 4.7.2024 a minority vote elected the Labour party who received less votes that they did under Jeremy Corbyn in the 2019 election (who then lost the election) but now with less votes Keir Starmer won in 2024 ? Jeremy Corbyn in 2019 stood as an independent against labour in Islington and won against the Labour election candidate Sir Keir Starmer, Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris favourite lawyer (see last post above also no 13) within the professional CPS child kidnapping service (Birth certificate trusts which operates on the birth certificate and associated trusts scam which tricks parents into consent...or here on rumble in which you are actually the beneficiary and executor of the trusts see NESARA BELOW and nothing to do with social credit or Universal credit, and you can work out who the trustees are, but you are never told this ) in every country on earth CPS IS THE LARGEST CHILD TRAFFICKING RING IN HISTORY became Prime Minister prefers Davos in Switzerland to the House of Commons and Britain. Davos and the World Economic Forum run by Prince Charles and Keir Starmer is a member which brought the need to vaccinate 5.5 to 6 billion people around the world
Rishi Sunak was/is also a member of the World Economic Forum (as is Starmer) and was considered to be the worst Primeminster in UK history and totally useless, until the last 2 months when Keir Starmer has lept above as the worst prime in UK history Rishi Sunak whose father owned a business in Moscow selling digital ID for social credit systems (to be used in CBDC and Bitcoin or any online digital currency) called Infosys, whilst Britain was at war with Russia ? Now Rishi who was not elected is gone after beginning to ruin the economy in Britain, Keir Starmer also WEF World Economic Forum / Davos has taken over to finish the job
"The Two-Party Illusion Ushering In The Digital ID Control Grid" by the last American Vagabond
Ukraine.Keir Starmer is also funding far right candidates in Ukraine and has been seen and heard online encouraging their behaviour egging them on encouraging them to get stuck in. Recently the Azov battalion tour of Europe was curtailed (it was suspected they might march into Paris and missile the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic games) Starmer accused of thuggery by Putin, has criticized the way Russia since 1914 into today had seeded Russians into Crimea over decades to shore up an eventual vote of Crimean people to decide if they were Russians or Ukrainians and Uncle Joe Stalin assisted in the strategy by making sure that 7 to 10 million Ukrainians starved to death in the Ukrainian famine The Holodomor (see last post above dated as no 13) Starmer has also criticised this mass migration of electioneering factions into the Crimea. shouting 'Ruskies out' and 'get back to volga volga land' in what amounts to a shocking Starmeresque blatant tirade of 'hate speech' outbursts on the telly egging on the far right in Ukraine. Putin is also in the WEF World economic forum. Ukraine is to be rebuilt by Blackrock and with Britain's recent advance into Russia will it also be demolished ? Blackrock is owned by Vanguard who control the US Federal Reserve bank, and Vangaurd is owned by the City of London. British tanks have entered Russia. will they press on further into Russia ? China Poland Belarus. China is said to be operating in Belarus attempting to subvert Polish borders
Brexit 2024 Labour have negotiated a trade deal with Germany into the Brexit treaty and following on from May 2021 the UK issued the GOV.UK "Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm" ........ (or PDF version here ) project which included Germany and the German Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning and it works with the mainly Scandinavian countries and the Balkans in the JEF or Joint Expeditionary Force led by Britain A similar concept to the Canadian Governments "Exploring Biodigital Convergence" as the merger of human and machine and for the new augmented 'supersoldier' (Starmer lurches to the right again) Britain is outside the single market and the customs union as Britain is to expand into the commonwealth which will become a part of the UN 2.0 (pact for the future) as a 'super-commonwealth' with CANZUK (and the UN and Brics) as Greater Israel expands and this is still the same situation for the planned Brexit as announced in early 2020 (Brexit also has a twist which is as yet not covered in any article or newscast ?) Sir Starmer has promised Britain pain and Austerity (caused by the Covid lockdowns and business closures and Russia Ukraine inflation)...yet Prince Charles head of the WEF say he has £Trillions for a war like footing ? (60 £Trillion) A £Trillion for the homeless in Britain would be beneficial. China has a trade deal with the EU and is outside the EU and so is Switzerland, but the growing Super - commonwealth (the UN has 196 countries housed in the same building is the commonwealth with 50 nations currently) has other opt ins in any case. The Eurasia trade deal includes Russia and China and both are in the BIS central banking system.
For more information and background on the New Jerusalem and Ukraine see the post dated 22/23.11.2022
France and Germany elections All of this has been closely watched by the ADF party in Germany who have just swept the votes in Thuringia and in Saxony The votes in saxony were stolen at the last minute in also bizarre circumstances. By way of a computer glitch the election was changed ? (are all elections prone to a computer glitch /) This followed the bizarre incidents in France when the 'far right' won the first round of voting only then to face the state cobbling together (gerrymandering the votes) to make a new party a couple of weeks before the 2nd round of voting with no Primeminster chosen by Emmanual Macron .(until 06.09.2024 and Michel Barnier is chosen) Macron is President and is to choose the new Primeminster but no one wants his choice. Macron is also the 'Sun King' and Macron is actually the King (co-Prince) of Andorra in a video which shows the Kings of the World and the largest land owners and the most land and which shows the world is underpopulated
All of this left / right rhetoric hides the undercurrent reasons why people are 'moved' around the world and it is trafficking. When 8 million children disappear each year and the world is full of security cameras and satellites (an area with a population the size of Austria disappears each year making an averaged out 30,000 children from each nation) "8 Million Children simply disappear each year ? CALIN GEORGESCU &"DARK SECRETS OF THE 'UNITED NATIONS" all of this is achieved by trusts Meet your strawman ! see on trusts NESERA below also (or here on Rumble Meet your strawman ! People doubt this is true but in actual fact you are the executor and beneficiary of them and you can then research who the trustees are) which are hidden from those who own them (i.e. you) by way of fake law and legal fictions which underpins the digital prison for everyone on earth with tokenisation and securitisation see last post above NO 13. Middlemen as legal fictions (banks, governments, health and child protection services so called make sure you don't know that you can access them directly) come in between you and these trusts which are made in your name to steal this wealth away. (see more below as they only work on presumptions not reality)
Now and to be formalized all faiths and groups will have their scriptures re-edited into a new religion and to do this it was required that these different groups should come together in conflict and peacefully to form a new speech and new religion. A.I to write new correct bible for all faiths Yuval Noah Harari It is only in the last 80 years or so that mass movement of peoples grew and grew. Soon it will be 16 million children and then 50 million and 100 million and then adults until everyone is trafficked into billions This is only possible in this era now due to the internet and A.I. and it will mean that the Koran, Bible, Torah and all scriptures in all beliefs will be edited down into the new digital technocracy. The Hunger games films saw the Heroine move to remove those who make the hunger games and not each other. For technocracy and bitcoin / CBDC / Nesera see below
Labour Collapse Within a week of Labour taking control of Westminster (but not for the 'electorate') they had virtually collapsed in Wales Starmer’s Labour imploding already as Welsh government collapses! due to corruption and scandals Starmer’s Labour CRUMBLES IN JUST WEEKS! and the new energy policy to centralise energy production and charges was shown to be a scam before the election Unveiling the truth behind Keir Starmer's GB Energy policy. Labour in Scotland also have unresolved scandal issues going back to 2016 and which since then has spread to other constituencies, could theAlba party by the new SNP ?
Winter Fuel allowance for pensioners cuts. Labour ? have up to 50 MP's to vote against the heating for pensioners cuts ? who along with the SNP will vote against the government. With 450 MP's or so this is not the Labour party ? in any shape or form in stretch of the imagination. They certainly do not represent the working class. You would expect (if it was "Labour") that all of them would vote in fact the entire House of commons ... but this is not a real government or real representation Labour KNEW their 'CALLOUS' cut to winter fuel payment could kill 'THOUSANDS' of pensioners Should the political party system be thrown out with people becoming their own political party and voting for themselves (as Sovereigns) and scrap the farce. Whitehall (see last post above NO 13 ) is not elected and many institutions are not elected ?
With plans to hoist massive unneeded Wind farms everywhere as a ruse to get people off the land by zoning them as a 'natural habitat' but which has shown to kill birds and the noise affects wildlife and humans. Further With recent revelations that wind farm windmills are powered by Coal fired power stations 'COAL POWERED WIND TURBINES' ? (or here on bitchute also ) then the wind farms are simply large (bizarrely large) obtrusive and loud machines to move people off the land as they tend to move away when they are erected. In Germany they are taking wind farms down and changing to coal (cutting out the middle energy system to save the planet ). German energy experts says it makes sense, but in Scotland massive deforestation (the carbon capture devices with leaves and fruits etc) has occurred to install wind farms ? (run by coal) With details on how local communities can make small wind mills in gardens and common land and even small community oil wells (as the water car real and in use for many many decades dawns on people TOYOTA WATER POWERED ENGINE: Outperforms Hydrogen And Electric Vehicles (EV's) "Water As Fuel!" and then also WATER AS FUEL: Water Powered Cars; Iran, U.S. Japan ( FUTURE FUEL PIONEERS ) and also once more MAKE FUEL FROM WATER: HHO Generator - Water to Fuel Converters )
Germany dismantles wind turbines for coal and CO2 only makes up a tin 0.004% and man made is only 11% of that portion of the atmosphere 'What Percentage Of The Atmosphere Is Made Up Of Carbon Dioxide?': McCormick Grills CA Air Official. Local people want to implement their own Green technology and solutions (small windmills, water cars, pumps for water and oil and much more like renewed soils more trees and real quality meat and vegetables)
This information is in the post dated 15/17.09.2023 into 2024 scrolling down to the subheading "Green renewable energy, coal, oil and directed energy weapons D.E.W. & Brexit (ULEZ as Ultra Low Emission zones, 15 minute cities leading to C40 cities & Mayors taking power from the people)" and see also CEO Dutch bank: rich people can buy personal carbon credits from people who can't afford
The "far right" are in fact just ordinary people who want to move away from centralisation of power and energy and money control especially from the Fabians like Keir Starmer. Centralisation leads to fascism or a totalitarian state
"Green energy" is used as a cover for the digital prison system of technocracy which places energy at the center of its ideology moving away from capitalism or socialism (but not Fabianism which includes SadIQ Khan seen here pretending to take his vaccination NO 508 Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London (and Fabian society) obviously knows what is the Vaccines in his fake Vaccine press appearance (see MP4 file & ‘Sadiq Khan Mayor of London ( & Fabian society) Fakes vaccination’ ) NO 509 Sadiq Khan Mayor London fakes Vaccination) Proposals to add more carbon taxes on cars in London and even electric cars ? have not totally gone and a pay per mile scam is introduced as a toll , yet the biggest 'emitter' of carbons (and carbon neutral or paying for any carbon is a scam) is the tube in london ? As the cameras for ULEZ seem to be mysteriously disappearing and wind turbines are also suffering collapses
N.E.S.A.R.A. Technocracy & Bitcoin and the Trusts which are yours. In the last post above (NO 13) the 3 films on N.E.S.A.R.A. opposed by every US President including Trump can be added to here as addendum's and even though they are lengthy they give vital insights as to what is actually happening today. The first 3 films are located in the 26/27.06.24 addendum under subheading "You are also being trafficked" on bitchute and rumble and NESERA 4 is here and also following NESERA 5 is here (the latter NO 5 explains what technocracy is and how it converts to digital tokens /CBDC from energy both industrial and personal) and on Bitchute NESARA 4 and also on bitchute NESERA 5 )
The co-opting of Bitcoin (the trojan horse and connected to technocracy) is explained in Bitcoin 1 and again also Bitcoin 2 and again also Bitcoin 3 and also viewable on Rumble which features Whitney Webb and David Webb (on the coming Great taking ) and Roger Ver, Mike Adams, Aaron Day, David Icke, Steve Patterson, Chris Sky, Jean Nolan Inspired TV & others with a good introduction from BIS General Manager Augustin Carstens who says CBDC will give central bank absolute control and will be tied to vaccinations which so far have killed at least 30 million people and injured at least 1.5 billion (at the top of this post) on every continent and nation
With the UN / WHO Plandemic treaty now agreed by way of the IHR regulations (despite the MSM and even indy media saying it had not) What is the deal (now passed) in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty bait and switch ? Chris Sky & more in the description box in June to August 2024 since then the WHO have declared the Mpox (Monkey pox) a world health emergency on the 14th August 2024 (anything in effect can constitute an emergency) The Plandemic treaty has empowered each nation to take the UN / WHO powers onto to itself destroying each nation's sovereignty, especially if they are WEF members as Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer are and as Klaus Schwab says he has infiltrated every government in the world then this treaty can be actioned from the nations to the WHO /UN or from the top down in a "emergency" and at the centre of this new 'health' regime is Genetics as crispr cas 9 'therapy' A BBC Special report on the 'Mark of the Beast' Crispr Cas 9, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas
Currently there people who have side effects of lumps and festering blisters from the covid vaccine which look like the Monkey pox and there are people with genuine Monkey pox which is a derivation of Smallpox and which can be fatal especially if gain of function (made in a lab) smallpox as the current outbreaks will show and which will make it much stronger. With these is the Avian bird flu which is killing off farm animals (culled cows, chickens and more and eggs of course and you can be fined or shut down if you do not and this is all round the world) depleting the 'local' food supply and also for the first time in history spreading to humans from animals. Human livestock have also had their immune systems destroyed by the gene therapy covid experiment conducted live on so far 6 billion people with 25 billion shots administered by Trump's operation warp speed, making it easier to kill them
Further to this lockdowns (even to some schools in the USA) to ports and airports and here again once more and also once again here once more with new protocols in place, and they are creeping in which will further reduce food supplies in various countries and nations. Years ago the problem of importing food around the world led to the correct outcry from films like 'Rotten' (more than 1 film etc) which strongly suggest every nation should stop importing and grow as much food as possible, and this is a good thing. Yet this scenario and taking it further from different deranged thinking "(1 of 7) WHO Pandemic treaty & Food Scarcity & famine today. Digital tokenisation of all (your) assets & the real 'N.E.S.A.R.A'" creating a world famine could also result as nations have been economically encouraged over decades to import by borrowing and debt and which now has to be paid for. Tedros the leader of the WHO in the UN (not a Doctor) oversaw and caused a famine in Ethiopia (see lat post 13 above) Covid is also re-appearing to the vaxxed and Spars (which many suspect is a mixture of all the above) is another emerging pox / virus which is like the above patented made in a lab and gain of functioned to change it and make it stronger (i.e. biological warfare)
UN/WHO Pact for the future. This is all leading to the 'Pact of the Future' (summit of the future) at the WHO / UN on the 21st - 23rd September (the end time to object was around the 3rd of September time) which contains the Global digital compact which is basically UN 2.0 to increase the biometric scanned dystopia for the world solidifying the genetics based plandemic treaty. As Summit Of The Future Draws Near, Partisan Distraction Is On Overdrive (Derrick Broze on TLAV) requiring Trillions from taxpayers and from private GDP as Prince Charles has mentioned at COP 26
isis Osiris Nimrod and the Green King and the Madhi.Babylon, Sumer Assyria, Egypt. The date they have chosen is 23 09 (2 + 3 + 9 = 14 which is the number of Isis and Osiris) Not many people are aware that Osiris was a real Pharaoh who ran a reasonably prosperous kingdom. Osiris was tricked by Rikayon the son of the biblical Ham (book of Jasher) as he first imposed a tomb tax in a remote part of Egypt without authority from Osiris and when Osiris learnt of it he demanded Rikayon present himself and he explained that he had collected the tax for Osiris and could bring in more money if appointed. Osiris decided to appoint him and Rikayon became in effect an impersonating ruler who ruled with a 'Mace' destabilising egypt and later Set killed Osiris dividing him into 14 pieces which Isis sought to rebuild or re-assemble. Osiris became the Green King (as he body turned green when reassembled as it was decomposed) or Lord of the Underworld and Egypt was then ruled by 'impersonators' or legal fictions with Osiris in the underworld. In effect this new rule of Usurpers came between the King and the people or between the wealth of a sovereign nation and the people as parasitical middlemen with no rule purpose or requirement for the "people"
The new middlemen who created a bureaucracy which served no other purpose but to serve the bureaucracy they created (beginning with the tomb tax and followed by more taxation) asking people to 'register' or regard crimes for trivialities for profit, created by legal fictions as legal but not lawful and so on (such as the oppressive 'state' as opposed to the small scaled administrative servants as one example ) as "There is nothing new under the Sun" Ecclesiastes 1:9
Osiris was tricked by the usurpers and he lost a Kingdom, and Isis was distraught and determined to assemble the 14 pieces and she set about the task
One man with similar traits to Rikayon but who was descended from Cush (his father) to Ham and to Noah is Nimrod. Nimrod is the centre of esoteric belief. a man who built the tower of Babel surrounded by 10 city states (which have been located) who married his mother producing the incestuous Tammuz and who desired to ascend this tower to the clouds and kill God. The designation of Sun King refers to the sun symbol of Shamesh (or here also 3rd image down) Shamesh (the son God of UTU) who sailed from the twin peaks of Mount Ararat (Noah) from Babel Enlil and to Cush who sailed away further with the Sun symbol on his sails around the world into South America even and it also represented the correct 360 day calendar (see also Enoch 60,12 and 2 Kings chapter 230 and see the film below on the Epic of Gilgamesh 2 paras and 2 links down) In turn Nimrod great grandson of Noah, was killed by Esau the brother of Jacob, and as Esau would be pursued by Nimrods men he thought his life would be brief and he sold his birthright to Jacob so that Jacob received the birthright and blessings (both) from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and to Joseph eventually. Nimrod featured in the war in Iraq, as mentioned in the last post above (no 13) Iraq was the subject of prophecies by christian groups and 1 in particular in Britain. The war in Iraq saw the loss of up to 1 million people or more, and also saw 'friendly fire' (scroll down) between US and British troops which resulted in many casualties. Many British and US troops suffered from depleted uranium poisoning from the allied western side (their own side) from depleted uranium shelling. Many years before British troops were used in a nuclear experiment in the south pacific in the 1950's and 60's
The Madhi ? also known as the Lisan al-Gaib lor to others the Al-Dajjāl. Some suggest he is the Messiah. Mentioned in the last post above (NO13) and under the subheading Added in 01.7.2024. Brexit and Canzuk it introduces the recent films Dune which mention the coming Madhi Dune Trailer 1 & next Dune Trailer 2 ... (**The Madhi Lisan al- Gaib mentioned here**) As mentioned also in the last post above the christian group which prophesied on Iraq mentioned that the Iraq war would backfire on the west but not in a way the west expects, and the paragraphs below can shed light upon this.The Dune film and there are many novels sequels of Dune in 2020 - 2024 have changed from the original 1984 version when the Messiah / Madhi is the 'Kwisatz Haderach' all films divert from the original novel. Here is the trailer from the 1984 film of Dune by David Lynch. The film at the very beginning of post no 13 above is also very relevant to this. Yet it is also implied that this persona is alive and here today ? but who could that be ?
Creating a modern day Babylon
Strange as these events were the little known Archaeological excavations in Iraq (during the actual war) were revealing. Nimrods tomb was discovered first in 1989 and in the war looting did take place The western forces (military0 went into Iraq, removed everyone from archaeological sites, and started excavating at night and it was rumoured that Gilgamesh's tomb was found and also that Nimrods body (a giant of a man) was found. The Egyptians were not the first to embalm or mummify bodies and they believed that their 'essence' could be used for resurrection or as we know it today DNA. This would be the most sought after treasure and it would have been located by prior research air before the invasion as Nimrod is the archetypal essence of rebellion against God. Whatever the truth on this the activity around archaeological sites was a major part of the war and many theories emerge from it and later especially as the tomb of Osiris was also found and then denied Since the object is to reconstruct Osiris under Isis direction then this pursuit is not just academical or theoretical but in reality. Egyptians believed this type of resurrection was possible and if so then today it would be pursued and covered up and hinted. Today we are on the verge of a new genetics based 'health system' experimenting with DNA via crispr cas 9 gene editing vaccines for 6 billion people then there is no smoke without fire towards this now admitted, injections as a 'evolutionary leap' into the augmented biomedical future (to repeat) A BBC Special report on the 'Mark of the Beast' Crispr Cas 9, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas
Richard Dawkins: The Dangers of CRISPR, Designer Babies, and Artificial Genetic Mutation | Big Think
For a background insight into the wider story of the first kings or Pharaohs see "The Epic of Gilgamesh ( WWG1WGA ) the Secret of Eternal Life & his journey to Mount Ararat for Zions 'Tree of Life' (Ishtar and the Bull of Heaven, Jude 1,6) No way through to the Tree of Life Genesis 3,22 - Genesis 3,24 ?"
One destroyed item of archaeological interest destroyed by Isis was the arch of Baal which was also reconstructed in 2018 in Washington DC Trump servant of Baal, enemy of Israel ? & the Gate of Baal, Abortion & Genocide in the US Uniparty ...or here on Rumble once more
Trump, Epstein and Genetics Revelations about Jeffey Epstein show Trump was on Epsteins plane and was he good friend he even took his son to the Island Jeffrey Epstien collected scientists including in MIT and wanted to seed the world with DNA up to 20 (twenty) woman at a time . His research was transhumanism and genetics and genetic improvements or engineering and here once more on DNA and drug companies One way to do this was to help fund Crispr cas 9 technology and which TRUMP authorized in operation warp speed in 2020 and which is shown here as occurring in may 2020 for OWS as the father of the vaccine Trump met Melania at a Jeffery Epstein party amongst 20 woman and he (Epstein) introduced Ghislaine Maxwell to Trump when she was 14. DNA and genetics is wide spread, and Trump ran for President purely to avoid being prosecuted with Epstein.
Trump has said he is not a 'Christian' or even a Messianic believer or a 'moralist'
Pharaoh is actually a Hebrew word in its roots. The Gobi Tekki area in Turkey was the area Jacob settled in after leaving his father Isaac and his brother Esau. The 12 tribes come from the 12 sons and Joseph was one of them and who ended up as de facto ruler of Egypt as it was badly run and famine was coming. Without Joseph Egypt would not exist today and he made it the success it was. His Egyptian name was Imhotep (the one who comes in peace) as well as being called Zaphenath Paneah in Genesis 41,45 but it is a Hebrewised form of a name in Egypt. Moses was an Egyptian name. The grain silos Joseph built and the administration center have been found at Saqqara ""Saqqara - The location where Joseph, son of Israel, built grain silos that are still there" saving Egypt and the worldwide famine (when those afar off died before news of Joseph's miracle Grain supply in huge quantities was apparent and reachable, as it was a 'Global emergency' but showing the difference between the Osiris kingdom of the dead and Josephs kingdom of the living. The birth certificate trust (see at thye beginning) presumes you are dead unless you rebut this, and claim then within 7 years from your birth, but as your parents were tricked (and you do not know) then this deception in common law is also unlawful.
This is also an analogy of the Common Law. Canon law known as 'Uniform Commercial Code' which although they are separate strands of law extending back to the beginnings of Rome and the 'Venetians' (similar to 'Phoenicians' see the 2nd part of this website and WW1 ) These are 2 of the 3 strands of legal but not LAWFUL 'law' 1. UCC commercial code 2. Canon Law 3. The 3rd strand is Talmudic law and not just the Babylonian Talmud of Judaism but the Iranian Talmud. Iran has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. (i.e UCC + Canon law + Talmud law) As seen above the birth certificates trust if you do not take possession of them or if you do not know of them (as your parents were tricked into signing or making them) then it is presumed you are dead and the strawman or legal corporate fiction created becomes you. There are 12 presumptions in law.
The 12 presumptions of law all of which can be rebutted. These 12 presumptions of law (to be rebutted as they are only presumptions de facto and not in common law) are as follows see the attached pdf and all courts and officers have to be put under their public oath not the private bar guild oath. Policemen uphold your person as a corporation, enforcing policy as a corporation, a constable is different as he is under oath to the common law. There are 3 crowns. 1 The 1st Crown of Crown land. 2. The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth or of Aragon and Spain now with King Carlos ...sort of 3. The 3rd crown of the Ecclesiastical see Council of Trent claiming all souls on earth and future souls now with the Temple bar and is created when baptized and in your birth certificate.
3 crowns came to mean. 1. Real Estate as Corporate commercial law. Judge as landlord 2. Your body as property or Maritime Canon law Judge as banker & Habeas corpus 3. Your soul Ecclesiastical. Talmud Judge as the Priest. See also Unam Sanctum. They are also known as the 3 strands of law. There is confusion concerning civil law with canon law and common law and the difference is in the source of the law. The law of the sea admiralty law or ucc is not the same as common law or trust law and state civil law is not the same as common law (but common law should the state or nations law, everyone's trust on earth amounts to Trillions)
Trust law is considered to be the highest form of law or the law of the air but that is not accurate as common law of the land was pertinent and immediate to man and woman kind as common sense. The living flesh and blood man and woman can therefore be correctly identified as sovereign people (not persons ) with inalienable rights since time immemorial. LAW = Land + Air + Water and the living flesh and blood man and woman are not subject and cannot contract with corporations as 'corpses' or dead instruments as the living flesh and blood woman are Alive (just focusing on common law a briefer post in the top section of this website will be added in the near future as information on Israel will be added in the 2nd section below this as time progresses)
NO 698 The Emperor Has No Corona | Deleted By YouTube within 1 hour NO 699 SIDS: Routine Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) [Scientific Studies] which features Greg Reese at the end
No 700 Dr. William Makis Blows Whistle On 32 Canadian Doctor Deaths: "That Number Is Double Now"
Roundtable, Pallas Athena & the Bar
Not a part of the underworld or the Green King or his civil (civilly) impersonators (legal fictions) like Rikayon, but as part of the land of the living as with Joseph
At the very beginning of the post above this NO 13 it asks questions of the Round Table. Before the Fabians in the Inns of Court of the British Bar Pallas Athena shook her spear at the world for knowledge Justice and against ignorance and injustice, before all of this the Round-table meant something else entirely
The Bar or crown bar or temple bar and the granting of the crown to Carlos 1st of Spain also must consider the Esau and Jacob birthright and blessings from God, and with Jacob to Joseph receiving both and down to today, and not to Judah or Pharez and Zarah (but they receive the Kingship of Judah) Whether Jacob and Esau are considered or Osiris, Rikayon (King, and middle men bureaucrats as legal fictions and in reality the estate of the dead) the Law of the Land (the living flesh and blood man and woman as the highest status) upon which trusts can be made or rebutted as presumptions but either way do not remove land law, (which also is higher than canon law via Joseph or maritime law ) then the antiquity of common law (cited as 'sovereign rights since time immemorial' and before William the conqueror) has come down and found its way down through history and unto today to suggest an entirely different blood line (which can include Zarah and Pharez) and which is the de jure highest form of law when witnessed by God. It does not collapse a nation but rebuilds it moving all onto the law of the land and the land.
In the 'Divine right of Kings' the onus is on a King to obey God, not on the 'rights' a King has (pomp, ceremony and status are not Divine rights) Where it is the 3 crowns of law or any aspect of law of a sovereign people. Biblically nations (inc Commonwealth and UN) are independent Sovereign nations as they should be, and this is also now the real status of all nations, (families as tribes make nations see subheadings above) but which is hidden and then kept hidden from the public who can claim it area by area in every sphere of life. At the end of the post above NO13 the Common law court ruling or declaration including for Jubilee is the briefer version of a longer video of the facts and which is here below.
The common law court on the on 31.08.2019 and witnessed by God overrides all laws (family law included and all banking contracts and all contracts per se) since 1953 and until today and going forward (in effect the global bar system. Nations will instead have real law and in London and England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland not legal fictions or PLC status in monarch rule or in the nobles, Aristocracy Republican or Loyalist in the people's status, which people are realizing more and more how these billions and trillions were stolen by middlemen and which exist in reality for all peoples in every continent and all tribes, having been witnessed by God )
For more information on these subjects (Jacobs stone and Geopolitics) and how to know the difference see post dated 15/17.09.2023 into 2024
This sovereignty of the people putting power back into the hands of the people,is the true and highest jurisdiction, in a world which is very wealthy and that wealth belongs to the people (Psalm 35,11 and Matthew 5,5 and many others) for them to claim as a birthright and blessing. The film below also reveals the Golden Mean / Ratio & the Golden rule of Common law and Justice
2. The B.A.R. British Accreditation Registry ended on 31.08.2019 & since 1953,and all Crown Courts and Judges (all courts) ended on the 31.08.2019 as all civil and crown institutions
(or here on Rumble & briefer version at the end of NO 13 above)
End of 14
This is the "new" religion (The Great Arcanum and Great Work in one) and the ecumenical movement explained by professionals in the medical profession and wider The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods' and this explains the way that aborted babies children and adults can be used and thrown away as in the various posts of vaccine deaths and injuries above (i.e "The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children" )
Note it has killed people on every continent (South America, Europe, North America, Africa, China, Arab lands, Australia and New Zealand) without discrimination. Revelations 13 (M.O.B.) analysed below also
Human diploid cells in the vaccines. Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines (and see link no 84 above and others) but this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel EWTN (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of, also the Dr stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a paedophile priest you can hide out there without prosecution.(for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines
Alternative links on Rumble for the Dr Stanley Plotkin testimony on aborted fetal (and much ore in vaccines) "Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients' and also Bill Maher and Tucker Carlson clips "Bill Maher (Real Time) & Tucker Carlson on Vaccines & Vaccine ingredients"
It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campign of "my body my choice" does not apply to vaccine mandates ?? EWTN campaigned in the Irish abortion referundum which rvelaed baby parts sold by Planned Parenthood ? but cannot accept that those parts are in Vaccines ? see Babies body parts & Vaccines part 1 and see part 2 also Babies body parts & Vaccines part 2 (The root of the word vaccine in the Latin is "cow" in the bovine sense, a cow being an animal or beast but domesticated)
The full (sickening) list of Vaccine and/or mRNA injection ingredients and just how many shots a baby is expected to take these days Dr. Christiane Northrup: COVID-19 VAXXX Ingredients.
New Documentary exposes the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 The documentary is a shocking expose showing how Big Tech and the MSM intervened and meddled for the yes vote (for abortion) when their campaign was lost in Ireland. Whether it is children who are alive and who are then sexually abused, or in the womb and cut open and killed "children's rights" are non existent in the law of the sea uniform commercial code assessment of citizens and state rights, as opposed to Common law rights
1. Youtube IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life 2. Facebook Trailer on Facebook 3. The Life Institute Full Film page
The Irish Supreme Court still believes the Unborn have no rights (the Unborn has no rights ) except the right to be born ? but in reality the right to die. But inalienable rights all begin at conception whether you are religious or not. If a bill to allow a 'death with dignity' fails (see the beginning of this section) then Euthanasia must be seen as wrong. Yet at the other end of a life the elderly begin to exist at conception and the unborn do not have 'death with dignity' or any say in their death which is murder. The UN pushes abortion as a right because it does not recognise the unborn at all. It regards "humans" as dead in the water and as cargo whether it is "berthed" (birthed) or not. This is your 'standing, status & agency' from conception to death in the law of the sea (UCC) Uniform Commercial Code. (the law you stand under if you do not claim inalienable rights which is a higher law than UCC (but you are never told this) and common law based in eternity from time immemorial is the law, the Supreme Court is dealing with legal fictions and legalese to entrap those applying to consent to them. Of course the conceived child does not consent and the parent waives its rights and their rights in legal chicanery. In Common law a human has rights which cannot be removed from conception United Nations statement who redefined "what it means to be Human" echoing the WEF World Economic Forum The Very Idea of Humans as some sort of natural concept is going to change" MP 4 file or longer version here The Video from the WEF is here in full (Video 70 A ) The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset)
In 2020 we were told that Covid deaths did not have underlying conditions, *they were simply covid" then in the Vaccine rollouts in 20201 we were told that those who died from vaccinations had underlying conditions in contrast to those who were dying from covid in 2020 who had no underlying conditions? whilst the flu statistics for 2019 were higher than 2020 and 2021 as the flu deaths fell (covid = flu ) See a Tale of two Januarys narrated by Jeffrey Peel
All vaccines are unauthorised and when in tested on animals they died or became sick. The inventor of the m RNA vaccine says it is dangerous and animals tested with the experimental injection died.
In october 2021 the virus has still not been isolated and the mRNA ``vaccine" is not a vaccine legally or lawfully. In earlier posts above dated 7.7.2021.Since the "Strong Delusion" documentary Dr Paul Offit who features in video 1 at 10 minutes 50 seconds in (not the intro but scroll down to the full film) has contradicted himself on his original viewpoint. Yet since then the public has acquired more knowledge and it is now accepted that the m RNA (which contains DNA and poisons do enter your cells, and is now accepted as pertinent to the mRNA injections or older type vaccines. These experimental vaccines do alter your DNA / RNA and the vaccine contain not just RNA but DNA (as of course human fetal tissue is DNA/RNA) The medical profession is now telling the world that you can still get covid even after 3 vaccinations (including deaths and injuries) and now as mentioned Israel is now preparing for 4th vaccine
In other words now the Vaccinated (who must wear masks ? despite being vaccinated) need protecting ?We are told that Vaccines protect the vaccinated, but now the unvaccinated must protect the vaccinated by getting vaccinated ? with the same vaccine which does not protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated....until they are vaccinated against the unvaccianted ? truly astonishing
Germ Theory and Terrain theory and m RNA vaccines in your cells. For an understanding of "virology" and germ theory and terrain theory (which is sidelined by Big Pharma because there is no money in it, see 1)Dr Sam Bailey - Viruses do not cause disease (Germ Theory Exposed) and also 2) Dr. Christiane Northrup interviewed by Mike Adams
Dr Charles Hoffe, How the mRNA injections change you Physically & Spiritually (The Strong Delusion) Vaccinated pilots are being asked not to fly, many are dying and passengers also. See at 3.00 minutes in this vid. Employees are being fired for not taking the injection (as in no 94 the US army)
Lisa Shaw: Vaccine role in BBC presenter's death to be probed
see also Yes, mRNA *IS* 'Gene Therapy' and how it is possible Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Billions of people bypass & destroy immune systems (DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI: “YOU WILL BE GENETICALLY TRANSFORMED FOREVER” and The Pandemic Preparedness And Biosecurity
Stew Peters Died suddenly World Premiere Blood clots and 'Transhumanism' Technocracy disguise for Mark of the Beast. And also Children Health defence "Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms" and also once more "The Real Reason for the mRNA injections" and lastly before reading the next paras below "The Holy of Holies & 144,000 & the Feasts.The 2 Witnesses & Gods image in DNA. Four squared & Cubed" and also to get a full view of what is actually occuring (and to repeat ... This is the "new" religion (The Great Arcanum and Great Work in one) and the ecumenical movement explained by professionals in the medical profession and wider The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods' and this explains the way that aborted babies children and adults can be used and thrown away as in the various posts of vaccine deaths and injuries above (i.e "The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children" )
The "Mark of the Beast" considerations
In Ezekiel 9, Gods people receive a spiritual mark but which is visible to those who do not have it. One verse back from (Rev 13, 16 - 18) in verse Revelations 13, (a) 15 There is the image of the beast (a clue) which is given life to speak (literally breath in the Greek so REAL SPEAKING & BREATHING ? from the second beast who gives it power) and in the end of this verse (b) all who do not worship it will be killed (by force ! causeth to receive the mark. The NIV is not correct here ) and it says this will occur on a worldwide basis ? ( so it is not just a statue or a hologram as it moves and speaks ) So the IMAGE, MARK AND WORSHIP (3 PARTS) IT IS A MAN MADE IMAGE which has feet of bear and body of a leopard & mouth of a lion (Rev 13,1 ) IMAGE is ICON (in the Greek) visible around the world also in plain sight and familiar even friendly or nice, but not recognised at first as such. Daniel 7, 8 & 20 says the little horn has eyes LIKE human eyes (like on a coat of arms perhaps ) Rev 19, 20 also mentions 3 things Mark Worship and Image (together as 1 ) as does Rev 14,9 & Rev 14,11 & Rev 16, 2 & Rev 20, 4. In the OT Zechariah 11,17 speaks of the eye and Revelations 13, 7 says all 3 will make war on the saints (who must be still here and not raptured in that case, as all verses of the bible say post tribe inc Jesus in Matthew 24, 19 says AFTER THE TRIBULATION as does Mark 13, 24 (AFTER) and Rev 7 14 speaks of those who COME THROUGH the tribulation (not who are taken out first ) and they were sealed by God in Rev 7,3 (and 144,000 x 144,000 x 144,000 x 2 of both houses of Israel ) So created in Gods image Genesis 1, those who fall will have their IMAGE as God sees it changed spiritually by their DNA and receive later an outer mark as a brand like cattle (who are beasts but who are also branded) The preterist view is not correct as although Jesus fulfilled many of the generational parallels to the Gospels (that the generation would not pass away before these things come to pass etc) the Jews did not receive a mark or see an image that breathes and speaks and the great tribulation (worldwide ) is one which is not like any before. The Jewish temple and Jerusalem were ruined many times before the days of Herod. Preterists claim that the evil powers that be are making these prophecies come true, yet millions have been killed worldwide since 1913 so self fulfilling prophecies or not, they are real. We have the internet now (which would have been considered a strange dimension even 150 years ago, but we also have calls for depopulation, a false anointed Messiah, and a one world government which is not just over the middle east. The 1000 year reign is a new paradigm when the saints rule (they do not rule now )and the New Jerusalem after this sees a new heaven and the new earth has no sea Revelations 21,1. (etc) Daniel 9 (9, 24 is about Yeshua) and others do not really require a 7 year period, and to make that come true you would have to recreate Israel and build a Temple and ignore 1 Cor 6,19, 2 Cor 6, 16, 1 Peter 2, 4 - 5, Ephesians 2, 1 - 22, Ezekiel 1, 20 28 (and many more not just 1 Cor 6,19 ) as even Ezekiel said he could nothing unless he was in the spirit. The modern church ignores that we should receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and even that salvation is by the blood. Bible do state that israel will be recreated and bring good and also evil. A 'third temple' Synagogue with 111 seats (Gnostic and Kabbalah for all faiths) exists under the temple Mount today and funded by Rome and many faiths as an ecumneical fulfillment. The Holy of Holies is / was located within the Al aqsa Mosque which was rebuilt by the Templars after the basic construction formerly there collapsed a thousand years ago., and it is an 8 sided Temple to Venus and not a traditional mosque. Mosque see "Ark of the Covenant on Temple Mount. Solomon's temple location" Further Joel 3 states that all nations will be brought to the valley of Jesphophat (not far from the Mount of Olives and to destruction. an event which has not occured as yet. See UN Gathering 'Pharaohs Army' (Psalm 27,pt 2) Cornerfringe & Max Igan (& Pandemic Treaty) Yom Kippur (mirrored here also from rumble and see in its description box ) For more information see the adjacent website and chapter 5 Added onto this para (and see no 12 above dated 3.4.2024 to June 1st 2024
It is beyond doubt now that the "Gene theraphy" Crispr cas 9 experimental vaccinnes are designed to alter your DNA, which has for many spiritual conatations for others, it is deliberate damage to a persons health and body, for many it is both of these things (and an outer mark as a brand is also a mark reflection of an inner altered status) Dr Fauci now states that "Fauci Now Says mRNA Jabs NOT Good for Respiratory Illness" (or here again on Rumble) ? and in this context (see no 11a above) mRNA jabs which do mimic and change DNA (see next numbers below) this raison d'etre i.e. the cry the world over to cure the 'virius' in Trumps (fachi's partner in the genocide) 'Operation Warp Speed' and in reality was not just a financial racket for profit to enable (as Klaus Schwab reasoned ? ) to change you (humans see below) how the medical profession spread the fear for profit (covid or non - covid ) "The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children" the injections also have other agendas.
If vaccinations are no good for respiratory illness what was / is the purpose of them Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents' with Tucker Carlson Elon Musk, 'Really Graceful' Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo, Dr Larry Palevsky, and many more, who explain how the injections 'tamper' with your DNA.
NO 566a No longer a conspiracy theory but a physical reality within your DNA which also has legal patent ownership connotations (see NO 10 above dated 22.04.2023 - 6.5.2023 ) above the full interview with Surgeon general Joseph Ladapo COVID Vaccines | Do the COVID Vaccines Change Your DNA & Humanity Itself? "With the mRNA Vaccines They Have DNA In Them. This DNA Hangs On With mRNA In That Lipid Nano Particle." - Doctor Joseph Ladapo (The Surgeon General of Florida)
Dr. William Makis MD ..dna integration
Still to date the covid virus has not been 'isolated' ? The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health
As also confirmed by WEF / Prince charles / Klaus Schwab Klaus Schwab GENETIC EDITING Its YOU WHO ARE CHANGED or again on youtube Klaus Schwab GENETIC EDITING Its YOU WHO ARE CHANGED
The interview with Tucker Carlson and Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo
Dr. William Makis MD brings matters up to date (substack blog) including on ..dna integration (COVID Vaccine Gene Could Integrate Into Human Cancer Cells: Epoch ties) 1st Published Evidence of mRNA Gene Therapy Ins
FULL ARTICLES SHOWING HUMAN GENOME only complete in March 31, 2022 (not 2003) 1. abstract 31.3.2022 "The complete sequence of a human genome" 2. Telomere "Human Genome complete March 2022 after 32 years" background ... US Supreme court hearing in 2013 into 2019 (the inroads to patent life not just GMO foods and seeds but also human life)
Added in in 3.7.2024 Further to the considerations of the Attorney General for Florida Joseph Ladopo, (above) the BBC in a special report on synthetic DNA insertion into the human Genome have said the following A BBC Special report on the 'Mark of the Beast' Crispr Cas 9, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas or here again once more on Rumble Further recently the 9th circuit court in the USA ruled that the 'vaccine' was not a preventive medicine but was a 'therapy' as a gene therapy or to be exact an experimental mRNA gene therapy / editing synthetic nanobot which cuts your DNA and not with accuracy in any way "9th Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections so if not a vaccine ? what is gene therapy that does not accurately splice your God Given DNA ? with a deeper insight here Part 1 and 2 fwd
The recent IHR International Health regulations by the WHO / UN have passed and are in effect a Pandemic Treaty....
Now confirmed the IHR - International Health Regulations have passed and are identical to the Pandemic Treaty as a 'Bait and Switch' with the completed Global government given the option to opt into it "The WHO are running two horses in this race" - Andrew Bridgen MP (which had already been agreed since 2022) with as Klaus Schwab said the WEF Technocracy Loyal who infiltrated all government cabinets ready to vote it in anyway ( 'à fait de accompli' ) and which removes a nations Sovereignty but only De Facto as a nation is Sovereign inalienable (and since time immemorial) and deceit cannot change that fact " What is the deal (now passed) in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty bait and switch ? Chris Sky & more in the description box" (or here again on bitchute) It is as suspected to allow 'Geneomics' to be central to 'medicine' as a 'cure all new method' (or food is not medicine but transhumanism is ..etc)
Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections
Therefore the aim of these vaccines with the Crispr Cas 9 technology is to change DNA/RNA and modify it with even the Medical profession stating as such
3) "Recombinant" vaccines are expressed as both DNA and proteins (recombinant means multiple types of DNA in vaccines) and also stops you buying and selling
COVID means "Certificate of Vaccination Identification" ( & 'see' 'the sheep' 'surrender') & "Corona Sars 2" is the computer code. CRISPR (see also Dr sam bailey below) using CRISPR which is the technology of the m RNA injections Dr Carrie MadeJ explains what this means for you internally with the covid shots and DNA and also the ingredients and as envisioned by Big Pharma, AI, cybernetic engineers, high level surveillance, and transhumanists and which $Billions are invested in the largest experiment in history. It is not just about the spike proteins which are toxic, (Dr Anthony Patch provides for and against for spiritual discernment including islam) but Scientist Anthony Patch explains what the reverse transcriptase mRNA actually does to your DNA (it is not a precursor and there is no prophecy on precursors) World faith leaders who closed down their chruches are effectively saying yes we believe in God but he cannot cope unless he gets a vaaccine to help him ?. Bio warfare is real and dead bodies would be obvious in the streets in daysThis is the same God (they believe) who created the Universe and who can heal lepers and the sick (see also Who closed the World's Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum ) Also on Rumble "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum" (or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum") 'Shedding' is in essence "transfection" (which is why the CDC or Centre for Disease control state that the vaccinated shed disease onto the unvaccinated) and how this will connect to crypto currency or digital dollars in the future (but very soon) and your energy output will be your currency.Today we are told that those who are vaccinated are a danger to the unvaccinated, but also ? that the vaccinated, who are vaccinated against covid are in danger from the unvaccinated despite being vaccinated ? and even the Pope admits baby DNA is in the vaccines (see above) It is a DNA changing mechanism technology and the virus was never isolated and exists only as a CRISPR injectable code Dr Sam Bailey & Dr M McDowell 'mRNA injection changes your RNA / DNA' & the Covid Genome deception (into your cells nucleus and not just for large profits only)
Collectively this is Transhumanism. It is a religion. Transhumanists do not believe you are a flesh and blood human or a Sovereign human being, and that you are required to 'evolve' physically leading to a Spiritual awakening. Yet you are already made perfectly and are sovereign. Transhumanism in effect downgrades your status but takes what you already have and tries to sell it back to you.
4) Enforcing your own Sovereign Law as an individual or business or nation with armed defence as per the constitution of the USA (or any nation)
Many suggest that Sovereign law is no use unless you can enforce those rules or laws. The USA has a constitution (but which since 1871 has been eroded and the treaty / charter of Virginia in 1606 still applies) in which the right to bear arms is openly expressed and within the bill of rights accompanying it. These are Sovereign laws. Speaking on these issues "Good Patriot" points out the main points.
Continuing with the outlook Good patriot expands patriots views How To Fight Back - Part 1 Using Your SHIELD Agenda 20 - 30 by Good Patriot and then part 2 How To Fight Back Part 2 Our Army (Part 3 inside prepping) Agenda 20 - 30 by Good Patriot
And see We are free - the plandemic is over (Bio warfare is real but the Great reset required a new economy but it is you who are to be changed. This phase is 'over' but a new will begin and may return again and again)
The fall of Rome. Ancient empires however always advanced on their military superiority including Egypt and Rome. Both however (and there are many other examples) began to fabricate man made laws which were flawed leading to corruption and debt and these empires collapsed from the inside. Rome certainly imploded very rapidly and it was also sacked by the Celts / Gauls and Vandals (and also the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths and Napoleon.) The state eventually falls, yet with stronger fairer laws empires seem to last a lot longer, people within them certainly do, and reliance on the state should give way to a collection of Sovereign peoples who give Sovereignty to some to serve them,as the people are Sovereign and who need to be wary of endless Marches / Protests without results.
5) Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its history before being codified as Black's Law Dictionary in the 1880's and published in 1952, extending back from 1000 bc into the Rhodesian law of the island of Rhodes and from Rome, to Justinian 1st in 527 bc and the Phoenicians into the middle ages and until to today.
Take in all the following to understand the real word you live within and how it can be redeemed.
At the start of this website the brief documentary was featured r.e. UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty law or a 2nd link here if Video fails to play (including your 2. Birth Certificate and 3. Strawman alternate identity, and see in the description of the film below it, for more relevant information) The Film is also here as an MP 4 file to download (some of the history is also contained at the beginning in posts dated 13.03.2021 and 7.7.2021)
These laws or legal fictions began around 1000 bc (Troy and Greece also occurred around this era) Uniform Commercial Code (although it is still being updated ) was first published in 1952 and is collated from state acts over many decades but which are only based on the law as a Corporation as say USA incorporated not Common law. Black's law dictionary dates back to around 1890 whilst Roman / Rhodian Law of the Sea dates back to around 1000 bc and was adopted by Rome Rhodian maritime law survived until the Roman Empire, and was adopted by the Romans: it is explicitly mentioned in Book 2, Title 7 of the Roman law text, Opinions of Julius Paulus (circa 235)" see the beginning of this website and they have survived illegally (i.e. not LAWFUL) since then. The nearest codification in the BC years was Justinian the 1st around the year 527 bce (some time after Lex Rhodia 900bc ) but which Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1100 ad employed as Maritime law in her concern at being away on the crusades, she was the Queen consort of both Louis VII of France (1137–52) and Henry II of England (1152–1204) and mother of Richard I (the Lionheart)
The code of maritime law enacted by Eleanor of Aquitaine, (circa 1122-1204),was attributed by her to the Island of Oleron, which lies 32 kilometres (20 mls.) north of the mouth of the Gironde River in western France. (Eleanor also made manners a virtue and a way of life, her court in Poitiers was the "Court of Love" where Eleanor and her daughter Marie meshed and encouraged the ideas of troubadours, chivalry, and courtly love into a single court) She was a firm believer in the crusades and the capture of Jerusalem.Godfrey de Bouillon also from Belgium and known to Brussels was also a crusader and King of Jerusalem (later King Baldwin took the title) He lived from 1099 to 1100 and Eleanor was related to him. Many ask why did they want to be Kings of Jerusalem ? it is because they are related to the former Kings or leaders or tribes of Israel dating from 750 bce, 640 bce or 550bce or 70 ad or some dates in between.(See also posts in the 2nd half of this website below and includes the Manasseh and Ephraim doctrines) These laws were based on the older Rhodian Law of the Mediterranean, known as the laws of Oleron In turn these laws derived from the Phoenicians circa 1550 to 300 BCE, (known as the 1000 year reign) when the Persians, and later the Greeks, conquered Tyre. Phoenician ships have been discovered in Israel dating back to 700 bc (the Tribe of Dan are connected to the Phoenicians) The Phoencians were seafarers and mariners who codified maritime laws. This 1000 year reign ended around 500 bc - 300 bc, but Rome continued to exist until around 400 - 450 ad (officially 4 September 476 CE)
King Henry the 8th (Henry VIII 28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) re-examined the law of "C'est Tui Cie Vie " ( which means "he who lives" or it can mean "this killed that life") Under Henry 8th in 1540, it meant he who lives but was reworked. The background to the law which existed from medieval days i.e. a trust or estate The law which invokes the 7 year LTD liability act, but which is based upon the laws of Leviticus of 7 years of debt but in practice always excludes the 50 years Jubilee. Henry's motive was to become sovereign under go and not the Pope. he made C'est Tui Cie Vie" an act. This version lasted until 1666, when parliament behind closed doors invoked the act of Henry 8th of 1540 and Charles the 1st, renamed it as "this killed that life" in contradiction of sovereign common law and even open parliament procedures. It was spelt as "C'est Tui Cie Vie 1666" Henry 8th legally entitled to separate himself and the land from the laws of Rome, yet the Common law also existed in England once that separation took place (and it was supported by over half the populace) and they were especially renewed from the days of King Alfred. Later after Henry the 8th the English Civil War (1642–1651) was a series of civil wars and political machinations between Parliamentarians ("Roundheads") and Royalists ("Cavaliers") brought the development of the doctrine of supremacy (or sovereignty) of Parliament means that the courts accept that legislation enacted by Parliament takes precedence over the Common law (essentially, judge-made law as developed through cases), yet Parliament also includes the Monarch whose sovereignty is given to them by the people see post above dated 27.05.2021 or here again. In 1666 "C'est Tui Cie Vie 1666" or "this killed that life" meant to some around Charles the 1st (into the reigns of the 'Interregnum' of Oliver and Richard Cromwell. (1649 - 1669) Followed by Charles 2nd 1660–85) & James the 2nd (1685 - 1688) A chronology is available here ) that everyone on earth was "dead in the water" but this life as a trust can be 7 years as alive as a Sovereign, after which you are presumed dead in the water. Hence the biblical laws of 7 year debts and the 7 year limited liability. Those who do not know are dead, but once you do you can revoke this law and the laws of Rome in certificates of birth claim back your life as a creditor not a debtor. A further problem is manufactured consent i.e. of your parents not telling you is tenuous and in the realm of grammar as debased latin you can claim back your LIFE LAWFULLY beyond legal parameters.
Queen Elizabeth 2nd MP4 FILE Video 2. "Sovereignty conferred by the people"
In King Alfred's deemings the nobles and King Alfred conceded that the people were the parliament and sovereigns and made laws for them also, meaning that Parliaments laws had to be in keeping with the Common law or they were legal only and not LAWFUL. This was to protect the people and the nation. (The Queen, as one example, in her own person is also a 'Sovereign flesh and blood person' as we all are) Case law was not or is not above "the people" by legal device or majority agreement if they remove Common law or Sovereign inalienable rights, and private unincorporated entities had to submit to the common law of the land as did the Monarch. Levellers, Diggers and Ranters. The music band the "Levellers" made the song The English civil War" famous i.e The New Model Army etc (and the Clash also made a version of it) But the Levellers were a group of Freemen with the Ranters and the Diggers "Who were the Diggers, Levellers and Ranters? | English Civil War" (they read the bible for themselves without being told what it means) They with various degrees of fervour believed they owned the Common Land Common land today is termed "Common Land is privately owned land with ‘Rights of Common’ over that land, most commonly to graze animals" Yet the diggers believed that too much private land was taken from the commoners and in any case "how can you own land".(in any words all land is common, and can then be private or applied to new commonors) Conversely any village wanting to begin as commoners, freemen and sovereigns are allowed to defend their borders also. Today communists claim they support the diggers but in fact in practice Communists own all lands via the state in China and make a profit from it. This is the maxim that "you will own nothing and be happy", but they will own ! you will not. Common law and Sovereign rights are not recognised by communists or the state.(once again see “You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” | Douglas Kruger = The Great Reset 4th industrial revolution covid / corona) (see also "The forgotten radicals of the English Civil War | The Levellers" who really were the revolution as the new model army, not Cromwell. After this England's direction went into Usury and desperation took over castigated by the Cavaliers and their cavalier attitude, as Rome and England battled for Supremacy and a preacher of the time Hugh Peter gave memorable sermons ) An incredible revolution and which may have begun hundreds of years earlier.
The City of London over 600 years earlier however was rebuilt by King Alfred (848/49 – 26 October 899) and the City does have these laws (ie. the Deemings from common law) within its history. He made it so strong that William the Conqueror could not breach its walls. It survived until this day, because it is unincorporated and because in the Loyalist / Parliamentarian wars and within them the Protestant / Catholic wars, the City or Crown took the view (especially from King Henry the 8th) that these destabilizing influences could not risk its status economically or politically. The Lord mayor of the City of London gives permission for the Monarch to enter its square mile. Parliament and the Monarch exist with the City in making legislation (or rather the City i.e The Crown, as a party to Parliament looks on as legislation is made. Observers may say that a just City of London is better than a corrupt Parliament)
Other laws once existed in Rome and the whole earth based upon the soveriegn common law of men and woman (youtube) 'Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome' nd also Unam Sanctum Cestui Que Vie Trust - Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome trust ) or here once more on bitchute Here is an example of an Australian case which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File )
In 1666 around the time of the fire of London in pudding lane "C'est Tui Cie Vie 1666" was completed despite the various King and Queens (Edward 6th & Queen Jane and Mary 1st, Phillip, Elizabeth 1st, James 1st & Charles the 1st. Then the 'Interregnum' reigns of Oliver and Richard Cromwell. Followed by the restoration of James 2nd, Charles 2nd and Mary 2nd, up until the House of Orange in 13.02.1689. The fire of London on pudding lane occuring in the reign of Charles the 2nd (1660 - 1685) meant that after the great plague of 1665 and subsequent fire of 1666, the City of London could emerge from the ashes. Canon 2042 (In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII (8th) declared the first Cestui Que Vie type estate with the Act of Supremacy which created the Crown Estate. In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the estate as the Crown Union (Union of Crowns into the reigns of the 'Interregnum' of Oliver and Richard Cromwell. (1649 - 1669) Followed by Charles 2nd 1660–85) & James the 2nd (1685 - 1688) A chronology is available here ) ). By the 18th Century, the Crown was viewed as a company. However by the start of the 19th Century around 1814 onwards upon the bankruptcy of the company (1814/15) , it became the fully private Crown Corporation. The City of London or the Crown is an unincorporated association and shares similar status with the Vatican and district of columbia.( Washington DC)
If everyone on earth became creditors then this system would end, but would become positive and not negative or it would move from debtor to creditor even further into full sovereign rights of your birthright. King Alfred chose this status (standing and agency) for everyone, which is why they call him "The Great"
In 1933 after Mussolini in 1929 instituted Rome as a corporation again after Napoleon removed the Rome laws in 1805, the USA began to decree that it could only trade with those who it was "licensed" to (the US was declared bankrupt in 1933) From 1917 the war acts from the US entry into WW1, had already declared all US citizens as enemies of the state and under the debt of the federal reserve bank act of 1913. US Citizens were / are collateral for its own debts to this day. The City flourished in 1814/1815 after Napoleon's defeat (after victories for decades) until other emergency powers in 1861, 1931 - 1933 and the US Patriot act of 2001. There are more legal laws which the reader can research themselves, remembering that many nations or systems do not even allow debate or involvement in 'society' in any way.
In written or spoken "legalese" there are no grammatical facts in English (or any known language but the nearest is LATIN known as debased latin or dog latin ...but in other words not LATIN but a fiction) = a legal fiction (i.e not LAWFUL) This is where the "Presumption of law" derives as it is presumed there is no law in fact arising. This assists "manufacturing consent" a book by Professor Noam Chomsky (note he is a Professor of Linguistics) but based upon an earlier work by Edward BERNAYS such as Propaganda or others such as the Engineering of Consent or wider books on offer and consent which is manufactured is not LAWFUL and as such all contracts are null and void including all corporations.
By this language your birthright has been removed (including to all minerals and lands associated with you) The law (legal) terms known as ``legalese" and how it has applied to 'Human Beings' from birth to death. It believes that newly birthed 'Human Beings' are "dead in the water" from birth ( a descriptive but applicable term lasting your whole life) and it covers UCC or Universal Commercial Code or the Law of the Sea known as maritime Admiralty Law.
Laws from time immemorial were 1. to LAWFULLY apply to the land or 2. to legally apply to the SEA. Common law rights are inalienable. The maritime admiralty law came upon land "like a flood" and everyone it believes is "dead in the water" (see history above) but legally not LAWFULLY. Hospitals in blacks law dictionary are also a church or a bank (birthed from water as cargo, commodity or stock into citizenSHIP where you are docked, and citizens under the state have no real rights in common law) hence Corona victims can be brought legally brought into a hospital as chattel and be killed but illegally as murder in Common law. In common law there is no instance of a "victimless crime" and damages are; everything the perpetrator is, was or will be (everything) but different levels of crime against law exist obviously. Many suggest this is not so but IN FACT it is true.
For further information see the adjacent website the new new jerusalem and chapters 3, 3a & 3b (and the end of chapter 3b with posts dated 8.10.2021 & 23.09.2021 & 28.08.2021) Click here and the top of Chapter 4 or beginning of Chapter 3b
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23.12.2021 - 2022.
Your Inheritance. Sovereignty for Nations, Business and Individuals
Inheritance is a subject not often discussed, and it's a larger topic than most imagine
(In this first topic on Sovereignty, above posts are dated 13.03.2021 & 27.05.2021 at the top or near the top and also dated 7.7.2021 & post dated 21.10.2021
The Occult Art of Law. Firstly examine the Video the "Occult Art of Law" from Birkbeck University by Alan of Salisbury in London (Occult simply means secret) which is also available here as an MP 4 File
Explaining that legalese is not English or any Lawful language, Alan of Salisbury lectures in Birkbeck. It is not Lawful and only legal if you consent to it, there are no laws against voluntary slavery. Bondage comes from Bonds, and the Pound £ (which as a symbol used to have 2 lines through it as also the Dollar $ ) which was backed by Sterling Silver as also the Dollar. When the banks bought most of the world in the short (fall) banking collapse, fiat currency replaced Silver (Sterling silver) Credit is promissory note to a private corporation not a Nation. Credit is not money but a loan from your inheritance of you to you. There is no reason to borrow from the middleman but from real institutions with real money (not fiat) any society or individual can build or create a project, but there is no real money or institutions. They have not in reality however received your consent to your inheritance. Fiat currency is an illusion, a confidence trick and is worthless (an Unlawful fraud ) as is Crypto Digital currency. What is backing the money in the world ? You do as your life and body and soul. Virtual real estate is now coming for sale with digital currency (see the adjacent website and chapter 6 on Utopias and Dystopias ) As one example the City corporation (which was in effect set in place and restored by King Alfred) is not the Queen of England as a Sovereign persona (although the Monarch can become a full Sovereign person first and foremost ) Every nation is by presumption only, a corporation signed away by your proxy politicians who have stolen your consent via a vote. Britain's Parliament and Government is a PLC, ( or as 'United Kingdom Corporation ltd' as other nations also) an entity listed on Dunn and Bradstreet and every nation's government and parliament are also listed on it or equivalents (the Social services are a PLC and in many countries they unlawfully profit by stealing children) This status, standing and agency of nations can be repudiated and removed leading to a restoration of the Sovereign nation of nations to their true and natural estate as themselves. Britain or any nation is not encapsulated as being within a "legal fiction" as a people or as a nation. Corporations were never LAWFUL. It is only a presumption of law with no proof that this entity governs in place of the Sovereign people who bestow Sovereignty on the Monarch or parliament. Operating under a presumption of law they can be easily dismissed as legalisms by real non presumed Law. Once this method or system is restored to its Lawful entity, the world would then operate in Lawfulness, which the people have the right to enforce, as rightful heirs but who have not fully inherited.
The Privy Council in Britain's government and its oath of joining extends back to the Tudor dynasty, (and was formulated in the 13th century but made full in 1571) predating the dynasty of William 2nd, 3rd and William IV, who was Prince of Orange from birth and the first hereditary Stadtholder of all the United Provinces of the Netherlands from 1747 till his death in 1751. (Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands abdicated in order to hand over to her son Willem-Alexander in 2013) During his whole life he was furthermore ruler of the Principality of Orange-Nassau. The Privy council has overturned the House of Lords and the courts in its rulings, but decisions by the Privy council have in turn been overruled or deemed unlawful by itself. It overturned its own ruling under Jack Straw (privy council chair) in 2006. The privy council also banned GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters ) members from joining a trade union in 2010 - 2012. It also operates within the 'United Kingdom Corporation ltd', although it operates outside of this in many aspects.
Compare the Video above with the presentations below
Erin O'Donnell adds more correct insight into the illusion and how Sovereignty is reclaimed (for instance a mandate is a 2 way agreement or it void )
John Harris 'Its an Illusion' ( A good man who has sadly passed away, but who helped millions) The illusion by other voices is explained also by John Harris "It's an illusion - John Harris" (it is also on Bitchute "Its an illusion" longer version John Harris )
But more information without full understanding but adequate from Servant King in 9 parts and parts 1 and 6 are here "Servant King - Confusion (1 of 9) - "The Perfect Swindle" and also "Servant King - Confusion (6 of 9) - "Confusion of Law" (for instance you do not need a license to practice law or any profession or a license for your dog, car or armaments. It is irrelevant if your government mandates you or not or if they ask you or not to obey regulations. Asking for consent is because As King (or Queen) you are Lawful in your status standing and agency. These are simply presumptions of law the state devices you into taking or agreeing with) See also "Karl Lentz at Truthjuice Birmingham, England, U.K. 10th December 2013" with further insights from Bill Turner with miscellaneous teaching and practical outcomes. A documentary on the differences in law from Sovereign, natural and unnatural Natural Law The Science of Natural Law However these above (in this paragraph only), only go part of the way
John Harris also appears in the excellent ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’ Or here or here again once more (or here as an MP4 file) The Video shows testimony from Police officers, who explain the difference between Lawful and 'Legal' and how the state (believes) it owns your children.
Leaving the private Corporation of the Vatican established in 1929 ( actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica ) with also an explanation of Unam Sanctam issued as a Papal bull in 1302 which explains up to the current private Vatican corporation which has hijacked the Catholic church turning bible law upside down and instead adopting the Law of the Sea UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty law or a 2nd link here if Video fails to play (including your 2. Birth Certificate and 3. Strawman alternate identity, and see in the description of the film below it, for more relevant information) The Film is also here as an MP 4 file to download ( and specifically on this see the last post above dated 21.10.2021 and point 5 ) You can remove your consent to ‘Unam Sanctam’ but simply dissolving your birth certificate does not mean you are not a catholic as the Vatican City Corporation was only established in 1929. For more information see here or see here again There are equivalents in every state church
You are owned by the stock exchange via your birth certificate registration. You are traded by its number since you were born. Just as a ship births at a dock, when you were born from the womb you were birthed (out of your mothers water ) into a corporation as a human resource. Look at your birth certificate, it is a stock security (securities exchange) and in the corner usually the right hand side your number is stamped on it. (A birth certificate, especially if replaced, may have many numbers but the original registration number is the actual number) In the modern 5G / 6G technocracy in the 4th industrial revolution you are ‘wetware’ in silicon valley jargon. This largely misunderstood concept is further explained in (by Mr Anderson) ‘Strawman Illusion - Birth Certificate Conspiracy Theory Rule of Law Explained’ or here as a youtube video or here as an MP4 EXTENSION
This does not mean the ‘rule of law’ (as Lawful common law not legal) is bad, yet parents were not told their children and themselves were registered as a security to be traded on a stock exchange. It is completed as a certificate without your consent. You should be given the choice of births but you are not given that choice it was taken from you by deception. You can still claim that choice. As Mr Anderson (in the video above) says he abides by the driving speed limits and the law for moral reasons not because he stands under the law.
Birth Certificates. For further information see bitchute ‘BIRTHING-CERTIFICATES BY JUSTINIAN DECEPTION’ or here on youtube or here as an MP4 EXTENSION. (for more information see the adjacent website and The Law of the Land and also King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’of King Alfred, the Magna Carta, the Bill of rights 1688/1689, and the Popes law to cancel Corporations)
The 3 strands of law. In 1929 (with the Wall Street crash as a coordinated action) Mussolini reinstated the Holy Roman Empire on 11.02.1929. Vatican City was formed as a private Corporation like the District of Columbia (DC) and the City of London, the latter is unincorporated. (See above in the first section of this website) Called the Lateran treaty the new Holy Roman Empire, was to last only until June 3rd 1985 for Vatican City inc, and it was formed on 11.02.1929. The Wall street crash occurred on October 29, 1929 and known as, "Black Tuesday" on Wall Street. There had also been a stock exchange crash in London in September 1929. The Wall Street crash had an earlier scare on March 25th 1929 the emergence of a cadre of Vatican functionaries trained in civil and Canon law that developed a new mode of diplomacy eschewing the previous focus on reconstituting the Papal States" Its new adherence to a form of Canon law known as 'Uniform Commercial Code' which although they are separate strands of law extending back to the beginnings of Rome and the 'Venetians' (similar to 'Phoenicians' see the 2nd part of this website and WW1 ) These are 2 of the 3 strands of legal but not LAWFUL 'law' 1. UCC commercial code 2. Canon Law 3. The 3rd strand is Talmudic law and not just the Babylonian Talmud of Judaism but the Iranian Talmud. Iran has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. (i.e UCC + Canon law + talmud law) The Vatican would say that during the long history of what we term UCC or canon law is the declaration of Pope Boniface in 1302 called 'Unam Sanctam' which as King of the World claiming control over the whole planet, until Henry the 8th who claimed that right as his, but which moved into illegal 'legalese' after the fire of London in 1666 with "C'est Tui Cie Vie 1666" (see specifically on this the post above dated 21.10.2021 and point 5 ) 1. Black’s Law Dictionary 11th Edition Pdf Free Download 2. Black's law dictionary online 3 Black's Law Dictionary 'Status, Standing & Agency'
Your Inheritance
Without your consent (which within 7 years from your birth you were regarded as dead and they salvaged your ship) your parents signed away your Inheritance, but in fact this is not a valid contract as it takes consent between 2 parties to agree. (the 'implied right of consent' which is higher than the 'presumption' of law which presumes you consent) Debt relief is retrospective.
What is your inheritance in real terms? 'The Occult Art of Law' presenter ( Alan of Salisbury) estimates everyone on earth is entitled to Land in the equivalence of 4 areas the size of Twickenham Rugby field which is around 10 acres of land It is a hard concept for some to accept as they assume everyone else owns the land, but they cannot own land ? but it is a birthright in reality, and whilst some would want only a small parcel of land, the point by Alan of Salisbury is well made and true. His estimate is based on logical statistics as follows ( "The international rugby field pictured here is very close to one hectare in size, it is actually 1.0008 hectares. A perfect square is 100 meters by 100 meters is a hectare. An acre is about 0.4047 hectare and one hectare contains about 2.47 acres") i.e The entire world divided by 7.5 billion people, people as you are created by the divine into abundance. This is Lawful and is fully supported by the Law, with repercussions in fact, but it also does not stop there. Removing these illegal legalese presumptions would nullify but redeem every loan and mortgage without loss of property, and retrospectively, and in central banking back to 1913. Many may be content with 5 acres with the rest turned into common land. Repairing the world and bringing true prosperity, wealth and freedom. You are also owed money stolen from you at your birth and then charged back to you (as you have learnt in the paragraphs above)
With the land as your inheritance, the land also has other rights attached to it. You are as an individual are really born on the land but out of your mothers water, you are a ward of the state in the maternity ward but when your parents sign the birth certificate you are moved into the state fully (shipping, postal office authority argued over by Spain, France, Germany, Dutch, Vatican and Britain and then as banking ) as a dead person ( 'dead in the water' ) but with your inheritance held in trust and you are given credit against your own inheritance. However as mentioned, as this was presumed against you as a 'presumption in law', in reality you can repudiate, and claim your land inheritance and its minerals and its strategic metals contracts. This means you claim the space above the land and the ground below including its water and natural minerals and metals (and also salvage and archeological metals but which you may want to also preserve for posterity) Control of metals means you can issue silver or gold as currency and also claim the oil or plutonium below the ground. You can of course just grow organic food upon the land and preserve your own seeds (non - GMO hybrids ) Clean water, air and soil and free energy including 'fossil fuels' or at or for little cost.
On the adjacent website and chapter 2 there is more information on these subjects, in relation to money creation and debt . Also note that many (many = 777) construction companies, banks and building societies took part in a study / thesis on alternative finance (or rather real finance in 2004 / 2005 ) around the time of the 7/7 bombings in London. These issues are not fringe issues but are widely discussed. Including money (MO) in circulation for any nation which is theirs. For an insight into Crypto / digital currency, see the next paragraph below.
Sovereignty (which every nation and its people have) is not just about law but about Dominion, which has to be possessed as an inheritance. First consider the following article by James Delingpole Delingpole: Democracy Is Dead in the UK – and Everywhere and this means no matter which ideology you choose, but it also refers to the Technocracy, which in turn is framed by the 'cashless society' or rather the removal of national sovereignty over its own Treasury. Delingpole explains " ‘sustainability’ a cozy codeword for eco-fascism, biosecurity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, etc" & "Whether you vote Labour or Conservative makes zero difference: you always get the same Uniparty" and that is pertinent to all the political parties. The proxy vote (and 'winning the vote' has been a deception in which the proxy vote has replaced 'the people' and has also been gerrymandered for a signature of any pre-groomed MP or political representative. Signature = 'a sign of nature' of the people to give away its rights over its own national treasury and money issuance. It is now further removed one more stage more into the ether by the virtual currencies deception called Bitcoin crypto or central digital bank currency which will be one and the same. See 'Crypto: The End of Freedom!' or here again Crypto The End of Freedom! 1988 Economist magazine until today Bitcoin or any crypto is not a decentralized opponent of globalization. Notes and cash or silver or gold issued by your own national treasury is for you and without interest and without conditions.
Biblical Laws from the Bible (basis for Common law and Sovereign law)
(Torah and Brit Chadashah) and there are more laws than those quoted, but they are pertinent to the idea of Sovereignty and right and wrong. The Ten commandments state harm no one and do not steal amongst other Laws etc. There are not many sermons covering "the law".
The bible and Torah (and new testament) are the basis for modern law. Requirements for a search warrant Deuteronomy 19,10 -13. Property Boundaries & Threshold privacy Deuteronomy 19, 14 & but also Deuteronomy 19,15 (3 witnesses to testify a search warrant is required as 3 can ascertain the seriousness, or not of the situation. One Judge alone is not enough) a public trial is the law Deuteronomy 21, 18 - 19 & 1 Kings 21:12 - 13 & in Deuteronomy and elsewhere, the community, not just the elders, is present to validate public hearings, trials (see Numbers 35:15 - 34, Deuteronomy 17:5-7) Innocence was therefore also protected. For an accusation to stick, it must not only be made in a proper venue; it must also follow the proper procedure. To this end, they specify that there be three witnesses, not just one, to accuse This brings the process into line with biblical laws that explicitly prohibit punishment on the basis of just one accuser's word (Num 35:30, Deut 17:6-7) to an appeal 2 Samuel 19:28, to an impartial Judge Lev 19,15, to present evidence Exodus 22,13, to a fair trial Exodus 20, 16, to 2 witnessess of more in a death penalty Deuteronomy 17, 6, to a proper defense Exodus 32, 9 - 14, to an investigation Deuteronomy 17, 4 & 19,18, to a Jury Numbers 35, 12 & Matthew 5:33-37, to equality under the law Deuteronomy 17, 20. Two or three witnesses (or 12 in a Jury) were required with evidence under an impartial Judge (who was under Oath not just sitting as a legal person) and fairly.
Deuteronomy 17,6 & 3 witnesses alo in 19,15, is also established and quoted in John 8, 17 - 18 & Matthew 18, 15 - 18 & 3 John, 11;32 & 1 Timothy 5:19 because the law was not abolished under Grace. (and in relation to Hebrews 4:13, and He will bring all matters, “including every secret sin,” into judgment Ecclesiastes 12:14)
Government is meant to be very small and deal with only a very small area of society Obey God (Matthew 8 - 10) or Man Made Government ? ('Romans 13') The Love & Grace to Preach God's Law
In other words today and to contemporise the above The Law of the sea, UCC & the Talmud are subject to Torah as biblical laws and the public has the right to establish if they are LAWFUL whether it is in money matters or criminal / civil under law Publically for free.
There are also many other Biblical laws on DEBT and DEBT CANCELLATION JUBILEES. They apply to all who believe and hold dear the Judeo - Christian tradition and also for foreigners. These are not an option. References to debt in Luke’s gospel ( in particular Luke 6, 34–36 & 7; 36–50 & 11; 2–4 & 16; 1–9) should be viewed in relation to the biblical Jubilee. Debt cancellation and the Jubilee and Sabbatical years were usually understood to be separate concepts, but this is not the case, they are for the benefit of society. Sabbatical years occurred every 7 years, and the Jubilee year was celebrated at the end of 7 cycles of the sabbatical year as the 50th year (or 49th as some argue). During the sabbatical years the Israelites rested and allowed the land to rest. According to 2nd Chronicles 36:21, Jubilees only happened sporadically, (but should have occurred every week on the sabbath and every 7 or 49 years) however God’s law is for all who believe in Biblical authority. These laws exist even if you do not believe them. When the Israelites reached the Promised Land, God distributed land to the 12 tribes (Josh. 13:7, 23:4), and the purpose of the Jubilee law was to keep the land in the hands of the tribes and families to which he had given the land in the first place. Leviticus 25, 23 states that it is God who owns the land (and not the state to redistribute) Psalm 24, 1 - 2 states that (King David) "The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers" and no earthly king or government owns the earth and this is confirmed in Job 12, 10 & 1 Corinthians 4, 7 & 6,19 and the book of Genesis and the Gospel of Luke (as the Kingdom) and see Daniel 7 & Gospel of Luke & Romans 8,19. C.S Lewis said "Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God" These are LAWFUL ownership rights and can be enforced by any person.
Debt cancellation verses Exodus 23,10–11 & Leviticus 25,1–7, & 18–22 & also Deuteronomy 15,1–11 are the biblical verses in relation to debt cancellation, is a command to be released from this debt whether arrangements had been made in the previous years or not, but which as arrangements to repay any loan, before the 7th year was upon any party in the debt / loan, they would of course concentrate minds to not have a debt by the 7th year and this is why NATIONAL DEBTS continually made and increased at interest year and year is not LAWFUL or practical.
Jubilee 7 and 50 years verses. Leviticus 27,16–25; Numbers 36, 4 tell you of the 49th / 50th Jubilee Year.
Usury verses Usury if of course forbidden see Exodus 22:25–27 and also .(Leviticus 25:36-37; Ezekiel 18:8-17) In the Old Testament, the Israelites were forbidden from charging “usury,” or interest, on loans to fellow Jews (Deuteronomy 23:19), but they were permitted to charge interest on loans to foreigners (Deuteronomy 23:20). A mention of this usury law in Leviticus 25:35-38 makes it apparent that it applied to loans made to fellow Israelites who were in poverty. Having to pay back the loan with “usury,” or interest, would only put them further into debt and was not beneficial to the economy.
Sabbatical years verses. Exodus 23, 10 - 11 Nehemiah 10, 32 ( & Leviticus 25, 1 - 7 & 18 - 22 )records the agreement to suspend all agricultural work during the 7th year and to forgo all debts as commanded in the 'Laws of God' The Sabbath day (see the 10 commandments ) was to be set aside and for instance Manna was collected in double portions on the 6th day to enjoy in rest on the 7th day.
World debt is in Trillions and even Quadrillions and changes and it should be removed from public taxes and support and let it collapse as it is beyond salvaging. As mentioned, national debts have never in history been allowed to accrue and are not lawful and are destructive and unnecessary and has been warned by the World bank and IMF and others who are responsible for allowing the central bank to accumulate nations taxes into an endless criminal collection and slavery system when taxes should be 5 - 10 % at most not 60% and even 80% of all taxes collected in a nation to service a national debt. When these debts are underwritten by governments without its (nation) people's permission then it is tyranny, but which can be removed.See also for the background ( Zeitgeist Money Mechanics Part 1 on Bitchute and again Zeitgeist Money Mechanics Part 2 on Bitchute )
Therefore central bank national debts are not LAWFUL and they can be repudiated back to their origin which in the modern era is to 1913. It is still possible to issue 'money' not as credit but in Billions or Trillions (or not) without attached interest as debt to serve humanity and retaining control of their national treasuries. Central banks issue 'credit' against your inheritance which is already yours, when they should issue real currency through the national treasury owned by the people. Mortgages are in effect illegal as of course your inheritance for your land is yours. Even mortgages which are paid and the attached Usury adding extra cost (to your money and inheritance it is not Babylon) is balanced you still do not own that property or the land its sits upon whether it is fee simple or fee absolute You are in effect paying for the land and dwelling twice with interest (see the deeds and the ground rent which shows you the owner even after mortgage with mans in french 'death grip') for something you already own and need to fully inherit ?
The People have a right to enforce their birthrights
In other words as a person born of flesh and blood, you are sovereign LAWFULLY and you own your inheritance (as explained above) in the World but under (as King David for example or the New testament adherents) and/or subject to God (and to one else ) These LAWFUL conditions already exist and they need to be brought forward into the light. There is no need for Nesara /Gesara or any of their conditions within them or any within the 'Technocracy' and your inheritance exists without ideology proxy votes or elections, as you already own your world. This, once enacted would be a greater reset and they are not an option.
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The Supremacy and Power of Sovereign Law
(natural law as opposed to unnatural legal or corporate legislation which is also unnatural)
Law and 'legal' terms & definitions, Global court cases but too many to list, The Rules based order, Common law of England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland
(The above posts are dated 13.03.2021 & 27.05.2021 at the top or near the top and also dated 7.7.2021 & post dated 21.10.2021 & post dated 23.12.2021 - 2022 )
Over the last 2 months numerous countries have served Common Law directives upon the state they reside within, as Global protests have erupted and which are growing exponentially around the world.
In the last post above a location point for the source of law was / is the bible or the Torah, Prophets, writings and poetry and the psalms of the Old Testament. The New Testament is known as the Brit Chadashah. In every nation people have certain instinct to know that there is the divine, which some call energy (unspecified) others an unspecified intelligence who creates, but others still a personal all knowing God. Many suggest natural law simply comes from out of nature itself. We are Sovereign flesh and blood human beings and naturally we are not.... unnatural, and it extends to all peoples in every nation. To summarize the correct status of flesh and blood human beings we can list the terms of law as categories as natural or unnatural (below a few paragraphs down, but the first is here below)
De Jure and De Facto These definitions below are helpful and De Jure (under a jury) means the LAW exists in reality. De Facto means a situation exists but it is not REAL but a legal fiction or a temporary legal dead law..
De Facto legal paradigms place the blame for not knowing the law or suffering from its effects on everyone, and those who who are negatively affected are to blame for their ignorance. It is complicated and beyond many to grasp what is occurring. In biblical law / common the fault is on those who breach the law and who then affect others. Then and in that case the penalty is upon their heads (see Leviticus 20 in full but see Leviticus 20, 9 & 27 as 2 examples) in this life and eternity and into Judgement day. MEN and WOMAN who are regarded as 'persons' (see Acts 10:28, 34–35, Romans 2, 11 - 16) are as legal fictions or legal fictions institutions in reality under this status of biblical common law eternally as inalienable rights are forever, but not in legalese where those who administer the legalese are not to blame. The penalty for transgressing the Law of God is immediate and in the future afterlife. In UCC law or legal fiction law the onus is upon those being deceived by the law to also suffer from the consequences of not knowing the law. Those who who act unlawfully are not to blame they suggest and any adverse consequences are upon those being deceived. Those being deceived are at fault for losses incurred. In this legal situation when you are summoned to court (as one example) the spiritual definition of those being summoned refers to their dead strawman self and not the real you (see also 1 Samuel 28, 11 & 15) You are dead, so your strawman spirit is summoned into court and any financial penalty is obtained from your strawman account whether you pay it or not. Most people do not know that debts are paid twice and ALL money is debt, whether you pay it or not. This strawman is created at your birth (see the last post above dated 23.12.2021 - 2022 and the "Occult Art of Law" film) In UCC maritime law the fault is on those who are being deceived but which is not a defense biblically or in common sovereign law. See the post above dated 7.7.2021 and the film "UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty law" where it explains that when you were born you were / are dead in the water. On average real Men and Woman as 'PERSONS' pay over 1 Million in taxes in their working lifetime and are the only creatures (created beings) to pay to live on the earth. This brief summary explains one important difference between common law and legalese.
Terms and definitions of law
Unnatural (not lawful) 'law' or legal, legalese which is DE FACTO law which is dead or unreal legal fictions.
Law of the Sea (defined by all below)
Commercial Law which includes contract law, merchant law and Universal Commercial code (UCC) under common law you have no contract with these legal entities unless you contract with them (i.e giving your legal fiction name or signature as 'sign of nature')
Admiralty Maritime law which includes Military courts, Martial Law and Tribunal.
The word tribune was assigned to Roman soldiers who were to represent or listen to the plebs (plebeians)
who were up in arms especially when Rome was collapsing from its debt burden. They were intermediaries between
the crowds and the state. Judiciary law docked under a court docket in the port (court) under admiralty holy see and Talmud law
Statutory Public legislation which includes Statutory acts, Codes, Legislative instruments, Bars and Rules
Corporations simply corporate legislation or corpse speak as dead speak. (Corpus oratory)
These laws primarily exist to serve the law of the sea maritime admiralty law grants the LEGAL (but not Lawful) right for merchant banking international commerce a corporation cannot control a natural sovereign person (incorporated or unincorporated)
In the us all districts courts operates under admiralty law
Common Natural Law which is real and living and private, and which is lawful and the law of the land and DE JURE (not de facto)
Law of the land, or roman civil law (canon law but not over Biblical common law )but older civil common laws are now termed common law of that nation
Universal law which includes the laws of God, the Creator and the Universe
Natural law which are the laws of nature
Common Law which includes causing no harm or loss or fraud to other living souls. Common law or laws from time immemorial with inalienable rights
Constitutional law which is serving the public (under common law) to an oath of office. All holders of public office must uphold the oath of the constitution but which only exists as a constitution because of common law or laws from time immemorial with inalienable rights
The Rules based Order
The GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunizations ) via the United Nations (& Trump and Biden etc. Trump having shares in GAVI as the father of the vaccine miracle ) have achieved their initial goals towards depopulation, (see statement by DAVOS WEF below dated 17.01.2022 ) and recent court decisions have established precedents towards that full aim.
The US Supreme court has AGREED (13/14.01.2022) To Mandate Health Care Workers & the New International Rules based order Biden's mandate has not been defeated as it is not his (this helps the shedding spreading process)The reality is the UN rules based order is in charge. See SGT Report 14.1.2022 next link in the SGT Report 'Scotus Vipers betrayed us again' It is the same in every country and its courts who are in office but not in power. The USA and every country is no longer under International Law which has been removed, (and which is in itself not the Sovereign common law of nations) but are under UN law as the Rules based order. e.g. "Lavrov: West Belittles The UN By Imposing Its Own 'A Rules Based International Order" They have co-opted the medical industry with the military to run each country in Global zones, and incredibly the legislation for this was brought forward in the USA after 9/11 in the Homeland security bills assuming power to state Governors in a medical emergency. It's time the UN was overthrown as they move to total world government ('Dr ' Tedros Dr Tedros of the WHO /UN wanted for Genocide in Ethiopia etc. The WHO / UN = China as people locked in their homes in entire cities now) It's a huge deception with (smart Cities including virtual cities in the google 'metaverse') Smart cities paving the way for China's social credit system. and in Australia the Chinese inspired Digital Identity Bill coming everywhere with or without green passports (the legislation is available here) The EU is bringing in the Digital ID Wallet for all transactions building
The Florida 11th circuit court of appeals has stopped an appeal to prevent mandates on 24.01.2022 Austria has backed mandates in full on 20.01.2022 with Germany next to bring them forward in full after initial decision on 10.12.2021 Britain has historical statutes for mandatory vaccination in existence since 1853 but which caused injuries and destroyed people's immune systems. However they were not mRNA experimental crispr DNA changing injections which are new as Ireland approves its 5th vaccine for release in February / March 2022. The US Navy seals brought a lower court successful case on religious exemptions from the mandate in a federal district court in early January 2022 In the USA all district courts operate under admiralty law and from the outset no one in the USA had to comply with the mandates from the get go under the constitution but under inalienable rights of common law. A Judge of course can clear a court and reset as a Sovereign Court and with Sovereign decisions.
People ask why ? (The US Supreme Court and 'Human' DNA ownership rulings 2013 & 2019) as millions are being vaccinated around the world with an unapproved experimental mRNA DNA changing injection ('vaccine'), which carries an indemnity against prosecution. A court case in the US Supreme court ruled Humans (people) cannot be owned or patented as they are Sovereign people flesh and blood made in the image of God. They continued however and said they cannot be owned or patented unless they are synthetic (Reuters) or their RNA / DNA has changed. The BBC also reported on the case in 2012/ 2013 " Human genes may not be patented, but artificially copied DNA can be claimed as intellectual property, the US Supreme Court has ruled unanimously" And this is exactly what the mRNA injections do, and that would be the Mark of the Beast system. The Court ruling in full is here watch out for the small print (under Obama, Pope Francis and continued by Trump / Biden) Warnings against home DNA alteration Kits were given in 2016 as well as DNA Genealogy tracing websites as warned against by the Pentagon are 'pre-cursing' the mRNA vaccines. The link to those deaths and injuries is here in the post above ) These modified Humans are no longer human but a name block capitals ( 'PERSON' ) belonging to the patent owner as Trans-human without human rights. It is legal but not LAWFUL. GMO modified foods are already patented as they are modified but natural plants cannot be. However they are trying to tweak that ruling and make it broader.(in 2019 / 2020) The CDC has recently admitted that most covid deaths were from other causes The real war and rumors of wars is for your soul. Many are unaware that they are now (more than ever) owned by private corporations, but they do have a sense of 'vaccine regret' but it does not stop there. To 'trans' from a human in trans-humanism requires first a biological change)
The World Economic Forum / Davos 17.01.2022 (& Russia / Ukraine & Cyber Polygon) states 70% of the world has been vaccinated by February 2022 and he states the next pandemic may be very severe (begins at 10 minutes in) "Special Address by António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations | Davos Agenda 2022" (millions dead and injured already) Klaus Schwab also met the Russian federation prime minister Mikhail Mishustin to discuss the Cyber Polygon cybersecurity exercise / attack facing the world "Cyber Polygon 2021 Opening. Mikhail Mishustin, Klaus Martin Schwab, Herman Gref" ? Run by the World Economic Forum, cyber polygon suggests a total shutdown of the world energy power supply.(to bring in 'human energy' via 'personal energy accounting' green social credit system see below also) The Ukraine is connected (with a different opinion which is based also upon the assumption other countries are not wanting to go to war ) Ukraine & Great Reset Explained, Federal Reserve Money Fleecing America w/ Harley Schlanger (1of2) no 2 follows. All sides have WMD which could lead to M.A.D. (Mutually assured destruction) Russia, Kazakhstan (the scene of a recent coup d'etat attempt) Belarus Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan have formed the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union ) and Israel and Iran mooted joining also in early 2019 yet iran has said it wants to remove israel from the map heading towards a war between the two nations.China has seen the withdrawal from Afghanistan (except there are still massive amounts of western troops there) and may move to occupy Taiwan in that atmosphere. Russia occupies the Ukraine and parts of inland Ukraine and has since 2015 and many point out it has already invaded Ukraine ? Nord Stream 2 pipeline February 2022 In early December 2021 and into 2022 , both the USA and Germany have said they will close down the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline into Europe (which has developed) if Russia invades Ukraine.
75 perpetrators have been indicted but in International law International Court Indicts 75 Perpetrators w/ Kevin Annett which the UN rules based order have suspended for WW3. Yet Trump, Biden or Clinton (but actually with the WHO / Gates crew) did not respect the US Sovereignty in any way (the bank repo rate failed in mid 2019) in LAW. (the father, funder and promoter of the vaccine miracle under the Q rules of war deception)
The US Supreme court acts De Facto but should operate to the US Constitution. In the USA all district courts operate under admiralty law and the US Supreme court decision above is not under the Supreme court US Constitution or common law of inalienable rights but under admiralty law under FEMA military since 11.03.2020 see UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! in other words in easing of restrictions or hardening of restrictions the De Facto New World Order is in power. Yet many say whether the 'gvmt' (the de facto new international rules based order ) says restrictions are eased or ramped up and hardened makes no difference as you do not have to comply with them anyway. Without the television pointing the camera at certain proxy politicians everyday no one would know they even exist see also The Corporation Nation - The U.S. is NOT a Country (2020 Remastered) | Original by Clint Richardson neither is the EU i.e not real, wholesome and true.
What is the International Rules based Order?
(to repeat from above) The Russian minister shows regret that the west is trying to impose its own new international rules based order (NWO) as mentioned above UN Law as the Rules based order. e.g. "Lavrov: West Belittles The UN By Imposing Its Own 'A Rules Based International Order" yet in the details what does it mean bearing UN Agenda 21 - 30 in mind.
Rules based order with Rules which are not Laws (and legal are not lawful) but the confusion is required for Globalism one world government. 'Rules' can be derived from anywhere, from any Judiciary in every or any country. Judge Antonin Scalia (now passed) explains that the onus on a court in the USA is to employ the US constitution or Common law to interpret a decision whereas foreign law is broad and not common law. (see from Dec 2018 looking back today). United Nations 'Rules Based international Order' explained in Dec 2018 Amazing Polly & Nationalism (or here again or here again once more or alternatively Amazing Polly on Rumble ) The recent US Supreme Court decision on mandates is not a common law US constitution decision (see heading above "The rules based order" ) and it is not sitting as under the US Constitution whether they have 2 or 32 Judges, just as the President's office is not real but is De Facto They want to re-interpret Human rights ? but as Humans are dead are in fact classed as 'monsters' who are dead in the water see the film on UCC above then they are not living MEN and WOMAN but persons with Human (monster & dead) rights as "equal rights for all but no rights equally" (this is UN Human rights)
All Central banks to go Digital / bitcoin in 2022 Former international law and commercial law (what is commercial law ? or as an MP 4 File ) has been replaced by the International rules based order see from December 2018 for communitarianism. Today we have the 'New World Order' versus the 'New Age' and it is all staged for all nations and nationalities detrimentally. A Judge in one continent with another in another continent can make the rules and they are then broadcast as lockdowns, restrictions or eased restrictions and differing versions of the mRNA injection frequency or the new head and hand patch QR / bar code injection for head or hand (February / March 2022 ) Sovereign nations can opt out of this dystopia. Communitarianism or the state with corporations, as communism with fascism. Looking back with Amazing Polly to late 2019 early 2020 warning or see here again and also see Crypto The End of Freedom! 1988 Economist magazine until today as 2022 announced as central banks to go digital into fiat credit pretend crypto money backed by 'human energy' via 'personal energy accounting' e.g. powering a bike to run a battery to earn credits or signalling support for big government to earn social credits etc etc (see the Ukraine / Russia paragraphs above) in the block-chain with digital or bitcoin energy 'credit' in the technocracy to keep your home in light, water and food, building on the green passport technology. Credit is not money )
Irish Independence day and Ireland Supreme court cases
Ireland on the 21st January 2022 held its 'Turning of the Sovereign Seal' or the turning of the Harp. (last link at the end mentions the requirement to turn the seal for license to operate Government) It is held in the Mansion House in Dublin The first Dail (De Facto Government) was held on the 19th January 1921 to declare Ireland's Independence. In 2021 the internal meeting ceremony for the turning of the seal was not allowed in the Mansion House due to covid 19 ? yet in 2022 a larger crowd gathered to watch the ceremony take place. Yet was the harp seal turned within the building as required. In 2021 it was turned outside in a different location. The Irish constitution mentioned 'under God' as opposed to an ideology in which (it states) we pray. Common law is inalienable and not just for liberty but for Sovereignty (for further details see the adjacent website ) What is not known is that the seal if not turned then this little ceremony can shut down all civil state activity in Ireland It is in fact the government, ie. the real government of men and women not 'persons' i.e The people, who confer Sovereignty onto the government to operate. Elected (proxy) politicians in the Dail are not the 'government', and neither are agencies or state institutions who proclaim regulations and rules, the people are the Government and the Dail does not grant you sovereignty once they take their seats. This is especially so under the corporation of the EU which without now international commercial law is itself (with the new digital system in place built upon the green passport system) under the UN Rules based international order.
Ireland has Common law courts in operation but they operate De Facto and not De Jure and without common law as sovereign law and instead apply EU regulations or now the UN rules based order. They can (and should everyday) apply common law and as public servants they should swear allegiance to their oath via the constitution which is itself (Padraig Pearse referred as under God in his 1916 proclamation of independence at the General Post Office in 1916) in place only because of Natural law from Ireland's common law which reaches back to the Brehon laws and the Old Testament as flesh and blood Men and Woman (not persons) with inalienable rights. If they are not acting under common law then they are not REAL but legal fictions.
The Irish Supreme Court (with Harp emblem) has to operate under Sovereign common law. The other courts are viable or REAL because the Sovereign Harp seal was turned (not because the state recognizes them) marking another year ( many countries have their equivalents) but also to apply Sovereign Law. The Harp appears on all Civil service papers or communications or should.The Harp is more than just a symbol it is the REAL flag of Ireland and in antiquity to the present day from King David (the four pictures or images in the last link show the 4 pictures with the Harp flag first and then next the Ark of the Covenant and the Lion and Unicorn x 2) and it was recognised De Jure as itself Sovereign and which can be read about in full from the following book The book the "Irish Harp Emblem" or within this PDF outline of the lesser known attributes of the Harp
Gemma O'Doherty and John Waters took a High Court injunction / judicial review against Covid restrictions.... " John Waters and Gemma O'Doherty's appeal against a refusal to permit them to challenge the constitutionality of laws introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been dismissed. They had appealed the High Court’s refusal to permit the two to bring their challenge and its award of costs of that hearing against them.In their judicial review proceedings against the State and the Minister for Health, with the Dail. Seanad and Ceann Comhairle as notice parties, the appellants had sought to have various legislative measures declared unconstitutional and flawed" They were granted leave to appeal in April / May 2021 which failed and they were ordered to pay costs, but in November 2021 their appeal was granted to appeal in the Supreme Court On January 26th 2022 a date was set for this hearing which may take place on March 15th 2022.
Supreme court hearing date set March 15th 2022.The court in reality does not recognize Gemma ODoherty or John Waters as real people only their straw men (or woman) persons in BLOCK capitals (and the covid restrictions are eased temporarily now but which did not have LAW to operate in the first instance) it is a De facto court with profit as a consideration yet these are matters of human life as also in the Criminal court. It believes the state owns its children (not the parents) and it has still not recognized a fetus as having the right to life (beginning at conception) as a man or woman only as a person which is in any case 'dead in the water' (legalese term). Further to this the De Facto Dail refused to vote to give a fetus pain relief when it was aborted (on 15th .12.2021) and abortion in any case is murder. and it is about everyone who is Sovereign i.e. you (naturally from birth)
The Irish Supreme Court still believes the Unborn have no rights (the Unborn has no rights ) except the right to be born ? but in reality the right to die. But inalienable rights all begin at conception whether you are religious or not. If a bill to allow a 'death with dignity' fails (see the beginning of this section) then Euthanasia must be seen as wrong. Yet at the other end of a life the elderly begin to exist at conception and the unborn do not have 'death with dignity' or any say in their death which is murder.In Ireland in 2021 the Euthanasia bill "Dying with Dignity" from October 2020 was defeated originally in October 2020 and now in July 2021 it will make no further progress. (but that is for now as it is in the EU and legal in many US states) This philosophy in the 2020 - 2025 Great Reset encapsulates the United Nations statement who redefined "what it means to be Human" (applicable to the Unborn and those who are born, but 'dead in the water' which means you) on the 30.05.2018 just in time for Ireland's "abortion" referendum. Human diploid cells in the vaccines. Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines but this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel EWTN (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of, also the Dr Stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a pedophile priest or layman you can hide out there without prosecution (for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campaign of "my body my choice" does not apply to vaccine mandates ?? or even REAL babies conceived in the womb, and mothers could receive vaccinations from their dead children in theory (the Stanley Plotkin deposition revealed that in 2018 76 babies were harvested and not from the 1973 era. This continues every year, even as Ulster closes its doors on an abortion provider
No pain relief for babies in abortions. The fact the Dail (which need not be obeyed) voted to not give a baby pain relief during its agony in abortion is a shameful and disgusting mindset and position to take in order to provide Big pharma new stem cells which are not polluted by pain relief chemicals for profit as an indicator of what the 'Irish Dail' and all the political parties within it are ready to do to the Irish nation and its people. The abortion referendum travesty is beyond belief. By April 2021, 13,243 abortions had been registered which is not what was put across by the better together pro choice agenda, and which is state sponsored murder as it climbs to 20,000 (but no lockdown panic for these deaths)
Therefore if the Supreme Court now feels that covid restrictions were unconstitutional as they are now in effect a de facto policy & defunct (in Gemma and Johns hearing or elsewhere) and as the attached requirement to be vaccinated was apart of the covid system with chemicals and baby parts, then it should also rule that the abortion referendum was unconstitutional and that it should be overturned (as it now certain it was rigged that is beside the Big Tech interference IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life 2. Facebook Trailer on Facebook 3. The Life Institute Full Film page ) and that now it should rule that Babies have the right to life from conception, in the womb and after birth, and the right not be aborted in Ireland as they are Human baby men and woman and not 'redefined humans' or 'persons' ( as in UN rules based law) and which should be changed by and to sovereign law which should also apply to adults who are (in common law sovereign courts) REAL Sovereign people in natural law. This then would be a Sovereign Common law reality (if the nation is Sovereign as people intended, & as it turned the seal on 21.01.2022) as it should be. Otherwise it is not a Court under the Harp and it should stand down with immediate effect.
Added on the 08.07.2022
The Irish Supreme court and US Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade and Sovereign Common Law rights. Gemma O'Doherty and John Waters
Roe v Wade US Supreme Court Ruling June 24th 2022. The reaction to the decision in the USA. Sovereign rights are above the constitution and be wary as Trump was an abortionist and Biden was once pro-life. The US Supreme Court has ruled effectively that it had no say in determining if if anyone should get an abortion in 1973 (Roe versus Wade) as there was never a constitutional right to abortion (killing life) "The Constitution neither outlaws abortion nor legalizes abortion," Judge Kavanaugh wrote. Now states can decide if abortions are legal (but not Lawful you will note as it is killing) Yet Murder is banned in the individual states now. Further the woman behind the controversy in 1973 was Norma MCCorvery aka Jane Roe Roe Lied About Being Raped, Admitted On Live TV and who also had a deathbed confession Roe Vs. Wade: Jane Roe - Deathbed Confession & the baby in question from 1970 -1973 "ABC News Exclusive: 'Baby Roe' breaks her silence" (Doctors have no right to remove life at the end of life or the beginning)
These were / are the same kind of emotional tricks which were applied to the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 with even an invention of an abortion and invented dead woman thrown into the melting pot of deception starting in 2013 from the Irish Times Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened The rest of the deception and media deception and alteration of voting polls in real time carried out by 'Big Tech' is told in the paragraphs above in the documentary 'Irelands fall The Abortion Deception' (or here once more IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life 2. Facebook Trailer on Facebook 3. The Life Institute Full Film page ) 26 states in the USA will ban abortion to begin with. The conceived child does not consent (and the parent waives its rights and their rights in legal chicanery) In Common law a human has rights which cannot be removed from conception, the referendum is/was not lawful. In the USA since Roe v Wade (the US midterm elections here with new post dated 7.7.2022)
The pro-choice campaign said that abortions would rare, safe and reliable.
Since 1973, 1.5 Billion abortions have occurred globally, and over 50 million in the USA (some estimates say 66 million in the USA) In Ireland 23,000 babies have been murdered by the State, the biggest loss of life since the Irish famine since the Irish abortion referendum on the 25.05.2018. The date is important as the Irish Supreme Court on the 7th March 2018 stated in its (or an imposed ) Judgement (last link, Gráinne Ní Aodha,The Journal 'What the 'unborn' ruling means for the Eighth Amendment referendum' 8.3.2018) All of these untruths (propaganda) mounted up into an agenda not a care for anyone's life including Savita Halappanavar who did not die from having a baby and would not have done so if she had the baby as testified in the film by those in the hospitals in the documentary above (Ireland's fall) Yet hysteria was generated over this emotive but misplaced agenda without the truth. The Irish couple who were told their baby was disabled but was actually fully healthy and normal and had an abortion on this advice, will receive damages. (they are still devastated) Yet the disabled baby (as thought ) had the right to life in any case and rights beyond the rights to life (as we all do ) The baby cannot receive damages now, but its damages was the right to life and more.
" THE SUPREME COURT has clarified that the unborn has no constitutional rights beyond the right to life," & also in the same Judgement "If the previous ruling had been upheld, which stated that the unborn had rights beyond the right to life, it would have caused confusion for the proposed referendum on repealing or retaining the Eighth Amendment, legal experts had argued. It may also have had significant implications for how the Constitution is implemented" Of course it would. The US Supreme Court has now said it has no rights to define or undefine what is life, as the Irish Supreme did also . Further both do not mention but obviously the US Supreme Court has recognized LAW (not legalties such as condoning baby DA cultures being placed into vaccines and condoned by the Vatican, & see posts above) which gives the right to Men & Woman (not 'PERSONS' in capitals see vid near the end below) and the unborn a right to life in common law. If this (which cannot be removed as inalienable rights) is removed it is Murder. This was not explained by the Irish Supreme Court.
Further prior to the Irish Referendum and from 1994 to 2017, the UN 'population division' took it upon themselves to be a global watchdog for abortion 'Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, the legal grounds for obtaining an abortion have become less restrictive in many countries' .(UN pdf World Population Poilices 2017 page 1 ) The UN works with the World Health Organisation and GAVI (the global vaccine alliance, showing a conflict of interest in the baby parts and organs and Flesh cultures to grow vaccines from aborted fetus) On November 15th 2018 moved by the Irish referendum 'result' the UN declared 'abortion and assisted sucidie' as a Universal Human Right having declared 6 months earlier on May 30th 2018 'The UN Redefines What It Means to Be a ‘Human’ only 5 days after the Irish abortion referendum on 25.05.2018. The Irish Supreme Court knowingly assisted this process to dehumanise (literally) the unborn and in effect everyone to alter their Sovereign rights from Human to non human status much like GMO (genetically modified foods) are rebranded not as food but as a product and then it can be patented and owned having no human rights. This is against nature and rights from the beginning of time. Not just a pseudo (fake) philosophical issue but a lucrative trade within the UN and big Pharma. Watch the recent briefing on pandemics and abortion from 'dr Tedros' and Dr Ryan at the WHO World Health Organisation' ON the PLANDEMIC(S) & OTHER EMERGENCIES (WORLD HELLTH ORGANIZATION, MEDIA BRIEFING, Jun 29, 2022
It is clear in Ireland that these Sovereign human rights are not understood or a pretense exists that they do not exist (or are avoided as in 'legalese' or non sense the court needs to make money see the adjacent website the Sovereignty of Nations ) a constitution does not abridged or replace Sovereign human rights without which the constitution would not exist and the constitution of Ireland makes a reference to God and those Sovereign human rights. This is made very clear (a lack of understanding ) in the following article by Gript Media ' EXPLAINING THE SUPREME COURT’S LOCKDOWN RULING ' JOHN MCQIRK JULY 6TH 2022 and "We should, in fact, be grateful to the court: If the Irish courts were truly “corrupt”, as some have alleged, then they could easily have used this very weak case as a pretext to uphold the lockdown in full, precluding any future legal challenges to similar laws. But they have not done so, so nothing in yesterday’s ruling, or any prior ruling in this case, precludes a more comprehensive legal challenge to similar laws being taken at a later date" They had in fact presented full evidence but they missed the point of the court system. (such as 'my body my choice' for mRNA gene therapy experimental vaccines) .If a private entity or the state choose a building and hangs a sign on it, as a court or even a supreme court, and simply devise a new language only understood to themselves (legalese ) and charge's money in fines (or percentage of business loss/gain) as the purpose of the law, then it is hardly a court of the law, and anyone could do this. In common law many of these cases have no crime or fault ? This is what passes for the law around the world. but see below
Lockdowns or similar are not Laws but legalese. The right to travel and go about your business is THE LAW. the state is not the LAW (as the Vatican or UN is not the LAW) just as a baby has the right to life with or without any issuance from the Supreme Court. (The Pandemic Treaty is in draft in full as intended by 1.8.2022) People can travel or move around with or without any ruling by the Supreme Court. Whether it is a later date or a previous date the Supreme Court does not have the right . People are above the state and legal 'laws' are a legal fiction. A simple example of this from an Australia court is here (3 minutes 57 seconds long) which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File ) (or once again a longer version here ) The Law is for the poor also it does not require thousands to (in any currency to administer) or a periwig or black cape, or any class status to be considered equal beyond Plato or Voltaire. (the poor are just as learned as Plato or Voltaire etc and the common law is simple and plain and applies fully to and for them under God and the common law is above not below ) The woman in the film (last link) had no crime to answer for and or fee or fine to pay like Gemma O' Doherty or John Waters. (unless they consented to have their trust administered by the court) The common law is not 'lenient' as rape and murder carry life sentences or worse.
The case that Gemma O'Doherty and John Waters took was a Judicial review against Covid measures (regulations and 'principles' but not Law in Irish or any nations laws) Under the Aarhus Convention and point 3 anyone can take a Judicial review free of charge (some states try to limit the spending but that is not the convention) as access to Justice. (The Aarhus convention does not work under Sovereign common law which already allowed for Judicial review of any legality or regulation built into its Law. It suggests that the law does not need to reach that stage if applied properly )The public are led to believe that these measures were to protect the health of its citizens ( PERSONs) who are not MEN & WOMAN as Human in non capitals, yet when it has sanctioned the deaths of 23,000 of the unborn (its 'citizens') and refuse them pain relief during the painful death then that is obviously nonsense. Further the following headlines will show that 20 to 40 year olds triple or double vaxxed are dying way way beyond the average, and those in hospitals with 'covid' are triple vaxxed in 2021 or 2022 (not the unvaxxed) Miscarriages and fetal deaths. A huge massive increase in deaths across the board especially for 20 top 40 year olds , say insurance companies (which cannot be blamed on covid) now admitted by and also by the EU and by the British Government also In the last paragraph above you can see in the common law & admiralty law video that at everyday level those that did not lock down or obey these regulations in fact committed no crime, hence there was no need for a court to act, no need to appeal and no need for judicial reviews (etc) or supreme courts (they exist only to make money not to adjudicate on sovereign common rights of men and women) A real pandemic will have dead people in the streets in hundreds of thousands into millions.
On the July 3rd 2022 a pro life rally took place in Dublin 'HUGE ENERGY AS THOUSANDS PACK RALLY FOR LIFE' (or here also once more) on youtube also or here once again on youtube The life institute covered the event here The people can sovereignly bypass TD's and avoid the proxy votes they misuse and apply common law direct as they are doing in Holland right now (see link to US midterm elections at end of the first para) if an institution has encouraged abortions and life begins at conception (as is obvious and in the US Supreme court) Then it is murder. The court system as a legal fiction has removed the common law courts which are higher than the legal fiction courts. The Irish Supreme Court should stand down and new Common law courts should be built across the board, from top to bottom The Irish Dail complicit in the deaths of 23,000 babies also took an extra step with prejudice, in not allowing babies pain relief when (or burned to nothing by abortion pills ) they are in the majority dismembered alive, murdered and torn from the womb, (this post added 8.7.2022)
England and Wales common law
Many are familiar with common law but many have to see the basics What is the Common Law
Then see all of the posts above and down to the end of this post also. England and Wales (Ireland and Scotland) have a long tradition of common law as good and just laws which when you compare to many other civilizations, they did not even debate these points of law, philosophy and religion never mind enact them or try to enact them.
The Magna Carta (now) only applies to those who are not bonded slaves / workers. Inserted before your Magna Carta rights are the state legal regulations and corporate legislation and your birth certificate registered with the state / holy see which then means you are a bonded slave. Your birth certificate states on it (at the back mostly) that it is not a means of identification, so what is it? It is a bond into bondage of slavery registered but actually without your consent as a child. The Magna Carta does not apply to those in the Commons as commoners, it only legally applies (not lawfully as Britain PLC) to the House of Lords. (see last post above dated 23.12.2021) The commoners are further removed from any Sovereign rights by politicians who operate under your proxy (contract vote) vote which they have taken as their own.This is not to say that some politicians may act verbatim repeating exactly what the constituents say they want. They may also as any of their constituents not recognize the state and regulations and legal definitions of themselves as legal fictions and actually claim Magna Carta status. The Magna Carta is in itself not as strong as the sovereign inalienable rights you were born with as a Man or Woman at birth automatically.
The UK in its legal outlook, also relies on the 'Bill of Rights of 1689'
Scottish common Law is similar to Ireland and Wales and England now
Common law in Scotland also establishes precedents in criminal law. Yet inalienable rights cannot be criminalized and they override, rules and regulations and corporate legislation. Robert the Bruce in the declaration of Arbroath declared ancestry from the Scythian Israelites. The line of Zarah was considered more of a European lineage of Judah whilst the twin of Zarah, Pharez (or Perez) was / is from the Judah line in Britain. Hence common law can extend back before Roman law by many centuries. Joseph (father of Ephraim and Manasseh) the brother of Judah had been sold into slavery in Egypt, yet all his 11 brothers and his father were later united in Egypt. After 400 years they became millions as slaves in Egypt. producing the Exodus. 25,000 of the 10 lost tribes later settled in Georgia (over the Caucasus mountains to Scythia and west along the DANube) and in one hundred years could easily also have become over a million.
Wales Common Law
The post above dated 21.10.2021 has the history (in point number 5) of England and Wales and Scotland and Ireland through the middle ages and into the Elizabethan era and into the enlightenment to the modern day, the last paragraph above describes most of the current Sovereign rights and how they apply. Prior to the Viking Danish era in Britain the common law was Welsh common law and Welsh was spoken throughout Britain and was similar to Scots, Breton and Irish Gaelic. Some forms of Breton actually extended into the Netherlands and so on. The Welsh common law was codified by Hywel Dda also known as Hywel ap Cadell ( who lived from 880 – 948, King Alfred the Great lived 848/849 – 26 October 899) and they also shaped many of the laws of the English Kings especially the Tudors King Alfred married a in part Welsh descended wife in Ealhswith of Mercia and studied with monks in Wales and in Ireland (Cormac Mac Airt Ireland's first Christian Chieftain lived in 200 ad and he codified much of thee previous Brehon laws from time immemorial. Hywel Dda was chieftain of Deheubarth in Southern Wales, but he came to rule all of Wales. Today there is a University of health named after him, and the Welsh Senedd (Senedd Cymru chamber in parliament) is named after him and his name confers him as "the good" as his laws were just and good. His line of the Cunedda lineage extends back to Padarn Beisrudd ap Tegid, who is sometimes confused with Saint Padarn of Ceredigion in Wales of the 6th century ad. King Arthurs is reputed to have stolen or was given Padarn's cloak and through this connection he reputedly became a Christian. (King Arthur) 'Padarn Beisrudd ap Tegid' lived 200 years prior to this around 415 ad, and as chieftain Paderns cloak is one of the 13 treasures of the Isles of Britain (see no 9 or once again see here) perhaps King Arthur lived earlier, although King Caractacus (King of the Britons or Caradog in Welsh) and family who were released from imprisonment in Rome also brought Christianity back to Britain before 100 ad. His son and daughter are Claudia and Linus and they are mentioned in 2 Timothy 4, 21.
Caratacus gained his freedom by giving a famous speech before the Emperor Claudius who was so impressed he freed him and his children, the full text of the speech is here "The Speech of King Caractacus before the Emperor Claudius" The Romans were eventually driven out of Britain. Caractacus was also the name of the hero in the novel Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming who also features in the film of the Novel "Where Eagles Dare" by Alistair Maclean. King Caractacus lived from 15ad to 54ad, which shows that Christianity had spread to Rome and Wider Europe including Britain by 64 ad. Therefore the common laws merged with it but also because the common laws extend back to the old testament. Eisteddfod festival Wales is famous for its Bardic poetry and music held annually or bi-annually at the Eisteddfod Also in attendance are the Druids as Bards, Ovates and Druids and every so often Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Queen Elizabeth can still attend the festival but her Ovate title for not speaking Welsh has been removed, bards and Ovates are required to write and speak poetry in Welsh. Ancient depictions of the Druids show the wearing of the Ephod of Judgement of the Levitical priesthood. Glastonbury and Somerset are very close to Wales and it has the tradition of Joseph of Arimathea (Jesus Uncle) and Joseph of Arimathea's staff planted in Glastonbury which bloomed into Almonds. (see also Numbers 17:8, Exodus 25, 31 - 40 & Hebrews 9:3-4 Exodus 16: 31-34 and Numbers 17: 8-10 or for a broader account see the adjacent website and chapter 5 and subheading "Ephraim and Manasseh, the Druids, Glastonbury, Tara, Israel" ) The Wearyhall tree was a Hawthorn tree not an Almond tree, but Glastonbury and Somerset do have Almond trees and in Israel these trees are the first bloom. Bearing also in mind the history of the Tribe of Dan who are analysed in the 2nd part of this website below on world war 1 & 2.
Wales also has the Harp of David as a symbol seen here (in general and many images) also at the Eisteddfod stage and on stage 2010 with the new Eisteddfod finalists from 2022 and see also The Welsh flag of King David The Flag of Saint David (a gold field with a black cross or a black field with a gold cross) is most commonly seen flying on Saint David's Day (1.3,2022) and the British Red Dragon
The 21st century but Sovereign law is older than 21 centuries
Moving into the 21st century common law has not changed and that is the point of it. The world requires good clean soil, water and air with organic meat and veg and to beat poverty people have developed their own fuel solutions. Russia and China (and South America) still burn more coal and wood and peat than ever, citing volcanoes as by far the world's biggest polluter. Will they surrender their energy traditions ? The new paradigm has many challenges e.g. "Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm" a 30 year plan which began around the year 2000, with the following PDF analysing the previous 8 years of research (2008) into the new paradigm. Britain is leading the way in other fields also in new technology with investment worth around £1.8 Trillion. This is the investment the City of London requires without EU regulation. Prince Charles states that time is running out "COP26: Prince Charles says 'time has quite literally run out" (or here on Bitchute also ) A military style campaign is required with Trillions at his disposal
This worldview incorporates inclusive capitalism, which is also promoted by the OECD EU and many non EU countries who trade outside of the EU and with the EU and which also seeks to tackle world debt and poverty in common decency. Many suggest that banking should move to a Gold and / or Silver standard of currency. Current world Gold stocks (total mined ever ) is around 200,000 metric tons with a value of about $9 Trillion dollars, Total silver reserves amount to 1.74 million metric tons discovered to date (55,942,740,000 troy ounces of silver) with a further 530,000 million tonnes below ground to be mined, the value. A cache of 1000 tons of silver is worth around $1000 million today, with 32,000 ounces in a ton, it is possible the value is in excess of $12 Trillion mined or $40 trillion un-mined given supply and demand fluctuations. (give or take the odd $10 billion or so, everything in moderation)
In essence the joint amount would mean everyone on earth would have $50,000 worth of Gold and $50,000 of Silver if it was distributed evenly (which silver may be worth double that e..g. $100,000 with price discovery) such is the possible wealth of rare metals in the world. In the last post above it is a fair estimation that everyone on earth could receive 10 acres of land if spread out evenly. This is the monetary value of commodities and a sense of value as materialism. Distributing wealth has been a problem since time immemorial. Ironically one of the main causes of poverty and lack is the import / export system of the world, with nation's importing products in the Supply Chain that are often shipped from country to country and made piecemeal and then ending up back in the country of origin to be consumed or owned. This was highlighted in the ongoing documentary "Rotten" .See the Documentary 'Rotten' here as a trailer (or here from a separate link) or here as a review of the full film on Netflix and trailer for Rotten season 2 which shows how the world distribution system has failed and food is quite literally Rotten. (see also Pesticide use in farming is a complicated and controversial issue which shows that farmers who love good organic veg and meat, on the ground know more about farming than technocrats r.e soil and air and water) Producing food and manufacturing at home locally (with exporting the excess) with an ability to make your own trade deals is part of 'repairing the world' or Tikkun olam
Boris Johnson has said he will remove EU laws over the next 2 years and replacing outdated EU (legislation) laws with new Sovereign laws in parliament is also for the people to undertake
Sovereign Kings and Queens who are Real flesh and blood Men and Woman
For one Nation inclusive conservatives, many suggest that an Epoch was reached when Oliver Cromwell in 1653 dismissed the Parliament (the 'rump parliament') this and the New model army and surrounding factions are also analysed in point 5 of the post dated 21.10.2021 However King Cromwell (Lord Protector) did not fully unite the land at that time and this was the difficulty. King Alfred however did achieve this feat (but how and what is the difference) and brought peace when the Nobles and peasants became equal in Sovereign law under God in which (his "deemings'') laid the foundation for the Magna Carta, but which some would say surpassed the Magna Carta and with common land and new lands for the 'peasants' and leveled debts was granted without them being Knighted, yet in effect everyone had been Knighted, but more importantly they recognized that all were born Flesh and Blood Men and Woman and not Chattel (& today this is also true for 7.5 Billion people in law) King Alfred was driven into the marshes and he met the 'king of the marshes' before finally overcoming the Danes, which was also the peoples choice. Leaders only are sovereign because the people confer Sovereignty upon them under God
The excellent documentary (by Michael Wood) in 3 parts; (also on youtube part 1 ) but on Bitchute below
1. King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons, Alfred of Wessex (episode 1) and also 2. King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons. The Lady of the Mercian’s (episode 2) and also 3. King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons. Aethelstan, The first King of England (episode 3)
The film of 1969 is here (and which also features the White Horse at Uffington)
Alfred the Great (1969 film) ( or here as an MP4 file Video )
King Alfred who married into the former Welsh Kingdom of Mercia which was a part of Albion or ‘Elfydd’ in Welsh before his deemings (laws not rules) were compiled for all men and women, peasant and noble (at points in the film) at 1 hour 21 minutes rediscovers the Spartan phalanx and then later suspects that ‘the law’ applies equally to all. At 1 hour 41 mins fwd he discusses that all are ‘Freeman’ for those outside the law also (outlaws) and that a book of the law will be compiled for everyone
(The Law Code known as the Deemings changed money & land laws and laws for the 'peasants')
Link back to the Top of the Website
The Real N.E.S.A.R.A. 'The National Economic Security & Reformation Act', The USA and the 'Convention of States'
Sovereign law and the USA 13 Colonies. Brexit and Israel and Greater Israel and the 13 tribes.
Land Ownership, Taxes, Debts, Jubilees and Common law for all nations & the end ? of the petro dollar
Trillions to repair the world, Basel 3 & 4 banking scandal reforms, Quadrillions belonging to the public to fix the earth,
UN / WHO global governance NWO via the new plandemic treaty
The link to the US midterm elections 2022 on the adjacent website (the fake elections) is in the paragraphs below (some of the information may be repeated for different nations relevance) This post discusses the Quadrillions owed to the public (but hidden) and also the new proposed Global government (UN / WHO) via the new (but old) pandemic preparedness treaty
For immediate relevance to the USA is the new military security contract Saudi Arabia signed with Russia in mid 2021 but now with new currencies sidelining the Dollar are being rolled out to signal big changes. Germany is still buying Russian energy and by back channels possibly in Yuan CBDC and possibly also in Rubles but with Britain stating they will stop importing all Russian energy by the end of 2022 (read all below)
In the USA what are the "bill of rights" The Bill of Rights - It's Absolute!
The Convention of States is a fallacious movement (see next paragraph) Previously discussed above. In the USA as they grapple with the notion of what a Sovereign nation actually is. As we have seen above with Anna Von Reitz explains the 3 governments in the USA (with an update from James Clinton Belcher Head of State in the 50 Sovereign states assemblies note nothing to do with the Trump / Biden double act circus in the MSM) which at its root defines what actually is an 'American' as opposed to an 'employee' of a corporation which is not a nation status
Another proposal in this debate (and a good lecture on the constitution) is the 'Convention of States' notion see analysis here Convention of States: Deep State Plan to Overthrow Constitution? What is the constitutional convention or convention of states (article 5) It is simply a rehashed left wing product to remove the US Constitution and Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights - It's Absolute!
The answer to the debate is to first realise the following. Whether it is the US Constitution or Bill of Rights, they could not exist without the reality that Humans have inalienable rights from time immemorial as a Sovereign human being, not as legal fiction 'person' This is first fundamental to any declaration of rights in any nation. Any document or constitution can be employed to tweak those pre-existing sovereign rights or confuse people into new rights which are not rights at all. "Equal rights with no rights equally" is the aim of legalese 'laws' or legislation within the proxy vote 'democracy', which sieves unelected ideas into legislation unlawfully and which is not beneficial or part of any sovereign nation. They call it is legal but is Unlawful
Central to this is the right to private property VICTORY: No Trespassing? Govt Surveillance on Private Lands Stopped or once again on Rumble VICTORY: No Trespassing? Govt Surveillance on Private Lands Stopped (see wider the David Knight Show) Owners of private land in the USA won a court case to stop an agency from setting up surveillance on their land from the federal "open fields doctrine" without a warrant etc.
Yet and see the last post above regarding the Navy Seals victory in the US district court to have an exemption from the mRNA experiential injection. (Repeated from the post above dated 03.02.2022) "The US Navy seals brought a lower court successful case on religious exemptions from the mandate in a federal district court in early January 2022 In the USA all district courts operate under admiralty law and from the outset no one in the USA had to comply with the mandates from the get go under the constitution but under inalienable rights of common law. A Judge of course can clear a court and reset as a Sovereign Court and with Sovereign decisions" Yet this decision was overturned by the US Supreme Court The US Supreme Court overturned an earlier ruling by a district court which stated Navy seals (or the Navy) could opt out of being vaccinated, but now they have said that the district court was inserting itself into the chain of command of the military by this ruling ? (but Big Pharma are not detrimental ?) World War 3, Where when & how. Global Warfare on 7 Billion Humans.The real 'Full Spectrum Dominance'
Private land held by Sovereign people is different from private land by corporations as the latter do not contract for the US Constitution as framing their rights. There is also Common land which belongs to no one but is for all and for hundreds if not thousands of years these rights were / are sovereign. They served agriculture and common grazing for sheep and cattle for "the people" Now a return to a feudal system is proposed of a depopulated earth in which peasants have no rights under the guise of communitarianism as the great reset. See The Great Reset | The Plan To Seize Private Property (New Law) Private lands held by corporations are not held by a man or woman as a real sovereign flesh and blood human being but as a legal fiction 'person' Real men and women take precedence over legal fictions which are not alive. Yet they cannot 'own', creation, not just because the legal fiction is not 'organic' or alive but as creation or nature is owned by the creator or as some state natural law (regardless of the views of the corporation) and it is nature which encompasses natural law from time immemorial. In effect land ownership is defunct under these titles as they do not in reality exist and which is something which can be stated for all corporations which are legal fictions.
Ireland is one more example and food shortages and wars make trafficking easier outright see Ireland's removal of its private property and private property rights 2022 in the Great Reset and this is a part of the UN Agenda 21 - 30 and the new Pandemic treaty from the World Health Organisation WHO's Controversial 'Pandemic Treaty' by 2024 if Enough Countries Agree (which is also mentioned in the now 300 vaccination compilationscompilations injuries and deaths section in the post above dated 21.10.2021 addition 6 dated 2.4.2022.... link here for convenience) Ukrainians are being used in this war yet what choice are they given in this or any other scenario i.e. currently sending shock waves through the USA. Catholic Charities scandal Simultaneously in the USA and wider the Catholic Charities scandal exposed the worldwide Vatican trafficking scandal "The Vortex — Betraying God and Country" which is as a trafficking system involves Catholics churches in every parish globally (see longer version of Betraying God and country here) Details of the Ukraine / Russia conflict are in the North Korea chapter on the adjacent website with link here to the end of the North Korea chapter with links to the new post
All enforced by the United Nations International rules based order (also covered from other sources in the last post above dated 3.2.2022) The New World Order and How to Oppose It with Iain Davis which means any 2 members of any judiciary from different nations can make a legal ruling (but not a LAWFUL one) from any 2 countries via the UN
The history of the US Constitution is here 1. The USA did not it is suggested win its independence USA a corporation which did not win its Independence in 1776 2. The USA a Corporation UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1. is OF the USA 2. is FOR the USA
Both are available here as MP 4 Files 1. USA a corporation which did not win its independence in 1776 & next video 2. UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1 is OF the USA 2 is FOR the USA
See also "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE
A history of the US Constitution is also here in the real 'NESARA' & US midterm elections
For the Real N.E.S.A.R.A. see "NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT " (there are others with a similar name) see the adjacent website and to repeat "2.4.2022 USA Midterm Elections, Senate and Congress and administrators, Elections on the 8th November 2022.(contd from USA Presidential elections Nov 2020) " which has a link back to this post and this website. Nesara (the real NESARA ) grew out of the farmers land claims in the 1980s which they won in court. Every obstacle to prevent the 19 NESARA laws have been enacted to prevent lands returning to "the people" but retaining the US Constitution. These acts have been hidden away and are supported by the release of what now amounts to Quadrillions in money to implement them, yet people do not even realize they exist. Will it become a part of the US midterm 'elections' ? (is there any point to the etc) Every President from Bush to Trump and Clinton has blocked NESARA. GESARA is a false as NESARA is for the USA, but every nation can implement its rulings as Sovereign nations not under one umbrella movement or organization. You don't need Presidents to implement it as it is already adjudicated, neither do you need to apply for it or use a form to request it from the fake administrations.
"MUST LISTEN! the National Economic Security & Reformation Act. This is a GAME CHANGER; if it's true" (or here on Bitchute)
"St Germain NESARA, & the Combined International Collateral accounts.Foundation Divine Quadtrillions"
The full 19 points of NESARA are listed at 1 hour 48 minutes 58 seconds (see also 1 hour 47 minutes for the 15 members of the congress and senate at 1 hour 48 minutes 20 seconds fwd) The combined international collateral accounts (CICA) (created first in 1875) do exist and are tangible, (but have been hidden) in the following link and also MP 4 File above
When the US (and the world) public learns how they have been deceived they will be staggered
Full details (to repeat) in the USA midterm elections 2022 "2.4.2022 USA Midterm Elections, Senate and Congress and administrators, Elections on the 8th November 2022.(contd from USA Presidential elections Nov 2020)
The Documentary above takes you to the year 2011. From 2011 until today see Monopoly, who owns the world documentary by Tim Gielen Blackrock Vanguard (Aladdin) and then also Blackrock buying the World via 'Aladdin' AI into Global communitarianism in the Great Reset where nature or land or carbon on the land and so on Wall Street creates a new nature asset class. and also on the housing crisis "They" Are TAKING Over The HOUSING Market...
The USA was originally founded as 13 Colonies (as the Betsy Ross flag of the USA shows with its 13 stripes) The stripes were similar to the Viking sail ships of the tribe of Dan Not all sails were red and white, Finnish sails could be blue and white or sails could be decorated but with meanings to different tribes within the tribes. However there were 13 US colonies to begin with. Many suggest they represent the 12 tribes of Israel (the 13th tribes being the Levites) and later Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh (2 and half tribes) Others suggest the 13 colonies represent the 13 tribe of the 'Illuminati' families, yet the Illuminati were a later fraternity than the existing operative and speculative lodges. Others suggest further that these 2 possibilities are one and the same, and within them the VIKINGS means VI (6) HEBREW KINGS. The US 13 colonies were founded by the English and Dutch and Swedish and later these English settlers claimed independence from England. Many Europeans families within them were from other nations including Germany, Denmark, Norwegian, French, Spanish and Scotland, Wales and Ireland
Britain, Scotland, Wales & Ireland ( & the West)
The Common law flourished in Britain despite feudalism, and under King Alfred the country bloomed (see last post above dated 3.2.2022) It was exported by common people even into the USA in the 1600's. The pilgrim settlers eventually issued their own money scrip and circulated it without interest and regulated the amount to bring the correct value of goods and services without inflation and with price stability year in and year out (see NESARA documentary above) but taxation was the issue.
The Recent history of Britain has seen a scramble to deny Britain's exit from the EU. Britain left the EU (de facto) on the 28/29. 03.2019. It still retained aspects of EU law and even the Napoleonic Code (de jure) which since this date has slowly been removed, moving to a Sovereign nation, delaying celebrations of leaving until 31.01.2020 and 01.01.2021 within also the plandemic. The withdrawal agreement is a de jure agreement and it does not stand up to the people's decision to leave (who are sovereign) and its laws staggered through 31.01.2020 and into 01.01.2021 are temporary. It is up to the people to test existing outgoing EU / Napoleonic laws and make a sovereign nation, locally and nationally. Many non EU countries have a trade deals with the EU fro no deals into WTO and many have just no deals, but sell and buy as required without any formal framework. The adjacent website kept a blog on the progress of Brexit and you can read the period around the 28/29.03.2019 via this link here and posts above it show Steve Bakers deal of early 2018 into 2019. (which has a return link to the top of this website) King Henry the 8th saw off (the popes) Unam Sanctam by declaring himself the head of the church (see posts above)
Just as the original settlers in the New World (r.e from where the 'New World' Order derives its name) from England and wider in the USA made their own money scrip without interest, this matter was taken up by Godfrey Bloom, MEP in the UK when Britain was in the EU and before the EU Parliament ALL THE BANKS ARE BROKE. THEY ARE LOANING MONEY THEY DON'T HAVE IN THE FORM OF DIGITS IN COMPUTERS (or here once again on an alternative Bitchute) or here again as an 1. MP4 file
The adjacent website and chapter 2 also has a similar debate which occurred within the British parliament and also a detailed discussion on the MO supply ( a matter which also occupied King Alfred and which he solved and made a reality) which if increased and circulated at 100% without interest does away for local taxation (but not local institutions ) which to date have become oppressive fortresses of totalitarian impoverishment, instead of the boon for the working class (i.e the taxpayers) You could scrap VAT and council tax overnight or have small surcharges. There is even evidence that the council tax is not Lawful Further you could reduce taxation across the board and retain privacy with cash and notes as has worked for over a thousand years
Council Tax See the Council tax and the art of law and also Empowering Small Businesses and Communities & Liens law Can these matters be debated with the taxpayers alliance Taxpayers Alliance or on facebook The great reset plans to remove property rights and turn private property into state corporate owned (you will own nothing and be happy communitarianism explained by Douglas Kruger) see for example (to repeat) Ireland's removal of its private property and private property rights 2022 in the Great Reset. which is not highlighting Ukrainian refugees as the Ukraine is now under the digital currency system (the first nation to be so in the the industrial revolution, but how communitarianism works in practice See again The Great Reset | The Plan To Seize Private Property (New Law)
To counteract this property owners could cease paying their mortgages which are also unlawful documents MICHAEL Of BERNICIA Mortgage Deeds are illegal documents (or here once more on youtube 'The Bernician' ) or here also as an 2. MP 4 File most people are unaware that a mortgage even when paid down does not give you possession of the land and you do not own the land (you still pay ground land rent after) either under leasehold or fee simple deeds. Leasehold terms your building as the fixture on the land. Mortgages are also paid twice and not paying your mortgage in the new paradigm whilst retaining possession of the dwelling is lawful whilst maintaining the ground / land rent. Subscribe to The Bernician's blog: or bitchute channel or his channel on Youtube here This would be a very popular greater reset as a reaction to the new communitarianism measures which will affect all levels of society without your permission or consent.
Admiralty Law lecture & "Admiralty law, the law you do not know"
The sexualisation of Children in any form should be outlawed. Chapter 6 on the adjacent website and new post dated 5.4.2022 (or link to the end of chapter 6 and scroll up to it) . Trafficking is so prevalent it has spilled over into big pharma (now reaching literally genocide levels ) and a potential new target of 7.5 billion people, including within the military Chapter 6 (in the new jerusale website) shows that trafficking could be stopped (or any health system which includes social services who often facilitate the trafficking of children) overnight globally. The Labour party (who employed people connected to the PIE Paedophile information exchange Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey.) Keith Starmer once actually apologised for not prosecuting Jimmy Saville in his role as chief prosecutor (CPS Crown prosecution service) when it was clear;y his responsibility to do so He should resign. The BBC during the protests was highlighted when a man attacked their statue in Londons broadcasting house The statue is supposedly representing Prospero and Ariel (Ariel the spirit in debt to Prospero) but with all the paedofiles caught within the BBC (Jimmy Saville was a pedophile serial rapists and enjoyed sex with dead children as a part of the BBC childrens entertainment programmes) it represented a sinister depiction of unnecessary lewdness and suggestion. A few weeks after these matters, the BBC DJ Mark Page was convicted of paedophilia in the Philippines but also in the UK The Jury were told to remember Jimmy Savile at his trial in Teeside The Dutch 'pedophile party' and the Greens Further as an indicator of decay in Holland, a paedophile party was formed in 2006 to stand in elections, despite protests politicians who promised to remove the party have not and it has judicial support again in 2013. Re-founded in 2020 and allowed to stand openly. It has not been raided and no one is arrested ? The PNVD party details are here and they have infiltrated the Green parties in many countries including Germany (see here also ) and also in Ireland amongst the Green party ?but also all the Euro Greens in every country The Dutch Paedofile party had links to the Elm Guest House with links to Savile and PIE (Paedophile information exchange) Knowing our rights and your rights with your children can be gleaned from the beginning of this website down.
The end of the Petro - Dollar ? (as it is) as Saudi Arabia, Russia and China seek to buy and sell Oil and GAS in Rubles or Yuan. With the new statesman overview on the new Iron Curtain (Ukraine Russia) which (NATO) could now be extended into the Ukraine and onto the Ukraine / Russian border.
An overview of the Petro Ruble / Yuan (a brief timeline) Putin demands payment in Rubles and bitcoin (digital cbdc also coming for all central banks an bitcoin and crypto's will merge) for energy, in March 2022, and invades Ukraine, and pegs the Ruble to Gold in April 2022. Saudi Arabia took a military defense contact with Russia in August 2021 instead of the USA (Nixon oil shock 1972) although in reality both Russia and the USA have undertaken joint operations. ( Saudi Arabia watched the US withdrawal of Afghanistan by 9/11 2021 ) China buys Russian energy in Yuan and not the Dollar. China wants to run the New World Order with or without Russia and via its totalitarian social credit system dystopia.
What is the history of the great peoples of the Ukraine and the Rus (Russians) A Brief Odyssey to Ukraine - ROBERT SEPEHR Many Ukrainian refugees are now fleeing into Israel and many Russian refugees are also fleeing to Israel and to make aliyah in the state permanently Russian and Ukrainians making a new start with their great ancient histories (with their analogies and codes) which also has woman warriors, not the stereotyped version of the modern media.
In the 2007 - 2011 banking collapse the BIS, Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland The Collapse produced the Basel 1,2 3, investigations. An outline of them is here The Basel 1, 2, 3 reports (and also Basel 4 to come) are within the ongoing Bretton Woods system, and Geneva is home of the United Nations and WEF World Economic Forum see below. Known as the international regulatory framework for banks, the Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states, "Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". BIS Basel 3 report April 2010, these are 3 more reasons why the public should receive a share of the world's wealth. Basel 4 due 01.01.2023. The Basel 4 implementation begins 01.01.2023 (and non EU nations can also implement their own independent solutions)The public need to receive their rights and the wealth that belongs to them. (see paragraphs below also) it was the taxpayers which bailed out the banks and it is taxpayers who suffered and who are owed Trillions, after reforms which are welcome, but refunds in full are more welcome (and see below for solutions)
The WEF World Government summit (world government summit) March 2022 forum in Dubai announced cashless system, and a new global digital system and also WW3 has begun as the announced Global pandemic treaty Global pandemic treaty takes shape to extend the removal of human rights via the mRNA synthetic dna injections which Trump and Obama (see above) sanctioned, already enabled by the US Supreme court. The UN partner with Deutsche Telekom to enable the new the 4th industrial revolution system, already enabled by the US Supreme court. See below Pippa Malmgren of the WEF World Summit in Dubai speaks on the new global digital currency and we are in World War 3 right now (it's just that it is an undercurrent that many do yet perceive, she says ) more details or interpretations of the event are here Globalists Spill the Beans at the World Government Summit - #NewWorldNextWeek and the Ukraine is the first nation to go full digital
The Plandemic (preparedness and response) treaty for new LEGAL but not LAWFUL Global governance (One World Government r.e. the new intarional rules based order) is the framework to introduce the One World Government details here (plandemic treaty in the above para also) ASTRID STUCKELBERGER ON THE WHO'S 'PANDEMIC TREATY' which will be run globally and centrally by AI. Yet it is possible that the UN could be removed from US soil ? and relocated
Canada brings in (already designed) CBDC digital bank note which does not need a bank account (see here as universally accessible scroll down to 'How CBDC and stablecoins compare' ) inspired by the China's social credit dystopia ( Podcast of the Lotus eaters in the last, are trying to say the New International Rules based order is also the takeover of health systems by the military in any nation. Ukraine is the first digital nation in the the UN 4th industrial revolution great reset)
Klaus Schwab book "The Great Narrative" with quotes from it below in 271 and 271a & 272
Taken from the vaccine deaths and injuries on the adjacent website. Clips from the New Book from the World Economic Forum "The Great Narrative" 2022 Klaus Schwab on synthetic dna from mRNA vaccines (see also World War 3, Where when & how. Global Warfare on 7 Billion Humans.The real 'Full Spectrum Dominance' ) NO 271 and also 271A and the Corbett report on the Great Narrative NO 272 Unvaxxed USA Military purged from Army from Trumps 'father of the Vaccine' injection experimental 'gene therapy' NO 272a Military super soldiers gene augmentation NO 272B & also NO 272C & also NO 272C & also NO 272d and Supreme Court USA findings r.e synthetically modified people can be owned or patented, but real people cannot NO 273 & NO 273a & also NO 273B and further into 2019 273C (echoing the UN statement redefining what it means to be human and in also relation to abortion / fetus etc. Dr Andrew Wakefield injections are not vaccinations but genetic engineering NO 274 and Swedish study confirms that mRNA vaccines enter cells nucleus and alter DNA RNA also causing "autoimmune hepatitis" NO 275 ) Dr Cowan explains that the process is very similar to a GMO food status via the crispr gene editing technology for the gene therapy injection. Slight changes with long lasting effects 'Synthetic DNA via experimental mRNA injections'
Transhumanism also means you will have no Human Rights as you are changed from your prior Sovereign flesh and blood human self with inalienable rights (and therefore you can be owned and branded as a product ) It sounds like it is science fiction but in fact it is already occurring and it is all a part of the 'Human genome project' The revealing documentary 'Hacking the Human Genome | After Dark Online' gives some of the background. Hack your DNA with CRISPR - VPRO documentary - 2018' People can purchase Home DNA / RNA altering hacking kits but which come with a warning. Humans are hackable animals Yuval Hariri or see here Yuval Noah Harari (Homo Deus = 'Man gds') & Klaus Schwab (Human Gene editing via Vaccines & Crispr) The WHO estimates that 5 billion out of 7 billion people are vaccinated since March 2020, and 11. Billion shots in total for the world havebeen administered as of April 2022
The Great Narrative World Economic Forum in Dubai (and to repeat see 271 & 271a & 272 above from the book by Klaus Scwhab )
and also surreal scenes from shanghai Shanghai Lockdown Hell and from the BBC Shanghai: Residents 'running out of food' in Covid lockdown as now Avian bird Flu is rising around the world amidst food shortages and hyper-inflation
The background to Climate Change and renewing the world (or fixing the world)
Climate change is also financial and the world is in poverty for billions of people. Unparalleled debt beyond repaying thanks to Compound interest and derivatives which escalate debt and inflation, the world is now around $300 Trillion in debt, but the financial experts appear every day discussing the economy as if nothing is wrong, but appearing as financial experts as the world sinks into decay. If they worked in any company SME they would be sacked or if they tried to pass financial examinations they would surely fail ? but thousands of the experts appear daily, as if the worlds economy was not in dire straits.$300 Trillion are the nation's debts but this is a separate amount from the derivatives and credit swaps, which are into the quad trillion area. All of which could be cancelled or even wiped out by the real NESRA. In fact the economy is so absurd that any alternative would better it, yet it is possible to change it as a sovereign movement (not gesera) of each individual nation based on common law and the resources which are currently present on earth.
Connected to the wealth of St Germain (in the above documentary) are the trusts which (St Germain himself said) had been corrupted. St Germain for instance laid the foundation for the IMF (International Monetary Fund, sister of the World Bank) but would now according to the order which he began has left the original principle of why it was established. The following 8 part documentary with parts 1 and 2 here (and trailer) explain more of this history (or vast wealth amidst world poverty)
"St Germain NESARA, & the Combined International Collateral accounts.Foundation Divine Quadtrillions"
(or here on BitchuteSt Germain NESARA, & the Combined International Collateral accounts.Foundation Divine Quadtrillions )
TRAILER - 'The Trust Game' [A New Limited Series] Part 1 here The Trust Game: Episode 1 - "Crowns and Sovereigns"
and part 2 The Trust Game: Episode 2 - "Of Renters, Lenders and Liberty"
Today we also have the movement known as Tikkun Olam explained here 'Tikkun Olam' (Fix the World) is it Jewish ? Big Jewish Ideas, but what is it ? (Abrahamic Accords) (or instead Greater Israel) and with it read the links underneath the video to fully understand what it is, it is true that the world is polluted and ancient buildings are being demolished to be replaced by depressing architecture for smart cities, and poverty and social unrest is at epidemic levels, soils cannot grow foods organically and exporting food and products around the world is causing foods to become Rotten, destroying the oceans and skies, with added fuel requirements just to deliver what could be produced at home,.. but, and or for instance 'Why The Orthodox Hate ‘Tikkun Olam’ and are they right ? Real wealth and prosperity is framed with strength and truth
The World's wealth refunded ? In the post dated 27.05.2021 above (which is very near the top) under the heading Sergeant Horton and Warcastles, who worked in US Civil affairs & US warfare Psychological operations command and who shows that the 5 Star account which became the Sustainable Development fund and in effect the account which runs the USA, which is equal to quadrillions also more than all the worlds debts. Sergeant Horton does explain that the USA has been bankrupt since 1933 and was bankrupt in 1871 and again in 1999. Trillions are owed from this account to the public who lost everything and who suffered in this fraud, without remedy to the public so far, and it not just reforms which are needed (e.g. Basel 1,2,3 & 4 reforms see above as 1 example, and non EU nations can also implement their own independent solutions) but refunds which are required. Many say this is impossible given human nature, greed and apathy, or the sheer scale of the debts and problems, yet there are genuine solutions see the following also.
In the post above dated 23.12.2022 it was easily shown by Alan of Salisbury that it is possible to allocate everyone on earth with 10 acres of land. Then in the following post dated 03.02.2022 and allowing for known and known potential Gold and Silver reserves (Silver also has a price suppression boost) everyone on earth could receive $50,000 in Gold and Silver (i.e. $100,000) Gold and silver are found "on the land" and in reality or Lawfully people own all valuables found on their land, including archaeology but which can and should be placed into museums whilst retaining ownership. Below the ground and above into the air (for privacy) or into space, is the true realm of land ownership as far as 'up or down'can extend. That is the real land law. Gold and silver did not just appear in bank vaults. Skeptics (the financial experts mentioned above) would say that its a crazy notion yet its tally and land still make more economic sense than the current system. Yet it gets better, because each person could also receive a slice of the St Germain pie, who knows how much that could be but an estimate of nearer $ 1 million to put in your own personal trust account with the gold and silver and the 10 acres of land. This should give you an idea of the wealth of the world. Lawful, righteous and equitable solutions in trust, for truth and Justice
Many might say that this is wonderful, and a few quid to tide you over is welcomed, but it is a fantasy and could not possible be true, but in fact as you read down you will find it is true and perfectly possible
Other laws once existed in Rome and the whole earth based upon the soveriegn common law of men and woman (youtube) 'Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome' nd also Unam Sanctum Cestui Que Vie Trust - Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome trust ) or here once more on bitchute Here is an example of an Australian case which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File )
As mentioned above the USA was founded on 13 colonies, which became states (not all unified ) and eventually 50 states. In 1606, King James Ist of England granted charters to both the Plymouth Company and the London Company for the purpose of establishing permanent settlements in America. some say they were 13 colonies of the 13 lost tribes of Israel or others the 13 families of the Illuminati, but they are a fraternity which was founded after the charters of 1606. Francis Bacon lived from 1561 to 1621 and he founded (and was Shakespeare) the Rosicrucians with their view of the lost Atlantis and he began MI5. (see posts above) King James lived from 1566 to 1625. He sponsored the King James bible which was translated and between 1604 and 1611 when it was published and it contains the 39 book of the Old Testament and 27 books of the new testament, but also the 14 books of the apocrypha, (removed by the catholic church and some later protestant denominations) The apocrypha also contains 1 and 2 Esdras.
See the Jewish History in Ukraine Maps (or here once ore on youtube Jewish History in Ukrainian Maps ) and also the film "Everything is illuminated" Historians or conspiracy theorists, focus on the Khazarian empire and the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism in the 8th century, but they forget that the King James bible 1611 contains the books Esdras 1 and 2 removed before and after this time (which if you read them it makes sense of the bible verses in Matthew 10, 6 & Matthew 15,24, without the books of Esdras these verses make no sense and that is the point. They state that the Messiah had come only at that time for the lost sheep of Israel) Esdras 2 states that the 10 lost tribes traveled over the Caucasus mountains into the black sea area and Europe and into Britain and Spain eventually the USA. The Khazars are also related to these early travelers. The Khazars are separate from the Sephardic Jews who left Babylon and went to Spain and wider and also separate from the tribe of Dan who settled in Europe, Russia, Scandinavia and Britain and Ireland and Scotland, Wales and wider into USA as the original Pilgrims. These tribes left or were taken from Israel between 850 bc to 500 bc. The Khazars converted to Judaism having been pagan, but since it is reasonable to assume that many of the lost tribes remained around the black sea area (amongst the Scythians and Cimmerians) and became the Khazars over 1000 years or more, so that they are not Jews but Israelites in the main. Judaism also developed from the 8th century until today.
Egypt collapsed when the Israelites left Egypt in the Exodus, and although Egypt regrouped it never recovered. Egyptians were descended from the Sumerians and Babylonian kings. The Hebrews amongst the were descended from Joseph and his brothers. Later the Egyptians Pharaohs became Greek when they were conquered by Alexander (King David and King Solomon had conquered the Egyptians 600 years earlier) The last in the line before the Roman defeat was Cleopatra and her children allegedly escaped into Israel, and then Cyprus and into Europe and possibly Switzerland. When the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem in AD 70 many Messianic Christian fled into France, (with Pontius Pilate who was banished to Gaul and to who also the new testament book of Galatians is addressed) and later the Templar's reconquered Jerusalem in the crusades and it is alleged they also found a great hoard of treasure and lost knowledge which helped to build the magnificent Cathedrals of Europe we see today. The treasure was vast in its value and beyond calculation, but where was it stored. Some suggest in Vichy France, or in Switzerland or the USA. See also the adjacent website and chapter 4 under the heading 'The Templars, Spain the German Army, Jerusalem, France, Ecosse and Egypt' The Pharaohs are still looking reclaim their treasure, although the Israelites under King david and Solomon also accrued vast amounts of treasure and wealth for themselves and the nation being the richest people in the world but like King Alfred as one example they obeyed Deuteronomy 17, 14 - 20
The principal amount of the treasure (hidden by codes and 'dimensional locations') of St Germain (and the Royal houses of Europe made vast amounts of tangible wealth into collateral accounts in the 1870's ) is a different amount for the compound interest placed upon it over centuries, and of course the bible forbids interest and compound interest. In the 2nd section of this website under the heading of World War 1 and the teaching by Doctor Spykerman below. As we have descendants of these tribes and the House Of David r.e. Queen Elizabeth 2nd (and past and future monarchs) who who will as a steward (as she states in his video) lay the land of Israel at the feet of the Messiah (r.e. the 1000 reign or the Millennium, but the 4th Reich of the Holy Roman Empire also wants a 1000 Reich ) The 1000 Millennium operates under the visible authority of the Messiah who is spiritual in persona (not flesh and blood). Dr Spykerman (in the video a few paragraphs above or here again KING David's throne in Europe,Britain,Scotland Ireland Wales Dr S Spykerman & Israels lost tribes or also here on youtube once more ) also points out that insignia's worn by Soldiers in WW2 carried the House of Manasseh insignia showing a rule of 1 half of the world on US army uniforms only, and on British uniforms the insignia shown was of Ephraim showing the other half of the world.
Prophecies many have suggested and especially Ezekiel 38 - 40 (and others which are yet to happen and hundreds already have come to pass) are still to occur are also central to the war in Ukraine and Russia, whether the reader believes any of this is irrelevant as it happening, but most of it outside of the MSM . See also 'Tarshish'
Prince Charles states that time is running out "COP26: Prince Charles says 'time has quite literally run out" (or here on Bitchute also ) Prince Charles says Trillions at his disposal to renew the world in which world leaders have already failed. He says a military style campaign is required with Trillions at his disposal to renew and replenish the earth (see last post above dated 3.2.2022) His exact quote is here “Here we need a vast military style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector with trillions at his disposal, far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world's leaders.” The Queen has said she may not abdicate as she made a pact with God (at her coronation see Coronation of Elizabeth II, Holy Anointing & Oath to defend Israel & the Christian Faith Eph 2,12 ) In the post above dated 13.03.2021, Sovereignty is conferred by the people onto the Queen or King. Queen Elizabeth 2nd MP4 FILE Video 2. "Sovereignty conferred by the people" The people are also sovereign
The King James bible 1611 with apocrypha is also a great source of common law, when it was translated into English and other languages away from Latin, (which the ordinary people did not understand) the world woke up in its favor and it became the best selling book of all time. Haggai 2, 8 states the Gold and silver belong to God, Deuteronomy 10:14, Psalm 24, 1 and 1 Corinthians 10, 26 state the world belongs to God,This is delegated to the stewards of the earth which is you Genesis 1, 26 and Genesis 2,15 and Jeremiah 2:7 and Deuteronomy 11:12
**** Inserted 10.05.2022 Common Law higher than Admiralty Law. Here is an example of an Australian case which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File ) or longer version here Common Law above Admiralty Law. Liz Wheeler, Pfizer & Victims & The Indemnity Fallacy
It is also a question not just of the elites, and there are real problems and genuine solutions for all nations globally, but also one for the 'peasants' 7.5 Billion people could easily rise together at the same time, and the force could shake the world.
This website (and see all posts on common law and sovereignty above with this post to understand the full relevance) will continue with these 2 headings below (but with a briefer continuance of common law) i.e. Other views and voices of WW1 and WW2 & also as a connected topic The Round Table (past, present and future) & what is the Kingdom of Jacob, Judah and Joseph ?
(this post added 15.04.2022)
Link back to the Top of the Website
23 - 30/ 9/ 2022
The Vatican Scandals and trial currently underway. Vatican bank recalls its 'assets'
The Knights of Malta,
CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST, Unam Sanctam 'Codex Alimentarius' and N.E.S.A.R.A.
(why it matters, why it rules your life)
CBDC (Central bank digital currency, carbon energy credits and blockchain)
Inflation, Bank shutdowns & Market Crash, Energy Crisis and Food Shortages ?
Boadicea, Valkyrie & Poundbury
The 3 crowns, Vatican, King Juan Carlos, Prince Charles as King Charles the 3rd
Common law & Britain PLC. Trial by Jury and/or consent.
Repudiating your Birth Certificate and slavery status & N.E.S.A.R.A and birth certificates
Why common law matters for your security, prosperity and your future
2. 4. 2022 Link back to the new post dated 3.10.2022 The US Midterm elections as viewed from April 2022 into the 2024 elections
The Vatican Scandals and trial (this post below has 4 additions dated 29.09.2022 & 30.09.2022 & 13.10.2022)
Amidst the world crisis in almost every area of life people are moving to a very wealthy world
The Pope (the one on the television, although this affects Catholics and Protestants also) announced that all assets (movable and liquid assets similar to those Peter and Jesus and the Apostles held ... ?) should be moved back into the Vatican as the ongoing Vatican finance trial continues (corporation state area) by 30.09.2022 (for 01.10.2022) and into the "The Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR)—commonly known as the Vatican Bank" No liquid or movable assets can also refer to human cargo as common or preferred stock and can even refer to the very souls of that human stock and also see Pope Recalls All Assets Worldwide & BREAKING: Pope Francis has ordered all affiliated financial and liquid assets to be transferred to the Vatican Bank by October 1, 2022 (or here again alternatively)
In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIO) Since this law would also therefore destroy the United Nations which is a corporation (or leave the Vatican as its sole law maker ) where does this law begin and end (see also chapter 3a above and post dated 17/18.12.2019 and subheading ‘Italy and the 2 Popes (at least 2)’ Since even the Vatican is a corporation ? and it claims it owns everything (including all the souls in the world ) why has the Pope dropped the Vicar of Christ title ? surely Christ owns all the Souls in the world ? (The Popes idea must mean banks many suppose)The Pope on February 6th 2020 heavily criticized offshore tax havens and heavy debt burdens and has taken on Corporations and has sought to end their dominion. Globalization of course relies on corporations although they can operate in a nationalist model. Therefore ending globalization is preferred before ending Corporations and for good reason. However does this ending of Corporations also include the 1.City of London and the 2. USA ? (District of Columbia, Washington DC) and 3. the Vatican
Assets = Real Estate, bodies and your personal property and Souls
To explain this see the following video on the historical plan of the Papal Bull 'Unam Sanctam' in the 1300's and how this Law was cast to ensnare humans and later in 1933 to trick parents to sign away the body and soul of their children via 'birth certificates' aided and abetted by FDR the US Presidents social security acts which assigned everyone in the USA and the World as the enemy in which they could now be owned and traded as cargo via the newly formed central banks in 1913. The corporation of the USA wanted to take over the European business and corporations in WW1, and although they succeeded they went bankrupt in doing so. To fund future ventures Human flesh and blood men and woman, became collateral on the stock exchange hence the 1933 FDR social security acts "Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate slave contract via the Vatican Law of the Sea 6 8 4" (or on bitchute here also) It is important to understand the background as the Vatican's largest corruption trial (against it opens) begins. This is separate from the claims against the Vatican for child sexual abuse since especially it became a corporation in 1933 "THE CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST AUDITING OF THE FUNDS: BIGGEST CRIMINAL TRIAL IN VATICAN OPENS" It also includes an audit of the Vatican's cestui trusts real estate holdings 'THE CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST AUDITING OF THE FUNDS: The Vatican publishes financial data on its properti'
Since Catholic sources state Pope Francis knew all about the corruption and participated in it, then it is a bit strange that he is recalling all Vatican assets into (what the Vatican believes is an inviolate area of refuge or sanctuary known as the legal fiction of Vatican City order to perhaps hide or keep those assets. The previous Pope (Benedict) is currently hiding in the area known as the legal fiction of Vatican city. His sanctuary is to protect him from prosecution over child sexual abuse. 'THE CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST AUDITING OF THE FUNDS: WHY DID POPE BENEDICT XVI REALLY LEAVE THE VATICAN?' which has also occurred in the Protestant church
The Vatican Billions part 1 , Tom Friess
The Vatican Billions part32, Tom Friess
Biden and Trump's executive orders on Transhumanism / Human Augmentation In essence this money belongs to the people of Italy first and then the world, but the banks via small print legalese are now saying all deposits in bank accounts are theirs and are needed for 'bail ins'.in The Lebanon (and to also move to CBDC central bank digital currency ) In the Lebanon people are locked out of their accounts. The Vatican Central bank from 2014 and Central bank digital currency executive order 14067 (Biden) as 'C - Day' on proposed day December 13th 2022 proposed for every central bank world wide and on the 1. Sep 12th 2022 the 'Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy' It has emerged that Trump signed an executive order on 'improving vaccines' (Trump "the father of the vaxx") on September 19th 2019 executive order 13887 Trump's initial request for biometric ID (on land sea and air in 2017) follows Bidens executive orders naturally (see further down for CBDC Central bank currency, carbon energy credits and Blockchain)
Canada's biodigital convergence This is the same outlook as the 2022 'Exploring Biodigital Convergence' Canadas which seeks to merge living things with non living things (which traditionally have 'thought to be incompatible') but now you can merge with AI (Elon Musk ?) to beat AI and also replace all your organs especially your brain ( mind ) with non living manufactured equivalents (for the bio-security state a huge world lockdown)
The Knights of Malta
The Pope announced on 31.08.2022 that he may 'retire' although there is no Old or New testament model for this. He then decided that negotiations to reform the Knights of Malta, were taking too long and he would in effect change their constitution and (in effect) bring their dominance to an end and unto the Jesuits and Franciscans of which he (the Pope is a Jesuit ) is a member but under the 'Black Pope', the head of which was formally Adolfo Nicolás but since 2020 it is now Arturo Sosa who had formally supported Justin ( 'im not effeminate') Trudeau's father Fidel Castro (Castro a staunch nationalist ) to bring Marxist Liberation Theology to the world as perhaps even Jesus was a Marxist like the .... Pope (Francis) who is wanted in Argentina for crimes against Humanity and which continues to this day with his support for human fetal tissue in DNA in vaccinations and which can be morally injected with the other poisons into Catholic and non Catholics arms even if they are pro - life as the Pope is also supposed to be 'Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients' and also 'Bill Maher (Real Time) & Tucker Carlson on Vaccines & Vaccine ingredients' Further Trump also pro -life (this decade ) supports the injection of Baby DNA and poisons into Catholics and non-Catholics alike 'The Trump Vaccine' with Bidens mandates which has now killed more civilian and us army personnel that the Vietnam war, whilst in the EU ... EU INVESTIGATING VAX DEATH! - Forced By 1600% Excess Death Numbers! - What You NEED To Know!
The updated list of Vaccine injuries and deaths are here link is here dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022 & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 in-between 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022 (and the compensation claims against corporations, and business and personal incomes of those who pushed these gene therapies could run into Quadtrillions)
Digital currency to go live in November 2022 ?. Kent Lewiss, the CEO Worldwide Freedom Inc, has produced an in depth report on CBDC / Blockchain which is to go live in November of this year (Bidens digital currency executive order begins on or thereabouts 13.12.2022 with the ) It will merge with all digital currencies and Bitcoin or they will be phased out. China will run the Brics system and with Turkey and Russia and India and more and China has digital currency with attached social credit scoring by surveillance. A bridge between east and west a fulcrum is the SDR (special drawing rights which will be digital as the BIS bank of international settlements is the central bank for central banks to oversee) As yet the western system does not have the attached social credit UBI or Universal basic income point scoring system formally, but it can easily switch to that system quickly. The entire system will be run by the City of London. A prominent and up and coming company (in this area) leading the way is Thompson Reuters and Reuters itself with the company (KYC) Know Your Customer whose innovation for detailing customer requirements has exceeded all other companies in data and fintech. Israel will also run the system with Switzerland
The power struggle of the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta continues
Another Knight of Malta (Prince Charles / King Charles the 3rd has been a Knight of Malta since 1983 also) was the head of the 'Russia investigation' special prosecutor Robert Mueller from May 2017 to March 2019. Since Wall Street had paid for the Bolshevik Russian Revolution and Russia's development ever since, then perhaps Mueller may have been investigating something else e.g. the proposed cancellation of the Knights of Malta or the Trump family's long association with Trafficking and Trumps visit(s) to Epstein Island (or was it that Kim Jong Un was Gay ? pre 2020, and may have Nuclear weapons. In North Korea matters are strange )
A post on the US midterm 'elections' (new post ) will added on the 3.10.2022 here (with a link to return to this post )
Trafficking is within the Church and local parishes also r.e. Catholic Charities scandal as with the Anglican sexual abuse scandals from 2020 into 2022 Simultaneously in the USA and wider the Catholic Charities scandal exposed the worldwide Vatican trafficking scandal "The Vortex — Betraying God and Country" which is as a trafficking system involves Catholics churches in every parish globally (see longer version of Betraying God and country here) and the the Vatican Bank (see here in the description box underneath or also here again on youtube which supports an earlier posts above 2017 - 2020 above An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” ) The Knights of Malta could keep their original constitution.
Mo Farah (the track athlete) has revealed he was trafficked as a child. There are of course different levels of trafficking and it exists world wide (and also see chapter 6 on the adjacent website) 'Trafficking' 10 million, or 100 million or 1 billion or everyone is also now possible.
An interesting insight to the hidden in plain sight trafficking 2030 HELLSCAPE DEVOLUTION
CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST, Unam Sanctam and all world trusts and your birth.(and 'Codex Alimentarius') and N.E.S.A.R.A.
The term 'THE CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST' has to be understood in context of all trusts and all those formed since 1875. N.E.S.A.R.A. could be the biggest wealth transfer to the masses and working class in history. The Great Reset is the opposite.(i.e Codex Alimentarius & the WHO)
In the last post above (in the 1st section of the website above) dated 15.04.2022 a subheading is "The Real Nesara" (which is in part 3 of the film) and which outlines how the various trusts initiated by St Germaine which fund the world and which are also traded on the stockmarket. The St Germaine documentary details how the farmers of the USA were robbed by fake mortgages and fake land deals and fraud. Something similar is occurring now with farmers being forced to sell their lands one way or another all over the earth in every nation. The farmers land claims were presented before the US Supreme Court in and on trail (but not so much its fault) was the trust Account known as the "Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility" which oversees all over trust accounts such as the Foundation divine and World trust distributing funds to the Its worth is now (by compound interest) 1 Quattuordecillion or 1, with 45 zeros, they in turn oversee the 180 Royal trusts which includes the Vatican trusts, and the 250 corporate trusts, the prosperity program trusts and 72 bank roll programs (run by the IMF and membership of it is required before you can join the world bank) The Trilateral commission oversees the accounts in the USA, but were overtaken by the United Nations (from the Trilateral commission ) in 1995. The US constitution ended in 1871, and was finally removed by the WHO (World Health Organisation) in June / July 2022 in the pandemic treaty (which was passed at that time) and it comes under the UN trust of 1995 (and which is not mentioned in any of the US elections)
Codex Alimentarius The US farmers court victory (the farmers land case via the farmers union see film below which became NESARA) also rejected in effect The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), a body that was established in early November 1961 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and was joined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in June 1962, and held its first session in Rome in October 1963. ( or see here also ) The Food and Agriculture Organisation is co-opted into the UN World health Organisation and Codex Alimentarius simply becomes a part of the UN Agenda 21 - 30 yet why does the world need it ?
The St Germaine Trusts and film are also here, and also here again and here as a intro also, (the intro on Bitchute) as well as the above post dated 15.04. 2022. In short the farmers credit system and the farmers Union won their case bringing these trusts back into the realm of the ordinary people in total and the US supreme court was forced to rule on this (see at 1 hour 33 minutes in the video above) to the effect that ALL US citizens had been defrauded (US Supreme Court rulings 1991 - 1993) Clinton was forced to sign the act under supervision of Delta Force command in 1993. Biden also supported the NESARA act.This affects all mortgages (all over the earth but which is not anything to do with UBI or Universal basic income or the fake patriot movement in the USA) issued since 1913 and all income tax collected as Unlawful (and much more) it applies to all lands It is NE.S. A.R.A. 'National Economic Security And Reformation Act',... not the NESARA National Economic Security And Recovery Act (The full 19 points of NESARA are listed at 1 hour 48 minutes 58 seconds in the video )
As well as investing in these trusts (but in the 1990's the public were prevented from doing so directly even though they spent money trying to do so, see also the Mike Kadoski affair) people were supposed to be reimbursed in Gold or Silver but that was blocked by the central banks. Every US President from Bush, Obama, Clinton, Trump and Biden have blocked these accounts. Investors via 'approved' trust accounts also invest in Common or Preferred Stock i.e you and your body (and more see later on ) because humans are stock. Common Stock is the poorer classes and preferred stock the wealthier, including millionaires and Billionaires who as humans turned into 'persons' or straw men and women (in Capitols) or non humans in effect. You are traded on the Stock exchange in a form of Trafficking which is not noticed but exists on the financial markets in plain sight every day
The "Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility" was formulated in 1875 by the Aristocracy and Royals of the world who agreed to it (mysteriously in the preceding centuries of wars and further wars since 1875 ) as if they were charmed, forced or beguiled into agreeing to this new joint venture / merger which would take all of the worlds wealth and potential wealth laying the foundations for the 1903 - 1910 decision to form world global central banks in 1913 and which really took hold from Geneva and Basel in Switzerland with the formation of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) which was established in 1930 (as the central banks, central bank) but its origins were made in the Treaty of Versaille after WW1 on June 28, 1919. Basel was also the place where Theodor Herzl (who was a Nationalist from Austria) as the location for the first World Zionist Congress and many Zionist congress have been situated in Basel since that time. Basel is the home of many pharmaceutical industries and Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Jung, and in the 20th century also Hermann Hesse and Karl Jaspers. All hail from Basel Members of Royalty and the aristocracy the cia and politicians and Delta force made sure NESARA passed in 1996 into 1999 and it is the LAW now without any further action required
How does your Trust work in Law for you as you even without you knowing (unless you do know of course and wait until the end) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro watch to the end (or here as an MP 4 File ) What of consent ? if no crime has been committed then we cannot be guilty. What of a Jury Trial. Law and justice are separate and a verdict can be guilty or not guilty But also a 3rd option exists that a jury can nullify a law as unjust (or in fact not a common law but a contrivance as a legal fiction) and nullify the trial. A judge cannot direct a jury to find anyone guilty or not guilty. This assumes that the people want to be tried in a court at all and WE DO NOT CONSENT also says we do not recognize the system in its entirety and do not contract with it as via the strawman or as a human flesh and blood.Flesh and blood people are under God not any court see "How do we the people Consent or Not" ? (and see the following bible verses for 2 or 3 witnesses 2 Corinthians 13:1 & Deuteronomy 19:15, and / or 1 John 5:8 or Matthew 18:16 or Deuteronomy 17,6)
Queen Elizabeth 2nd (JPG Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) passing was a national emotional time.The Queen over decades gave subliminal insights (in often seemingly subtle and ordinary circumstances on public record or film) but of course with no real proof that she had done so, when in fact she had. This isn't well known As above in previous posts it was seen that Sovereignty was / is conferred upon the Monarch by the people, yet all Monarchs are not sovereign in the City of London and have to ask the permission of the Cities Lord Mayor (as Russia likes to point out yet the EU has unelected legislators issuing laws to the elected who simply pass the laws for the unelected, negating elections as pointless) The City of London is outside the UK.The Lord Mayor runs the City as a separate Sovereign state. The crown straddles both Monarchy and the City of London.The city preferred not to become embroiled in which religion the Monarchs would be, as it caused instability. However it is not that the City restricts rights, it has retained its Sovereignty extending back to King Alfred who rebuilt the City (fortified it) and as mentioned many times on this website made laws for the poor and increased common land and brought new currency systems into villages and burghs to allow trade to increase at speed. He did write these laws down, (based directly upon the bible) but in the void of knowing nothing people needed to relearn that they even existed i.e. Sovereignty which is not given to you on a piece of paper (see the very top of this website) you are born with them from God. The City retained these ancient laws after the Glorious Revolution in the 1600s, but in the 20th century common law was whittled away (by the state and communism) and by the time Britain joined the EU in the early 1970's and it was put down entirely by the EU.
Are all Nations just PLC's as Corporations now ? Britain PLC (all nations are corporations now) Restoring Nations by Common Sovereign Law. The City has older traditions and it does not matter much to the City if the rest of Britain returned to Common law, which it could do if it willed it.
The Basel 3 banking reforms stemming from the 2008 crash (but also before) also ban bank bailouts / bail- ins and bank bailouts underpinned by taxpayers
The 3 crowns, King Juan Carlos (and who married Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark in Athen) and his two sons and 2 daughters, and current Spanish King Felipe son of Carlos and Prince Charles as King Charles the 3rd
As laid out in the videos "Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate slave contract via the Vatican Law of the Sea 6 8 4" (or on bitchute here also) there are 3 crowns. 1 The 1st Crown of Crown land. 2. The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth or of Aragon and Spain now with King Carlos ...sort of 3. The 3rd crown of the Ecclesiastical see Council of Trent claiming all souls on earth and future souls now with the Temple bar and is created when baptized and in your birth certificate.
Henry the 8th (who essentially vied to take over the world) confirmed himself as head of the Church in 1534, and in 1666 Charles 2nd reaffirmed the trust and the 3 crowns came to mean. 1. Real Estate as Corporate commercial law. Judge as landlord 2. Your body as property or Maritime Canon law Judge as banker & Habeas corpus 3. Your soul Ecclesiastical. Talmud Judge as the Priest. They are also known as the 3 strands of legal but not LAWFUL 'law' 1. UCC commercial code 2. Canon Law 3. The 3rd strand is Talmudic law and not just the Babylonian Talmud of Judaism but the Iranian Talmud. All of these however are below Common Law for sovereign human being as flesh and blood men and woman and the film above ends with how your birth certificate is a form of contract (de jure but which could be de facto ) as a claim potentially on all 3 areas of legalese (not LAW) if you consent to it
Prince Charles and War like footing. Recently (then ) Prince Charles / King Charles 3rd has said in December 2019, that we need to go on a War like footing mobilising the Trillions at his disposal more than the GDP of nations and Corporations (or here on youtube once more) Prince Charles has also said that corporations must change Prince Charles tells CEOs to stop ‘deferring’ hard climate choices to the next generation (see also the post dated 15.04.2022 on alternative solutions to the wealth gap) as the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) creates a nature based asset class which (nature) can literally buy the world (Natural Asset Companies) This means that corporations will be removed unless they change.
Stakeholder Capitalism / Inclusive Capitalism. Lynn Forester de Rothschild launched the Council on Inclusive Capitalism which works alongside Stakeholder Capitalism and also through the Roundtable Business forums and new Terra Carta initiative
Poundbury local town. Currently the commonwealth crown of Aragon and Spain is in dispute with Britain (PLC as Crown) who are claiming it back once more. King Charles 3rd (Prince Charles) claimed the title of King of Europe in the 1970s, that is King of Europe which is not the 'EU' which is a private corporation. Britain is still in the Council of Europe but since Brexit it is now free to make its own trade deals. In effect Britain is stating that it has reclaimed this Crown also, yet there is no official announcement as yet from Britain or Spain. Prince Charles has now inherited more lands has also challenged existing planning laws and norms and built a village called Poundbury in Dorset which moves away from the modernist or postmodernist 'architecture' and building materials of modern construction into a traditional form of building and which is admired (local materials saving energy / money, and materials allowing buildings to breathe but be insulated etc 'Localism' is the real green idea) People may prefer this to the new BRICS system controlling the EU and as much as the west as possible from Turkey and China (Brexit making more sense )
A Radical shake up of the planning system is required not just for homes or villages that can be admired (with the ability to also grow their own food) but to preserve the countryside from total urbanization without nature, without excluding people from nature
Poundbury (in the energy crisis)could avail of the Abundance of Oil under the Ground in England and it is not a Fossil Fuel. "Oil wells in England's green and pleasant land" IN WW2 small (local) oil pumps were made in weeks to drill for Oil and every town in Britain could have one (owned by the Town) combined with small windmills Combined with the older smaller (easier on the eye) 'windmills' the USA employed for generations for pumping water but could be utilized for street lamps or industry. Combined with CHP (combined heat and pump for day and night LVMD usage and Solar (up to 50 KW systems generating 30,000 KWH per year x 5) and even a couple of traditional windmills (with industrial storage batteries or transformer or both) or on the edge of town for grain and/or industry, and again wind powered energy such as those in Norfolk and traditional small local water mills and windmills combined (a magnet running on a spool between + and - magnets will run a small lightbulb all day and night) Oil is not Scarce, Peak Oil a myth & Oil is not a fossil fuel. John Catsimatidis of United Refining "Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machoine — We're Not Running Out" or article here on this subject See also and once more "Why We'll Never Run Out Of Oil" it is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid on earth after water (see chapter 3 on the adjacent website on energy at the end) This would end the 'energy' crisis and the combined community could own the local energy collectively and sell any excess back into the energy grid. see also the adjacent website for passive house and chapter 3 (which does not conflict with conservation laws) Retrain extinction rebellion to be heating and energy engineers, moving away from a sense of doomed hopelessness
Locally grown (non GMO food) organic food in abundance is the best protection against supply chains disappearance (localism) and protection of ancient and medieval heritage and their building techniques and science of their geometry is also beneficial
In the short term (or as long as you like) Generators (and car engines alternative fuel) have been known to run on cheap low grade rye or corn alcohol (ethanol) and / or Water and even used chip fat oil (and would you believe it ) Liz Truss has just cut the top level of income tax for the wealthy and it will not be long before everyone's tax can move own to 10%
The New currency (the pound ) featuring King Charles is to be no longer paper but made of Polymer Prince Charles has also been named and modelled in a statue as the Saviour of the World
Liz Truss Primeinster. Boris (Flashart, Buller ) Johnson has left the same way he came in (but has vowed to return, yet is still running the country, parliament and parts of the city anyway. The world learned that cake has anti-viral properties against covid) Now Liz Truss has become the leader of the Conservative party. Liz Truss has created Billions in trade deals over the last few years for Brexit, but contrast that with say Greta Thunberg (of the Thunbergs) for example who has been a complete 'Bossy Boots' shown here in one of her most famous 'moments' ( a typical WEF trait) Is this a shining example of behaviour for young ladies ? and how they should behave (its shocking) As we have seen with JPG Queen Elizabeth the 2nd (who reigned for 70 years and 214 days which is incredible) Woman have also run nations and been warriors, and as we have seen in previous posts in the adjacent website a young Swedish Girl aged 8, also hit the headlines in October 2018. Saga Vanecek who discovered a 1500 year old ancient Viking Sword. Saga was only 8 years old when she discovered the Sword in the lake, and then she became the Queen of Sweden, and she did this all on her own. (video ‘Girl Finds 1,500-Year-Old Sword In Swedish Lake | NBC News’ or here ) Sweden has now changed direction (11 September 2022) in its political outlook. Italy looks set to follow Sweden also. Further in Britain a girl aged 7 (Matilda Jones) pulled a sword from a lake in Cornwall all on her own and carried it to shore, despite its weight.
These swords date to a time before King Alfred, note the 2 JPG Alfred & White Horse of Uffington
Now Liz Truss is running Britain. An inspiring Woman from over 2000 years ago was Boudica, (Norfolk terrority) and you can the learn of "Boudica,Queen of the Iceni Britons and the great torc" (note the 'Scythian' Jewelry connection in the last vid) or a longer film here "Watling Street 60 AD - Boudica's Revolt DOCUMENTARY" Boudica was a strong Buxom Woman, (but who was flogged and her daughters raped by the Romans) A few months later after recovering she began a campaign encircling Britain, that would cause the first cracks in the Roman empire. an extraordinary campaign with wins in battle after battle after battle. This was before the Pendragon revolts by the Pendragon bloodline which included King Arthur and others from that line over 400 hundred years. Liz Truss faces inflation, an energy crisis, food crisis and a financial crisis as are all nations (outside of Brexit, with Germany nationalizing its gas import company Uniper for energy security, although Germany also has Oil, gas and coal within its borders and the new state company is no guarantee of supply, yet this could spread worldwide in every area (but the state cannot own flesh and blood men and woman)
JRRR Tolkien (who fought in World war 1 see the second part of this website below) was right about the modern world and its leaders who are under a spell "Gandalf frees Theoden" youtube (note also again the White horse)
Viking and Celtic woman often led the way in war if you can imagine what that may have looked like (the white horse) .MP4 Boudicca (Buddug) Valkyrie 2
Repudiating your Birth Certificate and slavery status & N.E.S.A.R.A and birth certificates, your self as soveriegn and inheritance as blessed (Joseph birthright and blessings from Abraham)
Just as Boadicea ran amok for Justice so people today are prepared to run amok. The Pope(s) believe in Marxist Liberation theology but then also so did the Goths etc.(they sacked Rome) as did the Gauls and the Ostrogoths and also the Normans and Charles V. There is nothing in Common Law that says the Vatican city is a separate area in which no one can enter. In fact it is it which is presumptive on the common law of the land. 5 million Italians in 1 day could enter and take back what is theirs. Voting is also a form of theft, stealing your direct right to your sovereign government by proxy votes (forming a middleman who 90 % of the time vote for themselves on your ticket for their agenda not yours. 10 % or less of politicians vote the way you direct them, why do you need the or to have them elected at all )
N.e.s.a.r.a. also undoes the contract of the birth certificate with the registry but with the Baptism center (protestant or catholic) the New York Stock Exchange and the Vatican.
For those skeptical that birth certificates are in any way connected to stock trading consider the following. (after which you may understand John 3 more clearly) You are collateral stock as preferred or common stock (or a different version again also as MP4 File) owned now by the Vatican since 1975, although this is now disputed and since especially 2016 "Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate slave contract via the Vatican Law of the Sea 6 8 4" (or on bitchute here also) Italians and Europeans are also under this contract for all your property , body and soul. Corporations do not have ownership or authority over Human Men and woman who are Flesh and Blood who are not the second strawman in BLOCK CAPITALS but you in normal text. Your signature (sign of nature) under BLOCK CAPITALS is a contract with your strawman Corporation.Common law is higher than 1. UCC commercial code 2. Canon Law 3. The 3rd strand is Talmudic law.
Repudiation of those bonds (birth certs) by Billions of people, removing them from the stock market begins by disavowing your Birth Cert. They will ask you to do this formally in fancy envelopes, (to delay as long as possible) but if you write to your birth registry and baptisms center and the Vatican (copy the letter 3 times and 'cc' to each) and get 2 more witnesses (or more but at least 2) and get them to sign their names in lower case as normal (fulfilling 2 Corinthians 13:1 & Deuteronomy 19:15, and / or 1 John 5:8 or Matthew 18:16 or Deuteronomy 17,6) this is enough and even a verbal renunciation declared is enough in reality. The Vatican has vast amounts of money even Trillions which it took from people by this method. Not just the Vatican however. Your common rights to common land and right own land without slavery bonds or mortgages and the rights to much more from the trusts, are also in N.E.S.A.R.A but also in your Sovereignty and also through the blessings and birthright of Joseph from Abraham (you can read all above in this first section of the website for the land amounts, the gold and silver and the money, and these rights continue in the second section of the website through WW1 & WW2 (an seeing what people went through and how they coped should be inspiring) and into the current war(s) under God.
People refuse to believe that the world's trusts are funded in this way, and into the everyday economy, yet it is hidden in plain sight, but could be made to provide wealth for everyone instead of being bottle-necked and hidden and removed by uninformed consent. This website from the top details your rights and standing and status within real law. The Vatican like many other denominations and faiths has abandoned its original faith and spirituality, until in 1933 it was taken over. People were no longer valued and were made into collateral for loans and money printing, yet this also not understood. It is the biggest and most insidious form of trafficking in world history, slavery on a scale not envisaged before. Slavery did not end with President Lincoln and it now involves all peoples nations and continents. The world has never had a central banking system as it has now since 1913 (but which as a system, could be backed by Gold or silver and its currency amount in circulation regulated and slavery ended ) This form of slavery will be increased under digital currency systems
A Dark Winter (not a specific seasonal description) is planned with events and disasters. Economic upheaval (mainly against the 'peasants') & currency 'parity' in many currencies, Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipeline (in 2 places making 3 'leaks' ) sabotaged deliberately ? by Russia or the USA or ? (see previous posts above & in the 2nd section of this website) troop movements & conscription etc, all of which could become very Dark indeed (This post added 24/25 to the 30.9.2022)
Added 29.09.2022 The Vatican's shutdown / collection of its assets (`transnational criminal organisation act) into the Vatican City by 30.09.2022 (which is subject to common law an is not a haven or inviolate) is also due to the (admitted genocide from the Vatican) genocide accusations against it which the vatican has admitted in July 2022. The Law ``transnational criminal organisation act " is forcing the Vatican to bring all assets into its control, but it transferring its funds to china (Nigaura expelled the Vatican nuncio in early September 2022 and is calling the vatican a dictatorship) The UN itself is a competing 'transnational criminal organization' (vaccinations / health crimes and trafficking), but the genocide accusations affect many organisations worldwide. All lands and fixtures as building real estate are liable to be seized. The Vatican is trying also to seize the funds of the Knights of Malta see heading above near the beginning, to pay its trillions in Genocide debts, as the currency wars / meltdown continue in the gigantic world debt caused by 'national debts' ballooning and charged at interest to national countries who no longer control their own national treasury departments see 1. Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 1. (Money Creation) (or here once more on youtube) 2. Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 2. (Money Creation) (or here once more on youtube) tied to the need to Reinstate National treasuries in every State or Nation globally, owned by the People for the People and see also ( executive order 14067 on new digital CBDC currency) For the Vatican trials see the first heading at the beginning. Pensions are almost gone. Bank of England The Bank of England has returned to Quantitative Easing buying debt, (it is charged to taxpayers by all political parties and all can only patch the holes) but the Federal Reserve has been buying the world since March 2020 (inflation escalating into outer space ) & not long after the bank overnight repo (repurchase agreements) system collapsed in Sep 2019. which will occur again.Destroying national currencies for a new digital currency as the war (Nord Stream 1 and 2 ) escalates with the Ukraine wanting the return of its annexed lands (This post added on the 29th, within the post 23 24/25 to the 30.9.2022)
Added 30.09.2022 GOV.UK Sep 2020 report "Evidence and scenarios for global data systems" states "China has prioritized national economic and social security, with strong government coordination and control of citizen data combined with restrictions on international transfers. These values are demonstrated by the Chinese Social Credit System, which is intended to aggregate financial, law enforcement, commercial, social media and other data in order to monitor citizens’ compliance with various obligations, determine sanctions and encourage certain behaviours" (China will control the Brics system and they want to control the New world Order and they are operating in Canada in the ongoing Fu Manchu plot) This is in lock step with move to CBDC central bank digital currency ) In the Lebanon people are locked out of their accounts mostly. The Vatican Central bank from 2014 and Central bank digital currency executive order 14067 (Biden) as 'C - Day' on proposed day December 13th 2022 proposed for every central bank world wide and on the 1. Sep 12th 2022 the 'Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy' Obama began preparation for the pandemic in 2016 Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before the US election) "Executive Order 13747-- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats" It has emerged that Trump signed an executive order on 'improving vaccines' (Trump "the father of the vaxx") on September 19th 2019 executive order 13887 Trump's initial request for biometric ID (on land sea and air in 2017) follows Bidens executive orders naturally (see further down for CBDC Central bank currency, carbon energy credits and Blockchain) Canada's biodigital convergence This is the same outlook as the 2022 'Exploring Biodigital Convergence' Canada's lock step plan which seeks to merge living things with non living things (which traditionally have 'thought to be incompatible') and the Human augmentation directives Regulation for the '4th industrial revolution' "The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics" and also "Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm"
Nato Ukraine Sweden and Finland and the new digital paradigm. Many 'welcome' the experience of the QFS (IBM) Blockchain digitally backed Gold and silver but,.. this new currency will be augmented onto them and will be trackable, i.e as you as carbon which you are mostly, in the UBI Universal Basic Income Social Credit system already underway in USA and Ukraine and which will be going to Russia. Digital assets is not describing the 'currency' itself (n the circular debate of....are cryptos assets or worthless digitized quantum blips) but you are the Asset then (see the start of this post on the 23.9.2022 physical and spiritual and the Vatican's belief that its assets include the body and soul of persons etc) This new currency has a time limitso if it is not spent it disappears, as it does in China now, and analysts believe that it is not just the annexed areas of Ukraine which will be taken back by the West, but Moscow also. The WEF (which straddles Russia and Ukraine) which is adopting the new China social credit system have hinted Russia and Ukraine could attack China. The USA military have that many underground bunkers, (especially around Denver) it is not just to avoid satellite or drone surveillance. Russia has annexed parts of the Ukraine (on paper) and the Ukraine has fast tracked its NATO membership de jure (in law) although common sovereign law is de facto (in reality or practice when it is practiced ) Law above international law, and (Sweden and Finland) Sweden and Finland are Nato members now, as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline explosion mystery continues (Royal Dutch Shell are partners to its construction before pulling out of the deal in early 2022 ) Links to vaccine deaths and injuries once more i.e. all 7 additions and a link to the new post on the dire and fake US Midterm elections 2022 (a new post dated 3.10.2022)
The currency 'wars' amidst the global financial meltdown are continuing Pensions are disappearing (a quiet, invisible bank bail in ) and inflation means currencies will also disappear see Bank crash and take your money and it, and WW3 are linked as is the 1st para in this new post 2 above see also maneco64 29.09.2022 "UK Sovereign Debt Meltdown Increases Chances of Bank Failures and Bail-Ins" BANK Bail ins (i.e your savings etc are worth about $40 trillion worldwide and the banks will remove this money which is why people are withdrawing their money although that is not the only reason) just as the Vatican trials (genocide, trafficking bank fraud, heresy) and its move to take its 'assets' financial and spiritual back into Vatican city, Brexit (& Jeff Taylor) has also formalized its process of removing residue EU law from its books Jeff Taylor "At last - BUT! " (towards the commonwealth) into which Sovereign common law could fill the gap in Britain regardless of which political party is taking your vote by proxy, e.g. interesting fact ..all mortgage contracts are null and void and unlawful,(or see here MICHAEL O'BERNICIA Mortgage Deeds are illegal documents or here again also on youtube but that is not the only reason) see also the end of chapter 3b on the adjacent website as chapter 4 and scroll up, which means you and the approx 10 million mortgage payers in Britain could keep your homes and also repudiate the mortgage payments (in a financial crash homes are repossessed and auctioned cheaply when families once lived in them. Mortgages are paid twice in the trusts, so no one loses in any case) and not just in Britain but worldwide. Very interesting... for the plebeians / proletariat / citizens. A home is not a castle, if mortgaged, and ownership even when mortgages are paid means, you do not own the actual land your home sits upon, although you can buy this title separately in some areas. Just as the new digital currency has a time limit with spending it, there is in the sae logic no need for 'future' pensions ('you will own nothing and be happy') which are crashing in any case as also with hyper 'inflation' they will be worthless even if indexed) The Federal reserve is buying the world and bonds do not need the same attention (only higher interest rates to fight inflation) from the fed as in the past. The economy is cratering and debt is or should be cancelled worldwide without conditions.
History of finance and 'assets' since 1920 / 1933 to today & in the very near future Following the failure in 1926 and before the US to takeover Europe by going bankrupt near the end, they funded the next war by 1) using you (your relatives from this era but also today) as collateral in 1933. The government issued arrest earnings that anyone with Gold and Silver were enemies of US Corp just as Mussolini brought Roe back online as a private corporation (1929 - 1933 ) The subsequent FDR social security 'money' was tied to you as collateral and traded on the stockmarket via your birth cert then as today. 2) President Nixon removed the USA from the Gold standard on Aug 15 1971, and 3) Nixon and Henry Kissinger then tied the dollar to the petroDollar (recycling system) via Saudi Arabia finalized in 1973 from the end of WW2. The Bretton Woods gold standard of 1945 - 198 was also scrapped in the early 1970's (Switzerland Geneva Basel WEF Bank of International settlements which coordinates all central banks even today everyday) 4) The Agenda 21- 30 carbon money system is to replace the petrodollar system since the early 1970's and Maurice Strong, Climate Change UN Committee of 300. 5) 'Humans' will become assets as will nature as money, chipped and barcoded and linked into AI (into the new 'hi tech' feudalism of the 'war' )
Then there is the Sovereign law of God which is higher than any corporation, where Human Beings as men and women (not persons in Block capitals) are Sovereign and who already own everything de jure or de facto (This post added on the 30th, within the post above dated 23 - 24/25 to the 30.9.2022)
Added on the 13.10.2022. The UN controlling central banks for digital money. &'QE', PESCO & NATO and a Pre-emptive Nuclear strike in a Nuclear War ?? From early September the debate on the hyperinflation bubble increased after the currency crashes and bank debt crashes towards the end of September 2022 (ongoing ) the debate has moved to; should the central banks return to QE /Quantitative Easing (after buying the world in the ongoing world purchase since early 2020 causing inflation (after the Bank Repo/repurchase rate shock of 2019) and the recent energy shock of the Nord stream 2 pipeline. Pundits say after the Bank of England did a U - Turn (28.09.2022) back to 'QE ' (money printing to buy debt with more debt, and mortgages withdrawn from sale) then the Federal Reserve will also now do a U Turn with some saying that may happen, 'The Fed is Moving Back to QE - More Stimulus Coming' 5.10.2022 whilst others say it will not happen "Don't Count On More QE Stimulus, The Fed Is Likely Retiring It | Pedro da Costa, Top Fed Reporter" dated 4.10.2022 or here also from Zero Hedge 5.10.2022. Yet since the central banks have printed more money in the last 2 years than all other years since 1913 combined it is not an economic decision but a new product decision. (with exploding debt and inflation) So with or without QE (money printing at interest) inflation will skyrocket. However now the UN has also intervened and wants the central banks to cut interest rates (6 months too late after many UN sittings etc) See UN DEMANDS PRICE CONTROLS! - Globalists Tell Central Banks To STOP Interest Rate Hikes & CRACK DOWN! and they want price controls = communism (prices follow the balanced and sensible flow of money in circulation not top down ideological controls ) so the will they or wont they QE debate is bogus as the UN / FEMA, did not just turn the medical industry into a new military world army (covid) but also the banks, and they, the UN are now dictating to the central banks ? (in the 'free- market') National governments are ignored. Unifying the world's governments (as with the agreed and passed pandemic treaty of July 2022) with also price controls created by the banks and the UN in the first place. (problem reaction solution) = UBI, Universal basic Income, social credit system digital trackable programmable money and social surveillance into totalitarian control. It is all manipulation and theater either way for control and the Great Reset (as ...the CCP Chinese communist party CCP Opens Police Departments in the US; with COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Reports Hidden From Public ) as China via the WHO / UN takeover the USA as they have in Canada (the US army have underground bumkers all across the USA)
The Bank of England is due, to end the buying of debt (Gilts) on October 14th 2022, but they may extend the process as the world economy collapses and debt implodes
Ukraine's Central bank manager Kyrylo Shevchenko was served with suspected corruption papers on the 5.10.2022, and was replaced by Volodomyr Zelensky banker Andriy Pyshnyi, (its interest rates are 25% and it is embracing the technocracy state) With Billions missing or frozen from the Russian Swiss banks wit Billions frozen (missing from just before the Ukraine war broke) Switzerland is saying there is no threat to them from the Russia Ukraine war as the middle east projects continue unabated and around the world. The central banks in Ukraine or in Russia have not been hit by bombs yet to date
An outline in technical practice of how (CBDC Central banks worldwide) central banks want to implement the new digital currency will work takes shape (for all central banks and this new system may destroy bond and gilt values as they are phased out in the new system, and which of course pushes up pensions and derivative values, which would crater in the new CBDC worldwide technocracy ) With the US under executive orders for new digital currency on 12.12.2022 fwd, with new harsh medical procedures coming into Australia Australia (last link) is going more into 'covid' and lockdown and NWO not moving away from it. This began in the USA under the federal Reserve bank when millions of migrants thinking (in 2011 into 2016 to 2020 and into 2023) they are travelling to freedom were / are able to open bank accounts directly with the US Federal Reserve Bank During 2008 – 2016 under the Obama administration (and the DACA ‘children in cages’ furore began under executive order from Obama) changed the clearing house system from the US treasury into the US Federal Reserve Bank’s jurisdiction but without security or front line banking checks (US ACH Fed global) allowing Federal Reserve money transfers worldwide from the fed direct but from undocumented migrants, it continued under Trump just with Bio-metric ID for all This ACH or ‘automatic clearing house’ (fed global) (warned about in the post dated 24.05.2019 chapter 3a in the adjacent website 'New Jerusalem') is advancing electronically but it worked in tandem with the catch and release program (or a program of open borders and no security at the borders which did not really close 2016 - 2020 as the NWO plan is to traffick everyone) ACH federal bank clearing system 2008 - 2016 and today The ACH federal clearing system was / is a way of getting round the Feds current restriction of opening a bank account directly. Sold as a migrant friendly scheme, a utopia and a good opportunity, it was / is the first initiative to begin direct digital central banking from central banks (US state citizens outside of federal law or even those inside could not avail of this experiment but that is about to change with Biden's executive CBDC i.e. central bank digital currency) whilst many escape with no mishaps in the trafficking system, an increasing number do not and are side trafficked into slavery, sexual abuse and organ harvesting. This is all for the new world order for the technocracy, which Trump would also have signed. The UN as seen in paragraphs above want to control this system which has built up over decades slowly as a trafficking system in motion but for everyone eventually see adjacent website chapter 6
Further details on the digital exec order 14067 are here Biden Executive Order 14067 And Digital Currency and central banks now have a reserve requirement of zero required for digital money which has no value and which of course is UNLAWFUL but wipes out Bonds, Gilts & Derivatives and everything (and since also Trump's suspension of the USA into FEMA on March 2020) These measures will also apply to the Brics countries and every central bank worldwide via BIS Bank of International Settlements.
A multi-polar (Russia / WEF / Ukraine and wider) world as 'new' even and balanced, suits this system (as opposed to ideological, even though nationalism wants its own sovereign nation status which the UN and its plandemic treaty oppose)
Injections / mandates violate the Nuremberg laws (but the UN /WHO FEMA promise funding for those countries or states which obey) SCOTUS Embraces Presidency as Dictatorship As seen in the Video above on the US Midterm Election special in the US midterm elections here (in the adjacent website with link back to here) and new post dated 3.10.2022 where the Uniparty war between Democrats and Republicans fooling people that they will make a difference ? Putin and China are also on board with the WEF, with Trump, Biden, Zelensky (in the US midterm elections special vid last link) and more with the USA and Putin has conscripted recruits with mandatory mRNA jabs New Zealand is injecting these new experimental DNA changing injections into its cattle to (for the survivors) explode them with the spike protein after the LGBT (many now rejecting 'transhumanism' as bogus) was hijacked into the trans-humanist agenda = LGBT members have died or have been injured by the jabs "Depopulation Agenda Continues As World Leaders Prepare For Nuclear War" but.....Putin pushed the vaccines in 2020 / 2021 and gave them to his daughter, helping achieve the target so far of 5.5 Billion injected and most catching Covid again ? See how the scandal effects the EU and USA (link to NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link is here dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022 & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 inbetween 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022 in the Trump / Biden double act)
No Nuclear War in the west or in the eastern europe Petro States.....but Zelensky wants the return of the Crimea to the Ukraine. GCHQ has advised that Putin is not planning Nuclear war 11.10.2022 yet since Ukraine signed the NATO application (1st stage) on the 30.09.2022, (or even since February 2022) then subsequent attacks on Ukraine since that date are effectively attacks on NATO, as attacks increase against Russia Nuclear weapons are stored in Europe at Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel in Germany, Aviano and Ghedi in Italy, Volkel in the Netherlands and outside Europe at Incirlik in Turkey, (and in the Ukraine also as with Russia and in China which is increasing its Nuclear arsenal locations ? and Army numbers) Whoever strikes first in a Nuclear preemptive nuclear strike on multiple national sites either in Russia or Ukraine, will win the war. The G7 states it will back Ukraine for as long as it takes. Some suggest that the attempts to revive PESCO (the European super army) are attempts to undermine NATO.
The UK has never forgiven France for helping Argentina in the Falklands war etc. So now, what the British Public have to ask is (with the last remaining EU laws being removed from Britain see additions above dated 30.09.2022) is to agree to 'military mobility' which could be achieved within NATO or JEF Core. The existing JEF (Joint Expeditionary Force) has warned recently on the destruction of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, but also warned that military mobility with PESCO in 2018 was not practical in effect "However, JEF Europe is weary of the fact that this proposal comes with very little substantive details on how joint military mobility would work in practice" with warnings coming in October 2022, from the military in Britain against further steps towards PESCO Macron on April 21st 2021 faced a mutiny and civil war from inside his own army members, Generals and soldiers in France who vented their thoughts in an open letter, and recently French Politician MP Jean Lassalle accused Macron of lying over Covid, and after he (Lassalle) had 4 heart attacks brought on by the 'vaccine' injection. Could an EU Superarmy led by Macron ? (or anyone eating..... 'Escargot' ?) or indeed anyone ? be viable as Chechnya calls up 70,000 soldiers for Russia (who may be placed in the front lines) and in response NATO doubles its w |